Future of Design

Page 1


Technological development



Branding and design trends

Tools, theories and models Vol.1

12 Future scenarios


Technological development

04........ Artificial Intellegence 05........ Augmented reality


Brandi design

06........ Flatdes

08........ Emotio design

Karst Zwaan 390059 - CMV3A

Minor Brand, Design & Psychology BDP3 Trends & Innovation Aldert Greijdanus & Erik Schoppen Groningen, 08-11-20


ing and trends




Tools, theories and models

10........ Laddering 11........ 60 - 30 -10 rule 11........ The eight golden rules

12 3

Future scenarios



he world we are currently living in is developing really quickly. Sometimes too quickly and we need to step on a break or something. If we take a look at the history of the technology developed we came a long way, especially in computer science. It all started with a really big computer in 1943, the ENIAC, this computer occupied 167 m2 (Wikipedia contributors, 2020). Let’s compare that with nowadays…. Yes, that is the mobile it is pretty insane. It just slides in your pocket en it doesn’t

even occupy 1m2, next to that it can handle two billion instructions per second in comparison to the ENIAC with 385 operations per second (Harper, 2017). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Enough of the history, what technologies are now trending or coming up, and what can maybe be utilized in the design/media world. You hear nowadays a lot about Artificial Intelligence (Ai), VR, or AR. Those things are pretty insane if you ask me, especially Ai. In short, what is Ai exactly, it is a program that lets computers do humanlike tasks. It does this by learning a lot of different data and creates patterns of this data (van Leuken, 2017). By doing this it can replace 4

human-like tasks, like driving a car or mowing the lawn. How can this be used in the design world, if Ai is able to replace the human-like task it probably can create a brand name or even a brand guide. If you give it enough data. Like creating a brand name it probably can, maybe it even is already there. But for a brand guide, it needs a lot of information. But I can imagine if you create a template for a brand guide or even multiple so the Ai can go learn of this. It can probably make a pretty good base for a brand guide,



ut of course, there are more technological developments. I want to take a closer look at AR. AR stands for Augmented reality, it is technology that expands the physical world by adding some layers of digital information (Kovach, 2020). This digital information is usually in the form of 3D models or animations. AR is mostly used by handheld devices like a tabled or mobile phone. It uses the camera of this device and ads the layer of information on it in real-time.

Now I asked myself how can I use this? Or maybe I can better ask myself how can I not use this. There are many ways how you can utilize this in the media industry because there is a lot of graphical information that needs to be designed and displayed. So I think this is a great way we are heading into as a technological development.

so you have less work on it. Also next to this, there was an example in the lecture of an Ai creating a landscape of just a couple of lines and colors. I can see how this also will work for logo design, you just created a sketch on paper and let the Ai do the work. This will definitely influence the logo design in a positive/negative way. Because it going to be easier for designers as well but also the public will be able to create a logo by just sketching? We will see what the future will bring in Ai and branding.

I will give a small example, you can create a business card with some extra dept into it. Usually, you have just your standard information on the business card, but with some AR you can make the experience a lot different, they will scan the AR-card and the owner will say hi in a small video message or there will be an animation of what the company is about. Like what type of service or product they are offering. But also you can think big with AR, for example, you can make an AR app and walk through the city Groningen and scan different types of buildings and get some information about it and maybe at some advertisements for broker companies.




Is the Earth Flat?

SKEUOMORPHISM Adding texture & gradiant to the design to create a real-world appearance design.


he answer to this question is simple: No, but in the design world: Yes it is. Flat design is now already a trend for ten years (Tubik Studio, 2018). But it is going through some changes, ‘flat design 2.0’, really catchy name if you ask me. Oke, maybe it is not in the name but in the meaning of it is. But first I am going to tell you something about flat design before we going further in flat design 2.0.

FLAT DESIGN 1.0 Avoids using textures & gradient to create a minimalistic design.

Flat design is the replacement of the skeuomorphism design. Skeuomorphism is no longer used often, it was mostly used between the years 2000 and 2010. Skeuomorphism is a graphical design way that mimics the real-world appearance of a product (Baker, 2018). Flat design in contrast with skeuomorphism, it makes the design flatter by using more the simplicity of shapes and elements to convey the meaning of it. With the imagery example, it makes it much more clear. First, you had the real translation of a calculator how it looks and feels (skeuomorphism). But in flat design, it is just showing the essentials of the application, where the focus is more on the user experience. To make it nice and quick to calculate.

FLAT DESIGN 2.0 Adds lines and uses diffrent colors to create a feeling of dept. 6

FLAT DESIGN 2.0 In short flat design 2.0, it still seems flat, but it is not completely flat. Flat design is still improving and makes iteration of version 1.0. Flat design 2.0 is using hints of shadows to create depth in illustrations. Elements are moving according to the law of physics, to make clear what the function is. (Cao, 2020) FLAT DESIGN

In my opinion flat design is amazing, it is also useful in many ways. In my opinion, it is not even really a trend but more a solution to a problem. Because the screens are getting smaller and still we want to show the same message, but with the skeuomorphism design you have a lot of detailes that are not clear anymore when you make this smaller. With flat design, you can make it smaller and is still convey the right message with the illustration.








simplicity of shapes and elements


close attention to details




thoughtful appliance of bright colors and contrast




avoiding textures, gradients, and complex forms


bold and highly readable typography


applying the principles of grids, geometric approach, and visual balance.


clear and strict visual hierarchy (Tubik Studio, 2018) 7



ot only design-wise we see changes but also in the branding of a company itself. It is not about the features and facts anymore, but more about the emotional connection with the product. This is also called emotional marketing, consumers are choosing brands based on their emotions rather than logic. How more the brand has emotional intelligence, they will have better conversions and ROI (Instapage, 2020). This means people will get emotionally involved with the brand and will show engagement and connection with the brand itself. They will share their experience of the brand with their inner circle. The more engagement of consumers is a Holy Grail in marketing, this will happen when you add the emotion part.



There are different ways to evoke emotions of the consumers, for example, storytelling and modern-day social proof. STORYTELLING With storytelling, you really want to engage the consumers by telling a story. For example the dutch advertisement of Albert Heijn. It is about a hard-working mother, that also happens to be working at the Albert Heijn. They are showing a normal day of a hard-working mother where you can familiarize yourself with, that is where the emotional bonding starts. Because you are getting emotionally engaged you will remember that story, and therefore also their brand.


emotional design 8

SOCIAL PROOF Modern-day social proof is about how the consumer wants to express her/himself. You can influence consumers in different ways (Lua, 2020). For example:


Let an expert talk about the product, because he is an expert in his field and will know where he is talking about and the consumers will trust him.


Consumers want to look like their celebrity role model, so when a celebrity endorses the product, the consumers will also want that product.


Peer review, if a lot of customers like the product with a high rating, most likely the product needs to be great.

EXPERT REVIEW/CELEBRITY Lew from Unbox Teraphie, unboxes a lot of different smartphones. If he does a review on it and he says it is a good phone then probably it is.

USER REVIEWS If alot of diffrent users review the phone with a good rate, it is probably a good phone to buy.

“Emotional marketing is for me a great Trend, I think is important how people emotionally react to a product, also I know that I’m also changing in that perspective. The example above is my own path of modern social proof. Next to that, it is very interesting to learn about this in the future how I can influence consumers to buy a certain product by influencing their emotions.”





n the branding and design world, you have a lot of different tools, tehories, and models to create a brand that fits your consumers. But keep in mind:

In the branding industry, you have a lot of different ways to find out what the positioning of your brand is. I chose the model Laddering (Scheer, 2018). You can climb the ladder in two different ways depending on where you want to start. You can start with the specific properties and go down the ladder to the ‘end values’ of the product. But also you can start with the end values if you already have defined them. Then you will climb up to ladder to create a specific product that fits those with these values.

“Models and tools are not the holy grail” - A. Greijdanus & E. Schoppen

I will describe here three of them, which I found the most interesting.



delivering parcels, webshop


deliver parcels to the door with joy


you don’t have to go to a shop


consumers will feel joy


trust, helpfulness , joyfulness


creating joy

anything for a smile


THE 60 - 30 - 10 RULE After you found out what type of colors you want to use for your company it is important to well-balance the colors as well. This can be done with the 60 - 30 - 10 rule. With this rule, you create a nice harmony in your design. The 60, 30, and 10 stands for the percentage of how you going to divide the colors.




Neutral color



Personally, I think this a good way to make a nice balanced color scheme for the design that I will make online or offline.

THE 8 GOLDEN RULES To make a good interface you need some sort of guidance. Therefore I found the Eight golden rules of interface design (Shneiderman, 2016). 01 Consistency, make sure you use identical terminology inside your interface like colors, typeface, and layout. 02 Shortcuts, make it the frequent users easier by adding shortcuts, so the uer can go more efficiently through the interface. 03 Feedback, give the user some feedback, for example when the user is hovering over a button it will change colors, so the user will now it is clickable. 04 Design dialogue, make sure that the user knows that he finished a task. You can make this clear by using a dialogue. 05 Prevent errors, design the interface in a way that the user can’t make a serious error. If a user makes one, make sure that it can be handled by ease. 06 Reversal of actions, if the user makes a mistake by accident make sure he can undo it easily. 07 Keep users in control, give the users a sense that they are in full control. 08 Reduce short-term memory load, make the design easy to understand, use similar design what the users will know already. With these eight points, it makes a nice checklist when I’m going to design an interface. To make sure that I thought of everything. 11


S = save



Augmented Reality Filtering What if we can filter everything that we want to see and especially what we don’t want to see. Like the filter bubbles that were discussed at the lectures. This can be on a small scale like on social media that you just select topics that you would like and what you would like to see. That is of course nice, but you have the chance that you will miss out on other important news. This is really likely to happen or maybe it is already happening. But what if we can make this at a larger scale than only on the social media platforms. For example that you wear glasses and filter out all the information that you don’t like outside in real-time. For example, The garbage on the floor, what AR will cover-up, and is going to make a plant out of it. Or that you don’t like a certain color and all the colors blue will change to red. This is possible to happen but needs a lot of development. Artificial Intelligence creating websites What if customers can create their own website based on only sketches? Then the web designers/developers don’t have any work anymore, right? I don’t think so, because lucky for us their goes a lot of underlying meaning into a website. But what if we go further on this question and Ai can indeed create a website with an underlying meaning into a website? Then we have a problem… This is possibly going to happen but not in de near future. But for now, it is most likely that Ai can make a rough website of just sketches. Try on clothing from home What if we could try on clothing from home just with AR? That would be amazing because a lot of people who are ordering clothes online mostly order two items of different sizes just to know for sure it will fit. When they do this, they always need to send one back. What not really eco-friendly is. Next to the fact that you probably don’t need to send the clothes back, you can see if clothes are matching with other clothing. In conclusion, this is most likely going to happen in the near future but also needs a lot of development.

Maybe a better solution is that you can create a 3D model of yourself online, by adding your own length, weight, and so on. Where you can then try on different sets of clothing to see if it fits together or not. This is of course also possible going to happen, but also this needs a lot of development. Imagine that all the clothing brands need to make a 3D sized shirt or something like that. But also maybe there is a solution for this by just making a mockup for the clothing brands where they can add their own design to.


Try on new clothing with a 3D model of youself.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Baker, J. (2018, 11 juni). Skeuomorphic Design — A controversial UX approach that is making a comeback. Geraadpleegd op 3 november 2020, van https://medium.muz.li/skeuomorphic-design-a-controversial-ux-approachthat-is-making-a-comeback-a0b6e93eb4bb Cao, J. (2020, 22 april). The 7-Minute Guide to Flat Design 2.0. Geraadpleegd op 3 november 2020, van https://www. uxpin.com/studio/blog/the-7-minute-guide-to-flat-design-2-0/ Harper, J. (2017, 9 april). ENIAC vs. iPhone 4. Geraadpleegd op 2 november 2020, van https://jimharper3.tumblr. com/post/159344552095/eniac-vs-iphone-4#:%7E:text=The%20ENIAC%20could%20do%20around,per%20 second%20(2%2C000%20MIPS).&text=The%20iPhone%2C%20on%20the%20other,internal%20non%2Dvolatile%20flash%20memory. Instapage. (2020, 24 juni). Emotional Marketing Examples Scientifically Proven To Sway Buyers. Geraadpleegd op 3 november 2020, van https://instapage.com/blog/emotional-marketing Kovach, N. (2020, 7 oktober). What is Augmented Reality (AR) and How does it work. Geraadpleegd op 2 november 2020, van https://thinkmobiles.com/blog/what-is-augmented-reality/ Lua, A. (2020, 24 juli). Social Proof: What It Is and 18 Ways to Use It in Your Marketing. Geraadpleegd op 3 november 2020, van https://buffer.com/library/social-proof/ Scheer, L. (2018, 12 juli). Sterke merkpositionering realiseren. Geraadpleegd op 4 november 2020, van https://www. marketingportaal.nl/communicatie/merkpositionering/ Shneiderman, B. (2016). Shneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design. Geraadpleegd op 4 november 2020, van http://faculty.washington.edu/jtenenbg/courses/360/f04/sessions/schneidermanGoldenRules.html Tubik Studio. (2018, 11 juni). Flat Design. History, Benefits and Practice. - UX Planet. Geraadpleegd op 3 november 2020, van https://uxplanet.org/flat-design-history-benefits-and-practice-c2b092955f14 van Leuken, R. (2017, 10 juni). Wat is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Geraadpleegd op 1 november 2020, van https:// www.salesforce.com/nl/blog/2017/06/Wat-is-Artificial-Intelligence.html Wikipedia contributors. (2020, 30 oktober). ENIAC. Geraadpleegd op 2 november 2020, van https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/ENIAC#:%7E:text=It%20weighed%20more%20than%2030,consumed%20150%20kW%20of%20electricity.


Karst Zwaan 390059 - CMV3A


Minor Brand, Design & Psychology BDP3 Trends & Innovation Aldert Greijdanus & Erik Schoppen Groningen, 08-11-20

Fut ure of Des ign

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