It's Time To Humanise Your Digital Transformation

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it’s time to humanise your

digital TRANSFORMATION PACKAGES FOR creating the culture, behaviour and leadership you need for success in digital transformation

Get in touch about achieving your transformational goals by emailing to connect with one of our results-driven team! Katapult Partners is a limited company registered with Companies House in England & Wales with company number 10982903, at registered address Office 4, 219 Kensington High Street, London, W8 6BD

A digital revolution is upon us it’s a time of transformation

the world is really changing We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before. We do not yet know just how it will unfold, but one thing is clear: the response to it must be integrated and comprehensive, involving all stakeholders of the global polity, from the public and private sectors to academia and civil society, we share the ownership for ongoing sustainable development. As the early days of digital acceleration have unfolded, now a mounting stack of business models are feeling the pain, directly or indirectly, of inagility or inability to respond. And as in any revolution, It will be those most adaptable to change that survive.

it’s time to embrace your digital future The possibilities of billions of people connected by mobile devices, with unprecedented processing power, storage capacity, and access to knowledge, are unlimited. These possibilities will be multiplied by emerging technology breakthroughs in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, blockchain and quantum computing. This will accelerate, and anticipation, as ever, will be the differentiator between success and failure. In any and every industry, one way or another, the revolution will take ahold and displace models which have stood proud and profitable for decades or even centuries. Digital is not your IT, nor is it a destination. It’s a response to the reality of the world and it’s paramount to your future.

internet of things big data

smart industry, cities and agriculture


artificial intelligence


industry 4.0

cloud computing

virtual and augmented reality

automation robotics

Get in touch about achieving your transformational goals by emailing to connect with one of our results-driven team! Katapult Partners is a limited company registered with Companies House in England & Wales with company number 10982903, at registered address Office 4, 219 Kensington High Street, London, W8 6BD

what is digital transformation? a world of possibilities awaits you

the complex challenge facing virtually every organisation around the world today An underlying theme amongst our clients, many of them global CEOs and senior business executives, is that accelerated innovation and the velocity of disruption are hard to comprehend or anticipate and that these drivers constitute a source of constant surprise, even for the best connected and most well informed. Indeed, across all industries, there is clear evidence that the technologies that underpin the Fourth Industrial Revolution are having a major impact on businesses. On the supply side, many industries are seeing the introduction of new technologies that create entirely new ways of serving existing needs and significantly disrupt existing industry value chains. Disruption is also flowing from agile, innovative competitors who, thanks to access to global digital platforms for research, development, marketing, sales, and distribution, can oust well-established incumbents faster than ever by improving the quality, speed, or price at which value is delivered. Major shifts on the demand side are also occurring, as growing transparency, consumer engagement, and new patterns of consumer behavior (increasingly built upon access to mobile networks and data) force companies to adapt the way they design, market, and deliver products and services. A key trend is the development of technology-enabled platforms that combine both demand and supply to disrupt existing industry structures, such as those we see within the “sharing” or “on demand” economy. These technology platforms, rendered easy to use by the smartphone, convene people, assets, and data— thus creating entirely new ways of consuming goods and services in the process. In addition, they lower the barriers for businesses and individuals to create wealth, altering the personal and professional environments of workers. These new platform businesses are rapidly multiplying into many new services, ranging from laundry to shopping, from chores to parking, from massages to travel.

digital transformation is about people first, technology second Businesses from every industry are quickly engaged on a battleground where legacy business models are bound to fail or stay behind and digitally transforming businesses will reap the benefits of the incredible potential for growth and profitability. Technology, without a doubt, plays a critical role in enabling such change, but technology alone does not achieve transformation. Being a digital organisation means not only having digital products, services and customer interactions, but also powering core operations with technology. Becoming one, therefore, requires a tectonic shift in the way that employees behave, the activities that they perform and the way the ship is steered by leaders. Although it should come as no surprise that traditional ways of working are incompatible with the new ways, it often does. Leaders needs to acknowledge digital transformation as the fundamental, strategic paradigm shift that is is. Like any major transformation, a digital transformation requires instilling a culture that supports the change while enabling the company’s overarching strategy for success.

Get in touch about achieving your transformational goals by emailing to connect with one of our results-driven team! Katapult Partners is a limited company registered with Companies House in England & Wales with company number 10982903, at registered address Office 4, 219 Kensington High Street, London, W8 6BD

what difference can culture make? examining the importance of culture on digital transformation

Through surveys and face-to-face interviews with more than 1,500 practitioners worldwide – project leaders, sponsors, project managers and change managers – IBM gained practical knowledge about how to increase the likelihood of project success in its Making Change Work study, 2016. Most CEOs consider themselves and their organisations to be executing change poorly, but some practitioners have begun to learn how to improve their outcomes - this study is from the practitioners themselves.

why do digital change projects fail? The most significant challenges and blockers to success when implementing change projects are people-oriented – topping the list are changing mindsets and corporate culture.

58% 49% 32%

difficulty changing mindsets and attitudes the number one reason digital transformation projects fail

jeez, this is the most important part!

challenges with corporate culture

the number two reason digital transformation projects fail

lack of commitment from higher management real leadership sponsorship is a critical change factor

why do digital change projects succeed? Leadership, employee engagement and honest communication in a corporate culture which motivates and promotes change are prerequisites for successful transformation.

92% 72% 65%

leadership and top management sponsorship the number one reason digital transformation projects succeed

employee involvement

the number two reason digital transformation projects succeed

corporate culture that motivates and promotes change

culture in different forms is listed multiple times as critical to transformation succees

Get in touch about achieving your transformational goals by emailing to connect with one of our results-driven team! Katapult Partners is a limited company registered with Companies House in England & Wales with company number 10982903, at registered address Office 4, 219 Kensington High Street, London, W8 6BD

what does culture change mean?

the katapult partners results-driving digital transformation formula creating an

agile digital organisation

Agility is the foundation for success in the digital world, which means your organisation operates with a peoplefirst culture with rapid decision cycles which are enabled by technology, centered around a purpose



Leaders set to succeed in the digital world may carry a markedly different profile from those who have achieved success in the analogue one. Those that make the transition are poised to reap competitive advantages, from higher profit margins to faster market share growth. We can help you build, develop and thrive with these new leadership characteristics


teamwork for success

Great team ethos and practices across your internal business functions, as well as client and partner relationships, conducted within a network of empowered groups, is essential for your success in a new highly competitive, highly agile, digital environment


a winning culture Culture isn’t fluffy, it’s how things get done around here, and it’s one of the most important facets of your digital change, and any business transformation journey


To innovate requires lateral thinking. You must define a clear target whilst engaging your people on the journey. And then evolve that vision over time, which takes analysis, patience, a lot of communication, introspection, and action

process optimisation

Your processes in a digital and more agile climate will require a transparency of information, faster decision cycles, empowering an ability to fail fast to learn and grow. Process optimisation serves to find a new balance between standardisation and flexibility. To get your processes moving faster, you also need top down implementation of your new, slicker ways of working


behavioural change It is critical to consider the traits, competencies, and drivers of your talent -inhouse and external -that will help create your digital future



Finding your North Star isn’t easy, but it’s essential for success in an ever-competitive digital economy. Critically, this strategy must be created with your people, not for them. With your goal defined, it is pivotal to provide actionable guidance to your people, and communicate relentlessly, refining and evolving your strategy as you progress, build and grow

Get in touch about achieving your transformational goals by emailing to connect with one of our results-driven team! Katapult Partners is a limited company registered with Companies House in England & Wales with company number 10982903, at registered address Office 4, 219 Kensington High Street, London, W8 6BD

your cultural transformation journey

building your powerful and success-driving culture for the digital age

foundation strategicstrategic dialogueDIALOGUE one of the most important dimensions to culture change is elevating the dialogue to a business strategy level

CULTURE STUDY in-person interviews with a cross-section of employees to understand the challenges and opportunities on the ground

EXECUTIVE & dIGITAL LEADERS EVENT presenting back the results of the study, an event to bring business leaders firmly on the journey

strategic plan working with you to produce a thorough strategic action plan for your powerful and success-driving culture







leadership coaching

create employee digital vision

unleash creativity and innovation

audit and inventory of processes

overcoming fear of ai & automation

multi-year support

change leadership (Vuca)

build a winning culture (teams)

moonshot initiatives

process strategy design

ai and strategic leadership

regular pulse studies

strategic and systems thinking

communication and influencing

digital customer engagement

process reengineering

digital marketing and storytelling

ongoing strategic coaching

360° feedback for leaders

team charter and development

reverse mentorship programme

policy and operating guideline creation

build your digital personal brand

build a winning culture (leaders)

employee development

the katapult change game™

process and culture synchronisation

create and unleash your north star

cultural intelligence in a global world strategic plan

sustainable future programme

leadership podcasting

working with the team responsible for your digital transformation to empowered map your plan a new culture personalforimpact

your toolbox for transformation Going through culture change is an evolution of ‘how things get done around here’, and what that requires varies substantially between organisations and their respective digital transformations. With your change priorities pinpointed and leaders bought-in during the Foundation phase, it’s time to build a plan with a toolbox of practical actions and powerful behaviours. Above is a set of specialist consultancy activities and tools we’ve delivered to help businesses power-up their people to achieve impactful and success driving results.

Get in touch about achieving your transformational goals by emailing to connect with one of our results-driven team! Katapult Partners is a limited company registered with Companies House in England & Wales with company number 10982903, at registered address Office 4, 219 Kensington High Street, London, W8 6BD

THE KATAPULT transform-o-matic

your cultural transformation journey

building your powerful and success-driving culture for the digital age

foundation strategicstrategic dialogueDIALOGUE one of the most important dimensions to culture change is elevating the dialogue to a business strategy level

CULTURE STUDY in-person interviews with a cross-section of employees to understand the challenges and opportunities on the ground

EXECUTIVE & dIGITAL LEADERS EVENT presenting back the results of the study, an event to bring business leaders firmly on the journey

strategic plan working with you to produce a thorough strategic action plan for your powerful and success-driving culture







leadership coaching

create employee digital vision

unleash creativity and innovation

audit and inventory of processes

overcoming fear of ai & automation

multi-year support

change leadership (Vuca)

build a winning culture (teams)

moonshot initiatives

process strategy design

ai and strategic leadership

regular pulse studies

strategic and systems thinking

communication and influencing

digital customer engagement

process reengineering

digital marketing and storytelling

ongoing strategic coaching

360° feedback for leaders

team charter and development

reverse mentorship programme

policy and operating guideline creation

build your digital personal brand

build a winning culture (leaders)

employee development

the katapult change game™

process and culture synchronisation

create and unleash your north star

cultural intelligence in a global world strategic plan

sustainable future programme

leadership podcasting

working with the team responsible for your digital transformation to empowered map your plan a new culture personalforimpact

your toolbox for transformation Going through culture change is an evolution of ‘how things get done around here’, and what that requires varies substantially between organisations and their respective digital transformations. With your change priorities pinpointed and leaders bought-in during the Foundation phase, it’s time to build a plan with a toolbox of practical actions and powerful behaviours. Above is a set of specialist consultancy activities and tools we’ve delivered to help businesses power-up their people to achieve impactful and success driving results.

Get in touch about achieving your transformational goals by emailing to connect with one of our results-driven team! Katapult Partners is a limited company registered with Companies House in England & Wales with company number 10982903, at registered address Office 4, 219 Kensington High Street, London, W8 6BD

THE KATAPULT transform-o-matic


the essential starting point for your cultural transformation journey Strategic Dialogue Culture Study Executive and digital leaders event strategic plan

Strategic Dialogue Culture Study Executive and digital leaders event strategic plan

Strategic Dialogue Culture Study Executive and digital leaders event strategic plan

strategic dialogue After an initial conversation with your CEO and other executives and digital leaders, where overall strategic aim, goals, challenges and opportunities are identified, a set of Culture Study questions are designed and agreed, and a representative cross-section of the organisation is chosen for interview

culture study At least 20-40 interviews (dependent on no of employees). Katapult provides guidance on internal communications for study and interview invites. Interviews are undertaken, anonymous responses collected, encouraging honest and open feedback, prompting for specifics and impact. Culture Study report is created.

CULTURAL INSIGHTS from the people on the ground

executive and digital leaders event Executive and digital leaders 2-day event (offsite strongly advised) is scheduled and invites sent; agenda drafted by Katapult and agreed with leaders. Event delivered, including team dialogue and interactive work and analysis of Culture Study results. This is a powerful way to make culture a strategic priority

Sample executive and digital leaders event Agenda

Event purpose, Leaders role in Digital Transformation, Leadership Team Dynamics, Culture Study analysis; Key themes identified; Actions/Behaviours identified; Draft plan and ownership agreed; Vision/Mission Statement, Operating Principles, Commitments; and Next Steps Strategic Dialogue Culture Study Executive and digital leaders event strategic plan

strategic plan Key sponsor (typically CEO) and Culture Transformation lead (CTL) identified and agreed. Create Culture Strategy & Plan with output from Executive Event and other data points, CTL (and other sponsors or champions) with support from Katapult. Activities and owners identified and agreed

Get in touch about achieving your transformational goals by emailing to connect with one of our results-driven team! Katapult Partners is a limited company registered with Companies House in England & Wales with company number 10982903, at registered address Office 4, 219 Kensington High Street, London, W8 6BD

about katapult partners

like our viking ancestors, we’ve landed in britain reshaping culture

Fundamental belief

For nearly two decades Think Solutions and its digital evolution Katapult Partners have been making real change happen around the world. We believe that real change only happens in business and digital transformation when organisations place as much focus on people and culture as they do technology. Making real change happens starts with 'what are you trying to achieve?' - a seemingly simple question which is so often lost in the process.

swedish and sustainabile philosophies

Katapult Partners is the latest iteration of our global business, created for the digital age and borne out of Nordic-British market pioneers for organisational change, Think Solutions UK and Think Solutions AB (Sweden). Sustainable business is important to us at Katapult Partners - and that means social responsibility and a purposeful awareness of the environmental, political and economic impact our business has. We are a passionate people-first company, from practicing a healthy work-life balance to a philosophy of inclusivity, diversity and equality, to great employee perks and benefits, Katapult Partners is all about supporting its employees' goals and contributing to a broader social purpose.

world class consultants

Access to Katapult Partners proprietary and proven strategies is what sets apart a superior Katapult service from all of the rest. The true people first philosophy, for example strategic leadership coaching and technology change, is also a major differentiator. At the difficult intersection between people and tech, these techniques ensure that each approach is completely consistent and adapted to your organisational requirements and aspirations. Our international consultants are some of the best in the business, accredited with certifications including MBA Leadership & Sustainability, University of Cumbria, UK, MBTI Step 1 & 2, Oxford Psychology Press, Oxford, UK Firo-B, Oxford Psychology Press, Oxford, UK Strengthscope, Strengths Partnership Ltd, Wimbledon, UK Self Leadership & Empowerment, Stop at Nothing Inc, Jacksonville, FLA, USA

20+ award-winning international consultants

over 20 years culture expertise (includes think solutions)

world class portfolio of accreditations

Get in touch about achieving your transformational goals by emailing to connect with one of our results-driven team! Katapult Partners is a limited company registered with Companies House in England & Wales with company number 10982903, at registered address Office 4, 219 Kensington High Street, London, W8 6BD

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Change Happen

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