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APPENDIX-2 Teams Competition Guidelines

What is Teams Competition?

a) Teams Competition is: i) A Race or Races conducted on a Circuit with a sealed surface in which the winner is declared after a set distance expressed as a number of laps (usually with a duration of not less than thirty (30) minutes) involving multiple Drivers who are entered as a Team and for which there is a compulsory Driver change or changes to ensure that all Drivers are able to drive for a minimum time or minimum number of laps as prescribed in Supplementary Regulations; or ii) Multiple individual Races by Drivers from multiple Classes, in which the winner is declared based on either: 1. the accumulated times of each Driver in the Team; or 2. the points accumulated by each Driver in the Team from the results of each Race; or 3. The finishing position of each Driver in the last Race in the Teams Competition in the nominated sections of a Meeting


General Overview

a) The Rules Governing Teams Competition are detailed in Competition Rules, Chapter 5 Rule 8 of the Karting Australia Manual. b) These Teams Competition Guidelines have been developed to provide Organisers with an overview of the manner in which Teams Competition may be conducted either as part of an existing Club Competition or as a Standalone Meeting.

Format of Racing Recommendations

a) The format of each Race or Races for Teams Competition are required to be outlined in the

Supplementary Regulations for a Meeting. b) A number of suggested formats are detailed below that can be used for Teams Competition. c) The following formats of racing are recommendations only and can be adapted to best suit the

Organisers requirements, providing each Race is conducted in accordance with the Rules.

Teams Race for 2 or 3 Drivers Competing in The Same Class At the Race Meeting

Format Single Race with driver change using 1 kart Class To be specified in Supplementary Regulations Race Distance • To be specified in Supplementary Regulations – Expressed as a number of Laps Number of Drivers in a Team • To be specified in Supplementary Regulations - Maximum of 3 Drivers per To be specified in Supplementary Regulations: • Highest placed driver in each team in their Class Final; or

System of Gridding • Fastest driver in each team from Qualifying for their Class; or • Random draw; or • Some other method - provided that it safe To be specified as a number of Laps in Supplementary Regulations: 2 Driver Team Race Driver Change To take Place • Between 40% and 60% of Race distance 3 Driver Team Race • 1st Change – Between 30% and 40% of Race Distance • 2nd Change – Between 65% and 75% of Race Distance Finishing In accordance with the Rules

Placings Determined By Finishing positions at the chequered flag

Format Race in two (2) Parts – I.e. 2 Starts, 2 Finishes, Each Driver in their own kart.


Distances for each Race

Number of Drivers in a Team



System of Gridding


Placings Determined To be specified in Supplementary Regulations To be specified in Supplementary Regulations – Expressed as a number of Laps Two (2) To be specified in Supplementary Regulations - Two Races – Each Driver using the kart that they have entered for the Race Meeting Race 1: Senior: TaG Restricted followed by: Race 2: Junior: KA4 OR Race 1: Cadet 12 followed by: Race 2: Cadet 9

To be specified in Supplementary Regulations: • Highest placed driver in each team in their Class Final; or • Fastest driver in each team from Qualifying for their Class; or • Random draw; or • Driver 2 starts in the finishing position of Driver 1 at the end of Race 1; or • Some other method - provided that it safe In accordance with the Rules

By Finishing positions at the chequered flag; or Aggregate times recorded for both drivers; or Aggregate points accumulated by both Drivers; or Some other method

Guidelines if in conjunction with an existing Club Competition

The following Guidelines are applicable to Teams Competition which is conducted a part of an existing Club Competition. a) Driver Change i) If a Driver Change is required to take place, it must be prescribed in the Supplementary Regulations. 1) It must take place between 40% and 60% of the prescribed Race distance 2) It must take place under full Race conditions (I.e. not under either full course yellow of red flag conditions) 3) A Driver change must only take place in the area designated by the Organisers. 4) The procedure to undertake a Driver Change safely and any associated minimum change time requirements must be listed in the Supplementary Regulations. b) Refuelling i) Refuelling of a Kart during a Competition is not permitted. c) Weighing i) May be conducted at the completion of the Race. ii) The Minimum weight shall be in accordance with the relevant Class Rules.

d) Finishing i) The Race will be considered to have ended when the chequered flag is displayed to the leading Kart as it crosses the Finish Line on the Track after whichever of the following occurs first: 1) the end of the number of laps as detailed in the Supplementary Regulations have been completed; or 2) the first time after it crosses the Control Line after the time detailed in the Supplementary Regulations plus one (1) lap. ii) When the first Kart crosses the Finish Line to receive the Chequered Flag, no Kart that is not already on the Track will be permitted to enter the Track. iii) The finishing order in the Race determines the winning positions in the Race and any Divisions. iv) To be classified as a finisher, and in addition to the provisions of Competition Rules Chapter 1, a Kart must traverse its last lap within two (2) minutes or less of the first Kart receiving the Chequered Flag

Guidelines for Stand Alone Events

The following Guidelines are applicable to Teams Competition which is conducted at a Standalone Meeting. a) Pit Area i) Only Competing Drivers and pit crew members are permitted in the Pit Area during any on track activity. ii) Each Kart is permitted One (1) pit crew member in the Pit Area at any time during a Race for the purpose of signalling their Kart and monitoring the Race. iii) The Pit Area will consist of the following areas which will be designated by the Organiser and advised to all Competitors: 1) Pit Lane means all of the road in which the greatly reduced speed (approximately 1015% of full speed) applies as indicated by the entrance to the In Grid and the exit of the Out Grid. 2) Refuelling Area means the area where a Kart must be refuelled during the Race. Only the Driver (or Participant in the case of a Cadet or Junior) of the Kart being refuelled and the Refuelling Marshal are permitted in the Refuelling Area. The Refuelling area will be advised in the Supplementary Regulations 3) Weighing Area means the area where a Kart will be weighed during a Meeting. Only the Driver of the Kart being weighed, an additional person authorised by the Scales Marshal to assist and the Scales Marshal are permitted in the Weighing Area. b) Refuelling i) During a Race, refuelling must take place in the designated Refuelling Area; ii) A Kart is not permitted to enter the Pit Lane and undertake a Refuelling Pit Stop during a Full Course Yellow period; iii) It is not permitted to use a spark generating device in the Refuelling Area e.g.: Jump Battery iv) The Organiser may stipulate additional requirements for each Refuelling Pit Stop in the Supplementary Regulations for a Meeting. c) Weighing i) During a Race, each CPS will incorporate weighing of the Kart either prior to a Refuelling Pit Stop being undertaken and/or being released from Parc Ferme. ii) The Weighing Pit Stop procedure is as follows: 1) The Driver will bring the Kart to the Weighing area 2) The Driver will only proceed onto the scales when instructed to do so by the Scales Marshal

3) The Minimum weight of the Kart and Driver combined must meet the Minimum weight of the respective Class Rules unless otherwise specified in the Supplementary Regulations 4) Once the Kart and Driver have been weighed, the Scales Marshal will instruct them to move off the scales. 5) The Kart or Driver may not leave the weighing area until directed to do so by the Scales Marshal. 6) Other than the Driver, Scales Marshall and/or an additional person authorised by the Scales Marshal to assist is permitted in the Weighing area. 7) Should the Minimum Weight not be achieved, the Driver will be granted a second opportunity to be weighed, however this second opportunity must not in any way impede another Kart from being weighed d) Compulsory Pit Stops (CPS) i) A CPS is the time from when a Kart enters Pit Lane until when a Kart exits the Pit Lane during a Race. ii) Each CPS will consist of a minimum time, generally five (5) minutes, or as outlined in the Supplementary Regulations iii) A Kart is not permitted to complete a CPS until after it has started the Race. iv) The number of CPS’ will be specified in the Supplementary Regulations. v) It is the responsibility of each Competitor to monitor the number of CPS’ completed by their Kart. vi) If a Kart enters Pit Lane before Full Course Yellow period begins the stop will be classified as a CPS. vii) Entry to Pit Lane is closed during a Full Course Yellow. If a Kart enters Pit Lane after a Full Course Yellow period begins, the stop will not count as a CPS. The Kart will be held at exit of Pit Lane until the field is compressed and the Clerk of the Course deems it safe to re-join at the rear of the field. viii) On a Race restart, following either a Full Course Yellow or Race Stoppage, the Kart must complete one (1) full lap of green light racing after crossing start/finish line before a CPS can occur e) Kart Stoppage on the Circuit. i) Should a Kart stop on the Track, the Driver is permitted to carry out minor repairs to allow the Kart to re-join the Race. ii) Prior to commencing any work on the Kart, the Kart and Driver must be moved to a safe position as determined by an Official. iii) Any repairs may only be affected by hand and by the Driver alone. Tools of any kind are not permitted to be carried by the Driver or affixed to a Kart. iv) Whilst in the confines of the Circuit, the Driver must leave all protective clothing on including helmet, driving suit, boots and gloves. v) Once a Kart is repaired it will be permitted to continue in the Race. vi) Should a Full Course Yellow be required, once the field is neutralised, a Driver who is stopped on the Track is permitted to receive assistance to have their Kart retrieved or removed from the Circuit. Any assistance must be under the direction of an Official. vii) If a Driver receives outside assistance, or the Driver alights from their Kart, they will be eligible to restart in accordance with Competition Rules Chapter 1, Rule 23 d). f) Race Stoppage Procedure i) A Race may in extreme circumstances be stopped by the Clerk of the Course by using the red flag /lights.

ii) When a Race is stopped it must be restarted over the remaining time/number of laps as determined by the Chief Timekeeper and approved by the Stewards, unless; 1) At least 75% of the Race is completed by the leading Kart, in which case the Race may be declared and finishing positions awarded according to positions at the last recorded lap of the lead Kart as determined by the Chief Timekeeper. 2) Any Kart which is stationary on the Track when the Competition was stopped at the last recorded lap of the lead Kart will not be classified as a finisher. iii) Any Competitor who is stationary on the Track when a Race is stopped will be permitted to Compete in the restart of that Race if the Race is restarted. Such Karts will be placed behind any Kart which was on the Track when the Race was stopped in an order determined by the Chief Timekeeper. This is not subject to Protest or Appeal. iv) Any Competitor who is in any part of the Pit Area, including the Paddock, when the Race is stopped will be permitted to re-join the Race from the Pit Lane Exit if the Race is restarted. Such Karts will be placed behind any Kart which was on the Track when the Race was stopped. v) During a red flag stoppage, all Karts will be placed under Parc Fermé conditions. vi) No adjustments or repairs are permitted to a Kart, including those located in the Paddock, between the time a Race was stopped and until the restart of that Race. vii) Drivers will remain under the direction of the Clerk of the Course. viii) A Kart which is considered by the Chief Scrutineer to be unsafe will only be permitted to Compete in the restart of that Race once the Chief Scrutineer is satisfied that adequate repairs have been undertaken. g) Race Restart Procedure i) The Race restart procedure will be in accordance with Competition Rules Chapter 1 Rule 25. h) Drive Through Penalty Procedure i) If a Driver is required to complete a drive through penalty, a Black and White with Diagonal join flag will be displayed to the Driver, together with the Kart Competition number. The Black and White with Diagonal join flag shall not be displayed on either the penultimate lap or the last lap of a Race. ii) The Driver must enter the In Grid safely, prior to or immediately following the completion of the next lap. They will then be required to stop on the In Grid, alight from the Kart, place their Kart on the Out Grid and return to the track when directed to do so by an Official. iii) A Drive Through Penalty can not be completed in conjunction with a CPS. i) Finishing i) The Race will be considered to have ended when the chequered flag is displayed to the leading Kart as it crosses the Finish Line on the Track after whichever of the following occurs first: 1) the end of the number of laps as detailed in the Supplementary Regulations have been completed; or 2) the first time after it crosses the Control Line after the time detailed in the Supplementary Regulations plus one (1) lap. ii) When the first Kart crosses the Finish Line to receive the Chequered Flag, no Kart that is not already on the Track will be permitted to enter the Track. iii) The finishing order in the Race determines the winning positions in the Race and any Divisions. iv) To be classified as a finisher, and in addition to the provisions of Competition Rules Chapter 1, a Kart must traverse its last lap within two (2) minutes or less of the first Kart receiving the Chequered Flag.

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