World Halal Forum 2007 - Executive Review

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E X E C U T I V E R E V I E W 2007

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World Halal Forum 2007




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WHF executive review - year 2007

Contents Message by Prime Minister Of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi


Message by Chairman of the World Halal Forum, Khairy Jamaluddin


The World Halal Forum Charter


F e at u r e s Halal - The Defining Factor For A New Market


Halal Industry Development Corporation


International Halal Integrity Alliance


CIMB Islamic








MISC Integrated Logistics








Lim Kok Wing University College of Creative Technology


H o s t, H a l a l I n d u s t r y D e v e l o p m e n t C o r p o r at i o n Dato’ Jamil Bidin


The Speakers

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Tan Sri Dr Yusof Basiron


Badlisyah Abdul Ghani


Dr Habib M’Nasria


Tan Sri Dato’ Muhammad Ali Hashim


Othman Mohd Yusof


Jumaatun Azmi


Irfan Sungkar


Ir Marco Tieman


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WHF executive review - year 2007 10

Contents The Speakers Dr Jochen P. Zoller


Associate Professor Dr Abd-ElAziem Farouk Gad


Hasan Rimawi


John Hayes


Yavuz Mollasalıhoğlu


The Pa ne l i s ts Ahmad Adam


Ziad El-Aloul


Mariam Abdul Latiff


Haji Falah Alizzi


Dr Winai Dahlan


Ikebal Patel


Dato’ Paduka Haji Mohd Hamid bin Haji Mohd Jaafar


Darhim Dali Hashim


Prof Haji Dr Mohamed Sadek


Dato’ Dr Mohd Hashim Ahmad Tajudin


M e di a Pa rt ne rs Dinar Standard


Business & Financial


Investors Magazine


Processed Food Industry


Islamic Finance News


OIC Today


WHF Executive Review is published by KasehDIa. Copyrighted © KasehDia Sdn Bhd 2006-2007. All Rights Reserved KasehDia Sdn Bhd • 31-2 Jalan 22a/70a, Desa Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Tel +603 6203 1025 | Fax +603 6203 4072 | email: | | Printed By Art Work Printing Sdn Bhd

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gain perspective






market intelligence research & analysis project development training & workshops



The Halal Market Specialists KasehDia Sdn Bhd, 31-2 Plaza Crystalville, Jalan 22a/70a Desa Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur Tel +603 6203 1025 • Fax +603 6203 4072 • •



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e x e c u t i v e r e v ie w • f or wa r d

f r o m t he Pr i m e M ini s t e r of M a l ay si a D at o ’ S e r i A b d u l l a h A h m a d B a d a w i


The global Halal industry continues to develop as a powerful market force in international trade. Malaysia’s commitment to support and nurture this market, on both international and domestic fronts, is a clearly stated policy of our government. The Halal market is diverse and complex; geographically, it covers the Muslim and non-Muslim world; by its ‘farm-to-fork’ nature, it encompasses a wide range of industry sub-sectors; it has religious, political and financial dimensions, and because Halal is essentially an Islamic phenomenon, it highlights the benefits of Islam to all of mankind. For these reasons, Malaysia takes its role as host of the World Halal Forum very seriously. This gathering of the key leaders of the Halal industry from the corporate sector, the media, academics, NGOs, Islamic organisations and government representatives from around the world, is indeed a significant affair. We invite all to learn from Malaysia’s experience and to see ways in which we can collaborate to develop the Halal industry. This will strengthen the bonds that are the forerunners of economic cooperation and trade. The World Halal Forum has emerged as the premier Halal industry event, and Malaysia is proud to play host to this important annual gathering. Since the World Halal Forum 2006, we have seen several key developments that reflect our commitment to the Halal market. The Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC), following our announcement at the WHF 2006, has now been established, to coordinate and catalyse Malaysia’s domestic Halal industry. To strengthen Halal in Malaysia further, a full chapter was dedicated to this subject in the country’s Third Industrial Master Plan (IMP3). We anticipate that the World Halal Forum will continue to have increased relevance as the Halal market expands, and it will remain committed its task of bringing the key decision-makers together for the benefit of this emerging global Halal industry. We commend KasehDia Sdn Bhd for their continued success as pioneers in this field, and we encourage the relevant members of both the public and private sectors to give this event their full support. Sincerely,

A b du l l a h A h m a d Ba daw i Prime Minister of Malaysia

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Message from the Chairman of The World Halal Forum


As Chairman of the World Halal Forum, I am delighted to welcome you to the WHF 2007.

At the inaugural WHF last year, our primary goal was to gather the industry leaders,

bringing representatives from across the full value chain in the Halal market. Showing to the world, and to ourselves, that Halal is not just a niche market for the Muslims, but a rapidly expanding sector that has a significant role to play in global trade.

For the second WHF, our goal is to build on the success of last year, and to go further. We are at

a point where our discussions and deliberations now must evolve into strategy and planning. As we are poised for expansion, we are also at the point of facing challenges and obstacles that we will – collectively – need to resolve in order to move ahead to the next chapter in our development.

Our task, as the World Halal Forum secretariat, is to gather the best and the brightest, the

leaders and stakeholders to have the will and the expertise to chart the future course of the Halal industry. I am confident in saying that we have at least achieved that primary goal of bringing together the industry leaders. We have an assembly of speakers whose fields of expertise cover a comprehensive range of topics, all relevant to our growth and success.

We have representatives from many countries from both the Muslim

and non-Muslim world; from government, industry, NGOs and academia, as well as an impressive array from the world’s media.

In this age, much that relates to Islam and the Muslims is, one the

one hand, so often very poorly communicated and demonstrated by the Muslims; and on the other hand, so poorly understood by the non-Muslim world. The Halal market, precisely because of its multi-cultural make-up, offers us a real chance to bridge the gaps between these two worlds.

We are, along with the Islamic Finance sector, the vanguards of

the impact of Islam on the world of trade and finance in this age. Our industry is, by definition, based on issues of Shariah compliance.

This is a tremendous thing; it is a big opportunity and an even

bigger responsibility. As we gather over the coming days, we will be examining ways to build this industry, to guide its growth; we will tackle issues of Halal integrity, capacity building, science and technology, developing new markets and building national industries, and issues of corporate social responsibility and social welfare.

The WHF is the arena in which the new Halal industry

leaders will emerge, to take on the tasks of guiding our growth and expansion without losing sight of our foundations, or our goals.

We bid a warm welcome to all the participants

to The World Halal Forum 2007. Sincerely,

K ha i ry Ja m a lu d d i n World Halal Forum Chairman

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T h e W orld Hal al Forum


The Halal market is emerging as a global force. Halal transcends traditional industry-sector boundaries and definitions, and is fast emerging as a new market paradigm with its own unique set of issues, challenges and opportunities. The World Halal Forum has been established to achieve the following:


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H al al

The Defining Factor For A New Market by Hajj Abdalhamid Evans


alal is currently in the process of undergoing

a paradigm shift. With the staging of the first

Malaysian International Halal Showcase (MIHAS)

in August 2004, and the simultaneous publication of the pilot issue of The Halal Journal, Halal became, for

the first time, the defining factor for a new market. At the inaugural World Halal Forum in May 2006, representatives from every sector

of the Halal industry assembled in Kuala Lumpur; at that point, Halal became an industry. In the last twelve months, as we prepared for the second World Halal Forum in 2007, Halal is poised for a further evolutionary step; it is on the brink of becoming a market force.

Indeed, if Halal lives up to its inherent potential, it will represent a paradigm shift in the global market. Halal is a market parameter that is based on belief in - and consequent obedience to - a Divine command. While kosher commands market respect in a similar field, it pales into insignificance when placed alongside the emerging potential of the Halal market. With close to 2 billion people opting for Halal as their number one choice – and the majority of the other 4.5 billion people generally amenable to eating Halal – the market implications are staggering. It is small wonder, therefore, that many of the biggest names in every sector of the market have sharpened their focus on Halal. The biggest food manufacturers, meat and poultry suppliers, ingredient suppliers, restaurants, shipping companies, banks and retailers are elbowing each other for their place around the Halal buffet table with their eyes on the choicest cuts. Governments, NGOs and agencies are similarly shifting their attention onto the Halal sector as a means of gaining market share for their national produce, and in some cases, as a means of developing their own home economy. While the market swirls with superlatives, there are a host of significant hurdles to be surmounted before Halal can make the critical metamorphosis from an emerging bud into a fully-blossomed flower. There are four key areas within the Halal industry that will need to be tackled with a great deal of skill and intelligence. These are: a. Integrity b. Capacity c. Finance d. Communication. These four issues are the core components for the future development of the Halal industry, whether viewed from a governmental, corporate or private company perspective. The focus may shift, but the issues remain the same.

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Halal Integrity: The Cornerstone Halal and Haram form a part of the fundamental behavioural parameters sent down to us by Allah, via the final Messenger (Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace) to mankind. Without him, and the Deen of Islam, we would not have this guidance, nor this opportunity. There are some Qur’anic verses in Surat al-Ibrahim that are relevant to all of us in the Halal industry: “Do you not see how Allah makes a likeness of a good word: a good tree whose roots are firm and whose branches are in heaven. It bears its fruit regularly by the permission of its Lord. Allah makes likenesses for people so that perhaps they may pay heed. The likeness of a corrupt word is that of a rotten tree, uprooted on the surface of the earth. It has no staying power.� Establishing, maintaining and extending the integrity of the Halal compliance of the market is essential. It is the root of our good tree that will bring us fruit in every season. Without this integrity, we will have no staying power; we will be uprooted on the surface of the earth. Given that the global food industry, for the most part, had little or no interest in the Halal sector until recently, most of the applications of Halal have been based on converting existing procedures from nonHalal to Halal, rather than building them as Halal-compliant from the ground up. Halal compliance has been promoted and established in general by small independent Islamic bodies that have audited and certified the predominantly nonMuslim producers, thereby ensuring that the Muslim consumer has Halal meat available. While this arrangement has enabled a viable Halal market to emerge, it contains an inherent imbalance that has led to its own set of problems. Halal certification is a profitable and as yet unregulated activity. With Halal certification being a prerequisite to accessing the Muslim markets, food producers have generally, and understandably, taken the line of least resistance when it comes to getting Halal certification. In the last decade, we have witnessed a proliferation of break-away Islamic bodies competing with each other, often fiercely, for a share of the lucrative certification market. Undercutting on price and turnaround time has become commonplace, often with insults and allegations following closely behind.

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20 Meanwhile, the industry moves on. Food production processes become more complex, ingredient constituents become increasingly difficult to monitor, and the market becomes more global in extent. The market expands, and so do expectations and profit forecasts. Halal certification procedures must develop correspondingly to keep pace with the growth of the industry. Government-run certification agencies, where they exist, have fared only slightly better. Often bogged down in a maze of bureaucratic procedure, and with little or no incentive to be efficient, Halal certification – and even renewals – can take months, making production efficiency almost impossible. This aspect of Halal integrity has become the most critical issue facing the Halal industry, and it is essential that we, as an industry, get it right. Halal certification must become an efficient, transparent and industry-compliant procedure. There is no reason for the audit and certification process to be any less professional than in any other facet of the food industry, or any other industry for that matter. More than any other issue, this matter stands directly in the path of the development of the Halal market. The extent to which we succeed in establishing excellence in the arena of Halal integrity, we will have success in our overall market. Making profit is permitted, it is in itself Halal. However, if we let the profit motive have too much power, and compromise the integrity of either our products on one hand, or our services on the other, we will have let slip the very component upon which this vast market rests. Quite simply, the market needs more Halal-certified products, and there The plate. Getting the meat to the consumers and still be Halal compliant and profitable requires integrity.

The farm. Halal not only encompasses the meat itself, but also how the meat was cultivated.

hal al inte g r ity is no way to achieve this without improving the certification process. This is a two-way process that requires an effective collaboration between the industry and the certification agencies. All the components of Halal integrity – the standards, the auditing, even the certification procedures – they need to be upgraded and improved. Only then will we see more quantity and a better standard of products available in the market. Developing the extent of Halal integrity is, in itself, a growth market. Opportunities exist for professional training for auditors and certifiers to ensure better service to industry, and better quality products for the consumers. With the right foundations in place, Halal can be developed to overlap with many other market factors such as environmental and social compliance, health awareness, fair trade and animal welfare. All of these elements fall within the broader scope of the meaning of Halal, and they are all strong, growing market forces in their own right. The stakeholders in the Halal industry must become leaders in these fields also.

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22 We cannot simply leave others to champion causes such as fair trade or animal welfare without constructive input and collaboration from the Halal industry. Animal welfare, in particular, is an issue of enormous importance to us. The correct pre-slaughter and slaughter conditions for Halal compliance are of the highest standards, and it is time that we applied them, and marketed their benefits. Ensuring that the animals are well fed, watered and not stressed, that they do not see the knife, nor witness the slaughter, or even the residue of slaughter, of other animals: these issues are no less important than facing Qiblah and mentioning God’s name. Similarly, we cannot condone the shipment of live animals to places where they will not be treated in accordance with the Shariah, wherever those places may be. Other than as breed stock, shipment of live animals to distant destinations is clearly a dubious practise from a Halal perspective, as well as being economically unproductive. Our scientific communities similarly have an obligation to test the hypothesis that Halal treatment and slaughter, as well as being kinder to the animal, also produces the best meat: meat that is safer, healthier, cleaner, and with a better shelf life. Allah has commanded mankind to eat ‘Halal and Tayyib’, and we therefore have a responsibility to demonstrate, by scientific methodology, why it is better, and the best choice from all points of view.

DEVELOPING CAPACITY TO MEET DEMAND It is not just the corporate sector that is gearing up to meet the expanding demand in the Halal market; an increasing number of national governments have made Halal an actual, or a least a potential, tool for the development of the national economy. If the number of national pavilions at MIHAS 2007 is anything to go by, Halal has found its way onto more than a handful of developmental agendas around the world. And so it should. There are, of course, varying approaches to Halal depending on where you look, but both the Muslim and non-Muslim majority countries have recognised that Halal warrants a closer look in order to take it to the next level. In the non-Muslim majority countries, and this defines most of the major producing countries in the Halal market, this closer look calls for good working relations between the authorities and the Muslim minorities. The biggest challenge for non-Muslims involved in the Halal market is to gain an authentic understanding of their Muslim customers’ beliefs, requirements and preferences. The best means of nurturing this understanding is through a genuine collaboration with Muslims within their own borders, those who, at both the production and certification stages, are the ones giving them access to the Halal market in the first place. Certainly, in places such as Thailand and the Philippines, the development of the Halal industry in the Muslim majority areas of the country has been put forward as an effective way to gain stability and economic progress. These proposals are still at the developmental stage, but we will watch with interest, and participate where we can, to see to what extent these ideas bear fruit. For the Muslim world in general, the challenges and opportunities that exist in the Halal market are many and complex. Mostly underdeveloped, the Muslims countries are primarily net importers of food. The Muslim food producers have, for the most part, not seen any need to develop Halal standards for their own domestic use, neither the need to give Halal any legal definition or status under the law.

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24 For these reasons, and others, Muslims have, up until now, been slow to recognise the opportunities that exist in this market. They have, for the most part, been content to be the consumers of Halal food. This picture is slowly starting to change as corporate stakeholders and interested governments around the Muslim world are taking up the challenge to play a significant role in the Halal market. The major challenge facing the Muslim governments wanting to use Halal as a means to create wealth and develop industries that benefit the rural, as well as the urban, communities, centres on the issue of red tape. It is not too difficult to have a good idea, or to pay someone else to have one for you. It is not so easy to turn that idea into a reality. The ability to deliver a promise, and to see that ideas are taken through to completion, will be the most important skills for public sector involvement. This is not an easy challenge, as the causes of delay and inefficient channels of delivery are usually embedded in the actual structure of government in many countries. Inefficiency is an integral part of the system. Clearly, those Muslim lands still under the direct rule of an Amir, King or Sultan have a certain advantage if they can give an order and then see it carried out without the all-too-familiar bureaucratic turf wars. The ability to fast-track the development of Halal capacity building programmes will be a key factor in determining which Muslim countries get to be major producers of Halal food.

PUTTING OUR MONEY WHERE OUR MOUTH IS The gradual, but inevitable, convergence of the Halal market and the Islamic banking industry is likely to prove one of the major market catalysts in the coming decade. These two Shariah-compliant industries share common roots, and have parallel developmental curves, serve the same markets, with the same cross-over potential. The overlap and potential synergy of these two industries is compelling. With a combined force that prompts the use of the term ‘trillion’, there are more factors than their shared Islamic heritage that puts these two on the same long-term flight-path to success. Ethical investment, environmental concern and fair trade are terms that are showing up on Wall Street as well as on the High Street. Being a good corporate citizen has an effect on the bottom line. It was at one time thought that the average burger-eater or coffee drinker did not care that much about ethical corporate behaviour. But it has been proven otherwise, and there are a growing number of major brands that are following down those paths that were first cut through the corporate jungle by men and women more at home in dungarees and sandals than pin-stripe suits. Doing good is good business. However, at present, as in the Halal market, those organisations that are leading the way in energy conservation, environmental concern, fair trade and animal welfare – all of which could be described as duties of a Khalif – are all led by non-Muslims. How many times do we, as Muslims, ask Allah to give us good in this world and good in the next? The plot of Allah, or if you prefer, circumstance and common interest, have made the Halal market precisely the arena in which this supplication can be fulfilled. Islamic banking is slowly waking up to the fact that it cannot just try to be usury banking without usury. We can of course take the alcohol out of the wine, but surely we can think of better ways to use the grapes! Those Islamic financial institutions that realise that there is an emerging Halal market economy where ‘value’ refers to more than something to be entered into an excel sheet, are the ones who are going to play the leading roles in the next chapter of Islamic banking.

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26 Quality – of service, of product and of life – is going play as important a role as quantity, in the years to come, and Halal is pivotal to this transition. Halal, in its fullest sense, provides the full set of parameters for a market arena in which ethical behaviour is as important as the numbers leading to the bottom line.

DELIVERING THE MESSAGE The issues connected to Halal and Haram, as core components of the Deen of Islam, are essentially parts of a message. Delivering, establishing and embodying of this message are fundamental components of developing the Halal market. Even more than is the case with the other three components referred to above, the question of how we deliver the message about the benefits and qualities of Halal remains an almost totally unexplored area. The main issue that is discussed today is whether or not putting a Halal logo on the product gives added value. Overall, with a few marked exceptions, the consensus is that clear proof of Halal certification adds value. Customers look for it and like to see it. It saves the confusing, and sometimes almost impossible, task of reading all the ingredients; microingredients often appear in micro text! A Halal logo makes life easier. However, this is the absolute baseline in terms of communicating a message. In this respect we have much to learn from the pioneers of the organic, environmental and fair trade lobbies. In every case, these groups needed to educate and inform the public about the benefits – health, moral, social, environmental – of the products and services on offer. In almost every case the price was higher than normal, so the message needed to be sufficiently compelling to convert the browser into a purchaser. The message, over time, had to generate a tipping point. The Halal industry is today in a similar zone to the one occupied by these market sectors a decade or two ago, in the respect that they were niche products ranges aiming for the mainstream and upmarket shelves. For their campaign, they used every available opportunity, every available surface and medium to get their message across. Go to the supermarket; find the organic section; look at the packaging, read the box, examine the labels; there is a message there. Look at the fair trade message: it’s on the packet, the leaflet, the merchandising, the T-shirt, the rock concert. Some of the messages have even become the wallpaper on coffee shop walls. This is the method of market communication that took these niche products into the mainstream. They are appealing to us, literally. In this respect, the packaging and marketing of Halal products and services are critical issues for our industry, issues that are poised to go through an order-of-magnitude transformation. We have to change our mindset from one where we are quietly helping people to fulfil a religious obligation, to demonstrating convincingly why we are the best choice – for everyone. These marketers had to build on a comparatively small band of the faithful to generate market momentum. They persevered, and it has worked, in part because the causes that they are promoting are good causes. They uphold values that are inherently part of our nature, but it has been a long uphill climb to get to where they are today. In the Halal market, we have several advantages; we have a much larger consumer base that do not need as much persuasion. They are already actively looking out for Halal products among the sea of the rest, going out of their way to frequent specialist shops and markets to get what they are looking for. The producers are hunting for them, but they are also hunting for the products. This is a distinct advantage. Halal has the highest potential for brand value and brand loyalty compared to all the

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27 rest; we have not even started to develop this aspect of our market. The brand specialists now tell us that the successful brands of tomorrow will represent real cultural, social and religious values; they will have authenticity and integrity; they will speak for the individual identity as well as the corporate one; corporations will have to live their brand values. All of these key factors could have been written for the Halal market. Halal scores very highly in all of these areas, and it remains for the corporations and their marketing teams to understand how to engineer this cross-over of values into the Halal arena. In part, this will require a paradigm shift in attitude – primarily to ourselves and our own products and services. We, the Muslims, have for too long seen ourselves as running to catch up, or as minorities trying to fit in. No one will believe in your product if you do not believe in it yourself, and there is nothing that is more convincing than being convinced yourself. When these values – whether it is from the outside in or the inside out, top down or bottom up – permeate our directors, managers and staff, then we will be able to nurture our industry through the next critical phase of growth. It is all based on the people. The brand manager of one of the famous coffee chains wrote that he knew he had succeeded when he heard on of the baristas say, “We are not in the coffee business, serving people; we are in the people business, serving coffee.” Think about it. We are all in the Halal business.

MAKING THE TRANSITION In order to enable our industry to shift gears, we have to develop all of the pieces at the same time. Integrity; Capacity; Finance; Communication. We need all of them to move ahead in concert to allow the metamorphosis to take place. This is where the hard work really begins. So far, we have talked; now we need to strategise, plan, commit, act. There are a host of obstacles in front of us; different standards; certification issues; competition, greed, indifference; government bureaucracy and political manoeuvring. All of these need to be overcome. But the wind and the tide are in our favour. Things move when there is a convergence of common interests towards a common goal, and, in principle, there are enough elements in harmonious alignment to move to the next stage of growth. Stakeholders, large and small, representing all the elements of the Halal value chain want to see growth and change. There are enough committed individuals of high integrity who would like to see this industry, and this market succeed. For many of them, their commitment to Halal goes far beyond the limits of their job description, beyond their corporation and beyond financial consideration. For those fortunate ones, the Halal industry is, literally, giving them the best of both worlds. We all have the opportunity to play an active role in the development of a dynamic new market paradigm, one that transcends race, national boundaries and geography, one that promises considerable financial reward, and at the same time, most importantly, is pleasing to Allah. We continually ask for good in this world and good in the next. Our chosen industry gives us the opportunity to have that. Let us not waste that chance.

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Halal is no longer ‘a religious obligation’. With the consumer base of 2 billion Muslims worldwide, there is increasing interest and demand for Halal-certified products globally. Halal is emerging as the standard of choice for Muslim and non-Muslim consumers and manufacturers in many parts of the world. With this in mind, Malaysia plans to become a global Halal hub, this intent supported by a statement in the Third Industrial Malaysia Plan (IMP3). “It is envisaged that by 2008, Malaysia will be the centre for the production and distribution of Halal products, Halal service providers, a reference point on Halal Standards, and Research and Development on Halal matters.” To realise Malaysia’s vision to become a global Halal hub and to elevate Halal as the standard of choice, the Government of Malaysia officially established the Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) on September 18th, 2006. The Government of Malaysia also gave HDC the primary authority to spearhead the development of the local and global halal industry. The formation of HDC is making an impact on the local and global front of the Halal industry. Dato’ Jamil Bidin – Chief Executive Officer (CEO), HDC – comments, “On the local front, the Malaysian Muslim society, in particular, along with the nonMuslims, will be able to enjoy the highest level of hygiene for foods and consumer products, as the concept of Halal applies to many globally-recognised standards and best practices, and maybe even more. HDC should be viewed as an institution that has a more comprehensive and modern approach than what we normally would have undertaken before. In developing the Halal industry, in line with the needs of global society, HDC will work with various multinational giants including Nestlé, Carrefour, Tesco and McDonald’s, since they are in tune with the

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needs of global consumers in every segment of the industry that they represent. Therefore, from a global perspective, we should have a clean, transparent and visionary image, since all eyes would be trained on our efforts and achievements in this industry.” The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, made a statement drawing up the seven roles and responsibilities of HDC. The seven roles and responsibilities of HDC are: • To lead the development of Halal standards, audit and certification procedures, in order to protect the integrity of Halal. • To direct and coordinate the development of Malaysia’s Halal industry, amongst all stakeholders, both public and private. • To manage capacity building for Halal producers and related service providers. • To support investment into Malaysia’s Halal industry. • To facilitate the growth and participation of Malaysian companies in the global Halal market. • To develop, promote and market a Malaysian Halal brand. • To promote the concept of Halal and related goods and services. These roles and responsibilities listed by the Prime Minister were then applied to HDC’s overall objectives. HDC refines them into three Strategic Thrusts, set down in November 2006. In reviewing Malaysia’s progress and development as a global Halal hub, consideration was given to the developments in local, regional and international market arenas. In the light of these considerations, the HDC Strategic Direction document makes the assessment that the challenges and strategic thrusts of the IMP3, plus the seven roles and responsibilities of HDC, can be concentrated into three

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“It is envisaged that by 2008, Malaysia will be the centre for the production and distribution of Halal products, Halal service providers, a reference point on Halal Standards, and Research and Development on Halal matters.”

major areas that encapsulate the zones of focus for the development of the Halal hub. The three major issues are Halal Integrity, Capacity Building, and Branding and Promotions. Simply, HDC’s Strategic Thrusts are a development of a series of integrated programmes that will unlock the powerful potential of the Halal market. The first Strategic Thrust, Halal Integrity, protects the integrity of Halal through the development of a regulatory framework, a comprehensive standard, efficient certification processes, worldclass Halal research and development services, training facilities and the creation of Halal standards of international calibre. The second Strategic Thrust, Capacity Building, increases Malaysia’s domestic capacity in production, Halal Parks, trading and finance. Capacity Building can be broken down further into four sub-divisions: Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) nurturing, Halal Park Development – to develop local Halal players, Halal Trade Networks – to create an International Halal Trading Hub, and Financial Facilitation. In order to make Malaysia a world leader in the trade of Halal goods and services – as trade is likely to be a stronger component than production – HDC compiled relevant market intelligence on supply, demand, trends and drivers in the global market. HDC’s third Strategic Thrust, Branding and Promotions, pursues the development of effective branding, marketing and promotional campaigns for Malaysia’s Halal Hub programme. Its goals are to enhance the Malaysian promotional activities abroad, to create a strong Halal brand that will provide competitive advantages, reinforce Malaysian leadership in the global Halal market, and to

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make the concept of Halal more appealing to both Muslims and non-Muslims in Malaysia and abroad. The acquisition and utilisation of market intelligence is necessary to establish the most up-to-date market intelligence on Halal markets worldwide. HDC’s Strategic Thrusts are part of the process flow towards developing the Halal Hub masterplan, which actually comprises three phases; the initial formation phase, the fact-finding phase, and finally, the masterplan phase. The initial formation phase involves the formation of HDC, prior to the development of HDC’s Strategic Thrusts, from which comes the development of a potential HDC Framework. This development brings HDC to the next phase, the Fact Finding phase, which is an on-going process, whereby it involves a high-level engagement with governments and industry, where the procurement of data regarding the following takes place: domestic, international, and legal studies, PR, legal, branding, finance and masterplan issues. The development of a revised HDC Framework is the fruition from the analysis and review of the data previously mentioned. The revised HDC Framework moves forward in the process flow to the masterplan phase, where more analysis and planning will be put into effect, to formulate an effective business plan and the formulation of the masterplan and its first draft. With careful and detailed planning, HDC is now making great progress in realising its vision to elevate Halal as the standard of choice for both Muslims and non-Muslims worldwide. HDC is positively moving towards realising Malaysia’s ten-year mission to become a global Halal Hub by year 2008.

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One Alliance for the Global Halal Market

Delegates at the World Halal Forum (WHF) 2006 unanimously passed a resolution to establish some form of international body for the Halal industry. Following on from this resolution, the WHF secretariat took on the responsibility to make this resolution a reality. Now, at the WHF 2007, the International Halal Integrity Alliance has been formed. The IHI Alliance has been set up as a nonprofit corporation and has been structured to function as a non-governmental and nonnational body. The IHI Alliance is open for international and local membership to both public-listed and private limited companies, as well as councils, associations and NGOs. The IHI aims to provide a platform for its members to share information and work towards upholding the integrity of the Halal industry; to provide a communication channel for its members with relevant parties; and to strengthen the Halal industry to fulfil its highest potential. The WHF Secretariat has, intentionally, not gone any further with the IHI than its formation. It is imperative that the IHI is driven and led by the actual leaders of the industry, recognised and respected by their peers. There must be a collaboration and consensus to determine the most effective way forward for the IHI, both for its actual working structure, and its programmes of action. There have been various suggestions as to what kind of programmes the IHI could undertake to strengthen and promote the Halal industry. Certainly, the issue that is continually coming to the forefront is the one pertaining to standards and best practices. This is an important and challenging issue that will require a great deal of mutual collaboration and commitment, and one that will in many ways determine the ways in which this industry develops. There are other suggested programmes also; the industry as a whole would benefit from broad promotional and educational campaigns about the concept and practice of Halal. There is a high degree of confusion and even ignorance about the concept of Halal, and the more this is addressed, the more people, both the general public and the

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It is one of the signs of the coming of age for an industry: the formation of it as own industry-wide international organisation. Given the particular idiosyncrasies of the Halal industry – a global, Shariah-compliant, farmto-fork, multifaceted industry – the need for a dedicated body is all the more marked, and its arrival all the more welcomed. industry players know about Halal, the more easily the market can expand. Industry-wide marketing campaigns have proven effective for many other industry sectors, and there is every reason to believe that a well-crafted campaign for Halal will do much to dispel the confusion, and create effective awareness that will bring benefit to all the industry stakeholders. Similarly, there are many research programmes looking at the health, safety and purity of Halal foods that can be utilised to promote Halal, to enable us to sell Halal on its benefits, rather than as an obligation. Halal has excellent crossover potential, and the benefits of scientific research can enable the marketing of Halal products to move to the next level, in the same way that the organic or fair trade movements have demonstrated. The primary objectives for the IHI, in its initial stages, revolve around the recruitment of members. Before we can embark on programmes, or even our organisational structure, we need the people who are prepared to take on the task. The IHI Alliance is for you; it is your Alliance. The IHI is there to meet a need expressed by the delegates at the WHF 2006, to provide a vehicle that can provide the focus to drive the industry forward. We are at the point of tremendous expansion, and it is precisely at this moment that we need to ensure that we have the steering wheel firmly in our grasp, and the right people at the wheel. We call on the delegates of the World Halal Forum 2007 to rally together and make the IHI Alliance a strong organisation that can protect the interests of the industry and the consumer, to build the Halal market, and above all, to ensure the integrity of Halal itself.

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What was traditionally a religious issue on the proper slaughtering of animals has now overflowed to cover not just food but also everything that we do today besides eating. From foods to medicines, to cosmetics and finance, the Halal industry is expanding as one third of the world’s population begun understanding what Halal truly means. It will not be surprising if Halal has become the global market’s latest buzzword. The hum has since become louder now that everyone is scrambling to secure a foot hold in this niche yet lucrative global industry. Appealing to both the Muslims as a religious obligation and to the non Muslims for its bountiful commercial attractions, Halal cuts across racial, religious and residential boundaries. Rising above the obvious murmurs is a voice loud enough to be heard by everybody. ‘Is the industry really Halal?’ someone asked. products enough when the manufacturer does not pay Zakat, for instance? Is it enough when the manufacturing activity is financed by riba’bearing financing facilities? In this case, are the ‘Halal manufacturers’ really Shariah compliant when they manufacture these Halal products? These are the questions being raised by the vanguards of Halal finance, CIMB Islamic. Its chief executive officer/ executive director Badlisyah Abdul Ghani is putting forward questions that challenge the way most of us understand and apply Halal in our everyday life.

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“Muslims embrace all things Halal as the only way to live since we agree that Islam is a way of life. If it is a way of life, then it cannot just be about Halal food and products. It must be more than that. Halal must be looked at within a much larger context – Halal businesses ¬-even to the extent of creating a thriving and well oiled Halal Economy,” Badlisyah commented. “Under Shariah or Islamic law, profitability, social responsibility and economic justice are of equal importance when doing business,” he said. Halal business means one has to manage wholly in compliance with Shariah requirements. A manufacturer of Halal goods cannot be deemed to be delivering a Halal product if it finances its activities using riba’-based conventional financing facilities. The entire business processes must be Halal, including the financing aspects of it. A manufacturer who makes a lot of money from selling Halal products but keeps the income in a riba’ based deposit product, or invests in non-Halal investment instruments and does not pay Zakat, would also have grounds for concern from a Halal perspective. Monies deposited in these non Islamic products would be rolled over to finance the bank’s conventional operations, Badlisyah explained. Thus, the non-Halal income from the deposits would eventually end up back into the process of producing Halal products. The non-payment of Zakat would also mean that the Halal manufacturer would not have fulfilled one of its Shariah obligations for economic justice, he added.

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“There is nothing wrong in making a lot of profit,” he said, “provided it is lawfully obtained or Halal. We are encouraged to make as much profit as possible under Shariah. In fact, this has been the main drive of many Muslims over the centuries, through trade and commerce, and various forms of free enterprises. But we must justify the means to achieve these Halal profits.” To that effect, Badlisyah says CIMB Islamic has created an excellent avenue for Halal industry players to convert their existing conventional facilities to any of CIMB Islamic’s broad range of Halal financial products. This can be done either by refinancing existing funding lines or requesting for new or additional lines in Islamic finance. In fact, the Malaysian Government is making it commercially easier by waiving the 20% stamp duty on documentation for a new or additional Islamic line. For conversion of existing conventional facilities from other banks, no stamp duty on the documentation will be levied. According to Badlisyah, this is just a sample of the various incentives by available CIMB Islamic to elevate people’s Halal operations a notch higher than merely producing Halal food or products. By going a step higher into the realms of a ‘true Halal business’, Badlisyah reasoned that other economic benefits can be expected, such as a much wider market reach by gaining a stronger standing from a Shariah perspective, and the ability to deduct tax when Zakat is paid.

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“This will be a good opportunity for all businesses involved in the Halal industry to convert their conventional financing to Islamic banking,” said Badlisyah. “Though it is commendable that they are contributing to the needs of both Muslims and non Muslims by producing Halal products, it is not enough to claim that their business is completely Halal when the integral operational financing is not Shariah compliant or Halal. As they say, the end definitely does not justify the means.” Badlisyah even goes as far as to suggest that in time, a Halal certificate should be made a pre-requisite for businesses to obtain Islamic financing and this should be made compulsory. Whether his idea will see fruition or not, Islamic banks such as CIMB Islamic should be fully committed to help Halal industry players to ‘make the means justify the end.’ He added, “As it is, very few banks are supporting the Halal industry and not many can provide a full spectrum of Shariah compliant financing solutions at every level of entry to the Halal market. CIMB Islamic, long considered to be the leader in Islamic financial market, is now focusing on providing its expertise in Islamic trade finance and business solutions to prospective clients involved in Halal market activities.”

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34 “As a universal bank, we are committed to assist the development of Malaysia as an International Islamic Financial Centre, as well as an International Halal Hub. The staff at our branches and business centres are ever ready to facilitate Islamic financial transactions, from the simplest to the most complex financial transactions,” Badlisyah assured us. The Islamic banking subsidiary of the CIMB Group, CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad is one of the most valued regional universal banks in South East Asia with operations in 12 countries. In Malaysia, CIMB Islamic now has 383 branches and 55 business centres, with a highly competent Shariah Advisory Team Council to advise how Halal industry players can operate in a more ‘wholesome manner’ to attain a higher Halal business stature. Badlisyah also foresees that once the industry has reached the critical mass required of having truly Shariah compliant businesses, the establishment of a thriving Halal market economy, with the Islamic financial market forming an integral part to complete the full Halal cycle, will become a reality. This should result in further strengthening the Halal industry’s integrity. “Ultimately,” he concluded, “Halal also means companies should be run under a sound management team, with strong financial know-how to compete in the global market. Only with strong governance among Halal players - guided by God’s corporate governance, which means applying best practices, even when no one’s looking - will integrity be brought into the Halal market economy.” To learn and understand more about Islamic Trade Finance and Business Solution and how it will benefit your Halal operation, drop an email to or log on to www. for more info.

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“Halal also means companies should be run under a sound management team, with strong financial know-how to compete in the global market. Only with strong governance among Halal players - guided by God’s corporate governance, which means applying best practices, even when no one’s looking - will integrity be brought into the Halal market economy.”

CIMB Islamic Business Solutions includes: A. Working Capital Financing 1.

Revolving Credit-i.


Cashline-i. (or Islamic overdraft)


Term Financing-i.

B. Fixed Asset Acquisition 1.

Property Financing-i.


Machinery, equipment and plant financing-I

C. Full suite of trade financing facilities - Trade Finance – i. 1.

Import and Domestic Purchase Documentary Credit-i. Accepted Bills-i (Purchase/Import) Trust Receipts-i. Inward Bills for Collection Shipping Guarantee-i. Endorsement of Transport Documents.


Export and Domestic Sales Foreign/Domestic Bills of Exchange Purchased Export Credit Refinancing (pre/post-shipment) Outward Bills for Collection Inward Documentary Credit Accepted Bills-i (Sales/Export)

D. Current and General Investment Accounts-i. ; forex, treasury products and remittances facility. Our other services include Islamic Private Banking, Takaful, Private Equity, Sukuk, Asset Management, Corporate Advisory, IPOs, M&As etcs

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Realising the prospects of a global Halal marketplace, and in the light of Malaysia’s vision to become a global Halal Hub, Northport positions itself as a premier, multipurpose national gateway of Malaysia for Halal products. Northport, under operation by Northport (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, is strategically located at Port Klang, with excellent state-of-the-art infrastructure and extensive shipping connectivity – linking Malaysia to global Muslim markets. Northport is reputed to be the

As the demand for Halal goods continues to increase, so does the Halal market steadily expand in concert. With this in mind, the integrity of the supply-chain becomes an increasingly important issue. There are questionable matters arising from the emphasis on fully Halal-compliant ‘farmto-fork’ product, and they relate to issues on what is truly Halal. By virtue of a fully Halal-compliant ‘farm-to-fork’ concept, the important matters that are taken into considerations by key Halal industry players include Shariah (Islamic law)-compliant finance and Halal-compliant supply-chains. A secure and Halal-compliant supplychain supports the ability to track where products have been, from the moment they leave the manufacturing plant, right up to the point where they end up on shelves in supermarkets or the little shop around the corner. The supply-chain is, ultimately, where the tracking and monitoring of product distribution takes place.

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Malaysian port with the most extensive global shipping connectivity. They offer critical links in the transportation and logistics chain for Halal-compliant product manufacturers and producers, in their global market outreach. Northport is the homeport and port of call for about 80 shipping lines, and they run regular services to more than 200 ports in Asia, Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East. Northport draws its strength from a strong cargo base generated by the national economy. In 2006, Northport handled 2.67 million TEUs, whereby the national trade generated 63 percent, and transhipment traffic made up the remaining 37 percent. Northport’s core business lies in the container trade. Their three modern container terminals are capable of handling 4.0 million TEUs, with 13 berths stretching across a quay line of three kilometres in length. 24 shore-side gantry cranes, including post and super post-Panamax cranes, are able to serve some of the largest container ships afloat. These terminals offer shipping lines the benefits of the most advanced featured technology in container-handling techniques. Supported by a reliable fleet of straddle carriers, gantry cranes with rubber tyres, prime movers, trailers, forklifts and high stackers, Northport ensures quick responses,

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The revenue prospects for handling and distribution of Halal products must be seen as part of the value-add activities being fostered at Northport, which are essentially centralised at Northport’s DistriPark service, rapidly becoming a profitable business source for Northport. the critical time factor that is vital in ensuring fast relay of boxes. This, in turn, translates into greater savings and convenience for customers. Northport owns and operates 15 other dedicated berths for handling break-bulk, liquid, and dry bulk cargoes, in addition to the 13 container berths. On top of that, Northport has dedicated terminals to handle liquid and dry bulk cargoes, and other specialised cargoes, such as automobiles at its Vehicle Transit Centre. Large container freight stations and a “Customs-free” DistriPark in the Free Commercial Zone – with over one million square feet of covered floor space – further support the extent and range of facilities and services offered by Northport. To meet the demands of the burgeoning trade in Halal products, Northport devoted itself to providing custom-made Halal-compliant facilities at the DistriPark. Here, Halal industry players leverage on Northport’s versatile facilities, which includes designated areas for packing and unpacking purposes of both inbound and outbound products, and cold storage facilities to provide refrigeration or temperaturecontrolled storage space for thermo-sensitive products such as foodstuff and beverages. The revenue prospects for handling and distribution of Halal products must be seen as part of the value-add activities being fostered at Northport, which are essentially centralised at Northport’s DistriPark service, rapidly becoming a profitable business source for Northport. Approximately 150,000 TEUs were handled in 2006, a favourable increase from only 90,000 TEUs in 2005. Northport is working closely with the Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) and other relevant agencies and bodies involved in the Halal industry, including Halal certification authorities. This is to ensure that the Halal trade via

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Northport meets the stringent Shariah requirements and principles, hence developing and benchmarking this aspect as the best industry practice within the global distribution, transportation and logistics supply-chain of Halal trade worldwide. Drawing on the importance of working closely with other players in the transportation pipeline to become a successful hub, Northport seeks the possibility of collaborating with the Port of Rotterdam – certified as the only Halal Hub in Europe with an outreach to approximately 30 million Muslims in Europe. Northport’s Lead Logistics Providers (LLP) – based in Northport’s DistriPark – have established links with their network of companies in ports, such as Rotterdam, to expand the scope of the Halal products distribution. LLPs help develop “multicountry destination containers” to and from various countries for consolidation and deconsolidation at selected ports, including at Northport. Their collaboration with Port of Rotterdam serves to expand the scope of bilateral trade in Halal products, mutually beneficial to both ports. Northport looks to a bright future as the leading national gateway into Malaysia, with a three-year expansion plan involving a capital expenditure outlay of RM585 million. The purposes of the expansion plan are, to enhance the overall state of its infrastructure, further expand the facilities and services at Northport’s DistriPark – including extending the scope for testing and certification of Halal products - to fulfil the ever-increasing demands of fully Halal-compliant ‘farm-to-fork’ concept for the global Halal consumer market.

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Muslim Workforce Mirrors Westports’ Halal Initiatives

As Kuala Lumpur plays host to the World Halal Forum 2007 on 7th and 8th May, Westports Malaysia is equally enthusiastic and excited over the developments taking place in the halal industry. The stage is already set for Malaysia to become a global Halal hub, using its edge over other Muslim nations in trading, logistics, Islamic banking and Halal certification. Westports, the country’s leading, world-class seaport at Port Klang, is already playing the role of logistics enhancer due to its location in the vicinity of the Selangor Halal Hub and the development of the halal hub at the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ). Both these facilities, located in Pulau Indah, mark a significant development in making the country as a centre for the manufacturing and exporting of halal products. Westports’ modern container and conventional facilities, coupled with the most extensive global connectivity, offer shippers and traders the essential link in the transport and logistics chain for Halal products and services. The efforts by the government to make Malaysia a Halal hub and center for the manufacturing of Halal products and services, are well supported by world-class services and facilities that are already in place at Westports. Moreover, with

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more than 70% of the workforce being Muslims’ puts Westports in the forefront to conduct Halal initiatives and help make Malaysia a benchmark for Halal trade. Ruben Emir Gnanalingam, Executive Director of Westports Malaysia said, “With the realization of the prospects of a global Halal marketplace, Westports is now positioning itself as the gateway into Southeast Asia for Halal products. Shipping lines should not only use Westports as a stepping stone to reach the 550 million people in Southeast Asia, but also as a base for their business. Westports is excited with the prospect of engaging more Main Line Operators to call at our port, due to the sufficient logistics capability, infrastructure and facilities to handle the shipment, including that of Halal products. “The Halal products sector is an area that can be jointly explored between local and foreign investors, who can partake in the tremendous opportunities it offers, as there is an increasing demand and awareness for Halal products by the global Muslim community. The Malaysian Halal food market alone is estimated at USD 10 billion. With an estimated 2 billion Muslim consumers worldwide, foreign investors should explore business opportunities with Malaysian food manufacturers to leverage on Malaysia’s global

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reputation in Halal certification. “Malaysia, as one of the biggest trading nations in the Muslim world, is widely recognised and acknowledged for its certification standard for halal food. It also has a highly developed logistics network including ports, airports, rail and road connections, and is fast becoming a hub for Islamic financing as well. “There are a lot of synergies here that can be packaged together. Malaysia is already recognised by worldwide Islamic standards. This is because the halal standards (MS 1500:2004) meet both the requirements of the Muslim community and that of the international health and safety standards. Westports will work closely with the relevant national authorities to ensure the Halal logistics chain meets the stringent Shariah requirements and standards,” added Ruben. Westports, which handled 58% of container volume at Port Klang in 2006, is poised to be a 6 million TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit) port by 2010. As Malaysia makes giant strides to establish itself as the leader in Halal trade, Westports and its workforce will play a crucial role in the efficiency of the logistics delivery system. Spanning 480 hectares on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia on Pulau

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Malaysia, as one of the biggest trading nations in the Muslim world, is widely recognised and acknowledged for its certification standard for halal food.

Indah, Westports constitutes one half of Port Klang, operates nine container berths with a quayline of more than 3 kms, capable of accommodating five mother vessels and three feeder vessels. This naturally deep port of minimum 15-meter drafts aims to double its quayline to 6 kms by 2010. Westports is among the world’s top 5 in productivity. Today, 35 shipping lines call on the port including CMACGM, China Shipping Container Lines, Evergreen Marine, Norasia, Gold Star, Hanjin and Hyundai. Westports’ facilities include the container and conventional terminal. It also has value-added services such as a Vehicle Terminal Center for the purpose of transshipments, imports and exports of vehicles as well as On Dock Depot, ISO Tank and Container Freight stations. Westports is not the average port that is usually seen in many places but a port in a garden, a concept which acknowledges the port as being both environmentfriendly and a safe working place

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The Allana Group is acknowledged as the world’s largest exporter of frozen Halal Buffalo meat. The Allana Group enjoys the distinction of being the pioneer (1969) in the export of de-boned and de-glanded frozen Halal Buffalo meat, exporting its products currently to 64 countries worldwide, including South East Asia, Middle East, CIS countries, Africa and the Pacific Basin Nations; singularly accounting for over 60% of meat exports from India. The Allana Group owns and operates six state of the art, integrated, food processing establishments at strategic locations across India. The Group has implemented the programme known as ACBD (Allana Centre for Buffalo Development) with a primary aim of imparting Good Animal Husbandry Practices to the farmers in association with the State Animal Husbandry Department. This foundation has several thousand of farmers as its members who are rearing animals based on Good Animal Husbandry Practices and taking care of the health of the livestock. This basically ensures regular supply of healthy Buffalo livestock to the factory with systems in place to ensure traceability from farmer to fork. The establishments strictly comply with ISO 9001:2000 requirements for Quality Systems, HACCP for Food Safety, ISO:14001 for Environment Management System and IS 18001 for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSAS), duly certified by DNV of The Netherlands, ensuring a defined system of traceability. The processing of meat is undertaken in strict accordance with prescribed Codex Alimentarius standards and OIE guidelines published in Terrestrial Animal Health Code.

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Allanasons is India’s largest producer of frozen / processed fruit and vegetable products and exports these products across the world, including Japan and European countries.

Reputed, independent Islamic agencies in India, duly approved and accredited by International Islamic bodies, monitor the abattoir operations and certify the genuine Halal status of the meat. The Allana Group’s wide range of products include: • Fresh, frozen boneless Buffalo meat • Chilled, vacuum packed boneless Buffalo meat • Frozen Lamb carcasses • Frozen bone-in Lamb cubes • Chilled vacuum packed Lamb carcasses • Chilled vacuum packed Lamb cuts • Canned corned meat • Full range of fresh quick frozen offals (fancy / variety meats) The Allana Group is also a major producer of frozen marine products, with five dedicated factories located at important landing centers in different parts of India. The frozen marine products are exported to over 50 countries, including USA, European countries, Japan and China. Allanasons is approved for supply of value added marine products to the EU. Allanasons is India’s largest producer of frozen / processed fruit and vegetable products and exports these products across the world, including Japan and European countries.

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44 Allanasons remains the largest exporter of coffee from India and has its own curing/manufacturing facilities right within the coffee cultivation region in Southern India. It focuses it exports primarily to Italy and France amongst several countries. The Allana Group are the country’s leading manufacturers, processors and distributors of branded and value added edible oil products, including hydrogenated vegetable fat (ghee), shortening, margarine and variety of refined cooking oils. The Group has received numerous awards including the Government of India’s APEDA Golden Trophy for highest Export Performance for the last 13 years and for its Excellent Performance in Export Promotion, Product Development, Market Development, R& D and Quality. Mr Irfan Allana is the Chairman of the Allana Group. His vision and expertise not only drives his business, but his expertise has been liberally availed of by the Federal Government and various State Governments of India, in development of long term plans for exports from India in general and agro based products in particular. He is a six term Board member of the Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), the governing body constituted by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India for development and regulation of agro based products from India. He is a Member of Export Inspection Council of India, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, which oversees the Quality Certification for various export products.

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He was Chairman of Meat Sector subcommittee of the Planning Commission, Government of India, for the Xth plan (200207) during which period, India has recorded a sharp increase in the export of meat products worldwide. He has been a member of the official Indian delegation to several countries, including Egypt and Jordan, for development of India’s agro based exports. In March 2005, he was nominated as Member on the Board of Trade, the highest advisory body on International Trade constituted by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. He commands respect and admiration of his competitors and is the President of the All India Meat & Livestock Exporters Association (AIMLEA) in his sixth term. Besides spending time in the development of his organisation and the industry, Mr. Irfan Allana as Director of Allana Foundation, actively addresses a range of social causes, including basic education, higher education and public health. The Foundation supports 3 schools and 7 colleges, including 4 professional institutions and aids 4 hospitals, primarily in the Mumbai-Pune belt as also in locations where the Group’s major manufacturing facilities are located. Recently the Allana foundation has addressed similar causes in different countries in the South East Asian regions. The Allana Group is known for its quest for Quality and has based its foundation of growth on providing its customers worldwide a range of high quality products consistently. Its consistent growth in volumes and value of its different products exported to various countries in the world has a reflection of the continued appreciation and acceptance of its products.

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Malaysia has become a leading global logistics hub for regional and world trade. International trade is the lifeblood of the regional economy ever since the Straits of Malacca became a vital global trade route for major Western economies in the last millennia. The rapid adoption of free trade in the major economies of the ASEAN region in the last two decades has led to an unprecedented flow of goods, services and technologies into Malaysia, the result of which increases the demand for Malaysia to lead the region in providing state-ofthe-art logistics infrastructure and modern trade facilities to support the movement of merchandise, goods and services into Malaysia and outwards. To meet the challenge, MISC Berhad (MISC) through its subsidiary MISC Integrated Logistics (MILS) envisions itself to be a partner of choice in this sector. Part of this initiative is the formation of the MILS Logistics Hub or (MLH) – a new generation, world class logistics facility offering the complete range of modern logistics services supported by a single integrated IT supply chain platform connecting Malaysia into every facet of world trade.

MILS TAKING HALAL TO THE NEXT FRONTIER Maximizing the advantage of the gaining prominence of the Halal

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Market as a global force, MILS is providing one-stop global Halal logistics related solutions. The MLH will play a key role in providing accreditation facilities through regulatory inspection, validation facilities through laboratorial testing and documentation, Halal compliance handling and storage processes as well as decontamination and sterilisation processes. These facilities will enhance Malaysia’s position as an international hub for world Halal products. To support the management and implementation of Halal logistics, MILS is putting in place the required facilities and processes in compliances with Malaysian Islamic authorities’ regulations and requirements. The facilities include the establishment of MILS Samak Depot for containers cleansing and purifying according to universal Islamic principles and practice in all Malaysia ports. MILS have been working together with government authorities such as Malaysia’s Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC), JAKIM (the Department of Islamic

Development) and JAIS (the Department of Selangor Islamic Affairs) and other related Halal industry bodies, to establish logistics standard operating procedures. These pioneering supply chain processes for the halal industry aim to be the benchmark for supply chain operational excellence to be adopted by all organisations and nations that participate in the world halal industry. To initiate this, MILS has formed its in-house Halal Committee with active external participation for policy regulations to assist in pertaining to Halal processes, determining process owners, auditing the compliance of processes and the training of MILS personnel in Halal operational and administration matters. JAKIM and JAIS are acting in an advisory capacity in matters relating to Halal requirements. One of the services provided is the Halal Express, a container vessel dedicated solely to the transportation of Halal goods throughout major destinations across the globe. The weekly sailing vessels, amounting to the

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48 turnover of approximately 1,200 TEUs per week, cover Singapore, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and India on its world route.


Strategically located in Pulau Indah, Selangor, the development of the MILS Logistics Hub (MLH) has been divided into three phases, of which the completion of the final phase will result in the formation of a 90,000m2 state-of-the-art warehousing with Free Commercial Zone status. The Phase 1 development is scheduled to be completed in April 2007 and will provide 23,000m2 of dry warehouse facility. Followed by Phase 2’s development, a multiple temperature-controlled storage facility is targeted to be operational in February 2008. The pioneering MILS Logistics Hub (MLH) will act as a one stop-shop offering a full range of logistics services doorto-door worldwide, including customer delivery where required. Other available services are inventory management, haulage and distribution services, freight and customs management and a container yard. Value Added Services include packing and re-packing, labeling and re-branding, sorting and kitting, Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), pre- and post-products Inspection, laboratory service, container yard management, sterilization and fumigation. At MLH, manufacturers and importers/ exporters are able to consolidate multi-country warehouses at a single duty free location.

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Sterilisation and food irradiation will be a compulsory process in cold chain in the near future. STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS

MILS’ joint venture with ETB-Seafrigo, one of Europe’s largest cold storage specialists, will enable MLH to offer its customers total cold chain logistics solutions. Putting together its experience in cold chain management and product knowledge, MILSSeafrigo Sdn Bhd is confident in providing quality end-toend logistics services from manufacturers to consumers. The world-class multiple temperature controlled facility with storage temperature ranging from +18˚C to -25˚C will be operational in August 2007. Storing only Halal products range from deep frozen such as seafood produce, meats, poultry, vegetable based products, pastries, dairies, pharmaceutical, tobaccos, to refrigerated products, which comprises of fresh fruits, vegetables, fruit-based beverages and confectionery. Apart from storage and warehousing handling, MILSSeafrigo also provides value added services such as packaging (vacuum packing, bag, box, etc) re-packing, co-packing, labeling,

tagging, sorting, slicing and cutting. A specially designed processing area is provided to house these activities within the required temperature. In view of many animalrelated diseases outbreak, sterilisation and food irradiation processes are widely accepted and required by the European and US consumer market. Such value added technology will further enhance the food quality and prolong the product shelf life. Sterilisation and food irradiation will be a compulsory process in cold chain in the near future. Hence, MILS has made preparation to provide the sterilisation services in MLH via its business joint venture with SterilGamma (M) Sdn. Bhd., forming MILSSterilGamma Sdn. Bhd. With plans to establish more strategic Halal Logistics Hubs domestically and worldwide, MISC Integrated Logistics or MILS aims to be at the forefront of organizations that set the standards for innovative and effective total logistics solutions for the world Halal industry.

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A M a l ay si a n Pi one e r

One of Malaysia’s pioneer and key players in the Halal industry, Prima Agri-Products Sdn Bhd, has been applying the Halal doctrine within their organisation since they first began 1987. Prima makes their Halal policy clear and precise when evolving the sources of raw materials, ingredients, equipments, storage, transportation, and even employment of Muslim workers for the production. This is how they have gained international confidence in all their years of business. Prima acknowledges the manufacturing potential that Malaysia has in becoming a major Halal food centre of the world. Striving hard to take charge and turn the vision into reality, Prima has tucked in their business plan a development project, a 40 hectare Prima Halal Food Park in Kuantan, Pahang. Integrating the small and medium enterprise’s

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(SMEs) capabilities, the park will support them by providing them with common facilities used to produce and manufacture Prima Agri-Products. The idea is to encourage, educate and guide the SMEs about the ropes of Halal food manufacturing. Being under the same roof can only expedite the process while producing better quality products. Its principle activity is to act as the primary marketer for domestic and export markets of products produced by the SMEs. Prima will assist the SMEs to obtain the necessary certifications for quality standards and assurance. This service is to achieve an overall food safety while complying accordingly to Halal standards and maintaining market confidence at a lower

production cost. The end results are SMEs becoming owners of a highly specialised manufacturing system of Halal meat based delicatessen food for the world. In a borderless world, export approvals have become vital and an inevitable prerequisite. Through the thorough research and the understanding of Halal, Prima Agri-Products Sdn Bhd (Prima) was able to penetrate the international market by assuring their compliancy to various standards. Nationally and internationally accredited for food safety, Prima has received their Halal certification from the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) from the Ministry of Health.

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Royal Selangor presence at retail Nick Munro teapot Skilled craftspeople are the heart of the factory Erik Magnussen candlestands

Royal Selangor headquarters in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur.

Established in 1885, Royal Selangor is one of the oldest and most well-known names in the pewter industry, reputed internationally for its high quality. Presently, the company produces over a thousand different tableware and gift items. Internationally acclaimed for its commitment to innovative design and fine craftsmanship, Royal Selangor has received many international awards, the most recent being the 2002 red dot award from Germany and the IDEA 2002 Bronze from the Industrial Designer’s Society of America. Distributed worldwide from its home base in Malaysia, the company exports to more than 20 countries, with its own retail shops in Singapore, Bangkok, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Melbourne, London and Toronto. Royal Selangor is also found in fine stores such as Mitsukoshi in Japan, Harrods and John Lewis in the United Kingdom. As increasingly sophisticated needs and tastes continue to make demands on the marketplace, Royal Selangor has made its mark with product ranges that are relevant to today’s modern living. In delivering a wider choice to its audience, the brand has collaborated with international talents such as UK designer Nick Munro and Scandanavian designer Erik Magnussen, who have designed new collections infused with their creative hallmarks. Taking pewter to a new level, the designs are subtle yet edgy with smart minimalist elements. The company’s talented team of in-house designers has also contributed many new designs, further adding to the incredible choice at any Royal Selangor retail store. With a talented team of designers and a versatile manufacturing facility, Royal Selangor also custom-manufactures exclusive pieces for corporations and individuals. Royal Selangor trophies have also graced the winners’ podium for many world class events. They include the 1999 World Cup Golf as well as the Formula 1 Malaysian Grand Prix. This year, the company was appointed Official Licensee for the FIFA World Cup 2006. When one mentions pewter, the name Royal Selangor comes straight to mind. The brand’s long tradition for quality and style has ensured its success. The Royal Selangor Visitor Centre is located at 4 Jalan Usahawan 6, Setapak Jaya, Kuala Lumpur. Factory tours are complimentary. No appointments are necessary. For enquiries, please call 03 4145 6122.

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4/22/06 3:24:40 AM

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Ayamas Food Corporation Bhd was the first company in Malaysia to not only introduce quality Halal chicken hygienically-processed and packed at its plant, but also to market branded Halal chicken and chicken-based products domestically and internationally. It is today Malaysia’s foremost chicken breeding, processing and retailing enterprise with fully-integrated operations, and one of the largest and most modern poultry processing plants in the Asia-Pacific region. The plant, located in Port Klang, has the capacity to process 100,000 birds per day. Ayamas has ISO 9002 certification and is currently in the process of obtaining the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - or HACCP – which is an integral part of quality assurance for the food industry worldwide. HACCP focuses attention on the potential hazards to the safety and quality of food products during their processing and handling. This process ensures their safety and quality from raw material stage to the end product. That’s why the company’s tagline is ‘First in Freshness, First in Quality’. Ayamas has a Syariah Advisory Council, whose members are distinguished and prominent religious scholars from Islamic institutions, that acts as an advisory body to the company on all religious matters relating to its business. It maintains close rapport with the various

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religious departments, councils and bodies and also conducts regular inspections on Ayamas’ various plants and operational facilities to ensure it fully complies with the Halal requirements of Islamic Law and all Malaysian Government regulations. Ayamas guarantees that all its products are Halal because it has 100% control at each and every stage of its processes, from breeding and hatching to slaughtering, processing, packaging and distribution. It breeds its own stock of chickens of the highest quality and has its own world-class hatcheries to ensure Halal quality from egg to chick. It also ensures a closed, airconditioned and contained system of breeding that is tightly monitored to be absolutely clean and Halal.

The company also produces and uses its own Halal feed exclusively for the entire system. It ensures that every stage of slaughtering, processing and packaging strictly observes Islamic religious requirements, is monitored by religious authorities and uses only certified Halal ingredients for all its products. All Ayamas products are certified Halal by Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia and all use the JAKIM logo. Ayamas’ efforts to maintain high quality control standards have also won recognition and support from Yum! Brands Inc., the global operator of KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, A&W and Long John Silver restaurants and other leading

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international food importers. The Malaysian Superbrands Council selected Ayamas as a Superbrand as consumers have come to trust Ayamas for its quality, healthy, fresh and wholesome products. Furthermore, the company’s long standing commitment to quality has helped reinforce its brand values. Ayamas is also a winner of Livestock Asia’s Outstanding Meat Processor Award in recognition of its contributions to management excellence and best practices in the livestock industry. Ayamas supplies whole chicken, cut chicken parts and further processed chicken to both the domestic and export markets, including Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Hong Kong, the Middle East and other countries. Its fresh chicken and furtherprocessed chicken products help to get rid of much of the hassle of food preparation. Whole chicken and specially-cut chicken parts come ready processed, cleaned, dressed, chilled and are sold and exported under the most stringent hygienic conditions. Additionally, Ayamas’ freezerto-fryer further-processed chicken products come ready to cook.

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It breeds its own stock of chickens of the highest quality and has its own world-class hatcheries to ensure Halal quality from egg to chick. They just have to be taken out of the freezer and put straight into the fryer, cooked and then they’re ready for consumption. These products don’t need thawing – hence, saving a lot of time and are thus very convenient. Ayamas’ freezer-to-fryer products include the popular Golden Nuggets, Breaded Drummets, Breaded Meatballs and Ayamas Crispy Fried Chicken and its latest selections such as the Chicken Fingers, Curry Crunz, Crispy Fried Chicken, Power Nuggets and Popcorn Bites. The company spends over RM5 million on research and development annually. At its fully-equipped Research and Development Centre nutritionists continually develop new products that are well received locally and overseas, including the development of product line extensions into ready-to-eat products such as canned curry chicken.

Ayamas recently introduced its first ready-to-serve canned food item - Chicken Curry with Potato. This landmark product is the forerunner to more shelf-stable products it plans to bring out to make Ayamas even more relevant to consumers and attract a wider cross section of them to the brand domestically and internationally. To capitalize on growing consumer demand for value and convenience food, its marketing and sales department has been expanded to further improve brand awareness and market penetration domestically and overseas. It is in the process of beefing up its export team to further develop its marketing efforts in Hong Kong, Middle East and other overseas markets.

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Enhancing the trends with the C e n t r e of E x c e l l e n c e f or H a l a l

The global Halal market is one of the fastest growing sectors globally; yielding great prospects for manufacturers in Malaysia and beyond. Currently valued at US$150 billion, this is expected to expand to US$500 billion in 2010 – a reflection of growing awareness and demand for Halal certified food and beverage products. For Nestlé Malaysia, the Halal market is not something new, as the Company set new benchmarks in Malaysia when it first established an internal Halal committee in the 1980s. In fact, Nestlé’s Halal Policy was introduced in 1992 - prior to the implementation of the official Halal certification by JAKIM in 1994. Respecting the needs of its Muslim consumers, Nestlé has been at the forefront to promote Halal certification for food products, both for locally manufactured as well as imported products. Nestlé Malaysia’s compliance to Halal procedures and certification encompass Halal sourcing, purchasing of raw materials and ingredients right up to the production of food and beverage products. In Malaysia, an internal Nestlé Halal Committee comprising Muslim Executives from various departments including production and technology units of all the factories, marketing, regulatory, corporate affairs and legal departments ensure that every aspect of Halal certification is closely scrutinised and complied with.

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For the Nestlé Group worldwide, there is a general instruction called “GUIDELINE FOR INTER-COMPANY SUPPLY OF HALAL FOOD” established in 1997 by the Nestlé Quality Technical Coordination at its Headoffice in Vevey, Switzerland, in collaboration with Nestlé Malaysia. This document serves as a guideline to help the supplying market understand the mandatory aspects of Halal. Facilities outside Malaysia that are involved in supplying products to Malaysia also conform to this policy and are subjected to inspection audits by Nestlé Malaysia and the authorised Halal certifying body in the halal certification process, at any time when it is deemed necessary. For its expertise and proactive efforts in the promotion of Halal, Nestlé Malaysia has been recognised as the Centre of Halal Excellence for the Nestlé world, and is the leading Halal producer for Nestlé with exports of Halal products to over 40 countries. According to Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad Managing Director, Mr Sullivan O’Carroll, Nestlé’s commitment and investment in Halal, which was strictly observed out of social responsibility, has augured well for the country, consumers and for the Company. “As Malaysia aspires to be a global Halal hub, Nestlé is able to share its expertise and global networking with the relevant Halal authorities. Through its exports of made-in-Malaysia Halal products, Nestlé has improved the awareness of Halal to over 40 countries worldwide,” he said.

“As the largest Halal producer for the Nestlé worldwide group and the Centre of Excellence for Halal, Nestlé Malaysia is well positioned to garner a bigger marketshare in a rapidly evolving and expanding market due to its constant innovation and renovation,” O’Carroll added. He explained that the projected demand for Halal products is due to many reasons, key being increasing consumer polarity with heightened demand for products that adhere to Islamic tenets and beliefs as well as growing acceptance and requests for Islamic brands, be it food and beverages or other services such as banking and finance. “Surging trade between Muslim countries has also boosted the demand for Halal products, while creating new avenues of growth for Halal manufacturers,” he pointed out. With Islamic countries such as Malaysia taking the lead with the establishment of Halal Hubs, there are great prospects for Malaysian food companies seeking to create a stronger foothold in the global Halal market. Taking a leaf from the Nestlé success story, other companies can follow suit by ensuring that all their products undergo stringent Halal certification, integrate Islamic values into their company culture and drive Corporate Social Responsibility programmes in Muslim markets, as well as ensure that they understand the needs and requirements of the Muslim consumer.

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Nestlé Malaysia has collaborations with University Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia and University Sains Islam Malaysia, providing industrial exposure on Halal and industry related Syariah programmes.

As the Centre of Excellence for the Halal market, Nestlé Malaysia leads Nestlé’s foray into the Halal Food Industry; providing expertise, resources and technical support to all the Nestlé markets. With more than 75 Halal-certified factories worldwide and more than 100 Halal certified production lines, the Company has well-defined guidelines detailing the need for respect of all employees’ culture, religion and traditional values. “With more than US$3 billion sales in markets where Islam is practised, together with a clear focus on developing local consumer insight and tailored product offerings, Nestlé hopes to step up its presence in the global Halal market substantially, with Nestlé Malaysia taking the lead,” O’Carroll said. “This is an ongoing process and apart from working with the Malaysian Government to establish the Global Halal Hub, Nestlé Malaysia has trained more than 1,200 SMEs in Malaysia

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on Good Halal Manufacturing Practices. There is a continuous flow of knowledge to other markets, and Nestlé Malaysia currently provides training on Halal to the Nestlé R&D Centres in Singapore and Shanghai to name a few. Nestlé Malaysia also provides technical advice on Halal to Nestlé affiliates in Germany, UK, Switzerland, Sri Lanka and India. In this respect, technical advice ranges from identifying a Halal authority of the respective country to the setting up of a dedicated Halal line or factory.” To leverage on the strength of Nestlé Malaysia and the nation in this sector, efforts are being made to accelerate exports of Halal products to the UK, France and Germany, where demand far outweighs supply. Hypermarkets and supermarket chains in these countries are cognizant of the growth in this sector, and are gradually setting up dedicated Halal corners, which offer a plethora of opportunities for Malaysian companies seeking new adjacencies of growth in a highly dynamic business sector.

In an effort to further strengthen its core areas of expertise in the Halal sector, Nestlé Malaysia also strives to ensure that there is an extension of Halal representation in key operational areas such as the various business units, export, engineering, supply chain and customer services amongst others, O’Carroll said, adding that this helps ensure wider coverage and further enhancement of the Nestlé Halal system. In fact, to further boost Malaysia’s competitive edge in this burgeoning market, Nestlé Malaysia has extended its support to the Halal Industry Development Corporation to encourage the participation of Bumiputera SMEs in the Nestlé SME Mentoring Programme, which was first mooted in the year 2000. Equally aware that education and awareness is key to achieving the vision of Malaysia making an indelible mark in the global Halal market, Nestlé Malaysia also has collaborations with University Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia and University Sains Islam Malaysia, providing industrial exposure on Halal and industry related Syariah programmes. “Nestlé Malaysia is very excited about the growth and prospects for Malaysia as it takes the lead in the Halal food market, and looks forward to working with the Malaysian Government to leverage on its existing strengths and resources to build further on the sector,” O’Carroll said.

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Reinventing education

Everything is changing. So must education. It must build human capacity to satisfy the insatiable appetites of industry for skillful negotiators, creative thinkers, powerful presenters, strategic planners, talented innovators, fluent promoters and many more right-educated fresh graduates. In today’s climate of global competition, we are very dependent on human capital that is business savvy, ITskilled, able to arrive at well-informed and rapid decisions in real time, and culturesensitive in negotiations with people from other countries. As it is, rising costs of labour is forcing industry to move from country to country to take advantage of better tax incentives and lower wages offered by emerging economies. We can only make a difference through betterskilled and more knowledgeable workers. The K-economy depends on the high calibre of such human resources. And by high calibre we cannot just define it through academic results. We must include emotional intelligence, excellent work ethics and good attitude. We must also include a high level of creative thinking capability, without which, origination and innovation cannot take place. It therefore makes perfect sense to involve industry in the formulation of curricula for schools, colleges and universities. “The University has always bucked tradition. Learning is never for the sake of

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learning. Learning has to have purpose. It must be relevant to what is going on in the world today. It must help a young person transit smoothly into a career, be at home in the hectic workplace, be useful to a company building its competitive edge,” said Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Limkokwing, President of the Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology. “Industry is a stakeholder, a very important player, in the shaping of human capital. And they invest a lot in building talent and inculcating leadership in those they employ. And quite often they re-train people to make them fit for employment in their organizations. Industry stays close to changes in the global market. It is a matter of survival that they keep tabs on global development. Therefore industry will be able to provide valuable feedback to curriculum creators so they can enhance what the next generation is learning today,” he added. Learning at Limkokwing is real. Certainly there is textbook learning to take the student through the historical path and understand the formulas of the past. But of greater importance is the student’s ability

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57 to interact with industry through projects that give them glimpses of the real world. Such involvement builds confidence, instills the right attitude and sparks excitement. The benefit to industry is enormous. It helps industry spot new talent and new perspectives that are young and fresh. Learning at Limkokwing is multicultural. The Kuala Lumpur campus has students from over 90 countries pursuing their higher education. The intermingling creates a unique fusion of culture that influences viewpoints, provides vital insights and contributes to cultural competencies; graduates are able to work effortlessly in a workplace that requires interaction with other countries. Learning at Limkokwing is holistic. We go the extra mile to provide the student with opportunities to create a distinct advantage in addition to paper qualifications. Language deficiencies are addressed. Presentation skills are built. Talent is developed. Through the Limkokwing International Lifestyle Design Academy students are able to boost their career prospects with skills in niche areas such as music design, sound engineering, hair and face design. Learning at Limkokwing is innovative. Constant review of the curriculum that takes into account industry trends enables us to stay at the winning edge. We are able to provide the right learning ecosystem that don’t just build the skills and knowledge but also develop the personality and enhance talent. This is a university that understands the value of being industryrelevant, that appreciates the importance of seamless transition from classroom to career.

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CCMP is currently exporting to over 20 countries, with sales to Muslim countries contributing 20% of total export turnover. CCM Pharmaceuticals (“CCMP”) is a division under Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad (CCM), a company listed on Bursa Malaysia’s Main Board. It has over 30 years of history and was cited locally as a Tier 1 manufacturer by Frank and Sullivan for its quality products. The Company has also garnered awards and recognitions both locally and regionally over the years. CCMP is the largest local producer of generic drugs with nearly 300 products including antihistamines and antibiotics. Its medications for gastrointestinal and cardiovascular conditions Omesec and Vascor, respectively, are blockbusters in both local and export markets. Both had undergone Bioequivalent (BE) studies successfully, which affirmed that these products are of the same chemical profile as the innovators. Omesec was awarded the MITI Industry Excellence Award – Innovative Product in 2004. The Company also produces over-the-counter (OTC) products with about 200 items under established brands such as Champs, Flavettes, Proviton, Naturalle, Uphamol, Eye Glo, Sloan’s, O-Fresh and Alucid. Champs has been voted annually as consumer choice children’s vitamins, not only by the Malaysian consumers but also Hong Kong’s, the most recent being “2007 Super Brands Award” by Parent Magazine, Hong Kong. Proviton, the brand for one-aday multivitamins with Panax Ginseng IDB extract, won the MITI Industry Excellence Award - Pioneer in Research of Excellent Product Quality in 1999.

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CCMP has the Malaysian Ministry of Health’s certification as a manufacturer meeting the Good Manufacturing Practice (“GMP”) guidelines of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention and Cooperation Scheme (“PIC/S”) and the requirements of World Health Organisation (WHO). PIC/S is widely recognised in Europe. CCMP has also received 2 other certifications for its products and manufacturing facilities: 1. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) certification from the Australian Ministry of Health which affirms that the Company complies with the Australian Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products, thus allowing its products to be sold in Australia. 2. Halal Certification by JAKIM (Islamic Development Department of Malaysia), a department under the Malaysian Prime Minister, who also has very stringent requirements to be met. The certification is for the Company’s Over-TheCounter (OTC) vitamins and health supplements under the brands Champs, Flavettes, Naturalle and Proviton.

All these certifications ensure that CCMP’s products are produced consistently to the highest standards of quality, safety, efficacy and hygiene. Furthermore, CCMP believes that Halal certification does not only benefits Muslim consumers but also everyone as it focuses on the stringent safety and hygiene aspects of the Company’s products so that they are fit for consumption and use. Furthermore, JAKIM’s Halal certification is recognized internationally and is highly regarded by the Muslim countries all over the world. CCMP’s working relationship with Innovax Sdn Bhd (its sister company who is spearheading CCM’s Research & Development (R&D) activities), together with Synergy America, further affirms the Company’s commitment towards providing consistent and high standards of products at all times for both existing and new innovations. CCMP is currently exporting to over 20 countries, with sales to Muslim countries contributing 20% of total export turnover. It has already established offices in Indonesia, Vietnam and Singapore. The Company will open offices in Thailand and followed by the Philippines before end 2007. Export sales are expected to contribute 40% of CCMP’s annual turnover of in the next 5 years. The new plant, which is scheduled to commence operations by end 2007, will double the production capacity so as to meet the expanding market demands in line with the Company’s growth strategies.

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CCMP is currently exporting to over 20 countries, with sales to Muslim countries contributing 20% of total export turnover. CCM Pharmaceuticals (“CCMP”) is a division under Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad (CCM), a company listed on Bursa Malaysia’s Main Board. It has over 30 years of history and was cited locally as a Tier 1 manufacturer by Frank and Sullivan for its quality products. The Company has also garnered awards and recognitions both locally and regionally over the years. CCMP is the largest local producer of generic drugs with nearly 300 products including antihistamines and antibiotics. Its medications for gastrointestinal and cardiovascular conditions Omesec and Vascor, respectively, are blockbusters in both local and export markets. Both had undergone Bioequivalent (BE) studies successfully, which affirmed that these products are of the same chemical profile as the innovators. Omesec was awarded the MITI Industry Excellence Award – Innovative Product in 2004. The Company also produces over-the-counter (OTC) products with about 200 items under established brands such as Champs, Flavettes, Proviton, Naturalle, Uphamol, Eye Glo, Sloan’s, O-Fresh and Alucid. Champs has been voted annually as consumer choice children’s vitamins, not only by the Malaysian consumers but also Hong Kong’s, the most recent being “2007 Super Brands Award” by Parent Magazine, Hong Kong. Proviton, the brand for one-aday multivitamins with Panax Ginseng IDB extract, won the MITI Industry Excellence Award - Pioneer in Research of Excellent Product Quality in 1999.

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CCMP has the Malaysian Ministry of Health’s certification as a manufacturer meeting the Good Manufacturing Practice (“GMP”) guidelines of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention and Cooperation Scheme (“PIC/S”) and the requirements of World Health Organisation (WHO). PIC/S is widely recognised in Europe. CCMP has also received 2 other certifications for its products and manufacturing facilities: 1. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) certification from the Australian Ministry of Health which affirms that the Company complies with the Australian Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products, thus allowing its products to be sold in Australia. 2. Halal Certification by JAKIM (Islamic Development Department of Malaysia), a department under the Malaysian Prime Minister, who also has very stringent requirements to be met. The certification is for the Company’s Over-TheCounter (OTC) vitamins and health supplements under the brands Champs, Flavettes, Naturalle and Proviton.

All these certifications ensure that CCMP’s products are produced consistently to the highest standards of quality, safety, efficacy and hygiene. Furthermore, CCMP believes that Halal certification does not only benefits Muslim consumers but also everyone as it focuses on the stringent safety and hygiene aspects of the Company’s products so that they are fit for consumption and use. Furthermore, JAKIM’s Halal certification is recognized internationally and is highly regarded by the Muslim countries all over the world. CCMP’s working relationship with Innovax Sdn Bhd (its sister company who is spearheading CCM’s Research & Development (R&D) activities), together with Synergy America, further affirms the Company’s commitment towards providing consistent and high standards of products at all times for both existing and new innovations. CCMP is currently exporting to over 20 countries, with sales to Muslim countries contributing 20% of total export turnover. It has already established offices in Indonesia, Vietnam and Singapore. The Company will open offices in Thailand and followed by the Philippines before end 2007. Export sales are expected to contribute 40% of CCMP’s annual turnover of in the next 5 years. The new plant, which is scheduled to commence operations by end 2007, will double the production capacity so as to meet the expanding market demands in line with the Company’s growth strategies.

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4/3/07 6:47:50 AM

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Dato’ Jamil Bidin

Dato’ Jamil Bidin, aged 50, is the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Halal Industry Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (HDC). He is an Accountancy graduate and holds a Master Degree in Business Administration (Finance) from the United Kingdom. He started his career in 1984 as an accountant with Rothmans of Pall Mall (M) Berhad. Over the years, he has acquired extensive experience in auditing, corporate finance and in financial management with various public-listed companies such as C.I. Holding Berhad, Arab Malaysian Group and Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad. In 2002, he was made the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Putera Capital Berhad, a main board public-listed company whose activities included manufacturing, construction, property development and engineering. Prior to his appointment as the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of HDC, he was the Corporate Adviser of KUB Malaysia Berhad; a main board conglomerate dealing in information and communication technology, education and training, food and beverage, events, energy, property development and construction. With his vast experience and expertise, he was appointed by the Prime Minister of Malaysia on 16 August 2006 to lead HDC. HDC is a wholly-owned company of the Ministry of Finance, established on 18th September 2006 to develop the halal industry and with a mission to make Malaysia the Global Halal Hub. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of HDC.

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Tan Sri Dr. Yusof Basiron

Tan Sri Dr. Yusof Basiron is the current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC), Malaysia, a position he has held since 2006. Prior to this appointment, Tan Sri Dr. Yusof served as the Director-General of the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). MPOB was formed as a result of the merger between the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM) and the Palm Oil Registration and Licensing Authority (PORLA), a position he was appointed to in 2000. The Chemical Engineering graduate of Canterbury, New Zealand began working life in 1972 as a Rubber Technologist and Techno-Economist at the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia/ Malaysian Rubber Research and Development Board. Seven years later Tan Sri Dr. Yusof joined PORIM, which he helped to establish, and held several posts including that of Acting Director of Chemistry of Technology Division and Director of Techno-Economic and Technical Advisory Service. He quickly rose to become the Deputy Director-General of PORIM and finally, its Director-General, in 1992. In addition to serving as a Board member of MPOC, Tan Sri Dr. Yusof also sits on the Board of FELDA subsidiaries, Tabung Haji Berhad and TH Ladang Sdn Bhd. He holds a Master’s in Industrial Management and an MBA from Belgium’s University of Leuven. In 1986, Tan Sri Dr. Yusof successfully obtained his Doctorate from Scotland’s University of Stirling in Applied Economics and Management Science. He also holds a Fellowship with the Malaysian Scientific Association, Malaysian Oil Scientists’ and Technologists’ Association and with the Academy of Science, Malaysia.

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Badlisyah Abdul Ghani

Badlisyah Abdul Ghani, 34, was appointed the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad on 28th February 2006. He joined Commerce International Merchant Bankers Berhad (CIMB) in 2002 and was attached to the Corporate Finance Division, prior to his appointment as the Group Head of CIMB Islamic. He is responsible for all Islamic banking and finance business of the CIMB Group. He sits on various CIMB group management committees. Since its launch in June 2003, CIMB Islamic – under Badlisyah’s leadership - has received numerous accolades awarded by local and international financial fraternities. “The Best Islamic Bank in Asia 2006” awarded by Euromoney, and the “Global Islamic Investment Bank of The Year 2006” from the Banker, are the latest testament to CIMB Islamic’s expertise and excellence in Islamic finance and underlines its dominance in this field. Prior to joining the CIMB Group, Badlisyah was attached to an offshore banking subsidiary of a premier Malaysian Islamic financial group in Structured Finance, Capital Market and Syndications. As a thoroughbred Islamic Banker, he has been involved in Islamic financial deals involving more than USD10 billion locally and globally. Amongst his notable accomplishments is the creation and introduction of the world’s first Sukuk Al Ijarah, the world’s first Istisna’ Sukuk, and the world’s first musyarakah ABS and RMBS. Badlisyah was named by Euromoney as one of the “Global Top 20 Pioneer in Islamic Finance” for his prominent contribution to the development of the Islamic financial sector in Malaysia and globally. He sits on various industry committees. Among them are: • The Treasury and Debt Markets Committee, Malaysian Investment Banking Association • The Consultative Committee on Islamic Securities Guidelines, Securities Commission Malaysia • The Board of Directors, the International Islamic Financial Market, Bahrain • The Islamic Accounting Standard Committee, Malaysian Accounting Standard Board • The Listing Committee, Labuan International Financial Exchange • The Exchange Committee, Labuan International Financial Exchange • The Islamic Capital Market Consultative Panel, Bursa Malaysia He has a Bachelor of Law Degree from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom. He is also a director of CIMB-Kanoo Islamic Investment Company BSC (C), Bahrain

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Dr. Habib M’Nasria

Dr. Habib M’nasria is the Quality Assurance Director of McDonald’s Middle East, an arm of McDonald’s, the world’s leading foodservice retailer. With over 230 restaurants located throughout the Middle East, and more than 30,000 restaurants globally, McDonald’s has established itself as one of the world’s most well-known and valuable brands. Dr Habib has been instrumental in the establishment of the McDonald’s Halal Guidelines which are now being adopted not only by Middle Eastern countries, but by countries worldwide. The development of these guidelines has helped increased awareness on the importance of Halal within the McDonald’s community of suppliers. In addition, Dr. Habib has also significantly contributed to the alignment of McDonald’s Middle East suppliers to McDonald’s standards of animal welfare, food quality, food safety and social responsibility. In the pursuit of Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value, the foundation of all McDonald’s restaurants worldwide, Dr Habib provides leadership in the development and implementation of the quality vision, infrastructure and systems needed to protect and enhance the brand of McDonald’s. He works directly with suppliers to ensure the appropriate quality and food safety infrastructure is in place to execute the product quality and food safety plan. Dr. Habib holds a Bachelor of Agriculture and a Masters of Science. He also holds a Ph.D in Food Engineering from Colorado State University.

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Tan Sri Dato’ Muhammad Ali Hashim

Tan Sri Dato’ Muhammad Ali Hashim, the Chief Executive of the Johor Corporation (JCorp), graduated from the University of Malaya with a Bachelor of Economics (Honours) degree in 1969 and participated in the Senior Executive Programme, Stanford University, in 1985. He was conferred the Honorary Doctor of Management by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2000. His visionary leadership has built JCorp into a leading Malaysian conglomerate involved in business sectors such as Palm Oils and Oleochemicals, Quick Service Restaurants, Healthcare, Property and Hotels and Intrapreneur Ventures. JCorp successfully managed Malaysia’s first ‘privatised’ local authority, the Pasir Gudang Local Authority (PGLA), with Tan Sri Muhammad as President since 1982. JCorp was the single most important agency responsible for Pasir Gudang’s development into one of Malaysia’s most vibrant industrial townships. JCorp has won many awards, including the prestigious Inaugural Prime Minister’s Quality Awards for Public Sector in 1990. He was named Entrepreneur of the Year by the Rotary Club of Johor Bahru in 1994 and Director of the Year for 1995 by the Malaysian Institute of Directors. He was also named as Property CEO of the Year 2005 by the International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI – Malaysia) and awarded the World Halal Forum Best Corporate Social Responsibility Program Award in 2006. Tan Sri Muhammad sits as Chairman of Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad, QSR Brands Berhad, KFC Holdings Berhad, KPJ Healthcare Berhad, Johor Land Berhad and Sindora Berhad and Damansara Realty Berhad, which are JCorp’s subsidiaries listed on the Main board of the Bursa Malaysia. He is also active as the Council Member of Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA), the President of Johor Football Association, President of the Malaysian Kite Council, Vice President of Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of Corporate Bureau Committee of Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of Kumpulan Waqaf An-Nur Berhad, a charitable institution extending healthcare services to the poor and the needy. Tan Sri Dato’ Muhammad Ali has written two books on business and management: ‘Membujur Lalu ...’ in 1996 and “Bisnes Satu Cabang Jihad” in 2003.

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Total Quality Management from chick to chicken

n i a h c d o o f e h t s e mak safer for your family ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified


For trade enquiries, please contact: Telephone: +603 2170 0999, Fax: +603 2170 0888, Email:

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Othman Md Yusoff

Othman Md Yusoff is the Regulatory Manager with Nestlé Manufacturing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and has been involved with the company’s Halal matters since 1994 as a member of the Halal committee. A graduate of Food Science and Technology from Universiti Putra Malaysia (formerly Universiti Pertanian Malaysia) he has 19 years of experience with Nestlé, which began in the noodles and culinary production division. In 1998 he served as the Product Technology Manager with Nestlé Malaysia where his portfolio of products included noodles, culinary and drinks. In 2004, he was entrusted with the responsibility as the Chairman. Othman was attached to the R&D Centre in Kempthall, Switzerland in 1995 as a Project Manager and subsequently to the Nestlé Head Office in Vevey, as the Technical Advisor for pasta and culinary. He has considerable experience in commissioning projects and in a technical advisory capacity in countries such as Singapore, Turkey, Indonesia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, both Czech and Slovak Republics, France and Germany.

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Jumaatun Azmi

Jumaatun Azmi is the founder and managing director of KasehDia Sdn Bhd, a niche communication and consultancy firm focused on the application of Islamic concepts. KasehDia is most widely known for their work on Halal matters. Under Jumaatun’s leadership, the company has created world renowned events and media products and consulted the government on Halal matters. KasehDia’s consultancy division was involved in the drafting of the Halal Chapter of Malaysia’s 3rd Industrial Master Plan after being appointed as consultant by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in 2006. It also developed the initial framework of the Halal Industry Development Corporation for the Malaysian Prime Minister’s Office. Jumaatun is the Editor of The Halal Journal, a trade publication on the Halal industry currently distributed in over 35 countries. She also founded the award winning Halal Food Guide series which to date has covered eight countries. KasehDia’s other initiatives to assist in the promotion and development of the Halal industry include the creation of The World Halal Forum, Halal Journal TV, Halal Journal Awards, Halal Restaurant Awards and the Halal Journal Workshop Series. Due to her prolific and cutting edge work, Jumaatun has been featured in various international mainstream media including the Asian Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, International Herald Tribune and Bloomberg. She holds a degree in Communication (Honours) from the University of Hartford, Connecticut, USA.

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Irfan Sungkar

Indonesia-born Irfan Sungkar is currently the Head of Research and Advisory at Global Food Research & Advisory Sdn Bhd, a position he has held since September 2006. Prior to that, Irfan served for six years as a Senior Consultant: Food Economist/Developmental Economist, with RMA Perunding Bersatu Sdn Bhd. Additionally, he is presently holding the position of Vice Chairman of the International Association of Registered Financial Consultant/ IARFC’s Indonesia Chapter – a position he has held since June 2003. Irfan is also credited as a freelance writer for Malaysian and Singapore-based journals and industry magazines, including The Halal Journal and Asian Meat Marketing Magazine. A former part-time lecturer, Irfan, 36, holds a Master of Economy from the University of Malaya, with a Major in International Finance and Economics. He graduated cum laude from the College of Economics of Banking and Finance in Jakarta. He is currently pursuing his Doctorate in the University of Malaya. The field of research is titled “Economic Development: Supply Chain Competitiveness and Innovation” and Irfan is expected to complete his studies in 2008. His membership in professional organisations extends to that of the International Association of Registered Financial Consultant (IARFC), USA; the International Agribusiness Management Association, USA; the Society for Risk Analyst, USA; the Malaysian Economics Association, Malaysia and the Malaysian Agricultural Economics Association, Malaysia. He is also presently serving as a Board Member of PT Pavillion Capital in Indonesia, a position he has held since August 2005.

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VISION By the year 1440 Hijrah IDB shall have become a world-class development bank, inspired by Islamic principles, that has helped significantly transform the landscape of comprehensive human development in the Muslim world and helped restore its dignity. MISSION To promote comprehensive human development, with a focus on the priority areas of alleviating poverty, improving health, improving governance and prospering the people. K E Y S T R AT E G I C T H R U S T S • Reform IDB • Alleviate Poverty • Promote Health • Universalise education • Prosper the people • Empower the Sister of Islam • Expand the Islamic financial industry • Facilitate integration of IDB Member Countries economies • Improve the image of the Muslim world PRIORITY AREAS • Human development • Agricultural development and food security • Infrastructure development • Intra-trade among member countries • Private sector development • Research and development (R&D) in Islamic economics IDB MEMBER COUNTRIES 56 member countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Cote d Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyz, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leonne, Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, UAE, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Nigeria. C A P I TA L • Authorized Capital : 15.0 billion Islamic Dinar (US$20.5 billion) • Subscribed Capital : 8.1 billion Islamic Dinar (US$11.06 billion) During the Annual Meeting of the IDB Board of Governors (BOG) in Kuwait, the BOG decided to double the authorized capital of the IDB from ID 15 billion to ID 30 billion (equivalent to about US$ 40 billion), increase the subscribed capital by ID 6.9 billion (equivalent to about US$ 9.2 billion) to become ID 15 billion (equivalent to about US$ 20 billion). OFFICES • The Bank’s principal office is in Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with three regional offices in Almaty (Kazakhstan), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Rabat (Morocco) and field representative offices in 11 eleven member countries :Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Libya, Pakistan, Senegal, Sudan, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania and Algeria


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Ir. Marco Tieman

Ir. Marco Tieman is the Managing Director of MDS Logistics, Malaysia. He is a specialist in logistics and supply chain management and is directly involved in research, consultancy, projects and training. His field of expertise is the design of logistic control systems for complex supply chains, such as agriculture, halal supply chains and third-party logistics provider/fourth party logistic provider (3PL/4PL) systems. Tieman is currently working on the design of an International Halal Park in Selangor for MIHAP Sdn Bhd. He is also the Project Manager for PolyPacific Polymers Sdn Bhd’s project on improvement of materials handling function and design of bar coding solutions. He serves as Adviser and Coach to Gapima Sdn Bhd on the development and implementation of innovative 3PL and 4PL solutions for the logistics service provider. Furthermore, he is assisting the organization in business development. In 2006, he was the Lead Consultant for a pre-feasibility study of a land bridge for Crude Oil between the west and east coast of Peninsula Malaysia conducted by UEM International. Tieman is working on a thesis on ‘Effective Control of Halal Food Supply Chains’ for a PhD from Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia and Wageningen University, the Netherlands. He holds a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management Science (Logistics) from the University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands. Prior to his current appointment, he was a Logistics Researcher with TNO Inro in the Netherlands where he conducted research on agriculture supply chains. He has also served as Senior Consultant for Supply Chain Management and E-business for Magnus Management Consultants in Malaysia and the Netherlands, where he consulted on Supply Chain Management and E-business throughout Asia Pacific. Additionally, Tieman was a Logistics Consultants with Equal Partners in the Netherlands, providing consultation on Supply Chain Managament, Transportation and Distribution. He is also a contributing writer for the Halal Journal on Halal Logistics. Tieman is a frequent speaker on Logistics and Suply Chain Management topics at forums, conferences and universities in Malaysia and abroad.

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Dr. Jochen P. Zoller

Dr Jochen P. Zoller joined Intertek in May 2006 as the Global Director of Intertek’s food services, and became President of the new Food Service division in January 2007. He has a Ph.D. in chemistry from the Technical University of Munich and an MBA from Open University Business School of Great Britain. He has also studied and worked at MIT in the United States and at Oxford University in the United Kingdom. Before joining Intertek, Dr Zoller was the CEO of Genetic ID/Cert ID, a testing, inspection and certification company in the field of traceability of GMO’s – to lead Genetic ID’s expansion in the European Union market. Furthermore, he was the founding Managing Director of TÜV Vitacert GmbH, established in 1999 as an initiative of TÜV Süd AG to provide certification, inspection and testing services for food and animal feed producers. With Dr Zoller’s initiative to harmonize Intertek’s food services into a new division, the mission is not only to provide the one-stop shop the industry seeks for, but also to establish a trusted partnership with clients’ businesses - consistently adding value and increasing competitive advantage in the industry. The concept of food services is to follow a product from concept to final distribution, working with clients to ensure all areas of the business process are accounted for, addressed and successfully monitored. The innovative research in standards development paired with Intertek’s global reach give the company the ability to offer local management of operations anywhere in the world with over 19,000 Intertek team experts in over 110 countries. Due to this knowledge Intertek has signed an MOU with the Halal Development Cooperation of Malaysia to develop the global Halal best practices. In addition to Dr Zoller’s expertise in food surveillance and the development of structures and markets for new and expanding companies, he has a strong scientific background in the field of chemistry with respect to renewable resources. He has made numerous contributions to various academic textbooks and has been published in leading chemical journals.

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Dr. Abd-ElAziem Farouk Gad

Associate Professor Dr Abd-ElAziem Farouk Gad is the founder and coordinator of the Biomolecular Engineering Research Unit at the Department of Biotechnology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). The Unit was set up as a centre of excellence for biomolecular research not only for the country, but also the region. Additionally, Professor Farouk hopes to establish a niche field of research for IIUM and the country through the Unit. Professor Farouk was previously C1 Professor of the Department of Bacterial Genetics at the Institute of Biology at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. He obtained his PhD in ‘Cloning of Thermophilic Bacterial Enzymes and Their Expression in Bacillus and Plants’ in October 1995 from the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in Halle/Saale, Germany. Professor Farouk’s academic interests include biodiversity and molecular taxonomy of bacteria, novel thermophilic bacterial enzymes, functional genomic and molecular evolution of enzymes, transgenic plants as biofactories and enzymes secretion in Bacilli, antibiotic peptides from bacteria and plants, metabolic engineering, drug discovery (Anticancer), New Molecular techniques (Halal/Haram food detection, Genetically Modified Food), biosensors and nanobiotechnology, and bioconversion of plant biomass using bacterial enzymes into valuable products. He has invented an award-winning detection kit to establish the Halal status of food. The kit, which is based on Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), allows for a more specific and efficient detection of pork and its by-products in food. Professor Farouk also currently holds 20 patents, many of which has been granted and translated into trademarks. He has also won major scientific and innovation awards within the country and internationally including the Quality Research Award at both the Faculty of Engineering and University level from IIUM this year and gold medals at the Seoul International Invention Fair and the International Exhibition of Ideas-Inventions-Innovations (IENA) in Nuremberg, Germany last year. Professor Farouk has led Gene Technology and Tissue Culture Workshops in several countries. Additionally, he has been published in over 100 academic journals, conference proceedings and biotechnology databases. He has established a biotechnologybased company (Gadbionovelty) with Malaysian resource-based company, FybOrganic Technologies Sdn Bhd, in a biotechnology venture to produce biofertilisers and animal feed from discarded oil palm trunks. Professor Farouk initiated and proposed the IIUM Halal Research and Consultancy Centre and developed Molecular Halal Research at IIUM.

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Hasan Rimawi

Hasan Rimawi is the Chief Technical Officer with Al Islami, with responsibility over the supply chain Halal process, manufacturing facility, warehousing and logistics, quality and research and development. He joined Al Islami in January 2004 as the Productivity Process Manager. He was tasked with setting up technical and non-technical initiatives and processes geared towards improving the company’s competitive edge. He was also instrumental in implementing key initiatives at Al Islami’s manufacturing facility and warehousing and logistics departments that streamlined many processes and resulted in major improvements. He also led the implementation of 6 Sigma and Waste Buster within the company that ultimately provided tools to help managers improve their operational areas. Prior to joining Al Islami, Hasan Rimawi spent eight years working for the Campbell soup company in the United States, progressing from Manufacturing Engineer to Product Systems Manager. He was responsible for all technical and non-technical aspects for the manufacturing of over USD220 million worth of frozen food products annually. Following his time in Campbell’s, he joined Compaq Corporation in 2001 as its National Process Engineering Manager. Hasan Rimawi is a graduate of California State University in Fresno where he obtained his degree in Industrial Engineering in 1989. He then obtained his MBA from Creighton University in Omaha Nebraska in 2000.

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John Hayes

Jon Hayes has been the Managing Director of Norvic Foods Pty Ltd, a multi-livestock abattoir in Victoria, since 1997. The abattoir exports all its meat, processing up to 70,000 cattle, 850,000 sheep and lambs, 50,000 veal, and 400,000 rangeland goats. It employs a workforce of up to 500. The operations are one hundred percent Halal with products being exported to countries such as USA, Canada, Malaysia, Mexico, Korea, Japan, Middle East, South Africa, China, Taiwan, Indonesia and Singapore. Hayes, who grew up on a dairy farm on the South Coast of New South Wales and attended Agriculture College, has over 33 years experience in the meat industry. He held senior regional management positions within the Export Inspection Service. This includes a posting to Canberra where he was part of the Meat Program Team with a particular focus on the residue and human resources components of the program at critical times in their development. With his broad government and industry background, Hayes has been called upon to represent the meat industry in a range of industry committees. This includes serving as Chairman of the Industry Halal Committee and a member of the AUS-MEAT Standards and Language Committee. He is also a member of the Export Meat Industry Advisory Committee (EMIAC) and the Australian Meat Industry Council’s (AMIC) National Export Lamb, Sheep and Goat Council/Animal Welfare Committee. Hayes began his career in the meat industry with the meat inspection service at the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS). He travelled extensively throughout Australia gaining knowledge in all aspects of Food Inspection including fish, smallgoods, canning, beef pattie processing, poultry, game, quarantine, multispecies abattoirs, export boning rooms, shipping and exports.

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Yavuz Mollasalıhoğlu

Yavuz Mollasalıhoğlu, 45, is currently the Director General of Standardization at the Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade under the Prime Ministry of Republic of Turkey. The Turkish national was formerly the Deputy Director General of Export D.G under the Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade, for over a year. He was also the Head of the Department of Agricultural Export at the General Directorate of Export under the Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade, until January 2003, and was the Chief of Division in the Department of State Support at the General Directorate of Export under the Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade, in 1998. Mollasalıhoğlu was the Senior Expert at the Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade for one year, and prior to that, he served as the Commercial Counsellor at the Turkish Embassy in Beijing, China for four years in 1993. In 1992, he was the Expert at the Undersecretariat for Treasury and Foreign Trade. Mollasalıhoğlu began his career in 1989, as the Assistant Expert in State Planning Organization. He has a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.

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A spectacular event that has everyone queuing up.... Malaysia's Official Food & Hotel Show

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Ziad El Aloul

Ahmad Adam

Palestine-born Ziad El-Aloul is the General Manager for Tahira Foods, reputed to be Europe’s leading Halal brand. He joined the company in 1997, at a time when the company was in the midst of establishing itself in the United Kingdom market. He was tasked with setting up the company’s offices in key European countries such as France, Sweden and Germany. With a strong knowledge of the Halal market and with sound business acumen, Ziad is responsible for much of the company’s success. The company has seen a ten-fold increase in its key performance indices since its inception. This is evidenced by the fact that the Tahira range can now be found in major chains in the UK, such as ASDA, Tesco and Sainsbury’s. Ziad studied for a Business Studies degree in Algeria before moving to London to obtain his Master’s in Marketing Management. A founding member of the Muslim Association of Britain, he remains an active member of the Muslim community. He is also a member of the global Palestinian Business Forum. His interest in politics also led him to become a member of the National Respect Party.

Ahmad Adam is the founder, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Crescent® Foods, the leading provider of Halal Chicken in the United States. A graduate of Electronic Engineering Technology from a leading American university, he founded the company in Chicago in 1995 as he was motivated to provide healthy eating alternatives for the US market. Adam built up Crescent Foods to currently be the first US processor to introduce a complete line of traypacked and fresh/frozen chicken. Crescent is also recognised in the food industry for its innovation in processing – including the use of ozone – and in food safety standards and technology. Crescent Foods is currently forming a joint venture in Malaysia for further processing and valueadded products for export to the Muslim world. Crescent’s products are marketed as two brands: as Crescent for the mainstream US market and as Hilal for Islamic markets.

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Mariam AbduL Latif Mariam Abdul Latif obtained her Diploma in Agriculture from Universiti Pertanian Malaysia in 1977 and in 1990, graduated with an Honours degree in Nutrition from King’s College, University of London. She did her postgraduate Diploma in Community Nutrition at Universiti Indonesia, Jakarta in 1992 and completed her Masters in Food Service Management in 2004 at Universiti Putra Malaysia, specialising in halal food management. She began her career in 1979 as a lecturer in agriculture and food processing at the Institute of Agriculture Air Hitam, Johor and later at the Institute of Agriculture Serdang, Selangor (1990-1993). She joined the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) in 1994 as a Food Technologist in Negeri Sembilan, heading the state food safety programmes. In 1996, she was transferred to the Food Quality Control Division of MOH and established the office of Codex Contact Point Malaysia, taking over from SIRIM, after the latter was corporatised in 1995. Being the country Liaison Officer (Codex Contact Point Malaysia), she had participated in many Codex meetings, defending many issues related to food standards, including the adoption of the General Guidelines for Use of the Term “halal” in 1997. She was appointed as a Consultant to the Codex Secretariat at the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome, Italy in 2001 and 2005. She headed the Halal certification programme under the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) from 2004 to 2006, and currently serves as the Director of Halal Integrity at the Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC).

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Haji Falah Alizzi

Dr. Winai Dahlan

Haji Falah Alizzi entered the Halal industry in the year 2000. Recognising the potential in this growing market, he travelled extensively, gaining numerous contacts across Canada and the United States. In 2004, Haji Falah joined Maple Lodge Farms as a Marketing Manager to develop their Zabiha Halal range of products. During this time he helped create the strong branding and marketing campaigns that have made Zabiha Halal a flagship product range in the Halal market. He also helped with the creation of new products to be added to the range, which is proving successful in export markets. He has worked with the Canadian Ministry of Agriculture on various Halal issues, and meets with ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) regularly to ensure Halal compliance for the company’s day-to-day operations. To promote the growth of the Halal market, he has given many presentations to supermarket buyers across Canada, and has been instrumental in opening the mainstream markets for Halal products. Haji Falah has attended various Halal Conferences around the world, and in 2006, he was invited by the government of Brunei as a guest speaker at their Halal Expo. Recently, he participated in a World Halal Forum Industry Dialogue, giving a presentation during the 2007 Gulf Food Show in Dubai. His dedication and enthusiasm for the growth of the Halal Sector is evident in his work. In addition to his professional commitment, Falah has given his time, for the past 11 years, to guide groups from the Toronto area to perform the Hajj in Mecca.

Associate Professor Dr. Winai Dahlan is the founder and Director of The Halal Science Center in Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. He currently sits on the Executive Board of the Institute for Halal Food Standard of Thailand and is actively involved in the Halal Food Industry Development and Sub-Committee on Halal Product Standard Development of Thailand. His academic contribution includes more than 30 original research articles and more than 50 reviewed scientific articles published internationally and locally. Dr Winai lead the team at the Halal Science Centre and National Food Institute in developing the integrated Halal-GMPHACCP System for Thailand’s Halal industry. With a Degree in Biochemistry and a Master in Nutrition, Dr Winai has also received a Ph.D in Applied Medical Biology with grand distinction by the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Under the leadership of Dr Winai, the Halal Science Center, among its many functions, provides analytical services for the detection of non-Halal contaminations in raw materials and finished products prepared for the Halal food market.

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Nourishing People Cargill is an international provider of food, agricultural and risk management products and services. With 153,000 employees in 66 countries, the company is committed to using its knowledge and experience to collaborate with customers to help them succeed.

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Ikebal Patel Ikebal Patel migrated to Australia with his young family in December 1992, having secured employment in Albury as an Electrical Engineer from Fiji. In Albury Wodonga, Ikebal was the President of the Islamic Society of Albury Wodonga, and worked extremely hard in settling refugees’ families from war-torn Bosnia as well as the refugees fleeing the regime of Iraq after the gulf war. He was also very active in helping the local universities with the settlement of overseas students and their particular needs. In 2000, he was elected the Secretary of the Islamic Society of Albury Wodonga. He also was elected a board member of Narrabundah College in 1999, a position he held for some 4 years. Ikebal also was a Vice President of Telopea Park School in 2001. In 2002, Ikebal was appointed as an Executive Member of the peak national body representing the Muslims of Australia, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC). Subsequently he was elected National Treasurer of AFIC. Ikebal has been an active member of the ACT (Australian Capital Territory) Muslim community working tirelessly in bridge-building between the Australian Muslim community and Australians in the ACT community. He was appointed the Chairman of the ACT Muslim Advisory Council by the ACT Chief Minister in late 2005, and again in November 2006. Ikebal also has been instrumental in commencing the operations of the first full time Islamic School of Canberra. This school has full registration and has been in operation for the second year in 2006 with some 66 students.

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Dato’ Paduka Haji Mohd Hamid bin Haji Mohd Jaafar Dato’ Paduka Haji Mohd Hamid is currently the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources of Brunei. The former Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also serves as a member of the Board of Directors at Royal Brunei Airlines, at Tabung Amanah Perkerja, at Semaun Holding Sdn Bhd, at the Brunei Economic Development Board and at PetroleumBRUNEI. He is also the Deputy Chairman of the Brunei Tourism Board, Chairman of the Royal Brunei Golf Club, Chairman of McDonald’s Brunei, Chairman of Royal Brunei Trading and Chairman of SemaunPRIM, Semaun-Marine, Seiwa, and Semaun Aquaculture Sdn Bhd. From January 2001 till January 2003 he served as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary cum Permanent Representative of Brunei Darussalam to the United Nations Office and Other International Organisations, and to the World Trade Organisation at Geneva. Dato’ Paduka Haji Mohd Hamid holds a BA in Economics from the United Kingdom and lists golf, badminton and football among his interests.

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Darhim Dali Hashim Darhim Dali Hashim, 34, is currently the Director of Capacity Development at the Halal Industry Development Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (HDC), with an impressive background, vast experience and knowledge gained over the years. He is currently responsible for implementing the strategies outlined under capacity building, particularly, to boost domestic production and trading of Halal products. As the former Executive Director of MLC Industries Sdn. Bhd., Darhim was in charge of the overall operations and trading in high-grade imported Halal meat. With considerable experience in the Halal industry, he was thus invited to share his knowledge and experience on the debut season of Halal Journal TV and to become a moderator at the World Halal Forum in 2006. Prior to that, he was the Manager of Corporate Services and Business Development for NADICORP Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (Nadicorp), whereby his areas of responsibility included business planning, strategic development and planning, performance monitoring, evaluation of new business and investment opportunities, and corporate branding activities. He oversaw the development of Nadicorp’s agri-business sector and was then seconded to serve as the acting Chief Financial Officer from May 2004 to July 2004 for Park May Berhad. He was the Chief Financial Officer and Investment Manager for a venture capital company with a regional presence, Banyan Ventures Sdn. Bhd. His responsibility was in reporting and the overall financial management of the company and also other companies in the fund’s portfolio. On top of that, he was also an investment manager responsible for scoping potential investments, performing necessary evaluations and assessments, conducting due diligence (financial, legal and commercial) and structuring the investment appropriately. He was an audit manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) based in Kuala Lumpur after having completed his Chartered Accountancy qualification with Kingston Smith in London. His responsibilities covered the overall statutory audit assignments and financial due diligence investigations. He obtained his Bachelor of Science (Hons.) degree in Economics from the University of Bristol, United Kingdom.

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Prof. Haji Dr. Muhammad Sadek Mohamed Sadek, born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, pursued his tertiary education in Lahore, Pakistan, in Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, at the College Of Animal Husbandry, Punjab University. After graduating in 1966, he returned to Malaysia and served in the Malaysian government’s Veterinary Services Department as a Veterinary Officer / Doctor until 1971. He then proceeded to the United Kingdom to do Post-graduate studies and obtained Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Food Science. Upon returning to Malaysia in 1974 he joined the Mara Institute of Technology at Shah Alam and was appointed the Head of Food Technology Department in 1975. Dr. Sadek served as a Technical Member of Malaysia’s Halal / Haram Committee in 1982 at the Islamic Center (Pusat Islam), until 1998, when the Halal evaluation program was privatised. He then opted for early retirement from Mara Institute of Technology in 1993 but continued to assist Malaysia’s Department of Islamic Development (JAKIM) in conducting Halal audits in Europe, South America and the United States until 1998. He also assisted IFANCA in matters related to Halal certification, Plant supervision and Food Conferences. Dr. Sadek was appointed IFANCA’s (Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America) Director of International Affairs in 1996. In 1999 he was appointed Vice President of the World Halal Food Council at the permanent Secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia. He has served as Chairman of the Islamic Food Council of Europe since 2002. He was promoted to Vice President of IFANCA in 2004 and also as Secretary General of World Halal Council that same year. He was also appointed Visiting Professor at the University College of Technology and Management Studies in Shah Alam, Malaysia.

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Dato’ Dr. Mohd Hashim Ahmad Tajudin Dato’ Dr. Mohd Hashim Ahmad Tajudin, currently the Group Managing Director of Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad (CCM), holds a PhD in Soil Fertility and Management from Universiti Putra Malaysia. He has also attended the Advanced Management Programme at INSEAD, France, and the Harvard Premier Business Management Programme. Prior to his stint in CCM, he was a Senior Director in Oils and Fats Division of Golden Hope Plantations Berhad. He held several other positions during his 26-year career stint in Golden Hope. He was a Director in the Research and Development Division from 1998 to 2003 and Executive Director of Golden Hope Research Sdn Bhd and Golden Hope Agrotech Consultancy Sdn Bhd. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Hashim is a member of several professional bodies and societies and is involved in the Professional and Technical bodies of several Malaysian organizations. He is a Council member of the MARDI Science Council and the Chairman of Planters Editorial Committee for the Incorporated Society of Planters. He is also a member of the strategic R&D Directorate of the National Biotechnology Council and a Council Member of the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM). Dato’ Dr. Mohd Hashim is a Committee Member of the Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Cluster Working Group (CWG) to Jawatankuasa Penasihat Pensyarikatan Bumiputera (JPPB) – an advisory committee for Bumiputera companies – and of the Implementation Coordination Unit, Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Prime Minister’s Office). He was an Adjunct Professor of the Agricultural Faculty, Universiti Putra Malaysia and a member of the Programme Advisory Committee of the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). Additionally, as a scientist, he has published more than 60 technical papers.

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Dinar Standard Dinar Standard™ ( is an online publication for businesses in the Muslim world providing actionable insights and resources for them to compete regionally and globally. Its trademark report, DS100, on the Top 100 Businesses of the Muslim World, has become a key competitiveness benchmark. The publication also provides authoritative analysis, expert views, success stories and rankings/lists on topics of business innovation, leadership/ management, finance, marketing/PR, technology and the Muslim Lifestyle Market™. Readers can subscribe to its free newsletter to keep in touch with the latest updates.

Business & Financial ‘Business & Financial’ is a Chinese language monthly magazine that concerns about the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It focuses on various business issues such as practical ways to improve company governance, increasing technological levels as well as enhancing management skills and marketing techniques. The publication aims to help strengthen SMEs economic resilience in general to keep up with the current global business environment. Regular features include Economic Trends, Eye on the World, Management Forum and Branding.

The Investors Magazine The Investors Group boasts the leading business magazine in the GCC area – The Investors Magazine – which is based in Kuwait. The publication, founded in 1999, is bilingual and published monthly. It is touted as the key medium with which to target readers in the corporate sector in Kuwait. The Group also houses an Events division that organises banking, investment, real estate and various corporate exhibitions and seminars.

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Processed Food Industry Processed Food Industry (PFI) is a monthly trade magazine which has succeeded in establishing itself as a spokesperson for the processed food industry. It is now in its tenth year of publication. Boasting a readership of over 50,000 people, the magazine provides its readers with a rich cuisine of authentic articles, features and comprehensive industry and news product news. Some two-thirds of its readers include heads of companies and senior management personnel. PFI is an excellent medium in which companies involved in the food industry can communicate their messages across South Asian countries.

Islamic Finance News Islamic Finance News is the industry’s leading capital markets-focused e-newsletter, bringing you unrivalled editorial coverage of the global Islamic financing market. It provides insightful and intelligent editorial coverage from around the world, helping you keep ahead. Industry professionals and leading academics contribute via non-biased, educational and up-to-date country and sector reports, giving you a first-hand knowledge and understanding of the Islamic finance markets and instruments from an experts’ point of view. For a trial subscription, please contact Geraldine Chan at +603 2143 8100 or email geraldine.

OIC Today OIC Today Magazine is an economic magazine created to serve the Muslim business community at large, especially for Muslim nations or members of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC). It was launched by Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. The OIC Today magazine contains the latest information on trade activities in OIC member countries and is also a vital platform to disseminate information that will help the Muslim business community to trade and promote their products. Officially, it is published by Ramcel Media in collaboration with Malaysia OIC Trade Chamber based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. OIC Today acts as the gateway to Islamic economies and OIC nations.

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