Matura ustna z języka angielskiego zwroty i argumenty do zadania 3
CHOOSING A PICTURE – general phrases
I’d pick out/select/go for/choose/decide on/vote for
I reject/eliminate/turn down picture…
/opt for picture nr 1…
I wouldn’t choose/go for picture …for a simple reason:…
I’d definitely prefer…
I don’t think picture nr 3 is appropriate since....
I’d surely choose…
…wouldn’t be my choice as…
My first/natural choice is…
The remaining two are out of question because…
I think picture nr 2 is the best/most suitable for me because… I consider picture 3 the best option as…. Let me explain my choice briefly.
it makes me think about…it reminds me of…
It’s boring/uninteresting/ strange/weird
It’s attractive/appealing/involving/ convincing
It doesn’t attract attention
It attracts my attention.
It’s not clear/blurred/illegible.
It’s relevant to my experience as …
It presents a poster which is vague.
It appeals to me because…
It’s too feminine/masculine as only girls love….
The layout is amazing/wonderful/fascinating/brilliant.
It’s almost empty.
The poster deals with the problem of …
Young people wouldn’t pay attention to this advert as
It shows plenty of colours/shapes/signs.
the objects are old-fashioned/out-dated.
The notice says that we must take care of environment.
It’s not convincing/attractive for young people as they
The design is colourful and well-planned.
prefer bright colours.
The picture is packed with/full of various objects.
The picture is controversial /thought-provoking/shocking
The advert may be popular among young people as they are into modern style
JOBS It is fascinating to solve (rozwiązywać)problems.
It is difficult to meet so many people.
I can experience new challenges. ( Mogę doświadczyć
It is tiring.( Jest męczące.)
nowych wyzwań.)
I can get hurt. (Mogę się zranić.)
I can fully use my skills. ( Mogę w pełni wykorzystać
It is a badly paid job. ( Źle płatna praca.)
moje umiejętności.)
You constantly(stale) travel
At work I can meet other people. ( W pracy mogę
I don't have time for my family. ( Nie mam czasu dla
poznać innych ludzi.)
mojej rodziny.)
I am sure, I will get a salary every month. (Jestem
The work is boring. ( Praca jest nudna).
pewna, że dostanę wypłatę każdego miesiąca.)
Sometimes you are helpless (bezradny)when you can’t
You have high earnings (wysokie zarobki)
solve(rozwiązać) a problem.
You have a possibility of running your own
You can experience (doświadczać)
clinic/company/business (możliwość prowadzenia
-monotony of work
-inconvenience (niedogodności)of travel
You can help other people
-fatigue (zmęczenia)
You have an opportunity to establish new contacts
(nawiązać nowe kontakty)
-lack of time (brak czasu)
You can explore human psyche (badać ludzką psychikę)
You are responsible (odpowiedzialny) for other people.
You are worshipped by people. (wielbiony przez ludzi)
You have to do a lot of paperwork.
You have contact with people of all ages
You risk your own life.
You have a lot of free time You can enrich others’ knowledge (wzbogacić wiedzę innych) You explore and discover new places, travel around the world (badać i odkrywać) You have flexible working hours (elastyczne) You gain social-esteem(zyskujesz społeczne uznanie)
It’s a demanding (wymagająca)job.
SPORTS it is healthy- it helps to prevent (zapobiegać) from many
It can be tiring (męczący) and later we are too tired to do
You have a better mood (nastrój), you feel better
It sometimes is boring-
You shape your silhouette (sylwetka) and you look more
It requires concentration (wymaga skupienia)
you must be fit(wysportowany)
You improve physical fitness (sprawność)- your body
It causes injuries(powoduje urazy)/you can die/drown
produces endorphins, the hormones of happiness, and
(utonąć)/fall down(spaść))
you have greater overall blood flow (przepływ krwi)
Your health can deteriorate (pogorszyć)-Doing some
You breathe in more oxygen (tlen)-The skin becomes
sports you are exposed (narażony)to injuries which
firm(jędrna) and healthy
affect our appearance(wygląd), and sometimes our
Sport reduces stress-we feel relaxed, forget about
everyday problems
You cannot do some exercises yourself
Thanks to the achievements (osiągnięcia) we
It costs a lot and requires special equipment like racket/
appreciate(doceniamy) sports,
ball/net(siatka)/sports shoes/ outfit(strój)
We can become famous
You smell(pachniesz) bad/ sweat(pocisz się) a lot-
In a team(drużynowy) sport you can learn to cooperate. You can lose weight for example while swimming The sport strengthens(wzmacnia) the muscles.
you can strain (naciągnać)your muscles. it is a boring sport.
FOOD It is light/ dietary(dietetyczne)/ healthy/ filling(sycące)
It is hard to digest (strawić)/stodgy(cięzkostrawne)/
tasteless(bez smaku)
- It is easy to digest(strawienia)
- It goes bad (psuje się) quickly
- It contains healthy oils/ protein/ vitamins/ iron/
- It causes food poisoning
magnesium/ potassium etc
- It contains carbohydrates/ fats/ a lot of calories/
- It affects (oddziałuje na) a digestive system/ bones/
artificial (sztuczne) nutrients and chemicals
health well
- It looks unappetizing/ repellent (odpychająco)/ not
- It contains (zawiera)a lot of fibre (błonnik).
fresh/ bad/ stale/ strange
- It looks appetizing/ delicious/ cheap/ fresh etc
- It causes nausea (nudności)
- I prefer organic food
- It seems to be unhealthy/ expensive/ hard/
- It seems to be well-done/ delicious
overcooked/ frozen
- I’d eat it willingly (chętnie)
- It is smelly/ stinky/ fat/ fattening/distasteful
-I would like to try sth new
- It increases (podwyższa) a level (poziom)of cholesterol
- It improves(poprawia) brainpower/ sight/ teeth/
- It it conducive(sprzyjające) to diabetes
complexion/ hair/ nails
- I have an allergy/I am allergic to potatoes/ pasta/
- It has good effect on a blood circulation/ hardiness/
oysters/ beef etc.
- I don’t prefer a lettuce/tomatoes/rice/ a chicken soup
- It reminds of my mother’s/ grandmother’s cuisine
- It is easy to prepare
-It is too salty/ sweet/ bitter/ sour / sharp/ spicy/ rare/
- It is a simple choice for all the family
stale/ weak/ mild/ strong
- Good food improves our concentration
- I don’t eat vegetables/ fruit/ meat/ seafood/ sweets/
- It is the healthiest option for young people/ old people/ dairy/ bakery products/ pork etc. teenagers/ youth
- It has a bad effect on a liver/ heart/ bones/ stomach/
- It helps you think better
teeth etc.
- It tastes just wonderful
- It is dry.
-it doesn’t contain carbohydrates/ fats/ a lot of calories
City / Town
In the city you have greater access to new technologies.
- There is no free housing, which people do not feel
(W mieście masz większy dostęp do nowych technologii.) comfortable with.-brak swobody mieszkania, przez co You can develop your interest. (Możesz rozwijać swoje
ludzie nie czują sie komfortowo
-There is a lot of pollution and fumes- Jest duzo
In the city everything is close. (W mieście wszędzie jest
zanieczyszczeń i spalin
-There is a lot of noise- duzo hałasu
You can use highly developed culture and sport. (Możesz -time runs fast/People live at a fast pace-ludzie żyja w korzystać z mocno rozwiniętej kultury i sportu.)
ciągłym biegu
You have easy access to shops and supermarkets. (Masz
life and maintenance in the city is expenesive - w
łatwy dostęp do sklepów i supermarketów.)
mieście jest drogie życie i utrzymanie
You can use the developed infrastructure. (Możesz
- there is a problem with having animals- występuje
korzystać z rozwinięta infrastruktura.)
problem z posiadaniem zwierząt
You can be anonymous. (Możesz być anonimowy.)
-There are high proces of houses- wysokie ceny mieszkań
You can find many workplaces. (Możesz znaleźć dużo
in the city it is dirty / ugly / boring/gray/loud
zakładów pracy.)
in the city there is plenty of car exhaust / ugly views
There is easy access to emergency services. (Jest łatwy
people do not know each other
dostęp do służb pomocy.)
Village / Country
You can get many job offers. (Możesz otrzymać wiele
- people know each other well so they know everything
ofert pracy.)
about you- ludzie znaja się dobrze przez co wszystko o
Village / Country
sobie wiedzą
You can enjoy a lot of peace and quietness. (Możesz
It is far to any other place (the supermarket, the post
cieszyć się dużą ilością ciszy i spokoju.)
office)- wszędzie jest daleko(do supermarketu, na
You can breathe in the fresh air. (Możesz wdychać
świeże powietrze.)
-lack of entertainment e.g swimming pool, bowling-brak
There is a small population (Jest małe zaludnienie)
rozrywek np basen, kręgle
You have a large access to healthy food. (Masz duży
-poor access to jobs, schools-słaby dostęp do pracy,
dostęp do zdrowej żywności.)
You can enjoy being close to nature. (Możesz cieszyć się bliskością natury.) You can lead a healthy lifestyle. (Możesz prowadzić
-There are fewer large shops-Mniej dużych sklepów.
zdrowy tryb życia.) There is a lot of space. (Jest dużo przestrzeni.) You don't have to worry about the safety of your children. (Nie musisz martwić się o bezpieczeństwo dla dzieci.) You can easily live without the crowd of people.(Możesz swobodnie żyć bez natłoku ludzi.) The countryside is pure / colorful/ quiet because it is not affected by pollutions.(nienaruszone przez zanieczyszczenia) Villages have scenic views / clean air The air smells good/nice as there is no car exhaust. (brak spalin) It’s a pleasant place because birds sing / time goes by slowly / people are friendly
RESTAURANTS /BARS Szykowna,elegancka - chic
Przepełniona – busy, crowded
Domowa atmosfera - homely atmosphere
Szokujące ceny - outrageoos prices
Ekskluzywna restauracja - deluxe restaurant
Nie decydujesz o ilości jedzenia- you don’t decide on the
Napełniać się ludźmi - to fill up with people
amount of food
Przeglądać jadłospis - to look through the menu
Nie wiesz jak to jest/było zrobione- you don’t know how
Zamówić posiłek - to order a meal
it is /was made
Zapewniona obsługa stolika - table service is provided
drogi - expensive
for evey client
Zamówić coś niedobrego/obrzydliwego - order sth
Śródziemnomorska kuchnia - Mediterranean cuisine
disgusting/ distasteful
Międzynarodowa kuchnia - international cuisine
Długi czas oczekiwania - long time of waiting
Nie potrzebujesz gotować - you don’t need to cook
The place/table/linen/tablecloth is dirty.
Duży wybór dań - great choice of dishes
The crockery is chipped.(wyszczerbiona zastawa)
Próbować coś nowego – you can try something new
The cutlery is rusty.(zardzewiałe sztućce)
Nie trzeba zmywać - no need to wash up
Cold, too elegant atmosphere/design
Możesz smakować kuszących dobroci - you can taste the It is located in an unpleasant place.
tempting goods Unikalne otoczenie - a unique setting Rozsądne ceny –there are reasonable proces so you can afford it. Sezonowa zmiana menu – There is seasonally changing menu Nacisk na jakość - emphasis on quality Zarezerwowany stolik – You can have a booked table
Limited menu/limited range of dishes
MEANS OF TRANSPORT I t is considered to be the safest kind of transport
It depends on the weather(jest zależne od pogody) It contributes to the pollution of the environment(ma
There is short time of flight/travel
swój udział w zanieczyszczaniu środowiska)
It has little effect on the environment. (mały wpływa na
There are a lot of accidents
It provides longer transport time
There are low fares/costs. (opłaty)
It sometimes has high cost of maintenance (utrzymanie)
It is convenient as you can get everywhere
People need to build expensive ports
You don’t get stuck in traffic. (nie tkwisz w ruchu
Some people suffer from fear of sea travel. (lęk przed
It is not affected by weather conditions. (pogoda nie ma
Motion/travel/sea sickness (choroba
It is an excellent means of transport for crowded cities
Fear of heights
The speed of travel is high.
There are limitations of the driving hours
It provides relatively good comfort. (stosunkowo
There are restrictions on the size of the transported
You have the possibility to order meals
Public transport is often delayed
It’s convenient to travel at night
construction of railway lines is very costly
It’s cheap as you don’t pay for tickets/fuel.
restrictions imposed by timetable (ograniczenia
Any kind of product can be transported
spowodowane rozkładem )
It’s the cheapest of all kinds of transport
There is the risk of terrorist attacks
There are favorable conditions for the integration of
You need to get to the airport
participates. (warunki sprzyjające integracji )
PEOPLE I suppose -I can rely on him / her He/she looks friendly as she is smiling he/she arouses my interest this person is persuasive(przekonująca)
He/she looks terrifying, because he has tattoos and scary look (straszne spojrzenie ) I would be afraid the person is a serial killer/may hurt me The person looks unattractive as she has crooked teeth/greasy hair.(krzywe zęby/tłuste włosy)
The person looks attractive. He seems a pessimist. She has inspiring T-shirt/dress. She looks tired/sleepy/discouraging. The person commands respect as she is middleaged/serious/elegant. (wzbudza szacunek) She is too old/young/grumpy/naïve (zrzędliwa/naiwna) She seems to be a nice girl/good friend/an optimist. Her/his clothes are dirty/scruffy/torn.(niechlujne/podarte) She is the same age/my peer.(rówieśnik) She is the spitting image of my friend. (to wierna kopia mojego przyjaciela)
He is alike/ similar to/ like ...(jest podobny do...)
It can be spacious and have plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms,
There is little space,
Easier/cheaper to maintain (utrzymać)due to low cost of living
It can be uncomfortable
Decorating and renovating is affordable (w przystępnej cenie)due to limited Nosy /noisy neighbours (wścibscy/głośni) space (ograniczona przestrzeń) There is little cleaning, There are neighbours to talk with/help us you pay your rent and you don’t have to worry about anything, it is warm in winter without the need to use the fireplace shops and other facilities (infrastruktura) are easily available (dostępne) Single-family house /detached house
you don’t have a garden and garage, shared cellar (wspólna piwnica) you can’t make noise it can be cold in summer Single-family house /detached house a lot of cleaning various rooms
you have a spacious backyard/garden
you need to take care of heating
peace and quietness because of the lack of noisy neighbours(brak głośnych you must clean up/maintain (utrzymywać sąsiadów)
)the garden
plenty of room inside – everyone has their place to learn/rest/sleep
The cost of living is higher
you can do barbecues/organize parties without obstacles (bez przeszkód)
Neighbours live further so the
convenient for families with children you can keep an animal – is does not disturb other people (nie przeszkadza)
relationships are weaker
I can learn important information. I can move a lot It’s good for health/condition It increases amount of testosterone
It can be harmful e.g you can spoil your sight or get sick (szkodliwe) It’s tiring/exhausting (męczące) It’s boring/monotonous as you keep doing the same thing/repeat it several times
You spend the time outside in the fresh air, what improves your health You develop your skills/improve brainpowers
It’s waste of time as you won’t learn anything It’s too passive because you can’t involve (zaangażować się )in the game
you can easily make friends It doesn’t seem involving/inspiring/attractive It involves mental/social skills(angażuje umiejętności umsyłowe/społeczne) It inspires to further work
I hate chasing after a ball
It helps to fulfill dreams (spełnić marzenia) I can compete with others (rywalizować) I admire a person who is a champion in this field/discipline
They offer comfortable, cosy, well-equipped(dobrze
The room are uncomfortable/cold/almost empty
wysposażone) rooms They are cheap, everybody can afford them. Attractive, convenient location situated next to the lake/
They are expensive so you pay a lot It is complicated to get there low standard of services, rude employees
city centre/ station. Self-catering, you prepare meals on your own High standard of services, well-trained staff Not fenced place leads to anxiety (brak ogrodzenia wywołuje Full board, tasty meals, variety of food products Meet new friends Fenced, guarded place which guarantees safety(ogrodzony,strzeżony) Many facilities and attractions such as saunas, swimming
poczucie zagrożenia) Lack of family atmosphere Few attractions and facilities make people feel bored and discouraged. HOSTEL
pools and tennis courts.
It’s deprived of privacy(pozbawione prywatności)
Furnishing is really simple
Affordable rack rate (przystępna cena)
Uncomfortable bunk beds
You can meet people/make friends
Lack of freedom due to a curfew (godzina
You must learn to cooperate (współpracować) Interesting locations (mountains, lakeside etc) TENT Low cost of putting up You are close to nature You can arrange your accommodation at any place It’s easy to organize You are not limited by the number of people
policyjna/ograniczony czas powrotu na nocleg) TENT It can be wet and cold There is no bed/mattress Visits of insects such as mosquitoes Uncomfortable conditions Easy to damage during a storm/heavy wind The space is limited