Kartika Luthfiyah - Graphic Designer Portfolio (2017-2019)

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Graphic Designer

Portfolio 2017 - 2019 Kartika LuthďŹ yah

My name is Kartika Luthfiyah. Call me Tika for short. Graduated as Bachelor of Communication University of Brawijaya, 2013. A self-taught designer. Basically an art enthusiast and love to draw. As a designer, I really like to observe and do small research about things I want to create. It really help me to explore and push my creativity also give me isnpiration.


I’ve experienced as a creative content creator and creative designer. Based on my experiences my works dominated by book design (cover and layout), social media flyer, and illustration. Beside art and design, I took some analog photograph and edit video for fun. Thank you and hopefully you are interest in my work. Enjoy!


personal info

work experience

/ date of birth / 24 September 1995

/ 2016 / Creative Intern at Indosiar

/ phone / +62 859 546 122 52

/ email /

/ 2017-2018 / Creative content creator at Inspirator Academy


/ 2018-present /

/ address /

Creative Designer Supervisor at Inspirator Academy

gg. Pepaya No 17B, Margonda, Depok

education / 2010-2013 / SMA Negeri 98 Jakarta

/ 2013-2017 / Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

achievement / 2015 / Contributor in a short story compilation by Infinite Publisher

/ 2018 / Contributor artist in Festival Lemari Buku-buku

orginization & experience / 2015 / Creative Division of “Satu Hari Satu Susu” Social Project

/ 2015 / Secretarial of Brawijaya Mass Media Fair

/ 2016 / Creative Division of “Time Machine” Visual Exhibition

/ 2016 / Media Relation & Publication of PedeSedep Food Festival

table of content

02 illustration


book design

Kampung Berdaya Aksara 01 Menanti Tanpa Nanti

02 03

Cerita Sederhana Inspirasi Semesta

04 05



Kimia Farma Project


PLN Project


Tapak Tanpa Jeda

digital illustration


postcard project traditional drawing

02 03


printed media


social media flyer

instagram @inspiratoracd


instagram @realmasjid.comic


bussiness card


promotional yer


book design book cover and layout design



A collection of article writing from a writing class. The concept of cover design from this book is to describe a beautiful village with good natural scenery. Emphasizes the concept of clean and minimalism

book cover design

A collection of short stories from selected writers. The concept of the cover design of this book illustrates long steps without pauses and continues to imprint like tread in a vast desert

book cover design



03 (2018)

A collection of short stories. The concept of cover design from this book illustrates the anxiety of waiting Line art illustration by showing a gesture "waiting" to reinforce the theme of waiting in this book book cover design


Illustrations with pastel-colored painting give a calm and simple impression because they don't carve out much detail


The illustration represents 3 elements that become the key words in the book, namely after being patient and praying he can be grateful to be depicted as enjoying the dusk



The concept is represents 3 elements contained in the story, namely Heaven, Moon, and the Sun. The tinge of sunlight highlights the impression of "inspiration" which is also the main topic in this book book cover design



book by Basuki Surodjo published Elex Media Komputindo (2018)

work as a layouter for this book. the concept is “youth and colorful”. Also contain some inspirational quotes

book layout design

I CARE Book cover design for celebrating 47th anniversary of Kimia Farma. Collection article from selected writers (the employes)

book cover design


08 Book cover design for PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara). Overall the concept is applying company’s color like yellow and blue

book cover design



digital illustration

digital illustration I made for practice and applying new style. year: 2018


digital illustration (part 2)

digital illustration I made for practice and print it for sticker year: 2019


postcards design i submitted for exhibition at Pesta Demokrasi (a) and Festival Lemari Buku-Buku (b)

postcard project

a (1)

year: 2018-2019

b (1)

b (2)

a (2)


traditional drawing

drawing is my hobby since i was a kid. here is some my traditional drawing. I draw faces, charachter, stores, and handlettering using pencil, pen, and watercolor year: 2017-2019

social media yer


instagram content @inspiratoracd

content i created for @inspiratoracd instagram. The process is from looking for an article to visualize them into an eye-catchy design promotional yer (2019)

instagram content (2018)


instagram content @realmasjid.comics

content i created for @realmasjid.comics instagram. A project from my freelance work year: 2018

printed media


bussiness card design

design i made for client. The concept is bright, fresh, and friendly. Match with her personality as a master of ceremony

Diah Diah Sally Sally Master of Ceremony





02 promotional flyer (menu & event) for Ayam Jerit by Titi Kamal

design i made for client. (from left to right) 2 promotional yer (quarto size), event yer (square size) year:2019

03 promotional flyer and banner for Apple Tree Preschool

design i made for client. The concept is about Chinese New Year, dominated by red and cherry blossom petals. Banner (right), yer (left) year:2019

thank you

(c) 2019 Kartika LuthďŹ yah +62 859 546 122 52 kartika.luthďŹ yah@gmail.com

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