Big Is Beautiful

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Kat ar zynaAnnaSuchecka Di ver si t y Bi gi sBeaut i f ul BAYEAR3E19CC WestLondonCol l ege

Di ver si t yDesi gnSt r at egy

"Beaut ycomesi nal lshapesandsi zesandi tj ustsohappensIhave mor ebeaut yt ogoar ound. " Bi gi sbeaut i f ul .ASpr i ng/ Summercol l ect i oncel ebr at i ngt hecur vaceous,vol upt uousspl endourofwomen.Gar ment sofsi l houet t esof over si zedf l oat i ngsl eevesandpopoutl ar gemeshpocket sgi vi nga cont empor ar yspor t i ngedge.Overemphasi si ngt hest unni ngf i gur e ofwomen. Anexhi l ar at i ngcol ourpal at eofzest f ulyel l ow det ai l i ngofdr awst r i ngsandabasecol ourofr oyalandskybl ue.3bol dbr i ghtcol our st oaccent uat eandcompl ementeachot her .Lycr aAndcot t on st r et chmat er i al ,el egant l ydef i nedf i ni shi ng.Li ket heyel l ow oft he sunmeet i ngt hebl ueofacoolsea.Wor ki ngper f ect l yt oget her . Aspor t si nspi r edr angewi t hdi st i nct i vecr eat i vest yl ef i nal l yavai l abl et owomenwhoar et hepl ussi zed,adapt abl ef oral lsi zeswi t ht he gar ment sdi st i ngui shedyel l ow dr awst r i ngs.Fashi onabl e,pr evai l i ng moder ncl ot hi ng.I nspi r at i ont akenf r om CommedesGar çonscol ossalscul pt ur alsi l houet t esandmi xi ngi twi t hf eat ur esf r om boxi ng cl ot hi ng. Lovet heski nyou’ r ei n.Bepr oudofyourcur ves.Ever yonei sbeaut i f ul .Wearyourper sonal i t y .Di ver si t yi skeyf orabr i ght ,enj oyabl e, sensat i onall i f eandf ut ur e.

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