v States After Chaos 2010
v States After Chaos Verily at the first Chaos came to be ...
Theodoros Giannakis 2010
The myth I decided to deal with is Hesiod’s Theogony, a poem written in the 8th century BC that describes the origins and the genealogical tree of the gods of the ancient Greek mythology.
I have chosen this myth because is related to my resent work and because has as a theme that deals with cosmogony, the holistic, the abstract, the creation of everything.
What interests me the most is the myth inside the myth, as Hesiod put himself in the mythical narration by talking to the Mousses and claiming that his poem originates from the Mousses words.
In this way Hesiod seems to be aware of his role in the creation of the myth and tries to give a metaphysical status to his poem. I believe that through the individual’s artistic expression (in this case through literature and poetry) the myth becomes a symbolic and universal but also personal and subjective vision of the world.
The project ν States After Chaos is a hardware and software based interface for the creation of a new narration about the myth of cosmogony. It consists of a sculpture, a 3D object that uses a USB interface to give input from a light sensor, a movement sensor and a microphone to a software based on the Processing language.
The software listens to these kind of inputs and waits for specific values that trigger the program. These values are created each time randomly and have to match with all the three kind of inputs for the program to proceed to the next step. In this way the progress of the project depends on chaotic events that are caused by the software’s user actions. The myth is created through a combination of design decisions that the creator can control (the software’s code and rules) but also through the creator’s experiences and his environment, that is filtered through the sensors. Every step inserts a new “generation” to this cosmic genealogical tree (with the first state being “Chaos”) that is created through algorithms based on the scenario of the original Hesiod’s poem (for example births, parthenogenesis, murders etc.)
In every step the software scans the original text for keywords that are then used to search images in the Internet. These images, that correspond to the items of a new generation, are dynamically added to a web page, creating in this way an on-going abstract, visual narrative. A new version of the Theogony myth.
theodoros dd giannakis! theodorosgiannakis.com thatisaworkaround.com ddgiannakis@yahoo.com theodorosgiannakis@gmail.com +0030 6974873271
#import wip.portfolio.*; public void setup(){} public void draw(){}