Top 7 Google SEO Ranking Factors For 2021/2022 Every passing year is coped with new changes in the Google algorithm, however, SEO is a dynamic field that evolves with changes rapidly. People invest abundantly in determining the top rank of their website on Google but do you know, Google considers a variety of factors to determine the rank of the websites. It is imperative for a user to consider all top google ranking factors to stand separately in the crowd. Here, we come up with new SEO ranking factors that change the Google algorithm in 2021/2022.
Let;’s find out what these are! Top 7 Google SEO Ranking Factors For 2021/2022 1. High-quality content 2. Mobile-first 3. Page Experience 4. Page speed 5. Internal links 6. External links 7. On-page optimization 8. Final Thoughts