Fearless living for sexually harassed surviviors

Page 1

CONTENTS 1. 0 I nt r oduct i on 2. 0 Speci alst udy

Cl assi f i cat i onofsex ualv i ol ence Women,t r auma,PTSD PTSD si gnsandsympt oms St agesofPTSD r ecov er y Tr eat ment s

3. 0 Dat acol l ect i on St at i st i cs St andar ds

4. 0 L i t er at ur ecasest udy

Psychai t r i ccl i ni c,Bor aswhi t ear k i t ek t er . Gr ootRehabi l i t at i oncent r e Occupat i onalcent r ei nsanj uanej o Shar onWomenoppur t uni t ycent r e

5. 0 Desi gnconsi der at i on 6. 0 Si t eanal ysi s Concept Zoni ng Ar ear equi r ement s 7. 0 Desi gn Desi gnappr oach

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