World Halal Forum 2010 - Executive Review

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The 5th

The executive review 2010 21 - 22 JU NE 2 0 1 0 | 8 & 9 Rejab 1431 H | KUA L A LUMPUR, M A L AY SI A

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The 5th World Halal Forum

21-22 JUNE 2010 |

8 & 9 R ejab 1 4 3 1 H




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6/15/10 8:19:48 PM

HALAL IN A BOX Training is an integral part of IHI Alliance’s global Halal initiatives in creating a seamless network of Halal integrity that cuts across the entire supply chain. Halal in a Box (HIAB) is a developmental programme designed to help build a properly structured Halal certification body and establish a national Halal assurance system. The programme aims to ensure that every country regardless of it being a Muslim or non-Muslim majority country, will have at least one accredited certifying body ensuring Halal certification in compliance with common standards and procedures. Through this training programme, a country will be able to set up a certifying body for domestic certification by using the ICCI-IHI Alliance Global Halal Standard as a reference. To learn more about the HIAB programme, please contact us at: Tel : +603 2300 1344 Fax : +603 2300 1312 Email :

global halal unity IHI DPS ad-ER.indd 2

6/14/10 2:56:20 AM

HALAL LEAD AUDITOR’S TRAINING In its global quest to establish Halal as a holistic premium standard, IHI Alliance is now taking the lead to address the industry’s call for highly competent auditors to preserve the integrity of Halal. Halal Lead Auditor’s Training (HLAT) is a training programme aimed to elevate the quality of the Halal auditing process in accordance with the guidelines set forth in ICCI-IHI Alliance’s Global Halal Standard. HLAT imposes stringent criteria in maintaining Halal integrity striking a balance between theoretical and practical skills essential for auditors with different levels of experience. We invite companies, organisations and individuals to be part of IHI Alliance Global Halal initiatives to build a stronger and robust global Halal industry. To learn more about or book a session on the HLAT programme, please contact us at: Tel : +603 2300 1344 Fax : +603 2300 1312 Email : IHI DPS ad-ER.indd 3

6/14/10 2:56:37 AM

the 5th

Th e E x e c u ti v e Rev iew 201 0

Contents Messages 05 Message by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, The Honourable Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Hj Abdul Razak 06 Message by the World Halal Forum Chairman, Dato’ Seri Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel 07 World Halal Forum Charter 08 Message by the Host of the World Halal Forum, International Halal Integrity Alliance 60 World Halal Forum in the International Media

Cover Feature 12 State of the Global Halal Industry - An Overview

Profiles 09 International Halal Integrity Alliance 24 Nestlé 26 Dallah Albaraka 28 Chemical Company of Malaysia 30 Penang International Halal Hub Kontena Nasional Berhad 46 World Halal Meat Map 52 Media Partners 58 KasehDia

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Speakers 34 Jumaatun Azmi 35 Dr. Ali Chawk Dr. Anwar Nasim 36 Dr. Behzad Ghareyazie Dirk Becquart 39 Dr. Haluk Anil Dr. Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi 40 Hisham Harun Hashim Irfan Sungkar 41 Dr. John Bennett Leonard Ariff bin Abdul Shatar 42 Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa Rafaiq Bakri Zakaria

Panelists 43 Dato’ Mukhriz bin Tun Dr. Mahathir 44 Dato’ Dr. Abd. Aziz Bin Jamaluddin Badlisyah Abdul Ghani 45 Dr. Cedomir Nestorovic Darhim Dali Hashim 48 Dato’ Iskandar Mizal Mahmood Dato’ Seri Jamil Bidin 49 Layla Mandi Mariam Abdul Latif 50 Professor Dato’ Dr. Muhamad Muda Wang Xihui Hakimah Mohd Yusoff

6/16/10 2:34:59 AM

the 5th World Halal Forum


the prime minister of malaysia

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh The global Halal economy continues to develop at a fast pace, given its vast captive market of a growing

Muslim population and potential market of non-Muslim consumers. The Malaysian government is committed to

playing a leading role in developing the Halal economy and encouraging more industries and companies to participate. Towards this end, my government is undertaking a range

of initiatives, and the World Halal Forum, now in its fifth chapter, is an important part of this.

Going forward, the main challenge is to reinforce Malaysia’s leadership in the global Halal economy by

looking at the bigger picture and creating greater awareness of the Halal ecosystem. Halal must be elevated

into a premium brand that is recognised by all throughout the world to be a symbol of quality and excellence.

The mindset regarding Halal must also be transformed from being confined to just food. There are a wealth of opportunities in other areas including non-food consumer products, Islamic Finance, Logistics and Tourism.

Malaysia sees the World Halal Forum as an important platform to further galvanise the Halal agenda.

This gathering of stakeholders of the Halal industry – the corporate sector, academia, non-governmental organisations, Islamic organisations and Governments from around the world – is key to discussing and

addressing relevant issues within industry, and provides the best platform for networking among those interested in the Halal industry. Deep as well as wide ranging discussions are necessary given the multifaceted nature of the Halal industry.

The theme of the fifth edition of the World Halal Forum is ‘State of the Industry: Market Access and

International Trade’. Realising the potential of the Halal industry requires thorough understanding of all the key issues and challenges. Consensus and cooperation, among Muslim nations, will be crucial to our success. I urge all those involved in this industry to focus on practical means and effective measures towards this theme.

I commend KasehDia Sdn Bhd as the organising committee for their tireless efforts in making the World

Halal Forum an increasingly significant global event in the Halal industry. The Malaysian government will

continue to support the World Halal Forum and Halal Malaysia Week and continue to encourage all key players to show their support and commitment towards this worthy cause. 1Malaysia “People First, Performance Now”

D ato ’ S ri M o hd N a j ib

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6/16/10 2:35:12 AM

the 5th World Halal Forum

Message from The Chairman of World Halal Forum

GR E E T I NGS TO A L L D E L E G AT E S F R O M A R O U N D TH E G LO B E It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the World Halal Forum 2010 here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the heart of thought leadership in the global Halal industry. Although only in its fifth

year since inception, World Halal Forum has quickly matured into becoming the premier platform for multi-stakeholder engagement in one of the fastest growing industries worldwide.

Despite the global economic crisis of the last two years, the Halal industry has not only withstood the adverse

effects but it has continued to grow unabatedly. Similarly, the Islamic Finance sector has proven to be equally

resilient, demonstrating the clear advantage of having solid foundations based on real assets and ethical values.

Perhaps this is an inflexion point in the development of Muslim civilisation. There is no

doubt that since the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Muslim world has experienced a decline

in terms of socioeconomic development. It is no surprise then that the majority of the 57 OIC (Organisation of the Islamic Conference) member countries are developing nations.

Since the attacks on the World Trade Centre on 11 September 2001, a new generation of Muslims

have grown up in a world where religion is highly sensitised and polarising. It is widespread that a new term was coined to describe it, “Islamophobia�, further exacerbating the divide between

Muslims and non-Muslims. The Halal economy has the potential to heal this divide through forging strong universal values and partnerships to see through this current economic crisis.

Conventional banking groups who diversified into Shariah-compliant products have managed to find

solace from their Islamic finance arm. Livestock farmers in the West have had their livelihoods saved by the demand from the Halal market offsetting the negative trend in meat consumption amongst non-Muslims.

An increasing number of global industry players are realising the potential of the Halal economy. This is

indeed an opportunity for Muslims to integrate into the mainstream and play the leading roles. Genuine actions in the name of faith will demonstrate the true face of Islam and dispel the misconceptions created by the media.

Muslims and non-Muslims alike must join hands in this endeavour to ensure that Halal products and services

are of the highest integrity and are readily available for all to consume. As Muslims, we must also put aside our own internal differences and build on the strength of our diversity, rather than allow it to fragment us.

Insya Allah, as a united and integrated effort, we may be able to forge ahead and lead the

way for a globalised world that is based on positive values, transparency, morals and a stronger sense of compassion for our peers, the entire living world and for future generations. Dato’ Seri S heikh S aleh A bdullah K amel

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6/15/10 2:03:56 PM

the 5th World Halal Forum

World Halal Forum Charter

T h e H a l a l m a r k e t h a s e m e rg e d a s a g lobal force. Halal transcends t r a d i t i o n a l i n d u s t r y - s e c t o r b o u n d a r i e s and definitions, and i s f a s t b e c o m i n g t h e n e w m a r k e t p a r a digm with its own u n i q u e set o f is s u e s , c h alle n g e s an d o pportunitie s .

T h e Wo r l d H a la l F o ru m h as b e e n e s ta blis he d to a c hie ve the follow ing:

To provide a focal point for the global Halal industry To gather Halal industry experts, leaders and specialists to share their views, knowledge and expertise To be an arena for discussion, networking and collaboration to stimulate the growth and development of the Halal market To facilitate the resolution of problems and issues of concern within the Halal industry To coordinate and assist subject-specific industry groups and technical committees to support excellence, innovation and improvement in the Halal market To develop and promote the concept of Halal to realise its full potential as a globallyrecognised symbol of quality and safety To assist and support the development of world-class Halal industry standards covering the entire value chain

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6/15/10 2:04:04 PM

the 5th World Halal Forum

Message from The Host International Halal Integrity Alliance

WAR M GR E ET IN G S TO A L L D E L E G AT E S The International Halal Integrity Alliance (IHI Alliance) is once again proud to host the most prestigious event of the global Halal industry calendar.

Last year’s Forum in 2009 marked a significant milestone when four draft modules of the Global Halal Standards were unveiled for the first time.

In 2010, I am pleased to announce that the four initial modules will be published

as final standards and we will release another four draft modules for public review. On behalf of IHI Alliance, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all the stakeholders who played an integral role in developing the standards.

The development of the Global Halal Standards is the first part of a

longer and more arduous journey to achieving harmony in this fragmented industry. During the past year, IHI Alliance executives and partners have

worked tirelessly to engage as many stakeholders as possible wherever they

may be. We are grateful to be able to leverage on the extensive network of our strategic partner, the Islamic Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI).

Through the ICCI, IHI Alliance has succeeded in making strides into the realm of

the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Many of the OIC member countries

are in fact “greenfield” areas with no Halal standards nor certification structures in place. One of IHI Alliance’s developmental programmes aims to build the capacity of these countries so that they too are able to integrate with the mainstream Halal economy.

At the same time, IHI Alliance has been working closely with the

major consumer goods industry players to devise practical solutions to ensure the integrity and availability of Halal products everywhere.

In the spirit of inclusivity and cooperation, I look forward to all your

valuable input at the World Halal Forum 2010 for global Halal unity. DAR HI M B I N D A L I H A S H IM

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6/15/10 2:04:42 PM

the 5th World Halal Forum

The Host of WHF 2010 International Halal Integrity Alliance (IHI Alliance)

I n t e r n a t i o n a l H a l a l I n t e g r i t y A l l i a n c e (IHI A l l i a n c e ) i s a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l n o n - p r o fit o rg a n i sa tio n cre a te d to u p h o ld th e in te grity of t h e H a l a l m a r k e t c o n c e p t i n g l o b a l t r ade through r e c o g n i t io n , c o llab o ra tio n an d memb ers hip. I H I A l l i a n c e w a s i n c o r p o r a t e d a s a company l i m i t e d b y g u a r a n t e e i n t h e i n t e r n a t i onal offshore Fi n a n c i a l Ce n tre o f L ab u a n o n 3 0 A p ril 2007. T h e f o r m a t i o n o f I H I A l l i a n c e w a s t h e outcome o f a r e s ol u t i o n t h a t w a s p a s s e d a t t h e inaugural Wo r l d H a l a l F o r u m i n M a y 2 0 0 6 b y i nternational d e l e g a t e s r e p r e s e n t i n g a l l a r e a s o f t h e Halal i n d u st r y v alu e ch ain fro m a p p ro x ima te ly 30 c o u n t r i e s , to fo rm its o w n in d u s try o rga nis a tion. St r a t e g i c P a r tn e r s h ip w ith I s la mic Chambe r o f Co m m e rce & I n d u s tr y (I C C I ) D u r i n g t h e 11 t h O rg a n i s a t i o n o f t h e I slamic C o n f e r e n c e ( O I C ) I s l a m i c S u m m i t h e ld in Dakar, S e n e g a l o n 1 3 - 1 4 M a r c h 2 0 0 8 , a r e s o lution was p a sse d t o fo rmally re c o g n is e Is lamic C ha mbe r of C o m m e r c e & I n d u s t r y ( I C C I ) , a n a ff i liated institution o f t h e O I C , a s t h e p r i n c i p a l r e p r e s e n t ative of the p r i v a t e s e c t o r i n O I C m e m b e r s t a t e s as regards t o v a l u e s , H a l a l a n d q u a l i t y c o n t r o l a nd urged all I s l a m i c g o v e r n m e n t s t o f a c i l i t a t e t h e procedures f o r a c t i v a t i n g i t s m e c h a n i s m . A k e y component o f t h i s m a n d a t e i s t o e s t a b l i s h a g l o b al Halal a u t h o r i t y, w h ich is en v is io n e d to b e I H I A llia nc e . I C C I f o r m a l i s e d i t s p a r t n e r s h i p w ith IHI Alliance o n 1 0 M a y 2 0 0 8 f o r t h e l a t t e r t o i m p l ement the m a n d a t e to ICC I g iv e n b y th e O IC a t the Is la mic S u m m i t i n S e n e g a l . T h i s p o s i t i o n w a s reinforced at a Se n i o r O ffic ia ls M ee tin g o f th e O IC in M a y 2008 w h e r e t h e r e w a s a l m o s t u n a n i m o u s s upport for the r o l e o f M ala y s ia an d IH I A llia n ce , in pa rtic ula r, to e st a b l i sh an in tern atio n a l H a la l b o d y unde r the O IC . A t t h e S e s s i o n o f t h e C o u n c i l o f Foreign Ministers h e l d i n U g a n d a o n 1 8 - 2 0 J u n e 2 0 0 8 , resolution 7 / 3 5 - E u n d e r E co n o mic A ffairs ac k n ow le dge d t h e e ff o r t s o f IH I A llia n ce in d e v elo p ing a n I C C I - I HI A llian ce G lo b a l H a la l S tan d a rd. IH I Al l i a n c e ’s fra me w o rk o n th e d e v elo p me nt of t h e S t a n d a r d w a s d u l y a p p r o v e d a t t h e Islamic C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e & I n d u s t r y ( I CCI) General Asse m b l y h eld in C airo , E g y p t o n 2 M a y 2009. A t t h e Wo r l d H a l a l F o r u m 2 0 0 9 , f our of the m o d u l e s o f t h e G l o b a l H a l a l S t a n d a r d were tabled f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e f o r p u b l i c r e v i e w. Speakers and p a n e l i st s co n s is tin g o f S h a ria h e x p e rts , s c ie ntis ts , a n d i n d u s t r y p l a y e r s d i s c u s s e d t h e f o ur draft modules w h i c h a r e F o o d S e r v i c e s , L o g i s t i c s , Animal Welfare a n d An i m a l S lau g h ter & P ro ce s s in g . A ll four module s h a v e n o w b e e n fin alis e d a n d s late d for public la unc h a t t h e Wo rld H ala l F o ru m 2 0 1 0 . A ls o s e t to ma ke

a de but a t the forum w ill be a nothe r f our dr af t modules namely Food Processing, Animal Feed, Lab Te s ting & A na lys is a nd C os me tic s & Toi l et r i es. Har monis ation of Halal indus tr y In bringing the much needed harmonisation to the H a la l indus try, IH I A llia nc e introduc ed Gl obal Hal al M a na ge me nt Sys te m (G H M S) - a glob al devel opm ent al programme that covers not only Shariah requirements but a ls o four othe r princ iple s i.e . qual i t y m anagem ent services (QMS), food safety, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmen tal management. G H M S is de s igne d to a lign the s tandar d of pra c tic e a mong c e rtific a tion bodie s a nd el evat e the ir s ta tus to be c ome A s s oc ia te me mber s of I HI Alliance using ICCI-IHI Alliance Global Halal Standard as the base. IHI Alliance membership is also the global networking platform that rallies e s ta blis he d a nd a s piring H a la l pla ye rs t o be at the fore front of its globa l H a la l initiat i ves. From the outset, IHI Alliance has been engaging key stakeholders ranging from international standard bodies, influential industry players, leading institutes of higher learning, religious scholars and scientists in every aspect of its globa l H a la l initia tive s . B ila te ra l e ng agem ent s with institutions like Al-Azhar University and World Society for the Protection of Animals (W SPA ) ha ve re s ulte d in c olle c tive e n dor sem ent s tha t ha ve prove n c ritic a l to the de ve lo pm ent of IC C I-IH I A llia nc e G loba l H a la l Sta ndar d. I HI A llianc e Tr aining Progr amme s Training is an integral part of IHI Alliance’s global Halal initiatives in creating a seamless network of Halal integrity that cuts across the entire supply chain. IHI Alliance’s Halal in a Box (HIAB) is a developmental programme designed to build a properly structured Halal certification body and establish a national Halal assurance system. The programme aims to ensure that each country re ga rdle s s w he the r it is a M us lim or n on- Musl i m ma jority c ountry, s ha ll ha ve a t le a s t o ne accr edi t ed c e rtifying body e ns uring H a la l c e rtificat i on i n c omplia nc e w ith c ommon s ta nda rds and pr ocedur es. Halal Lead Auditor ’s Training (HLAT) is another tra ining progra mme de ve lope d by IH I Al l i ance aimed to elevate the quality of the Halal auditing process in accordance with the guidelines set forth in IC C I-IH I A llia nc e G loba l H al al St andar d. HLAT imposes stringent criteria in maintaining Halal integrity with structured methodologies of Halal conformity assessment striking a balance between theoretical and practical skills essential for a uditors w ith diffe re nt le ve ls of exper i ence.

Inter natio n a l Ha l a l I n t e g r i t y Al l i a n c e Lt d ( L G 0 5 8 4 8 ) 16-2, Jala n 2 7 / 7 0 A, De s a S r i Ha r t a ma s , 5 0 4 8 0 K u a l a L u m p u r, M a l a ysi a

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6/15/10 2:04:49 PM

this is why: Whatever rules man can invent governing his business and social behaviour, internal principles can only be found in Holy Book. And being eternal, any enterprise based on these principles would own the key to long term success. The recipe is easy: first, People come before Profit, and this is what defines whether we start a certain business or not. And we never neglect our Ethics based on the Islamic principles. Another corner stone in our business, is the core of all our philosophy – it’s the benefit for the Community. We never define ourselves as Innovators, unless we really are.

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6/15/10 11:50:50 AM

instructed to last.

Nation-Building in Action

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6/15/10 11:50:57 AM

the 5th World Halal Forum F e at u r e Art ic le

State of the Glob al Hal al Industry

– An Overview


h e r a p i d l y c h a n g i n g global environment has added to the c o m p l e x i t i e s o f t h e Halal industry. At the same time, Muslim c o n s u m e r s a n d o t h e rs are taking more factors into considerations b e f o r e m a k i n g p u r c hasing decisions. It is known that factors such a s r i s i n g i n c o m e l e vels, higher level of education and access t o i n f o r m a t i o n , i n c r easing demand for convenient products as w e l l a s r i s i n g c o n c e rns on good process values such as health,

e t h i c a l a n d n u t r i t i o n a l v a l u e s , d o h a v e a n impact on purchase decision and behaviour. I t s h o u l d a l s o b e n o t e d t h a t r e l i g i o n a n d beliefs (value sets) are becoming more i m p o r t a n t f a cto rs th at in flu en ce co n s u mers ’ purc ha s e de c is ions a nd be ha viours .

E m e rg ing I n t e r e s t s T h e H a l a l i n d u s t r y i t s e l f i s q u i t e u n i q u e i n the sense that it is the largest industry w h e r e r e l i g i o u s v a l u e s a n d b e l i e f s a r e u p held during the entire production chain p r o c e s s . A s w e e n t e r t h e n e w d e c a d e o f r a pid globalisation and liberalisation, there is a n e m e rg i n g in tere s t to w ard s M u s lim c o n s ume rs in a lmos t e ve ry pa rt of the w orld.

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6/15/10 2:05:00 PM

the 5th World Halal Forum Feat ure A rticle

A w o rld w id e p ublis he d re port by A .T. K e a rne y [2007] re ve a le d the followi ng: “Since Muslims are the fastest growing consumer segment in the world, any company that is not considering how to serve them is missing a significant opportunity to affect both its top and bottom line growth. Although there are political and social pitfalls to consider, the opportunities are so vast and farreaching that they greatly outweigh the risks. With many of the world’s consumer segments reaching a saturation point, the Muslim consumer is fast becoming a new outlet to build a base for future growth.”

M u s li m s i n Eu r ope There is no reliable population data that categorises religious affiliation in European countries because European governments generally do not collect ethnic and/or religious statistics. While incomplete and disperse official statistics may be available, these are often biased. The Halal Journal and WHF Secretariat has completed an extensive two-year research assignment to determine a reasonable projection of Muslim population and size of the Halal market based on the best proxies, comparison of various estimates, and field research with the aim to develop the closest reliable projection. Based on this research, the projected number of Muslims in the whole of Europe, EU-15, and several major European countries is as shown in Table 1: Ta b le 1 : P ro jec tion of Mus lim s in Europe & Se le c te d C ountr ie s , 2005-2010


C ountr y


20 10


Tota l Europe








EU -15 (W e s te rn/N orthe rn)

F ra nc e

Ge rma ny

U nite d K ingdom

The N e the rla nds

M us lim Population (‘000)










1,0 50

I n E u r o p e , t h e Muslim population is expected to reach 54.7 million in 2010, a n i n c r e a s e f r o m 51.2 million in 2005. In most cases, these are migrants f r o m M u s l i m - majority countries such as Turkey, parts of Asia, North Africa, a s w e l l a s t h e o ther African states. The Russian Federation has the largest M u s l i m p o p u l a tion (about 22 million), followed by France, Germany, U n ite d K in g d o m a nd The N e the rla nds in tha t orde r. In EU -15 (We s te rn/ N o rth ern E u ro pe ) c ountrie s , the numbe r of M us lims w a s c los e to 20 mill i on in 2 0 0 5 , p ro je c te d to c ontinue inc re a s ing to 25.23 million by 2010.

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6/16/10 2:36:37 AM

the 5th World Halal Forum F e at u r e Art ic le

A l t h o u g h M u s l i m s i n E u r o p e a r e o f t e n c r i ticised for seeing themselves as a d i s t i n c t g r o u p , i n r e a l i t y t h e y a r e f a r f r o m this homogenous characteristic, e s p e c i a l l y a f te r t a k i n g i n t o a c c o u n t d i e t a r y, lifestyle and other socio-economic b a c k g r o u n d s . T h e Tu r k i s h M u s l i m s , r e p r e senting almost 70 per cent of Muslims i n E u r o p e , h av e l i t t l e i n c o m m o n w i t h t h e predominantly Algerian and Moroccan M u s l i m s i n F r a n c e w h o a r e i n t u r n v e r y d ifferent with Asian and Suriname-origin M u s l i m s i n T h e N e t h e r l a n d s . D e s p i t e t h e s e distinctions, some striking phenomena a r e o b s e r v e d : M u s l i m s r e q u i r e H a l a l f o o d and will put in great effort to obtain i t . Se c o n d l y, M u s lims a re fas t b e in g in te g r a te d w ith the globa l e c onomy. T h e H a l a l i n d u s t r y i s a n i n d u s t r y w h e r e t he products are universal, and are n o t o n l y d e s t i n e d f o r M u s l i m c o n s u m e r s a lone; making possible opportunities l a rg e r t h a n t he 1 . 8 3 b i l l i o n M u s l i m s i n t h e world, as they only constitute o n e - f o u r t h o f th e g lo b a l p o p u latio n . A lth ough it is de s tine d unive rs a lly, t h e Ha l a l i n d u s try h as a s in g u la r th e o lo g ica l pa ra me te r tha t the produc ts b e i n g m a n u f ac tu red mu s t b e p e rmis s ib le fo r M us lim c ons umption, w hic h m e a n s t h a t t h e y a r e n o t a g a i n s t I s l a m i c p r inciples and values. O n t h e o t h e r s i d e , t h e H a l a l m a r k e t a n d i n dustry is not a single market and i n d u s t r y ; i t i s b e y o n d c o u n t r y b o u n d a r i e s and fragmented by many issues i n v a r i o u s r e g i o n s . T h e r e f o r e , h a v i n g a r e al understanding of the industry i t se l f , i n c l u d in g th e is s u e s is c ru cia l to ens ure e ffic ie nt tra ns la tion into a f u n d a m e n t a l l y s t r o n g a n d s u s t a i n a b l y g r o wing industry for the benefit of a l l st a k e h o l d e rs in v o lv e d , an d es p ec ia lly for the umma h a s a w hole .

Unde rstan d i n g Awa r en es s Le v e l Issue s T h e p r e s e n t I s l a m i c r e s u rg e n c e a n d i n c r e a sing complexities of international trade a s w e l l a s c o n s u m e r m a r k e t s h a v e l e d t o i ncreasing awareness from consumers o n t h e c o n t e nts , p ro ce s s , s o u rc e s an d v a lue s of produc ts a nd s e rvic e s . Produc t

O n t he o t h e r s ide, the Halal market a n d i n d u s t r y i s not a single market and i n d u s t r y , i t i s beyond country boundaries and f r a g m e n t e d b y many issues in various regions. E x e c u t i v e R e v i e w 2 010

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6/15/10 2:05:13 PM

the 5th World Halal Forum Feat ure A rticle

F i g u re 1 : Av e r a g e Aw a ren es s L ev e l 100




60 40



P h a rm a ceu t i ca l s

Cosmetics & P erso n a l C a re

20 0 Mea t & M e a t - b a s e d

Pro c e s s e d F o o d

res e a rc h c o n d u c te d by the World H a la l Forum s e c re ta ria t in 2008/2009 foun d t hat t he a w a r e n e s s l e v e l i s not only increasing but widening beyond meat and food products, t o w a r d s o t h e r s e c tors such as logistics, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and animal feed. W h i l e a w a r e n e s s l evel is increasing and widening, the concept of ‘Halal’ or ‘What is H a la l’ b e c o mes p ola ris e d a t the s a me time . H a la l ha s be c ome s ymbolic a nd cul t ur es e n s i t i v e w h i l e s t i ll being theologically defined. The meaning is also found to be d y n a m i c a n d h e t e rogeneous, or socially constructed during a period of time. G e o g r a p h i c a l l o c a tions where Muslims live also influence and result in variations o f th e H a la l co n c e pt the y a dopt. W ha t is a c c e pta ble to one e thnic or c ultural gr oup o r a co u n try may not be a c c e pta ble to a nothe r e thnic , group or c ountry. A t t he sam e t i m e , M u s l i m s a l l over the world agree that Shariah principles and values govern t h e l i v e s o f e v e r y Muslim, and influence the trends and beliefs of every Muslim.

Ha l a l C erti f i e r s – C on fi d e n ce a n d Awa r e n e ss Aw a re n es s lev el is c urre ntly foc us e d on ins titutions is s uing H a la l c e rtific a te and Hal al l a b e l / l o g o , w i t h t he exception of Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and Singapore w h e r e t h e H a l a l c ertificate issuer are the government or quasi-government institution. I n t h e M i d d l e E a s tern countries or many other Islamic countries, consumers presume a l l f o o d s a r e H a l a l and put the responsibility on assurance to their governments. In n o n -M u s lim ma jority c ountrie s (for e xa mple c ountrie s in Europe or the Am er i cas) , H a l a l c e r t i f i c a t i o n is issued by private certifying bodies or Islamic Associations and even M o s q u e s . T h e s e c ular state will not intervene in the Halal certification, or at most only deal w i t h H a l a l l a b e l l i ng regulations. Thus, consumers place their confidence and awareness lev el o n is s u ers th a t ha ve pos itive c ha ra c te ris tic s s uc h a s in-de pth know le dge, r ange of a c t i v i t i e s , c o n c e r ns on public/ Muslim welfare, honesty/ transparency as well as competency t o p e r f o r m H a l a l certification-related tasks such as inspection, auditing and supervision.

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6/16/10 2:36:45 AM

the 5th World Halal Forum F e at u r e Art ic le

However, the issue of information availa bi l i t y has become important. Public informati o n o n t his ma tter is gros s ly a s y mmetric a nd r a r e l y availab le, leaving consumers to make thei r o w n j udgements a nd of ten thes e a re ina c cu r a t e . H o w e v e r, t h e i s s u e o f i n f o r m a t i o n a v a i l a b ility has become important. Public i n f o r m a t i o n o n th is matte r is g ro s s ly a s y m me tric a nd ra re ly a va ila ble , le a ving c o n s u m e r s t o m a k e t h e i r o w n j u d g e m e n t s and often these are inaccurate. This h a s t o b e a d d r e s s e d w i t h a n e ff e c t i v e a n d implementable consensus of all st a k e h o l d e r s w ith in th e in d u s try, fo llo w ed by re a dily a va ila ble informa tion.

W h o are The C on s u me r s ? I t i s i m p o r t a n t t o n o t e t h a t M u s l i m c o n s u mers are also global consumers. Wi t h a l l t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f b e i n g g l o b al consumers, they also expect and d e m a n d t h a t t h e H a la l p ro d u cts th e y p u rc ha s e a re ‘w orld-c la s s ’. C ons ume rs a r e b e g i n n i n g t o d e m a n d t h a t p r o d u c t s a r e sourced, produced, processed and d i st r i b u t e d i n a man n e r th a t is s a fe fo r th e e nvironme nt, a nima l w e lfa re c o n sc i o u s, e c o lo g ica lly frie n d ly a n d h a v in g e thic a l produc e rs a nd s e lle rs w h o d e a l i n f a i r t r a d e a n d a r e s o c i a l l y r e s ponsible. This trend exists in any m a r k e t i n t h e w o rld , e s p ec ia lly in th e eme rging a nd de ve lope d c ountrie s . M u s l i m c o n s u m e r s h a v e b e c o m e m o r e o u t wardly religious in their attitude and p u r c h a s e d e c i s i o n s . I t w a s f o u n d t h a t t h e second and the third generations of M u s l i m s i n We s t e r n c o u n t r i e s ( w h o t y p i c a lly were born in those Western countries) h a v e g e n e r a l ly s h o w n a h ig h e r aw are n es s l e ve l on H a la l a nd its re la te d is s ue s , tha n t h e i r p a r e n t s o r th e o ld er g e n era tio n s (w h o w e re ma inly born in the ir home la nds ).

M ark e t De v el op me n t a n d T r e n ds De m o g r a phi c Tren d s E u r o p e i s f a c i n g u n p r e c e d e n t e d d e m o g r a p hic changes that will impact s o c i e t y a n d t h e e c o n o m y. T h e s e c h a n g e s h ave huge implications for t h e d e m a n d o f g o o d s an d s erv ice s . F u rth e rmore , a numbe r of long-te rm t r e n d s a r e c o n t i n u i n g a n d i n t e n s i f y i n g – s ome will dramatically affect t h e w a y E u r o p e a n s t h i n k , l i v e , a n d s h o p . Once these trends and related p r o d u c t s a r e in mo tio n , th e y c a n n o t b e s to ppe d, irre s pe c tive of origin.

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6/15/10 2:06:55 PM

Untitled-3 1

6/10/10 9:23:00 PM

the 5th World Halal Forum F e at u r e Art ic le

M i g r a t i o n h a s b e c o m e a k e y s o u r c e o f p o pulation growth in Europe without w h i c h t h e E u r o p e a n p o p u l a t i o n ( s p e c i f i c a lly EU member countries) would h a v e a l r e a d y b e g u n t o d e c l i n e . M i g r a n t s t end to have higher fertility rates t h a n t h e l o c a l p o p u l a t i o n , a n d h e n c e , f a s t er population growth. On the reverse, g e n e r a l l y, t h e E u ro p e a n p o p u la tio n is a g eing. The popula tion s truc ture is c h a n g i n g a s a co n s e q u e n ce o f d e mo g ra p h ic tre nds . Pe ople a re living longe r a n d a r e h e a l t h i e r. E u r o p e a n C a u c a s i a n s a r e getting married later or not at a l l r e su l t i n g in th e av era g e n u mb e r o f ch il dre n pe r hous e hold to de c line . L i f e st y l e Cha n g es A s d e m o g r a p h i c c h a n g e s t a k e p l a c e , i m p o rtant lifestyle changes that increasingly i m p a c t t h e t y p e o f p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e s people buy is developing. Lifestyle c h a n g e s i n c l u d e : ad ap tin g to a mo re flex ib le life s tyle ; ris ing inc ome a nd inc re a s e d m i d d l e c l a ss s e g men ts a n d mo re w o men a t w ork, w hic h tra ns la te into ris ing d i sp o sa b l e i n c o me w ith in h o u s e h o ld s a n d highe r a fforda bility of goods a nd s e rvic e s . Ti m e a nd De m a n d fo r C o n v en ie n c e I n c r e a s e i n d e s i r e f o r c o n v e n i e n c e i n c l u d es demand for ready-made meals a n d c o n v e n i e n t f o o d . Ti m e i s i m p o r t a n t , p articularly for younger people. Pe o p l e a r e p r ep are d to p ay fo r p ro d u c ts and s e rvic e s tha t w ill s a ve time . Val ue s in t he H a l a l I n d u s t ry O n e o f t h e m a i n p r i n c i p l e s o f t h e I s l a m i c Shariah is the removal of doubt, p a r t i c u l a r l y w h e n it co mes to b u s in e s s . Terms a re ma de c le a r, tra ns pa re nt a n d f a i r w h i l e a g r e e m e n t s a r e w i t n e s s e d . If the process by which the Halal i n d u s t r y o b t a i n s p r o o f o f S h a r i a h c o m p l i a nce is itself not transparent and f r e e o f c o n f l i c t o r v e s t e d i n t e r e s t , t h e n t h e actual foundations of the Halal i n d u s t r y i t s e l f a r e n o t s t a b l e . F o r a n y i n d ustry to be able to grow on a su st a i n a b l e b a s is , th e fu n d a me n tals mu s t b e s trong, the rule s a nd re quire me nts sh o u l d b e o p en ly p u b lis h ed , ea s ily a c c e s s ible a nd c onduc te d fa irly. T h e Q u r a n i c i n j u n c t i o n s t h a t g i v e h u m a n i ty the responsibility for the welfare o f t h e e a r t h an d ev ery th in g o n it h a v e b e e n more re a dily unde rs tood by nonM u s l i m s . B u t f o r t h e n e w g e n e r a t i o n o f M uslims, exposed to Western ideas a n d v a l u e s a s w e l l a s t h i n k i n g p r o c e s s , m ixed with a sincere desire to take o n I s l a m i n a w a y t h a t i s g e n u i n e l y t r a n s f ormative, these concerns plus H a l a l c o n c e p t w i l l m e rg e i n t o a c o m p r e h e nsive fusion of ‘Halal Values’.

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6/16/10 2:36:54 AM

the 5th World Halal Forum Feat ure A rticle

F u rthermore, a number of long-term trends are c o n tinuing and int ens if y ing – s ome will d ra ma tic a lly af f ect t he way Europea ns think, live, a nd s hop. Onc e t he se trends and related products are in motion, t he y canno t be st o pped , irres pec tive of origin.

Va l u e s i n t h e Halal industry are not remote from the modern world. Halal is a n a l l - i n c l u s i v e concept. It is universal and goes beyond religious obligation. T h e c u r r e n t c h ain of process in the Halal industry is adapting to consumer i n t e r e s t s a n d c onsciousness, as consumers are taking into account external sets o f v a l u e s f o r what they are willing to buy. Products that uphold values such as e c o l o g i c a l l y f r iendly, fairly traded, ethical business and social responsibility t h r o u g h t h e e n tire operation and respect for animal welfare are favourable. T h i s i s a l s o s u pported by the recent World Halal Forum Europe 2009 resolution fro m N o v emb er 2009, in The H a gue , the N e the rla nds . D e le ga te s a gre e d t hat : 1 . T h e Wo r l d Halal Forum recognises the importance of animal welfare in the production o f H a l a l f o o d especially in the context of religious slaughter. The forum has resolved th at o rg a n is ations a nd c ommunitie s involve d in H a la l food produc tion s h oul d expl or e w a y s t o r e d u c e pain, distress and other welfare problems in the sourcing and treatment o f a n i m a l s d u r ing rearing, transport and slaughter. The World Halal Forum should c o l l a b o r a t e w i th academic researchers and other experts in investigating the welfare i m p l i c a t i o n a n d acceptability of different practices including pre-slaughter methods o f r e s t r a i n t a n d applications to minimise pain and distress at the time of slaughter. 2 . H a la l v a lu es a nd princ iple s a re in line w ith thos e of Fa ir Tra de . The f or um r e s o l v e d t o w o rk towards the integration of Halal with Fair Trade. 3 . T h e f o r u m r esolved to work towards a European Halal Regulations a n d A c c r e d i t a t ion system, starting with a single country as a pilot p r o j e c t , w i t h t he country proposed being the United Kingdom. A l l p l a y e r s w i thin the Halal industry must be aware that Halal is not o n l y a b o u t t h e product itself, but also about how the process is being c o n d u c te d . It is a produc tion a nd proc e s s drive n c onc e pt, a nd it w a s a lre a d y in p la c e s inc e the time of Prophe t M uha mma d (p.b.u.h).

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6/15/10 2:07:11 PM

the 5th World Halal Forum F e at u r e Art ic le

Int e rnat i on a l T r a d e , Ma r ke t Ac c e ss a n d Em e r gin g I ssu e s H a l a l p r o d u c t s i n r e a l i t y a r e a l r e a d y c l o s e to becoming mainstream products, catering t o t h e d i v e r s e c o n s u m e r s ( M u s l i m s a n d n o n-Muslims) across countries in the world. I n f o r m a t i o n d i s s e m i n a t i o n f o r t r a d e s i t u a tion and figures of Halal products in the w o r l d i s a rg u a b l y v e r y h a r d t o c o m p i l e a c curately. For instance, Halal products a r e t r e a t e d t h e s a me w ith n o n -H a la l p ro d uc ts in e xport-import c oding by C us tom a g e n c i e s a c r os s t h e w o r l d . I t h a s t h e s a m e Harmonised System coding (HS C o d e ) e v e r y w h e r e . T h e r e f o r e , f r o m o n l y t his basic fact, it is understandable that a c c u r a t e c a l c u l a t i o n a n d r e p o r t i n g o f t r a d e on Halal products is difficult. A l t h o u g h a c c u r a t e r e p o r t i n g o f t r a d e d a t a of Halal products is relatively hard to c o n d u c t a c c u r a t e l y, e s t i m a t i o n c a n b e m a de after computing the Trade Proportion R a t i o ( T P R ) . T h i s c a n b e d o n e b y d i v i d i n g the trade (import) figure with total demand ( c o n su m p t i o n) fig u re. U s in g th is me th o d , for e xa mple on the c a s e of H a la l me a t p r o d u c t s, t h e es tima te d tra d e ratio is ab o ut 14.8 pe r c e nt in te rms of volume . A s a c o m p a r a t i v e f i g u r e , f o r t o t a l g l o b a l meat products (Halal a n d n o n - H a l a l ) ; t h e p r o p o r t i o n r a t e i s a b o ut 12.9 per cent if it i s c a l c u l a t e d i n terms o f v o lu me (refe r to Figure 2).

F ig u re 2 : G lo b a l Me a t C ons um ption to H alal Me at Tr ade 2000 1800

1667.4 MT

1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600

214.5 MT


208.7 MT


30.8 MT

0 Global Co n s u mp t i o n

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G l o b a l Tra d e

Consumption in M u sl i m C o u n t ri es

Tra d e t o/ f ro m M u s l im C o u n t ri e s


6/16/10 2:37:33 AM

the 5th World Halal Forum Feat ure A rticle

Issue s on T r a d e a n d M a r ke t Ac c e ss W h i l e t h e trad e o f H a la l p ro d u cts h a ve a rgua bly be e n e xpa nding ove r the ye a rs , t h e r e a r e s e v e r a l f a c t o r s t h a t i n h i b i t the growth of trade of Halal products in t h e wo r l d . T h e fo llo w in g is s u e s are , inte r a lia , a mong the mos t importa nt: • H i g h P ro p o rtio n o f N o n -Tra d ed P roduc ts . Non-traded products means s u b s i s t e n c e p r o d u c t s o r p r o d u c t s i n t e nded for local consumption only. T h i s c a t eg o ry is n o rmally n o n -trad ed w ithin the w orld tra de s c e ne ; • L a c k/ U n a v a ila b ility o f Ha la l s ta n dar ds for produc tion proc e s s . O ut o f t h e 5 7 O I C m e m b e r c o u n t r i e s , l e s s than 10 countries have a Halal s t a n d a r d . S t a n d a r d s p r o v i d e a c o m m o n international language for trade a c c e p t e d b y a l l , o r i f n o t , m o s t o f t h e trading countries. Without a Halal st a n d a r d , a u n ified c o mmo n p ro d u c t spe c ific a tion is ha rd to a c c e pt; • No si ng le a c c e p te d g lo b a l s ta n d a rd. Different Halal standards exist in the w o r l d a n d t h e r e a r e d i ff e r e n t i n t e r p r etations on major issues, which inhibit t r a d e . I f th e matte r ca n n o t b e res o lv e d, H a la l c a n be a c c us e d of be ing a tra de b a r r i e r, o r th e larg e s t b u y e rs w ill s im ply impos e its ow n s ta nda rd; • L o g i st ic p ro b le ms . H a l a l r e p r e s e n t s the whole supply chain, which includes logistic a c t i v i t i e s . H o w e v er, n o t man y p ro d u ce rs re a lis e the importa nc e of this . H e nc e , the is s ue c a n b e e i th er lac k o f th e u s e o f lo g is t ic s e rvic e s tha t a re H a la l-c omplia nt, or the re is n o f a c i l i t y f o r H a l a l l o g i s t i c s , o r i f t here is such facility, lack of usage of such facility. An e x a m p le is H ala l w a re h o u s e in P o rt of R otte rda m w hic h is la rge ly le ft e mpty; • L a c k o f m u tu a l rec o g n itio n a m o n gs t Halal c e r tifie r s . The re a re a lmos t 2 0 0 Ha l a l ce rtifie rs in th e w o rld , b u t ve ry fe w mutua lly re c ognis e e a c h othe r. I n d i v i d u a l H a l a l c e r t i f i e r s b e l i e v e t h eir own process is the best. This has the p o t e n t i a l t o p u s h t h e m a i n b u y e r s , s u ch as world-wide hypermarkets to develop a n d i s s u e i t s o w n v e r s i o n o f H a l a l c e rtification, and if enough major retailers d o t h i s i t co u ld ma k e ex is tin g H ala l ce rtifie rs re dunda nt a lmos t ove rnight; • L a c k o f g o v e r n me n t rec o g n itio n . The Halal industry is an industry where Islamic p r i n c i p l e s a n d v a l u e s a r e a t t a c h e d t o the ‘base’ or primary industry, such as food i n d u s t r y, m e a t i n d u s t r y, a n d s o o n . C ountries that lack the strength in this industrial b a s e m a y b e r e l u c t a n t t o d e v e l o p a H alal industry because there is the misconception t h a t Ha l al is o n ly a b o u t me a t an d fo o d produc ts . For e xa mple in B e lgium w he re not a

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6/16/10 2:37:42 AM

the 5th World Halal Forum F e at u r e Art ic le

One thing is c erta in, no s ingle c ountry i s a bl e t o do mina te a nd inf luenc e the wh ole growt h chart of this industry. It is indeed a res u l t of our collective efforts, understandings a n d act ions tha t will lea d the wa y f orwa rd .

si n g l e c o c o a tree is p lan ted , d o es n o t me a n the gove rnme nt c a nnot initia te the d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e H a l a l c h o c o l a t e i n d u s try. It is indeed already well-known t h a t B e l g i u m is o n e o f th e b e s t ex p o rters o f c hoc ola te in the w orld, he nc e the c o u n t r y h a s t h e p o ten tial to b e th e ce n tre o f H a la l c hoc ola te initia tive , s uc h a s t h e t r a d i n g h u b , a n d s o o n . I n a n o t h e r example, where a country already i n i t i a t e d a H a l a l d e v e l o p m e n t p l a n , t h e l a ck of coordination between various g o v e r n m e n t ag e n c i e s , a s w e l l a s w e a k p u blic-private sector partnership h i n d e r e d t h e d e v elo p me n t p o te n tials o f th e H a la l indus try in tha t c ountry. • Ro l e o f M ultin a tio n a l I n s titu tio n s . W h ile World Bank, Islamic Development B a n k a n d s o m e m u l t i n a t i o n a l a g e n c i e s h a ve already started looking into the d e v e l o p m e n t p o t e n t i a l o f t h e H a l a l i n d u s t ry, it is still on a limited basis. C o d i n g o f H a l a l p r o d u c t s s t i l l , f o r e x a m p le, does not exist which makes c a l c u l a t i o n o f t r a d e o f H a l a l p r o d u c t s e x t remely difficult. This issue needs wi d e r r e c o g n i tio n a n d co n c e rte d e ffo rts b y Is la mic c ountrie s or by the O IC . To s u m u p , w e a r e w i t n e s s i n g t h e t r a n s f o r mation to a new stage of H a l a l i n d u s t r y i n m a n y p a r t s o f t h e w o r l d . Amalgamation of issues o n a w a r e n e s s l e v e l , p r o d u c t i o n p r o c e s s e s , Halal values, latest trends a n d d e v e l o p m e n t s w i t h i n t h e i n d u s t r y a n d market around the globe w i l l c o n v e rg e a n d t a k e t h i s i n d u s t r y i n t o a new paradigm. O n e t h i n g i s c e r t a i n , n o s i n g l e c o u n t r y i s able to dominate and influence the w h o l e g r o w t h c h a r t o f t h i s i n d u s t r y. I t i s indeed a result of our collective e ff o r t s , u n d e r s t a n d i n g s a n d a c t i o n s t h a t w ill lead the way forward. For all t h a t we k n o w an d u n d e rs ta n d , th e tru th is tha t the s e a ffa irs a nd is s ue s be long t o A l l a h S W T. I t w i l l u n f o l d b y d e f a u l t a ccording to His Power and His Will. T h e m o r e w e u n d e r s t a n d t h i s b a s i c i d e a l s , the greater our collective chance t o a c h i e v e su cc e s s in d e v elo p in g th e H a la l indus try a round the globe .

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the 5th World Halal Forum

Nestlé Malaysia


N e s t l é M a l a y s i a , t h e f l a g b e a r e r f o r t h e H alal f o o d i n d u s t r y a c r o s s t h e e n t i r e N e s t l é G r oup’s b u si n e ss, h a s b e e n a ch amp io n o f th e H a la l c a u s e i n M a l a y s i a f o r c l o s e t o t h r e e d e c a d es. A s a r e s u lt o f i t s o n g o i n g c o m m i t m e n t and efforts t o t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f H a l a l p r o d u c t s , N e stlé Malaysia i s r e c o g n i s e d a s t h e H a l a l C e n t r e o f E x c e l lence for t h e N e s t l é G r o u p a n d a l e a d i n g e x p o r t e r o f Halal p r o d u c t s . T h i s m e a n s t h a t N e s t l é M a l a y s i a offers i t s k n o w - h o w a n d e x p e r t i s e t o a l l N e s t l é markets i n v o l v e d i n t h e m a n u f a c t u r e o f H a l a l p r o ducts. Wi t h t h e g ro w in g p o te n tial in th e are a of H a la l, N e s t l é i s c o m m i t t e d t o c o n t i n u e e x p a n d i n g its m a n u f a c t u r i n g ca p ab ilities an d in c re a s e th e e xis ting c a p a c i t y f o r H a l a l p r o d u c t s t o t a p n e w o p portunities. Ad d i t i o n a l l y, th ere are als o o n -g o in g in v es tme nts i n r e se a r c h a n d d ev elo p me n t, ca p ac ity b u ilding, c o n s u m e r i n s i g h t s a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n . N estlé’s e x p e r i e n c e a n d k n o w l e d g e o n H a l a l a p p l i cations h a s r e s u l t e d i n 8 5 f a c t o r i e s a n d m o r e t h a n 100 m a n u f a c t u r i n g l i n e s b e i n g c e r t i f i e d H a l a l , which p r o d u c e s H a l a l p r o d u c t s f o r t h e N e s t l é G r oup. N e s t l é M a l a y s i a i s c u r r e n t l y t h e b i g g e st Ha l a l f o o d p ro d u ce r in th e N e s tlé G ro u p

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a nd e xports H a la l produc ts to more tha n 5 0 countries globally with export sales of RM689 million in 2009 a nd good future pros pe c ts. As Malaysia aspires to be a global Halal hub, Nestlé willingly shares its expertise and global networking with the relevant Halal authorities – from sourcing to distribution. This sharing of knowledge includes working with the SMEs in the local food industry on Halal standards; and collaborating with the re le va nt gove rnme nt a ge nc ie s a nd N G Os as wel l a s loc a l unive rs itie s to provide indus tria l exposur e on H a la l a nd indus try-re la te d Sha ria h prog r am m es. In recognition of its Halal commitmen ts, Nestlé M a la ys ia re c e ive d the ina ugura l The H a lal Jour nal Aw a rd for “ B e s t C orpora te Soc ia l R e s ponsi bi l i t y Proje c t” in 2007 from H is M a je s ty, the Yang di Pertuan Agong at the World Halal Forum in May 2007, for be ing the c ompa ny to c ontribute s ignifi cant l y t o the de ve lopme nt of H a la l in M a la ys ia . C o nsum er s’ trust has always been a priority to Nestlé and the company aims to continue nurturing this trust by offe ring good qua lity a nd s a fe produc ts wi t h t he peace of mind that all products manufactured, distributed a nd importe d by N e s tlé M a la ys ia a re c e rtif i ed Hal al .


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the 5th World Halal Forum

Dallah Albaraka

We a r e Com m i t t e d To Our C lien ts

Da l l a h Al b a r a k a w a s fo u n d ed in R iy a d h by Sheikh Saleh Kamel in 1969 as a small p r o p r i e t o r sh i p an d h a s ev o lv ed o v e r a p e riod o f 3 0 y e a r s i n to a d iv ers ifie d in tern atio n a l c o n g l o m e r a t e, in co rp o ratin g in v es tme n ts in billions in over 40 countries worldwide. T h e g r o u p i m p a c t s o n a l m o s t e v e r y s e ctor o f e c o n o m i c l ife, in clu d in g in d u s try, tra d e, re a l e s t a t e , t o u r i s m , h e a l t h c a r e , c o m m u n i c a t i o n, m e d i a , p r o d u c tio n , te c h n ic a l main ten an ce a nd operation, transport, banking and financial se r v i c e s a n d e d u ca tio n a l an d train in g . Da l l a h Al b a ra k a o p era tio n s are fo c u s ed on t h r e e se c t o r s, n ame ly, b u s in es s en terp ris e, w hic h i s r e p r e s e n t e d b y D a l l a h R e a l E s t a t e & To urism D e v e l o p m e n t , D a l l a h H e a l t h S e r v i c e s , D a llah Gr o u p C o . , a n d D alla h C o mmu n ic a tio n Co. T h e f i n a n c e se c t o r c o m p r i s e s o f A l b a r a k a B a n k i n g g r o up , A l-Ta w fee q F in an cia l G roup, Da l l a h Al b a r a k a H o ld in g Co . (U K ), an d Da l l a h Al b a r a k a H o ld in g Co . (M ala y s ia). I t w a s t h e f i r s t S a u d i c o m p a n y t o e n t e r into m e d i a p r o d u ctio n , th ro u g h e s ta b lis h in g media production companies. The Arab Radio and Te l e v i si o n ( A RT ) is to p -ra te d s a te llite -b ro a dc a s ting n e t wo r k , r e a c h in g v iew ers aro u n d th e w o r ld w i t h h i g h q u a l i t y t e l e v i s i o n p r o g r a m m e s , in a d d i t i o n t o D a l l a h M e d i a P r o d u c t i o n C o . , Arab Me d i a C o r p o r atio n , A rab D ig ita l D is trib u tion C o . , a n d t h e I n te rn atio n a l S p o rts E v en ts C o. T h e D a l l a h A l b a r a k a G r o u p h a s b e e n r a n k ed fifth in t h e t o p 1 0 0 Sa u d i co mp a n ies fo r th e las t ten ye a rs . The group has significantly contributed t o c o m m u n i t y d e v e l o p m e n t t h r o u g h a n u mber o f e d u c a t i o n a l an d train in g in s titu tio n s . It has recently established a CSR department t o p u r su e t h e imp leme n tatio n o f a w id er a n g e o f so c i a l d e v elo p me n t p ro je c ts . T h e c o m p a n y h a s r e c e n t l y l a u n c h e d a mega p r o j e c t “ Du r ra t A l Riy ad h ” a u n iq u e rea l es ta te project, aiming to provide state-of-the-art h o u s i n g u n i t s i n t h e o u t s k i r t s o f R i y a d h c ity.

Our M is s ion As a multi-purpose investment group: • We seek to provide quality Shariah-compliant investments and financial services. • We will continue to improve and devel op the dive rs e ra nge of our bus ine s s product s – s pe c ific a lly in the a re a s of re c re a tion , he a lth, e nvironme nt, food produc tion, a nd re a l e s ta te – throughout the M iddle Ea s t a nd the re s t of the w orld. Our C ore Value s We a re de dic a te d to providing high s ta ndar ds of et hi cs and integrity in everything we do. Dallah Albaraka Group is proud to the values it has been b rought up on. O ur Va lue s Tow a rds Soc ie ty: • To be a good corporate citizen; • J ob c re a tion; • C a re for the e nvironme nt. Our Values Towards Our Customers: • D e live r qua lity produc ts a nd s e rvic e s . O ur Va lue s Tow a rds O ur Pa rtne rs : • M a inta ining a s s e ts ; • M a ximum re turns ; • Effic ie nc y. Our Values Towards Our Employees: • Suita ble w ork c onditions ; • O ne fa mily; • Enha nc e c re a tivity; • Equa l opportunitie s ; • Promote c a re e r a nd e mploye e de ve lopment ; • R e s pe c t for a ll.

O ur Vi si o n • To s e r v e t h e c o m m u n i t i e s w h e r e w e live and operate through responsible so c i a l a n d en v iro n me n tal ac tiv ities ; • To m e e t t h e l o n g - t e r m i n t e r e s t o f o u r c l i e n t s , p ro v id in g th e m w ith quality products and services; • F o r p r o s p e c t i v e s h a r e h o l d e r s , a h i g h r eturn o n i n v e st me n t th ro u g h th e s ele c tio n an d i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f p r o d u c t s w h i c h a r e low risk, d e t a i l e d , an d d iv ers e w ith h ig h fu tu re p ote ntia l.

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For more informa tion on D a lla h A lba ra ka and how w e ma y w ork w ith your orga nis a tion ple a se vi si t our w e bs ite w w w.dallah.c om or contact us at: PO Box 430, Jeddah 21411, K ingdom of Sa udi A ra bia Tel: +966 2 6710000 Fax: +966 2 6713603 Ema il: prd@ da lla h.c om


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the 5th World Halal Forum

Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad (CCM)

C h e m i c a l C o m p a n y o f M ala y s ia Be rh ad (C C M ) is a p r o p o n e n t t o t h e o p e n a n d t r a n s p a r e n t b usiness p r a c t i c e s wh i c h a re b a s e d o n eth ica l v a lu es a nd r e s p e c t f o r e m p l o y e e s , c o m m u n i t i e s , a n d the e n v i r o n m e n t . A s a res p o n s ib le o rg a n iza tion, C C M c o m m i t s t o d e l i v e r s u s t a i n a b l e v a l u e t o t h e society a t l a rg e , a s w ell as to CC M ’s s ta k eh o ld ers . T h e u n d e rly in g p rin cip le fo r CC M ’s b u s ine s s conducts and practices are encompassed in its aspiration to perform the fardh kifayah ( c o l l e c t i v e o b l i g a t i o n / d u t y ) o f m a k i n g a v ailable H a l a l p r o d u c t s w h i c h a r e p r e f e r r e d b y M u slims a n d e v e r y o n e in M ala y s ia an d w o rld w id e . C C M ’s j o u r n e y i n r e a l i s i n g i t s a s p i r a t i on to p e r f o r m t h i s f a rd h k ifa y ah w as rec o g n is ed offic ia lly wh e n i t b e c a m e th e firs t G M P * -p h a rma c e utic a l c o m p a n y t o ob tain th e ren o w n e d ‘H ala l Ma la ys ia ’ c e r t i f i c a t i o n fo r its ra n g e o f h e a lth s u p p leme nts u n d e r t h e b r a n d s C H A M P S , F l a v e t t e s , P r oviton and N a t u r a l l e i n 1 9 9 9 . T h i s a c c o m p l i s h m e n t i s certainly a s i g n i f i c a n t m i l e s t o n e t o b e p r o u d o f a s the Halal c e r t i f i c a t i o n m a n i f e s t s t h e h i g h s a f e t y, e fficacy, q u a l i t y a n d h y g i e n e a s p e c t s o f C C M ’s p r o ducts. C C M ’s s e r i o u s c o m m i t m e n t i n a d v o c a t ing the H a l a l p r i n c i p l e s i s a p p l i e d c o n s i s t e n t l y t h roughout t h e C C M G r o u p o f C o m p a n i e s , w i t h i t s C hemicals D i v i s i o n b e c o m i n g t h e f i r s t I S O * * c e r t i f i ed c h e m i c a l m a n u f a c t u r e r t o o b t a i n M a l a y s i a ’s Halal c e r t i f i c a t i o n i n 2 0 0 4 f o r i t s i n d u s t r i a l c h e micals wh i c h a r e su p p lied to n u me ro u s in d u s trie s like w a te r t r e a t m e n t , o l e o c h e m i c a l s ( i n c l u d i n g e d i b l e oil), f o o d a n d b e v e r a g e s i n M a l a y s i a a n d i n t e r national m a r k e t . T h o u g h c u r r e n t l y H a l a l c e r t i f i c a t i on is not e x t e n d e d t o f e r t i l i z e r p r o d u c t s , C C M F e r t ilizers D i v i s i o n ’s p r o d u c t s ( w h i c h a r e m i n e r a l b a sed) c o m p l y w i t h t h e H a l a l s t a n d a r d s o f h y g i e ne and q u a l i t y a n d a r e s afe fo r u s e as p la n t n u trie nts . C C M F e r t i l i z e r s D iv i s i o n i s t h e f i r s t c o m p o u n d fertilizer m a n u f a c t u r e r i n M a l a y s i a t o h a v e r e c e i v e d both SI R I M a n d M S IS O 9 0 0 1 :2 0 0 0 q u a lity a w ards . C C M ’s v i s i o n a n d v a l u e s s t e m d e e p w i thin its leadership who consistently look to the H a l a l c o n c e p t t o g u i d e t h e G r o u p . A s a S hariah c o m p l i a n t c o m p a n y, C C M b e l i e v e s t h a t c o rporate r e s p o n s i b i l i t y i n i t i a t i v e s e x t e n d b e y o n d t he business p r a c t i c e s a n d p r o d u c t s . C C M ’s i n v o l v e m e nt with l o c a l b o d i e s a n d p a r t i c i p a t i o n a t Wo r l d H alal F o r u m ( W H F ) , Wo r l d H a l a l R e s e a r c h S u m mit ( W H R S ) , M a l a y s i a I n t e r n a t i o n a l H a l a l S h owcase

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(M IH A S) a nd othe r s imila r pre s tigious e v ent s is pa rt of its obliga tion to s ha re a nd c onverge the knowledge it has gained in its Halal journey with others who also aspire to participate in this emerging sector. This is in line with of CCM’s fardh kifayah performance to further advance the H a la l e fforts loc a lly a nd on the globa l front . The Group’s initiatives have received recognition through several prestigious industry awards including the Sta rB iz -IC R M a la ys ia C orpora te R e s p onsi bi l i t y Aw a rd in 2008 in the Environme nt c a te gory. C C M w a s a ls o the w inne r for the ‘B e s t C o r por at e Social Responsibility Project’ award under the ‘B e s t H a la l Produc t’ c a te gory The H a la l Jour nal Awards 2009 for its CHAMPS Educational School Progra mme w hic h a dvoc a te s s us ta ina ble educat i on de ve lopme nt a mong the young a nd is de di cat ed t o championing education via several efforts including the K now le dge D is c ove ry-C H A M PS N a tio nal Spe lling C ompe tition s pons ore d by its C HAMPS brand and jointly organised by Knowledge Discovery magazine and the Ministry of Education since 2007. CCM is committed to upholding ethical standards and corporate responsibility obligations to a ll s ta ke holde rs through the a c hie ve ment s in its bus ine s s fora ys a nd the poigna nt rol e i t plays in the communities it operates in. From the food you eat (where CCM Fe rtilizers Division provides high quality plant nutri ents and C C M C he mic a ls D ivis ion provide s high qu al i t y ra w ma te ria ls ), to the w a te r you drink (w her e CCM C he mic a ls D ivis ion provide s H a la l c e rtified wat er treatment chemicals to treat and disinfect drinking water) and to CCM Pharmaceuticals products you c ons ume , C C M ’s c ommitme nt is to “ Enha nci ng Q ua lity of Life ” w orldw ide w ith its pre s e nce i n ove r 30 c ountrie s a nd c ontinua lly grow ing .

* GMP - Pharmaceutical: Good Manufacturing Practice – Pharmaceutical facilities **MITI: Ministry of International Trade and Industry, M a la y s ia *** ISO : International O rganization for Standardizatio n


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the 5th World Halal Forum

Kontena Nasional Berhad

M a l ays i a’s l ar ge s t on e- stop log ist ic s Kontena Nasional Berhad (KN) started its operations in 1971 when containerisation was introduced to the country. Through the years, it has expanded its business from just container haulage to international freight-forwarding, warehousing, distribution and supply chain solutions. Today, KN is one of Malaysia’s largest one-stop logistics company providing comprehensive logistics solutions with specific expertise in 3PL. With an experienced human resource of 1,500 and a fleet exceeding 500 prime-movers, 3,100 trailers and 4.5 million sq ft storage facility, KN has also invested heavily in IT applications. A wholly-owned subsidiary of public-listed NCB Holdings, KN’s sister company Northport, is Malaysia’s largest multipurpose port, handling 60 per cent of the nation’s trade. The Halal Experience Kontena Nasional’s Petaling Jaya (PJ) Branch was certified as Halal Logistics (Warehouse) by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) on 30 December 2009, and on 11 March 2010 JAKIM certified the PJ Branch for its Transport services. With both Halal warehouse and transport certifications, Kontena Nasional would be able to gain competitive advantage in the industry by offering complete 3PL Halal services to its clientele, namely:-

• Halal Storage and Warehousing • Halal Transportation (containerised and conventional) • Halal Distribution • Halal Shipping • Halal Freighting for sea and air cargo • Samak service for containers • Customs facilities • Halal value-added services such as labelling and packaging • Halal Advisory Services on Certification • With four decades of experience in the industry, KN has the ability to handle any type of product/ cargo with marked strength and competency. Moving forward, Kontena Nasional aspires to become Malaysia’s main Total Logistics player in the industry especially on Halal Trade Facilitation. Contact person: Telephone No: Mobile: Toll free line: E-mail: Website:

Pn. Azlina Hj Muhammad +603 7874 2684 +6019 790 5223 1-300-88-1971

Penang International Halal Hub (PIHH) Penang boasts a long tradition as a trading hub between the East and West. It is also located strategically in the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) region (serving as a ‘feeder port’ to its member countries). These factors, with the emerging global Halal market currently valued at USD2.1 trillion, have exposed the State to tremendous opportunities in the Halal market worldwide. Thus, the State has taken initiatives to facilitate and drive its local Halal industry with the vision of establishing Penang as the region’s leading Halal hub. Eventually in April 2009, the Penang International Halal Hub was established. It is led by the Penang State Government through PIHH Development Sdn Bhd (Halal Penang). Halal Penang is the Halal facilitation agency of the Penang State Government, serves to spearhead the coordination, facilitation, promotion and development of Halal industries in Penang. Penang International Halal Hub (PIHH) is based on a strong tri-partite model of collaboration between government, private and academic sectors known as the PIHH Task Force and PIHH Steering Committees for Halal Clusters. These

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were set-up to mould the policies and direction for PIHH to become the leading hub in Malaysia and the global region. Through these close rapport, the Penang State government envisaged lifting the Halal industries to greater heights. Penang International Halal Hub (PIHH) was established to tap into the fast growing, global Halal market. With a holistic Halal approach, Penang is set to become the leading Halal Valley in the world and choiced location for Halal investments, trade, industries, tourism as well as Halal-friendly lifestyle and residence. With more than 30 years of manufacturing excellence and the advantage of strategic location, investors and businesses alike are assured of an enabler infrastructure through the development of nine Halal Clusters namely (1) Industries (2) Logistics (3) Agro-based (4) Islamic Financing (5) Hospitality & Tourism (6) Human Capital (7) Marketing (8) Life Sciences and (9) Research & Development (R&D). Through PIHH, investors and businesses alike can leverage on Penang as a profitable gateway in Asia via international partnerships and market linkages established around the world.


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World-class infrastructure and manufacturing excellence


Value-added services for your supply chain needs


Source of high-quality ingredients



Virtual link to regional Halal R&D centres

Accessible Islamic Funding & Financing

Location of choice for Halal Industries Destination of choice for Halal Tourism Habitat of choice for Family-value Lifestyle


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Promoting Halal Values & Family Concepts

Advance Biotech / Wellness / Medical for the benefit of the Ummah

Sustainable K-Workers for the Halal Industries

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THE IHI ALLIANCE WILL INITIALLY FOCUS ON 5 MAIN Programmes: To promote and develop best practices for assuring halal integrity across the entire  supply chain of the halal industry. To promote the understanding and acceptance of halal goods and services globally to both Muslim and non-Muslim consumers. To make halal products and services more widely available especially in non-Muslim countries by encouraging more manufacturers/ service providers to introduce or expand halal product lines. To facilitate research in creating a knowledge base on halal and development of new products and technologies that will provide solutions for halal industry players. To work harmoniously with various governments in global humanitarian efforts to develop the halal industry and foster intra-OIC trade.


For more membership details including benefits, categories and fees, please log on to or email to

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6/14/10 4:30:25 PM

the 5th World Halal Forum

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Hajjah J um a at u n A z m i KasehDia Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

Known as a dynamic female entrepreneur and as the new face of a

moderate, progressive Muslim leader, Jumaatun Azmi has carved a name for herself as the Founder and Managing Director of KasehDia Sdn Bhd. Under her leadership, KasehDia, which is a niche communication and

consultancy firm committed to the application and promotion of Islamic

concepts in a contemporary manner, has created world-renowned events and publications, and consulted the government on Halal matters.

Jumaatun’s most notable contribution to the global Halal industry is the creation of the World Halal Forum. Now in its fifth instalment, the World Halal Forum is the world’s premier Halal industry event that charts the course of the whole industry. Jumaatun is also the Editor of The Halal Journal, a trade publication on the Halal industry currently distributed in over 35 countries. She also founded

the award-winning Halal Food Guide series which to date has covered eight

countries. Most recently, the Halal Food Guides has expanded to include the bigger realm of travel, with the first production “Muslim Traveller’s Guide

to Australia” which was developed in collaboration with Tourism Australia.

Her other flagship brands that has cemented Malaysia’s thought leadership

on an international level include The Halal Journal Awards, regarded as the

most prestigious and sought-after awards in the Halal industry, as well as the Halal Restaurant Awards and The Halal Journal Workshop Series.

On top of running a very successful business and being a loving mother of

three, Jumaatun, who holds a degree in Communication (Honours) from the University of Hartford, Connecticut, USA, has long been attracted to the arts, in particular, films and has ventured into a maiden film production. This is not her first venture into TV and film production, however, as she has produced Halal Journal TV which airs on terrestrial TV. With the filmmaking bug now firmly implanted in her system, Jumaatun is planning her next feature production.

Due to her prolific efforts in fortifying this fragmented industry and for

spearheading a unique approach to creative communications, Jumaatun, together with the company has been applauded in both the local and international media

including Forbes, Guardian UK, The New York Times, Asia Wall Street Journal,

International Herald Tribune, Time Magazine and The Economist to name a few.

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Dr . Al i Ch awk

World Halal Council, Australia Achievements and work experiences 2010 Current Chairman/ Executive Committee of World Halal Council (WHC) 2008-2010 Chairman/ Executive Committee of World Halal Council (WHC) 1999-2002 The First Secretary General of the World Halal Council (WHC) 1998-2001 Managing Director of ICCV 1998 Current Chairman of Al Iman Radio Voice 3ZZZ 1998 Current Chairman of the Arab TV, Channel 31 1998 Chairman of the Third International Halal Food Conference in Australia (INHFCON 98) 1996 Chairman of the Second International Halal Food Conference in Australia (INHFCON 96) 1995 Chairman of the First International Halal Food Conference in Australia (INHFCON 95) 1989 Founder of the Islamic Coordinating Committee of Victoria, ICCV (the largest Halal certifying body in Australia) During the above period, Dr. Chawk has participated in many Halal conferences and workshops. He has also prepared and delivered a number of papers on Halal issues.

D r . A nwar N asim

Organisation of the Islamic Conference Standing Committee on Science and Technology (COMSTECH), Pakistan

Achievements • Advisor Science, COMSTECH, 1996 to the present day. • Elected Fellow of Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 2007. • Elected Fellow of Islamic Academy of Sciences, 1998. • Pride of Performance, Civil Award in Molecular Genetics 1995. • Overseas Pakistani’s Institute (OPI) award for outstanding services for promotion of science in Pakistan, 1995. • Sitara-e-Imtiaz, Civil Award in Molecular Genetics 1999. • Elected Fellow of Third World Academy of Sciences, 1987. • Scientific Research in Canada from 1966 to 1989, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Chalk River, Ontario and National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. • Submitted more than one hundred scientific papers published in prestigious international World Journals. Edited eight books on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. • Ph. D. (Biochemical Genetics) Univ. of Edinburgh, U.K. • Principal Scientist and Head, Molecular Genetics Group, Biology and Medical Research Department, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. • Founding President of Federation of Asian Biotech Associations (FABA). • Member Board of Governors, Foundation University, Rawalpindi.

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Dr . B e hz ad G h a r e ya z ie Strategic Research Centre, Iran Dr. Ghareyazie (PhD Genetics) is the producer of the world’s first commercialised insect resistant transgenic rice in collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). In addition to academic achievements and positions such as Dean, College of Agriculture of a state University in Iran (Guilan University), he held several executive positions. He was Deputy Minister and Head of Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) of Iran. He is considered as founder of the Modern Agricultural Biotechnology in Iran since he established a worldclass Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran (ABRII) in 1999 and served as its Director General for seven years. He is currently serving as Head, New Technologies Division of Iran’s Center for Strategic Research (CSR), President of Biosafety Society of Iran and a member of Public Research and Regulation Initiative (PRRI) steering committee. He has been involved in several international negotiations on Modern Biotechnology and Biosafety regulations such as Cartagena Protocols on Biosafety and Codex Alimentarius. He is frequently invited by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO) and other international/ national authorities for consultation on safety assessment of foods derived from Modern Biotechnology and deliberate release of Living Modified Organisms (LMOs) into the environment. He has supervised more than 30 graduate students in the field of Agricultural Biotechnology and has published/presented more than 200 scientific papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals or in different congresses.

D ir k B ecq ua rt Port of Marseille, France Dirk Becquart, 46, completed his MSc in General and Applied Economics at the Free University Brussels, specialising further in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. He started his career as a Terminal Manager for the shipping and logistics company Ahlers, where he was rapidly posted to Finland as the Owners Representative. Throughout his career of over 20 years in the industry, he has taken several leading positions in ports and transport companies in Finland and Norway, as well as holding the title of Logistics Director for major bottling companies in France and Central Russia. He recently joined the Port of Marseille as the CCO (Chief Commercial Officer) and Development Director, after spending four years restructuring the Belgian port of Ghent.

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WINNERS OF THE HALAL JOURNAL AWARDS 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 THE HALAL JOURNAL AWARDS 2006 • Best Halal Product: Midamar Corporation, USA • Best Creative Marketing Campaign: Al Islami Foods, Dubai • Best Islamic Financial Service or Product: Microlink Systems Sdn Bhd, Malaysia • Best Corporate Social Responsibility: Johor Corporation, Malaysia • Travel & Hospitality: LSG Skychefs-Brahim’s, Malaysia • Best Halal Related Service Provider: Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) • Best Innovation in the Halal Industry: Halal Science Centre, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand • Outstanding Personal Achievement in the Halal Industry: Dato’ Jamaluddin Abdul Kadir, Founder and CEO of Prima Agri-Products Sdn Bhd, Malaysia THE HALAL JOURNAL AWARDS 2007 • Best Halal Product: Crescent Foods Inc., USA • Best Creative Marketing Campaign: Maple Lodge Farms, Canada • Best Islamic Financial Service or Product: International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF), Malaysia • Best Corporate Social Responsibility: Nestle (Malaysia) Berhad • Travel & Hospitality: Tabung Haji Travel & Services Sdn Bhd, Malaysia • Best Halal Related Service Provider: The Islamic Food & Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA), USA MISC Integrated Logistics Sdn Bhd, Malaysia • Best Innovation in the Halal Industry: Novel Molecular Kit for the Detection of Slaughtered or Killed Meat by Associate Professor Dr. Adl-El Aziem Farouk Gad, IIUM, Malaysia • Outstanding Personal Achievement in the Halal Industry: Dato’ Hj. Mustafa Abdul Rahman, Director General of JAKIM (2007), Malaysia THE HALAL JOURNAL AWARDS 2008 • Best Halal Product: Nitta Casings Inc., USA • Best Creative Marketing Campaign: Marhaba Halal Food B.V, the Netherlands • Best Islamic Financial Service or Product: Kuwait Finance House (Malaysia) Berhad (KFHMB) • Best Corporate Social Responsibility: Carrefour Malaysia • Travel & Hospitality:, USA • Best Halal Related Service Provider: CIMB Private Equity and Venture Capital Malaysia • Best Innovation in the Halal Industry: Darabif Meat Company, Malaysia Comgroup Prima, Malaysia • Outstanding Personal Achievement in the Halal Industry: Dr. Habib M’Nasria, Quality Assurance of McDonald’s Middle East THE HALAL JOURNAL AWARDS 2009 • Best Halal Product: AYS Sdn Bhd, Malaysia • Most Creative Marketing Campaign: Saaf International, United Kingdom • Best Islamic Financial Service or Product: Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Malaysia • Best Corporate Social Responsibility Project: Chemical Company of Malaysia (CCM) Bhd, Malaysia • Travel & Hospitality: Al Jawhara, United Arab Emirates • Best Halal Related Service Provider: Astro Oasis, Malaysia • Outstanding Personal Achievement in the Halal Industry: Dr. Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi, Kuwait

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6/9/10 8:50:32 PM

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D r . H a lu k An il Cardiff University, Wales Professional Activities • 1982 – 1988: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Leeds • 1988 – 1991: Senior Scientific Officer, Project Leader, AFRC Institute of Food Research • 1991 – 2009: Senior Research Fellow, School of Veterinary Science University of Bristol, Visiting Professor, University of Perugia • 2009 – present: Consultant Scientist, Cardiff University, (EU Dialrel project), UK External Activities • Consultancies to Meat Producers • Diplomat of the European College of Veterinary Public Health • Member of UK Association of Veterinary Public Health • European Expert for European Medicines Agency (EMEA) • Training tutor for SANCO sponsored international course • Training lecturer for SLU, Sweden (Crane seminar 2010) Publications • 120 publications in international journals/ communications/ reports/ books. Selected Bibliography • Anil, M.H. and Fisher, A.V. (Eds) (2004) FAO Animal Production and Health: Good Practices for The Meat Industry. Published by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and Foundation International Carrefour. • Anil, M.H., Raj, A.B.M. and McKinstry, J.L. 2000. Evaluation of Electrical Stunning in Commercial Rabbits: effect on brain function. Meat Science 54, 217-220. • Anil, M.H. and Harbour, D. 2001. Current stunning and slaughter methods in cattle and sheep: potential for carcass contamination with central nervous tissue and microorganisms, Fleischwirtschaft International 3, 26-27. • Anil M.H. and Austin - A. (2003). Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: A Review Of Some Factors That Influence Meat Safety. Agrippa. • Anil, M.H., Yesildere, T, Aksu, H Matur, E McKinstry, J L, Erdogan, O, Hughes, S and Mason (2004). Comparison of religious slaughter of sheep with methods that include pre-slaughter stunning and the lack of differences in exsanguinations, packed cell volume and quality parameters. Animal Welfare (13, 387-392).

Dr . Hani M ansour A l -M a z eedi Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Dr. Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi is an Associate Research Scientist at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. He was one of the pioneers (since 1979) who started promoting Halal in a holistic manner integrating HACCP and Halal, and taking the concept across the whole supply chain. His work has taken him to food industries and slaughterhouses in the world to closely watch the Halal slaughtering services and food processing techniques in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, USA, France, Brazil, Italy, Saudi Arabia and Syria, in addition to Kuwait. He has published several books in Arabic, the first of which was in 1998 titled ‘Concepts on Food Hygiene’. Other book titles he has published include ‘Practical Guide to Food Safety’, ‘My Food’, and a two-part series titled ‘Index of Official papers related to Food and Slaughter according to Islamic Rites, for the period of 1979-2009’. Dr. Al-Mazeedi was part of an official visit to McDonald’s at the Hamburger University in Chicago, Illinois, USA, where he introduced the McHalal System for McDonald’s international. He was awarded The Halal Journal Award for ‘Outstanding Personal Achievement in the Halal industry’ in 2009, is a regular contributing writer for The Halal Journal magazine, and is presently organising Kuwait’s first Halal Workshop which will be held later this year in Kuwait, in September 2010.

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H ish a m H a r u n H a shim International Red Cross & Crescent Societies, Geneva Hisham Harun Hashim is the Deputy National Chairman of the Malaysian Red Crescent Society. A graduate of the Royal Military College, Malaysia, he is a barrister of the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn, London and practiced law in Malaysia. He is also a director of various companies in Malaysia and abroad. In the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, Hisham was first elected to the National Executive Board of the Malaysian Red Crescent in 1990 and is also its Chairman of the International Humanitarian Law and Legal Affairs Committee. He has attended several forums on International Humanitarian Law including in 1986, the Henry Dunant Institute in Geneva, and participated in several Roundtables at the International Institute for Humanitarian Law in San Remo, Italy. He also spearheads the International Relations Committee of the Malaysian Red Crescent, responsible for all international commitments and obligations of the Society. In 2008, he was appointed to the Compliance and Mediation Committee of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). At the General Assembly of IFRC held in Nairobi, November 2009, representing the Malaysian Red Crescent, he was elected to the Governing Board of IFRC, the umbrella body of 186 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies around the world.

I r fan Sung k a r WHF Secretariat/ KasehDia Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Irfan Sungkar is an Industry Advisor for the World Halal Forum Secretariat and KasehDia. His main interests and expertise are on Industry and Market Intelligence (competitive information), Macroeconomic, Policy Analysis and Competitiveness, Global and Regional Halal Food Market and Industry, Agriculture and Agri-based Industry, Market and Industry Structure, Consumer Behaviour, Purchasing Patterns and Trends, International Trade: Market Access, Trade Barriers and Negotiation Process, and Agribusiness Supply Chain Analysis. He has advised and contributed to numerous research papers and consulting projects in more than 20 countries worldwide, including research projects on Halal food markets in South East Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. Irfan is a member of the Malaysian Economic Association, Malaysian Agriculture Economics Association, the International Association of Registered Financial Consultant (USA), the International Society for Organic Agriculture (Germany) and the International Agribusiness Management Association (IAMA) of the USA. As an Economist and one of the Halal food industry’s experts, he has been invited to speak at some of the major institutions and forums in the world such as the World Bank; National Bureau of Foreign Trade, Taiwan, R.O.C.; World Halal Forum, Malaysia; and in the recent regional World Halal Forum in the Netherlands, November 2009.

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Dr . John Be n n e t t University of Colombo, Sri Lanka Dr. John Bennett was educated in Australia, obtaining a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Sydney (1968) and a Ph.D. in Botany from the University of Queensland (1972). He was a Lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Warwick in the UK (1973-1983) and a Scientist in the Biology Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the USA (1983-1989), focusing on chloroplast development and function. He began his focus on rice research when he joined UNIDO’s International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in New Delhi, India, as a Senior Scientist (1989-1992), using biotechnology tools to enhance insect resistance. He continued this research when he joined the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) near Manila, Philippines, as a Senior Scientist in the Division of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology (1992-2007). At IRRI, he expanded his biotechnological research through studies on the tolerance of rice to salinity, heat and drought and on the possibility of synthesising apomixis (asexual reproduction through seed) in rice. He has over 100 peer-reviewed publications, many of them with students from Asian countries. Since retiring in 2008, he has been awarded honorary research positions at the University of Sydney and the University of Colombo.

Leo n a r d Ar iff b in Ab d u l Sh ata r Chemical Company of Malaysia Qualifications: LLB, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Bachelor of Economics, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Membership of Associations: • Associate Member, Malaysia Institute of Management • Vice President, Malaysia Organisation of Pharmaceutical Industries (MOPI) 2008 - 2009 • President, Malaysian Organisation of Pharmaceutical Industries (MOPI) 2009 - 2011 Leonard was appointed the Director of CCM’s Pharmaceuticals Division on 1 January 2008. Since 1988, he has worked in various capacities in the legal profession before joining the CCM Group in 1990 where his main responsibilities were in business development at CCM Chemicals Sdn Bhd. In 2000, he assumed the position of Managing Director of Usaha Pharma (M) Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Prima Health Pharmacy (Retail) Sdn Bhd), CCM’s pharmaceuticals retail arm. He then became General Manager of ICI Paints Malaysia Sdn Bhd in 2003 and subsequently its Managing Director before taking on his current appointment. He also holds directorship on the Board of several companies within the CCM Group.

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D r. N a if Al-M u tawa THE 99, Kuwait Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa is a Kuwaiti clinical psychologist and creator of THE 99, the first group of comic superheroes born of an Islamic archetype. THE 99 has received positive attention from the world’s media. Recently, Forbes named THE 99 as one of the top 20 trends sweeping the globe and most recently, President Barack Obama praised Dr. Naif and THE 99 as perhaps the most innovative of the thousands of new entrepreneurs viewed by his Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship. Dr. Naif has a PhD in Clinical Psychology from Long Island University where he also earned a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology. He holds a Masters in Organizational Psychology from Teacher’s College, Columbia University and an MBA, also from Columbia University. He earned his undergraduate degree from Tufts University, where he triple-majored in Clinical Psychology, English Literature and History. Dr. Naif has extensive clinical experience working with former prisoners of war in Kuwait and the Survivors of Political Torture unit of Bellevue Hospital in New York. He has seen first-hand the cancer that intolerance can bring to any society. His direct contact with the horrors of people tortured because of their religious and political beliefs led to his writing a timeless children’s tale that won a UNESCO prize for literature in the service of tolerance. He received the Eliot-Pearson Award for Excellence in Children’s Media from Tufts University, the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations ‘Marketplace of Ideas’ Award, and The Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneurship Award presented at the 2009 World Economic Forum.

R afai q B ak ri Z a k a r ia Standards Malaysia Rafaiq Zakaria is the Director of Strategic Management Division in Standards Malaysia, at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia. He is an Executive Management Professional with extensive experience in Strategic Planning, Project Management, Business Assessment, and Technical & Financial Analysis combined with Legal, Venture Capital and StartUp experience in evaluating technology and commercial potential. Halal related involvement: • Malaysia Halal Development Committee, Economic Planning Unit, Malaysia. • Working Member, ASEAN Working Group on Halal Food (AWGHF), • Working Member, Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) Working Group on Halal Products and Services. • International Halal Integrity Alliance’s Advisory Committee, OIC. • Head of Delegate for Malaysia, Standardisation Expert Group on development of OIC Halal food standards (Also appointed Chairman of the Sub-committee on OIC Halal Standard ‘General Guidelines on Halal Food’), May and October 2009. • Trade and Investment Mission to West Asia (Saudi Arabia) with MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia), in cooperation with Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO), October 2009. • Lead Negotiator for business and technical cooperation with international bodies.

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Dato’ M u k h r iz b in T u n D r . M a h ath ir Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia

Dato’ Mukhriz bin Tun Dr. Mahathir is the third son and fifth child of former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir, and wife Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah. He studied Business Administration at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan and graduated with a degree in Marketing from Boston University, Massachussetts, U.S.A. in 1989. He is currently the Malaysian Deputy Minister of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and he is the duly elected Member of Parliament for Jerlun, Kedah. He has over 10 years experience in business and project development during his tenure at the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. Mukhriz served as Investment Bureau Officer at the Bank’s Nihombashi Head Office in Tokyo and thereafter, as Senior Advisor to the President of the Bank’s Kuala Lumpur office until 2000. His venture in establishing his own telecommunications company, OPCOM Sdn Bhd, and its joint-venture subsidiary with Ericsson Cables AB of Sweden, called OPCOM Cables Sdn Bhd, has made significant impacts in the telecommunications market and manufacturing industry in Malaysia as well as in the region. OPCOM Cables is currently the largest manufacturer of fibre optic cables in Malaysia, and is also the largest supplier to Telekom Malaysia Bhd and other major telecommunications service providers in the country. In December 2003, OPCOM Holdings Bhd, a group holding company, was listed on MESDAQ - the Malaysian stock exchange targeted specifically at growth and technology companies. Mukhriz’s diverse business ventures also include an active partnership with the only travel services company listed on the main board of Bursa Malaysia, Reliance Pacific Bhd. Mukhriz’s involvement in the hotel business includes the Tanjong Jara Beach Hotel, Terengganu; Avillion Village Resort and Admiral Cove Marina and Hotel, Port Dickson; and the Hotel Seri Malaysia franchise operations. He is also active in advertising and communications, and is Chairman and partner of the ISC Group - an advertising agency affiliated with TBWA of New York. A professional with diverse interests, Mukhriz is also active in youth and sporting organisations. He is the current President of the MARA Junior Science College (MRSM) Alumni, or ANSARA, and President of the Malaysian Sport Diving Association. He was recently elected to the Supreme Council of UMNO Youth, the youth wing of the largest political party in Malaysia, and is currently Chairman of the International & NGO Relations Bureau. Mukhriz has been involved as Coordinator of PEACE Malaysia where he spearheaded humanitarian relief efforts in tsunami-torn Acheh. He was also instrumental in organising an international civil society conference promoting peace in Palestine, and had successfully led a charity drive for South Asian earthquake victims in Pakistan.

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Dato’ Dr . A bd . A z iz B in J a m a l u ddi n Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Malaysia Achievements: • September 2006 onwards: Director General, Department of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Malaysia. • June 2003 - 15 September 2006: Deputy Director General, Department of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Malaysia. • 16 September 2006: Director General, Department of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Malaysia. • 1997 – June 2003: Director, Veterinary Research Institute, Ipoh, Malaysia. • 1995 – 1997: Deputy Director, Veterinary Research Institute, Ipoh, Malaysia. • 1985 – 1989: Head of Epidemiology and Veterinary Economic Unit, Veterinary Research Institute, Ipoh, Malaysia. • 1982 – 1985: Head of Animal Health Services Unit, Regional Veterinary Laboratory, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. • 1980 – 1982: Veterinary Officer, Veterinary Institute, Kluang, Malaysia.

B adlisyah A bdul G han i CIMB Islamic Bank, Malaysia Badlisyah Abdul Ghani is the Head of CIMB Group’s Islamic banking division as well as the Head of Corporate Client Solutions (Middle East and Brunei). He is the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad, Chairman of CIMB Standard Islamic Infrastructure Fund (General Partner) Limited, Director of CIMB Middle East BSC (C) (Bahrain) and CIMB Islamic Funds LCC (Brunei), alternate Director to the Chairman of CIMB Principal Islamic Asset Management Berhad, and member of the Investment Committee of CIMB Principal Asset Management Berhad. Badlisyah manages and oversees the overall Islamic banking and finance franchise of CIMB Group known as CIMB Islamic. His areas of responsibility cut across all legal entities within the Group as CIMB Islamic operates as a parallel bank leveraging on the Group’s infrastructure and network locally and globally. He sits on the Islamic Capital Market Consultative Panel of Bursa Malaysia, and the Exchange Committee and Listing Committee of the Labuan International Financial Exchange. Badlisyah is a Council Member of the Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia, Chairman of the Islamic Capital Market Committee of the Malaysian Investment Banking Association and member of the Working Group on Islamic Accounting Standards, Malaysian Accounting Standards Board. He has been recognised by top international publications as the world’s “Top 20 Pioneer in Islamic Finance”, “Islamic Banker of the Year” and “Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Islamic Finance”. Badlisyah holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom.

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D r . C edo m ir N esto r o v ic Essec Business School, France Dr. Cedomir Nestorovic is an associate professor at ESSEC Business School in Paris, France. His forte revolves around International Marketing, with specific emphasis on perfumes and cosmetics in addition to Islamic products and services. He understands and meanders his marketing and academic approaches with specific attention to Geopolitics, Intercultural Marketing (religion and marketing), and Marketing in an Islamic Environment for ESSEC MBA. A PhD holder in Political Science from the Paris Institute of Political Science, Dr. Cedomir has published a large collection of books and articles, which include ‘Marketing in an Islamic Environment’ and ‘Le Marketing En Europe Centrale’. His articles now serve as a reference for the undergraduate students. Recently, he served as Visiting Fellow in University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Da r h i m D al i H a s h im International Halal Integrity Alliance, Malaysia Darhim Dali Hashim is the Chief Executive Officer of International Halal Integrity Alliance Ltd (IHI Alliance), an international non-governmental organisation created to uphold the integrity of the Halal market concept in global trade through recognition, collaboration, and membership. Darhim brings to IHI Alliance a wealth of corporate and Halal industry experience. Previously, he worked in various senior management positions including leading a diversification strategy for a conglomerate into the agricultural sector. This led to an opportunity to head up an integrated livestock and Halal meat operations where he gained real hands-on experience from the cattle yards to the slaughter floor. He was invited to share his knowledge and experience on Halal Journal TV, Pakistan’s ATV and Business Plus channels and was also interviewed by Time and Forbes magazines. Darhim introduced Halal for the first time at the CIES International Food Safety Conference held in Barcelona, Spain, and was a speaker at World Bank’s first East Asia Pacific (EAP) Regional Agribusiness Trade & Investment Conference in Singapore. In the early part of his career, he was an audit manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers after having completed his Chartered Accountancy qualification with Kingston Smith in London. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Economics from the University of Bristol in England.

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Dato’ Iskan d a r M iz a l M a h m o o d Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation Dato’ Iskandar Mizal bin Mahmood, a Malaysian, aged 43, was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation Sdn Bhd (BiotechCorp) in 2005. Prior to his appointment to BiotechCorp, he was the Chief Executive Officer of the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC), a position he held since October 2003. From 1999 to 2003, he was the General Manager of Malaysia Airports Berhad and was responsible for Corporate Finance, Strategic Planning, Investor Relations, Business Development, and Finance. He started his career with Arthur Andersen and Co in 1989, and had served in several financial institutions including Bumiputera International Merchant Bankers Berhad and Commerce International Merchant Bankers Berhad Group. A graduate from Boston University, Massachusetts with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration (Accountancy), Dato’ Iskandar brings to BiotechCorp his expertise in Investment, Business Development, Strategic Planning, Corporate Finance, and Research.

D ato ’ Ser i J a m il B idin Halal Industry Development Corporation, Malaysia Dato’ Seri Jamil Bidin, aged 53, is the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Halal Industry Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (HDC). He is a graduate in Accountancy and also holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration (Finance) from the United Kingdom. He started his career as an Accountant with Rothmans of Pall Mall (M) Berhad in 1984 and has over the years, acquired extensive experience in auditing, corporate finance and financial management in various positions in public-listed companies such as C.I. Holding Berhad, Arab Malaysian Group, and Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad. In 2002, he was made the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Putera Capital Berhad, a main board public-listed company with activities in manufacturing, construction, property development and engineering. Prior to his appointment as the Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer of HDC, he was the Corporate Advisor of KUB Malaysia Berhad, a main board conglomerate with business in information and communication technology, education and training, food beverage and events, energy, and property development and construction. With his vast experience and expertise, he was appointed by the Prime Minister of Malaysia on 16 August 2006 to lead HDC - a wholly-owned company of the Ministry of Finance which was established on 18 September 2006 to develop the Halal industry with a mission of making Malaysia the Global Halal Hub.

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Lay la M a n d i OnePure Halal Beauty, Canada Layla Mandi is the founder of OnePure, a Halal cosmetics company launched in 2009, that is focused on serving the desires and needs of Muslim women. With her passion and background in the fashion industry as a makeup artist, the company has created a revolutionary Halal cosmetics line that is accepted alongside the world’s leading luxury brands. The products can be found at Galeries Lafayette and on board Saudi Airlines. Layla developed the marketing campaign for OnePure which resulted in worldwide media attention and premium product distribution interest from over 45 countries. Collaborating with a chemist and dermatologist in Canada, she designed the product packaging and developed products that include the following ranges: Anti-Ageing, Whitening, Treatments and Essentials. This includes product formulas suited for Arabic skin types, and specifically the extreme weather conditions that their skin has to face every day. A Muslim convert, Layla has long believed that beauty and religion need not be a conflict in our daily lives. A pioneer in the luxury Halal cosmetics industry, Layla has been invited to present about premium product branding and marketing strategies at various international events. Some of these include Beauty World Middle East in Dubai, the Moscow Halal Expo and the Inaugural Oxford Islamic Branding and Marketing Forum. The Halal cosmetics business is seen by analysts as next in line for growth after the lucrative Halal food and Islamic finance sectors.

Mar i am Abd u l L at if Halal Industry Development Corporation, Malaysia Mariam Abdul Latif studied in Malaysia, London and Indonesia to obtain degrees specialising in Agriculture, Nutrition and Halal food management. She began her career in 1979 as a lecturer in agriculture and food processing at the Ayer Hitam Institute of Agriculture, Johor, and later at the Institute of Agriculture Serdang, Selangor (1990-1993). She joined the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) in 1994 as a Food Technologist and established the office of Codex Contact Point Malaysia in 1996 under the Food Quality Control Division of MOH. Being the country Liaison Officer, she participated in many Codex meetings defending many issues related to food standards, including the adoption of the General Guidelines for Use of the Term ‘Halal’ in 1997. She was a Consultant to the Codex Secretariat at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome, Italy in 2001 and 2005. She headed the Halal certification programme under the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) from 2004 to 2006, and currently serves as the Vice President of Halal Integrity at the Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC). She has presented more than 100 papers on Halal and the Halal industry in Malaysia and overseas including China, Australia, France, Netherlands, South Africa and Iran. She is a Fellow Researcher at the Halal Product Research Institute (HPRI) in Universiti Putra Malaysia, and is a Panel Expert at the Institute of Halal Research and Management (IHRAM) in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.

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Pr ofessor D ato ’ D r . M u h a m a d M uda Islamic Science University of Malaysia Dr. Muhamad is currently a Professor and Vice Chancellor at the Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM). He obtained his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1994), and a Master in Business Administration (MBA) (1984) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) (1979) from the United States. He also has a Diploma in Banking (UiTM, 1977) and obtained a Certificate in Advanced Bank Management (Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Manila, Philippines – 1980). Dr. Muhamad has vast experience in the Islamic banking industry, having sat on the Board of Directors in BIMB Holdings Berhad (1997-2005), a company listed in the KLSE, and also in its wholly-owned subsidiary Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (1996 – 2005). During his tenure in BIMB Group, he chaired as member of the various board’s committees including the Risk Management Committee, Remuneration Committee, Internal Audit Committee, and Search Committee. He is instrumental in the setting-up and organising the risk management framework and department in the Bank. Currently, Dr. Muhamad sits on the Investment Committee of a state unit trust company (total funds RM130 million) and is the Chairman of KUIMKoop, a cooperative organisation for the University staff. Dr. Muhamad also sits in the National Council for the Coordination of Baitulmal.

Wa n g X ih u i China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Xihui is the Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Qinghai Provincial Committee and China Qinghai Chamber of International Commerce. He graduated with an English major in Beijing Foreign Language Studies University in China in 1985 and then went on to study at the Indiana State University of America as a visiting scholar. His previous appointment was as a Director of Development Department before transferring to the Foreign Investment Department of Qinghai Foreign Economic and Trade Commission. He is also the Director of Foreign Investment Department of Qinghai Commerce Department.

H aki mah M o h d Y u s o ff Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) Madam Hakimah binti Mohd Yusoff is the Principal Assistant Director, Policy and International Unit, Halal Hub Division, of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM). She started her career with JAKIM 16 years ago. In 2003, she was transferred to the Halal Hub Division being involved with many activities and programmes relating to Halal Certification in Malaysia. She was involved in the Industry Standard Committee for Halal (ISCI) and has been appointed as the Chairman of Working Group on Standard on Islamic Consumer Goods made of Bones, Skin and Fur. Hakimah’s other accomplishments include developing the Malaysian Halal Standard, MS 1500 Halal Food: The Production, Preparation, Handling and Storage - General Guidelines, and performs as a JAKIM auditor for inspection on Islamic Bodies worldwide requiring JAKIM’s recognition.

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t h e M aga z i n e f o r T he G l o b al halal e x p erie n c e I N T E R N AT I O N A L H A L A L N E W S + I N S I G H T F U L E D I TO R I A L + RESEARCH + PRODUCTS + SERVICES + LIFESTYLE


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KASEHDIA HALAL GUIDES SERIES guide for halal food + drin k s + m usli m travellers


email us at K A S E H D I A S D N B H D 3 1 - 2 , P L A Z A C R Y S TA LV I L L E , J A L A N 22 A /70 A , D E S A S R I H A R TA M A S , 50480 K UA L A LU M P U R , M A L AY S I A t +603 6203 1025 f +603 6203 4072

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the 5th World Halal Forum

medi a partners

Ar a b As ia B us ine s s T V (AAB T V)

Arab Asia Business TV (AABTV) with headquarters in Dubai Media City is the only

independent Chinese-owned Satellite TV company in the Middle East. It has the legal right to broadcast and give coverage. AABTV broadcasts programmes through Nile

Satellite, the main satellite in the Middle East. It covers the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt

and Iran and other 30 countries and regions in the Middle East, North Africa, and southern Europe. It broadcasts in both Arabic and English to more than 500 million people in

these regions. Based on the Middle East TV media, AABTV maintained close contact

and cooperation with the Middle East and Chinese government. Due to the good brand

image and vast marketing resources, AABTV not only becomes a trade bridge between the Middle East and the outside world but is also a trade booster in the Arabian Peninsula.


Oxford Business Group (OBG), a global publishing, research and consultancy firm, publishes economic and political intelligence on the markets of Eastern Europe, North and South Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. OBG offers comprehensive

analysis of political, macroeconomic and sectoral developments, including banking, capital markets, energy, infrastructure, industry and insurance. OBG’s acclaimed

economic, political and business reports are the leading source of local and regional intelligence, while OBG’s online economic briefings provide up-to-date in-depth analyses. OBG’s consultancy arm offers tailor-made market intelligence and advice to firms operating in these markets and those looking to enter them.


Your Key to China and International Halal Products Market.

As the first Halal economy E-commerce website in both English and Chinese established in 2008, Halal Economy’s mission is to explore the Halal economy forefront issues,

facilitating international communication and cooperation, and seeking investment and development opportunities. As a leading platform for Halal products marketplace in China, this is done through connecting traders with worldwide wholesalers, buyers,

importers and exporters, manufacturers and distributors quickly and cost-effectively.

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the 5th World Halal Forum

m edi a pa rt n ers


Global Islamic Finance Magazine (GIF) was firmly established in 2007 as the leading Islamic finance title for bankers, business professionals, brokers, insurers, and corporate advisors and providers of financial services. It focuses on the rapidly growing Islamic Banking, Finance,

Economy and Business. Through close contact with those active in the Islamic finance sector,

Global Islamic Finance magazine is able to bring you critical news not found elsewhere. Market

intelligence which will assist you with your business and in-depth independently-written feature articles provides potential leads and other resource information. Turn GIF’s, knowledge and

insight into your advantage, with essential information and details on the Islamic finance field. Global Islamic Finance magazine delivers news, reviews, research, comment and analysis

to financial intermediaries, bankers, lenders, insurers, brokers, corporate and SME decision makers and supports these finance professionals with timely, relevant and accurate market

intelligence and sources of business funding. Website:


Bridging you to the Arab world.

The first and the only Arabic Magazine in Malaysia, Aswaq Magazine was

established in January 2009 as a comprehensive magazine publishing articles

about Malaysia in both English and Arabic languages for local and Arab readers with an aim to highlight the relationship between Malaysia and the Arab

countries, covering travel, health, education, business and general interest.

SM E Magazine

Malaysia’s Best Selling Business Publication!

SME Magazine is the first and only publication dedicated to Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and is the fastest growing business magazine in Malaysia since its inception in March 2007. Every month, over 90,000 to 140,000 business owners and entrepreneurs rely on SME Malaysia to keep them updated and on-the-go in the market. As the most authoritative publication for SMEs, feature monthly doses of current news, in-depth

analyses, practical and powerful “how-to” articles, insightful interviews and coverage of business owners, and feature articles in simple everyday language. Driven by an

excellent pool of correspondents and contributors, SME Magazine’s high quality articles are diversified, detailed and written in a way that gives out readers a global perspective

whilst maintaining unique local insights. SME Magazine is part of the AIC Media Group which also publishes HR Asia and SME Magazine in Indonesia, Singapore & Thailand.

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6/16/10 2:41:46 AM

the 5th World Halal Forum

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OIC Today Magazine is an economic magazine created to serve the Muslim business community at large, especially for Muslim nations or members of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC). It was launched by Malaysia’s Former Prime

Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. The OIC Today magazine contains the

latest information on trade activities in OIC member countries and is also a vital

platform to disseminate information that will help the Muslim business community to trade and promote their products. Officially, it is published by Ramcel Media in

collaboration with Malaysia OIC Trade Chamber based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. OIC Today acts as the gateway to Islamic economies and OIC nations.


MALAYSIA SME™ The SME Paper is the first and only paper serving the SME community in Malaysia. Dedicated totally to SMEs, it covers news, updates, developments and events

that are relevant to SMEs. A total of 50,000 complimentary copies are circulated fortnightly to SMEs, Government Ministries and Agencies, Associations and Trade Chambers and Commerce, MNCs, GLCs and PLCs. The paper is also available for sale at myNEWS.

com, MPH, Borders, Kinokuniya and Popular bookstores nationwide. MALAYSIA SME™ The SME Paper is part of MSME Inc., a media group whose products are available in the form of Print, Electronic, Online, On Air, Mobile and Events - hence making it the most complete SME media organisation in the country. Currently having more than 18,000 members, MSME Inc. is also Malaysia’s first and largest SME corporate card issuer.

HA L AL F OC US . C OM is a news resource for the global Halal industry providing news

updates, commentary and analysis on the developments within the Halal market. is a free service provided by Imarat Consultants, specialists in Halal market intelligence. is run by Imarat Consultants, a specialist consulting company that focuses solely on the Halal markets.

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KasehDia Sdn Bhd KasehDia Sdn B h d w a s f o r m e d i n 1 9 9 9 a s a n i ch e communications a n d c o n s u l t i n g c o m p a n y w i t h a s t r o n g commitment in p r o m o t i n g Un i v e r s a l I s l a m i c v a l u es and good value s i n a c o n t e m p o r a r y m a n n e r t h r o u g h o u t the world. We d o t h i s t h r o u g h o u r m é l a n g e o f s t r a t e g i c programmes tha t s e r v e t o b o t h d i s s e m i n a t e a n d r e t r i e v e information thr o u g h o u r e v e n t s , c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d research arms. We h a v e a s t r o n g f o r t e i n p u b l i c a t i o n s , events , brandin g a n d c o n s u l t a n c y, a n d n o w i n f il m - m ak i n g . Kas ehDia is m o s t n o t e d a s a g r a v i t a t i o n a l f o r ce within the glob a l Ha l a l i n d u s t r y. Th e s y s t e m a t i c g at h er i n g of data and inte l l i g e n c e o n t h e g l o b a l H a l a l m a r k e t covering thousa n d s o f H a l a l r e s t a u r a n t s , c e r t i f i c a t i o n agencies, gover n m e n t s a n d i n d u s t r i e s s i n c e 2 0 0 2 h a s made the compa n y a b e a c o n o f k n o w l e d g e t o i nd u s t r y players, politici a n s , g o v e r n m e n t s , a n d s c h o l a r s a l i k e . Our ins pired , i n v e n t i v e u n i v e r s a l i d e a s a r e al l - i n cl u si v e and have the abi l i t y t o t r a n s c e n d e c o n o m i c , c u lt u r al , socio-political, e t h n i c a n d r e l i g i o u s b o r d e r s , a n d s h a p e international ag e n d a s . K a s e h D i a t a k e s i m m e n s e p r i d e i n creating s ome o f t h e wo r l d ’s f i r s t s i n t h e Ha l a l i n d u st r y : The World Hala l F o r u m , T h e H a l a l J o u r n a l , a n d t h e H a l a l Food Guide ser i e s a r e n o t j u s t c o m p a n y f l a g s h i p s , b u t t h e nation’s . With t h e s e b r a n d s , t h e c o m p a n y c o n t i nu es t o push the frontie r s o f k n o w l e d g e w i t h i n t h e H a l a l s e c t o r. KasehDia C o n s u l t a n c y w a s i n v o l v e d i n t h e d r a f t i n g of the Halal Ch a p t e r o f M a l a y s i a ’s 3 r d I n d u s t r i a l Master Plan aft e r b e i n g a p p o i n t e d a s c o n s u l t a n t b y t h e Ministry of Inte r n a t i o n a l Tr a d e a n d I n d u s t r y ( M I T I ) in 2006. We als o d e v e l o p e d t h e i n i t i a l f r a m e w or k o f the Halal Indust r y De v e l o p m e n t Co r p o r a t i o n ( H D C ) for the M alays i a n Pr i m e M i n i s t e r ’s Off i c e . FOUNDER J umaatun Azmi i s t h e f o u n d e r a n d M a n a g i n g Dir ect o r o f KasehDia Sdn B h d . U n d e r J u m a a t u n ’s v i s i o n a r y l e a d e r s h i p , the company ha s c r e a t e d w o r l d - r e n o w n e d e v e n t s a n d publications and c o n s u l t e d t h e g o v e r n m e n t o n v ar i o u s H al al matters. Jumaat u n i s t h e E d i t o r o f T h e H a l a l J o u r n a l , a trade publicatio n o n t h e H a l a l i n d u s t r y c u r r e n t l y d i s t r i b u t e d in over 35 coun t r i e s . S h e a l s o f o u n d e d t h e a w a r d - w i n n i n g Halal Food Gui d e s e r i e s w h i c h , t o d a t e , h a s c o v e r e d eight countries. J u m a a t u n ’s o t h e r a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s i n t h e Halal industry i n c l u d e t h e c r e a t i o n o f T h e Wo r l d H a l a l Forum, Halal Jo u r n a l T V, T h e H a l a l J o u r n a l Aw a r d s , H a l a l Restaurant Awa r d s a n d T h e H a l a l J o u r n a l Wo r k s h o p S e r i e s . Due to her prol i f i c e ff o r t s i n f o r t i f y i n g t h i s f r a g m e n t e d industry and fo r s p e a r h e a d i n g a u n i q u e a p p r o a c h t o c r e a t i v e communications , J u m a a t u n , t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e c o m p a n y, has been applau d e d i n b o t h t h e l o c a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l media including F o r b e s , G u a r d i a n U K , T h e N e w Yo r k Times , As ia Wa l l St r e e t J o u r n a l , I n t e r n a t i o n a l H er al d Tribune, Time M a g a z i n e a n d T h e E c o n o m i s t t o n a m e a f e w. Her latest ventu r e i s i n t h e f i l m - m a k i n g i n d u s t r y w h e r e s he takes the ma n t l e a s t h e Ex e c u t i v e Pr o d u c e r an d C o Director of feat u r e f i l m “'" H A Q ” w h i c h w i l l b e r e l e a s e d i n 2010. She holds a d e g r e e i n C o m m u n i c a t i o n ( H o n o u r s ) from the Univer s i t y o f Ha r t f o r d , Co n n e c t i c u t , U S A .

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E X P E RT IS E K a s e h D i a ’s s t r e n g t h l i e s i n i t s i n n o v a t i v e a p p r oach, b u i l d i n g b r an d aw ar en ess f o r cl i en t s an d g eo t a rg e t i n g p r o m o t i o n s t o t a rg e t e d i n t e r n a t i o n a l decision m a k e r s . O u r c o m p a n y ’s b u s i n e s s p o r t f o l i o i n c l udes c o n t e n t d e v e l o p m e n t , i n t e g r a t e d m a r k e t i n g s o l utions, p u b l i sh i n g , p r o d u ct i o n , r esear ch , t r ai n i n g an d events . BRANDS T h e H a l a l J o u rn a l T h e b i - m o n t h l y p u b l i c a t i o n w a s t h e f i r s t o f i t s kind in the w o r l d w h e n l a u n c h e d i n 2 0 0 4 , a n d c o v e r s t o p i cs related t o t h e H a l a l a n d M u s l i m m a r k e t s w o r l d w i d e i n cluding m a n u f a c t u r i n g , t r a d e , r e g u l a t i o n s a n d f i n a n c e . The H a l a l J o u r n a l i s d i s t r i b u t e d i n o v e r 3 5 c o u n t r i es. Wo rl d H a l a l F o ru m K a s e h D i a i s t h e c r e a t o r a n d o rg a n i s e r o f t h e a nnual World H a l a l F o r u m ( W H F ) w h i c h i s t h e f i r s t H a l a l - r e lated forum i n t h e w o r l d t o f o cu s o n t h e b u si n ess asp ect o f H alal a n d i s t h e b i g g e s t o f i t s k i n d . T h e W H F p r o g r amme i n c l u d e s t h e W H F I n d u s t r y D i a l o g u e s t h a t t a k es place in ei g h t co u n t r i es ar o u n d t h e w o r l d t h r o u g h o u t t h e year. H a l a l G u i d es T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l H a l a l F o o d G u i d e S e r i e s , w h ich was l a u n c h e d i n 2 0 0 3 , i n c l u d e r e v i e w s o f H a l a l r e s taurants i n K u al a L u m p u r, S i n g ap o r e, A u st r al i a, D u b ai , Canada, N e w Z e a l a n d , a n d L o n d o n . To u t e d a s “ … . t h e world’s best s e r i e s o f H a l a l f o o d r e s t a u r a n t g u i d e s ” b y T h e Asian Wall S t r e e t J o u r n a l , t h i s w a s t h e c o m p a n y ’s f i r s t v e nture and t h e r e v i e w s w e r e o v e r w h e l m i n g . O u r A u s t r a l i a issue was a w a r d e d t h e “ B e s t G u i d e s i n t h e Wo r l d ” - w i n ner at the p r e s t i g i o u s G o u r m a n d Wo r l d . M o r e r e c e n t l y, T he Halal G u i d es ser i es h as ex p an d ed i t s co n t en t b ey o n d f ood to i n c l u d e t h e b i g g e r r e a l m o f t r a v e l , w i t h t h e f i r st publication o f “ A M u s l i m Tr a v e l l e r ’s G u i d e t o A u s t r a l i a ” which was p r o d u c e d i n c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h To u r i s m A u s t r a lia. K a seh D i a R esea rch a n d C o n su l t a n cy K aseh D i a’s R esear ch an d C o n su l t an cy d i v i si o n w as c r e a t e d t o a s s i s t o rg a n i s a t i o n s b a s e d o n t h e e x perience a n d m a r k e t i n t e l l i g e n c e g a t h e r e d o v e r t h e y e a r s through o u r q u a l i t a t i v e a n d q u a n t i t a t i v e m a r k e t r e s e a r c h. E q u i p p e d w i t h t h i s r a r e i n s i g h t , w e u s e o u r v a l uable k n o w l e d g e a n d e x p a n s i v e u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e market t o co n su l t , t r ai n an d l o b b y o n an i n t er n at i o n al level. K a seh D i a P i ct u res T h e l a t e s t a d d i t i o n t o o u r s u c c e s s i o n o f b r a n d s is motion p i ct u r es. We h av e p r o d u ced T V sh o w s su ch as our H alal J o u r n a l T V s h o w n o n M a l a y s i a n t e r r e s t r i a l T V, documentaries s u c h a s “ C o n v e r s a t i o n s w i t h M u s l i m s i n B a n g kok”, and “ G l o b a l H a l a l M a r k e t ” . O u r f i r s t m o v i e , “ H A Q ”, is a r e v o l u t i o n a r y f e a t u r e f i l m o n l o v e , c o u r a g e , f a ith and sacr i f i ce am i d st t h e su p er n at u r al d u e t o b e r el e as ed in 2010.


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KasehDia is a communication and research company. It has an exceptional mix of pioneering media brands, world-class events and a track record of high-level consultancies. Its speciality is delivery of Islamic values in a strategic, universal and contemporary manner for across the board audiences. Due to their cutting edge and prolific work, KasehDia has been featured in various international mainstream media including The New York Times, The Economist, TIME magazine, Asia Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune and Bloomberg.

• W W W. H A L A L J O U R N A L . C O M • W W W. W O R L D H A L A L F O R U M . O R G • W W W. H A L A L G U I D E S . C O M • W W W. H A Q T H E M O V I E . C O M • K aseh D I a S dn B hd : 3 1 - 2 P L A Z A C R Y S TA LV I L L E , J A L A N 2 2 A / 7 0 A , D E S A S R I H A R TA M A S , 5 0 4 8 0 K U A L A L U M P U R T +6 03 6203 1025 F +6 03 6203 4072 E INFO@KASEHDIA.COM W www. K A S E H D I A . C O M

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6/14/10 2:51:28 AM

the 5th World Halal Forum


The World Halal Forum been featured in over 242 media globally, ranging from newsprint, TV, Radio, online, and periodicals and journals.

“Jumaatun Azmi, organiser of the first World Halal Forum in Malaysia in May this year, didn’t want to host yet another scholarly debate among Islamic clerics about what the Quran does or doesn’t allow Muslims to eat. So instead of the mullahs, she invited McDonald’s Corp., Nestle SA, Rotterdam Port and Tesco Plc, the British retailer, to the conference” Bloomberg reproduced in International Herald tribune and the Edge “World Halal Forum will become an annual gathering, whose clout will be left wherever there are Muslim consumers” Radio Free Europe “The recently-held World Halal Forum in Kuala Lumpur paves the way for Malaysia in becoming a “Centre Of Halal Excellence”” Business Times “Making a bid to become a Muslim world lead proponent of Halal” Asian Wall Street Journal “Malaysia hosted the World Halal Forum in Kuala Lumpur, a conference designed to bring together companies involved in making Halal food” “The world’s first conference on Halal business – the World Halal Forum” Star “The global Halal industry, if it can be called one, is fast getting up to speed at the World Halal Forum - a convention and trade show of religious zeal dressed in the smart suits of regulators and entrepreneurs” New Straits Times “The World Halal Forum in Kuala Lumpur was a chance for the Malaysian government to promote itself as a future hub for Halal products. But it was also a forum for industry leaders to give stern warnings to their colleagues about the need for proper certification procedures” The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC Connect Asia) “Nestlé Malaysia, Britain’s biggest retailer Tesco and fast food giant McDonald’s also joined experts and regulatory bodies at the forum to discuss the Halal food and promote the booming business in Halal food” The New Nation

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“At the World Halal Forum, the first major gathering of the global Halal industry, the talk is about ethics, values, lifestyles and branding. The Quranic injunctions on which foods are permissible and prohibited now form only one part of the discussion; the need for a global standard of Halal certification is being pushed forward by a market-driven industry that wants more” “The World Halal Forum (WHF) has formally requested the International Development Bank (IDB) to set up a specific fund to help develop the Halal industry in Organisation of the Islamic Conference member nations and in non-Muslim countries with Muslim minorities” Bernama “Going beyond the usual academic and religious discussions, participants in the World Halal Forum, currently hosted in Kuala Lumpur, are looking at the sector in commercial terms, discussing how to regulate and promote the booming industry” Islamonline “For the first time ever, the World Halal Forum will see leaders of the global Halal industry converge to discuss the issues of business trade” The Halal Journal “The forum helps prepare the government and private sector for the growing Muslim market worldwide. It is our philosophy to not only promote the Halal concept across in a universal way but also see a huge market potential” Malaysia SME “The World Halal Forum 2010 will focus on an action plan to address crucial issues facing the market, specifically in Halal integrity” Berita Harian “Malaysia as a moderate and successful Islamic country is capable of taking a leadership role in providing a knowledge and trade platform as well as in pushing the global Halal agenda” Utusan Malaysia “The World Halal Forum this year aims to seek ways to correct shortcomings within Malaysia’s Halal sector by promoting a strong masterplan applicable to all stakeholders in the industry” New Straits Times – Business Times


6/16/10 2:42:17 AM

the 5th World Halal Forum


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6/15/10 8:40:27 PM

the 5th World Halal Forum


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6/15/10 2:14:07 PM

the 5th World Halal Forum


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the 5th World Halal Forum


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6/15/10 2:14:18 PM

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6/9/10 8:39:21 PM

w w w. w o r l d h a l a l f o r u m . o r g

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6/15/10 11:56:25 AM

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