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20ME1003 Soft skills 1 0 0 1

the stress & its impact, techniques of handling stress. Skills: Problem solving skill, Confidence building Problem solving skill, Confidence building.

Total Lectures 15 Hours

Text Books

1. Heckman, J.J. and Kautz, T., “Hard evidence on soft skills. Labour economics”, 19(4), pp.451464, 2012. 2. Frederick H. Wentz, “Soft Skills Training: A Workbook to Develop Skills for Employment”,

Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, Large edition, 2012.

Reference Books

1. Barun K. Mitra, “Personality Development and Group Discussions”, Oxford University Press, 2012. 2. Priyadarshi Patnaik, “Group Discussions and Interview Skills”, Foundation Books, Cambridge

University Press, 2012. 3. Wayne Dyer, “Change Your Thoughts: Change Your Life”, Hay House India, 2010. 4. E. H. McGrath, “Basic Managerial Skills”, Eastern Economy Edition, Prentice hall India, 2010. 5. Julie Morgenstern, “Time management from inside out”, Owl Books (NY), 2010. Recommended by Board of Studies 5th September 2020 Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020


20ME1004 0 0 2 1

Course Objective:

Impart knowledge on: 1. The basics of additive manufacturing / rapid prototyping. 2. The generation and working with STL files. 3. Building complex geometries, printing and post-processing techniques.

Course Outcome:

The student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate the working principles of 3D Printing. 2. Design complex / creative models ready for 3D printing. 3. Develop STL file for CAD models with appropriate support structures and Orientation. 4. Build complex engineering assemblies in plastic material with minimum build-time. 5. Evaluate the process parameters of Additive Manufacturing machine to improve the quality of the parts Produced. 6. Model and print multi-component assemblies using Additive Manufacturing processes.

List of Experiments

1. Generating & Working on Standard Tessellation Language (STL) files from the CAD Models. 2. 3D Modeling and Printing of a Hexagonal bolt with screw threading. 3. 3D Modeling and Printing of a Helical / Spur Gear. 4. 3D Modeling and Printing of a Turbo Impeller. 5. 3D Modeling and Printing of a Sprockets. 6. 3D Modeling, Printing and Assembly of a knuckle joint.

Total Lectures 15 Hours

Recommended by Board of Studies 5th September 2020 Approved by Academic Council 12th September 2020

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