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MO LAM AND MO KHAEN from 3,000 years ago, illustrated from the motif on bronze ware, found in Vietnam. 57
À¡“ —μ«å»—°¥‘Ï ‘∑∏‘Ï∑’Ë™ÿ¡™π¥÷°¥”∫√√æå ¬ÿ§ ÿ«√√≥¿Ÿ¡‘ √“« 3,000 ªï¡“·≈â« ‡™◊ËÕ«à“π”æ—π∏ÿå¢â“«®“°øÑ“¡“„Àâ§πª≈Ÿ°°‘π‡ªìπÕ“À“√ ‡≈¬‡¢’¬π√ŸªÀ¡“ (μ—«ºŸâ?) ‰«â‡´à𠧓√«– ∫√‘‡«≥‡æ‘ߺ“»—°¥‘Ï ‘∑∏‘Ï∑’˪√–°Õ∫æ‘∏’°√√¡ √Ÿªπ’ȇªìπ¿“懢’¬π ’ „π∂È”‡¢“®—π∑πåß“¡ Õ”‡¿Õ ’§‘È« ®—ßÀ«—¥π§√√“™ ’¡“ (¿“殓°°√¡»‘≈ª“°√) DOG, a sacred animal from the belief of ancient community around 3,000 years ago to bring down the seed of rice to human world. Rock paintings of dog (male?) were normally found in the sacred rock site for worshipping rituals. This rock painting was found at Tham Khao Chan Ngam, Sikhio, Nakhonratchasima.
§π °“ß·¢π∑”∑à“‡μâπøÑÕπÕ¬Ÿà°—∫À¡“»—°¥‘Ï ‘∑∏‘Ï ∑’Ë§π ¡—¬π—Èπ‡™◊ËÕ«à“À¡“ ‡ªìπμ—«π”æ—π∏ÿå¢â“«¡“„Àâ§π‡√“ª≈Ÿ°°‘π‡ªìπÕ“À“√ ¿“懢’¬π ’¥÷°¥”∫√√æå ¬ÿ§ ÿ«√√≥¿Ÿ¡‘ Õ“¬ÿ√“« 3,000 ªï¡“·≈â« æ∫∑’ˇ¢“ª≈“√â“ Õ”‡¿Õ≈“π —° ®—ßÀ«—¥Õÿ∑—¬∏“π’ (¿“殓°°√¡»‘≈ª“°√) MAN stretching arms when dancing with sacred dogs, believed to have brought down the first seed of rice from heaven to earth. Rock painting from around 3,000 years ago, found at Khao Pla Ra, Lan Sak, Uthaithani.
¢∫«π·Àà „πæ‘∏’°√√¡»—°¥‘Ï ‘∑∏‘χæ◊ËÕ§«“¡¡—Ëߧ—Ëß·≈–¡—Ëπ§ß¢Õß™ÿ¡™ÿπ¥÷°¥”∫√√æå ¬ÿ§ ÿ«√√≥¿Ÿ¡‘ ‡¡◊ËÕ√“« 3,000 ªï¡“·≈â« ¡’§π∑—ÈßÀ≠‘ß ™“¬ ·≈–‡¥Á°Ê ∑”∑à“‡μâπøÑÕπ ¡’‡§√◊ËÕßμ’ª√–‚§¡ §≈⓬°≈Õß (¡‚À√–∑÷°) À√◊Õ¶âÕß √Ÿªπ’ȇªìπ¿“懢’¬π ’„π∂È”μ“¥â«ß Õ”‡¿Õ‡¡◊Õß ®—ßÀ«—¥°“≠®π∫ÿ√’ (¿“殓°°√¡»‘≈ª“°√) A PROCESSION in a sacred ritual for prosperity and stability of ancient community around 3,000 years ago. There were women, men and children dancing, accompanying by drum instruments that look like the bronze drum or Gong. This rock painting was found in Tham Ta Duang, Mueang, Kanchanaburi.