Manchester School of Architecture MArch Application Portfolio - Katayha Gould

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Architechnique The University of Salford’s architecture society was founded circa 2014/15 and quickly became the largest academic based society within the university. I became the society president during my second year at university and was re-elected as president during my final year. During my time within the society we were nominated for ‘Best Society of the Year’ twice and was able to maintain its position of the largest academic based society. While president, I organised additional ‘Architecture Matters’ themed lectures and skill classes such as Revit and CAD for the members, I organised a trip to Barcelona as well as smaller trips to competitions and events around the city The society raised money for studio materials and exhibition funds which meant that the work which students wanted to do wasn’t inhibited by the cost, we also did fund raising for local homeless charities as well as giving members the opportunity to help pass out food to the homeless with the charities. The committee was able to carry on the society and its thriving as one of the best and biggest society’s in Salford.


Women in property Awards 2017 I was the University of Salfords - School of Built Environment 2017 nomination to take part in the WIP Awards In which I presented a second year project to a panel of judges. I presented my Design Studio 2, Islington Mill project which consisted of a community centre in a Grade 2 listed mill ,currently being used as artist studios. The concept of the design was to bring nature and community back to a forgotten part of Salford by providing varied community spaces and a public green roof space. I was able to get through to the NW ďŹ nals within the competition and the Mayor of Salford visited the exhibition and publicised my work on his social media and praised my efforts of designing for the Salford community. (Right - Images included as part of my Women in Property competition submission)


RIBA Design Day 2017 I had the opportunity to lead a group of students from The University of Salford to compete with students from other NW Universities to design a Christmas and architecture themed installation for the NW RIBA office. This competition took place over one day and we designed a icicle / snow flake inspired design with maps of Liverpool trade routes on the shapes. The main ‘snow flake’ was composed of three pieces which when stood directly below became a map of Liverpool with the RIBA office in the centre of the map. We received high commendation from the judges and had the opportunity to build our installation outside the RIBA office which was exhibited for around 2 months. (Below - Image of model made during competition) (Right - Image of design during installation)


Link Road Second Storey House Extension While working at Finlason Partnership Ltd we designed a second oor domestic extension to provide larger living accommodation for a family. I assisted with the design process (RIBA stages 2 &3), which was reďŹ ned by my mentor, I then wrote the planning portal application and Design and Access Statement to go along with the planning application. I drew the detailed building regulation drawings on CAD software showing the construction of the extension (RIBA Stage 4). These drawings were later submitted for building regulation approval.. The project is currently waiting for construction to begin, this is estimated to begin May/June.

(Right Top - Section running N/S) Right Bottom - Section running E/W) (Right - First Floor plan)


Aston Park House Listed Building Consent Finlason Partnership Ltd began a Listed Building Consent Application in 2018 for Aston Park House, A grade 2 listed building built in 1715. The proposed design for the property aims to modernise the building for modern family living and add a new extension (Orangery). For this project I was involved in many stages, I drew plans, sections and details of the orangery extension which is a glazed frame-less system, I drew detailed drawings of the proposed window design to the main house which is to comply with listed building regulations and I wrote the Planning, Design and Access Statement along with the Heritage Statement which were all submitted with the planning application. I also worked along side the visual design team as they created a 3D model for the salees brochure. (Right - Detailed CAD Section and Details of Aston Park House Orangery) (Below - CGI images for sales brochure.


Scarisbrick Hall Tower Conservation Scarisbrick Hall is a mansion built in Lancashire in 1850 by architect Augustus Pugin, who later went on to design the interior of the Palace of Westminster and its iconic Elizabeth Tower. Scarisbrick Hall has an extraordinary Gothic style 50m high spire-topped tower which was built as a model for the Elizabeth Tower at the Palace of Westminster. Finlason Partnership Ltd was chosen to lead the repair of Scarisbrick Hall Tower as it started to become structurally unstable and became a hazard for the school which now inhabits the building below. I assisted in the repair of Scarisbrick Hall by creating CAD drawings of the new Steel Plates and Ring Beam which was designed by my mentors along with structural engineers (RIBA Stage 4). I also created detailed Sketch-Up models of the new structural design in order for the contractors to better understand this new complex structural design for the Tower.

(Right - 3D exploded axonometric of new structural design) (Right - Detailed 3D model of structural design)


St Pauls, Tabley Kitchen and WC Pod St Paul’s is a Grade 2 listed church built in 1853 which is used actively by the local community. Finlason Partnership Ltd were asked to create a ‘pod’ like structure within the church which allows them to have a modern kitchen and disabled wc facilities within the church. The ‘pod’ is clad in a dark timber moulding to match the existing interior of the church, it also allows for minimal intervention to the existing walls of the church. Along with doing the CAD drawings, I did the finishes schedule and the lighting/electrical layout for the project. (Right / Top - Plan and section CAD drawings) (Right/ Bottom - Close up CAD details of ‘pod’)


Printing, the long forgotten art of Manchester reinvented for the modern era through Pirate Printing.

Hidden in the heart of Manchester, MayďŹ eld Printing Co. aims to breath life into a forgotten part of the city by creating a interactive arts hub in the developing MayďŹ eld quarter. Around the site is a constant hive of activity, with Piccadilly station and the city centre on one side, and the Mancunian Way and major bus routes on the other. However the site itself is hidden in a shroud of abandoned buildings and car parking with no reason for anyone to visit unless as a trafďŹ c cut through or taxi waiting point. With Manchester developing at an unprecedented rate, this site is an amazing opportunity to create a space like no other within the city. A new and unique quarter of Manchester. The Manchester Textile and Print community has declined throughout the years and there are very few places within the city in which people can go and get involved in handmade activities. My programme therefore investigates Pirate Printing which is the act of taking existing textures throughout the city, such as man holes, and using eco friendly ink which is produced on site to create unique textile prints. This encourages people to engage in their city rather than walking through it.

(Above - Ground Floor)

(Above - Mezzanine)

(Above - First Floor)

(Above - Second Floor)

(Left - Site Master Plan)

(Above - Section running West to East)

(Above - Section running North to South)

(Above - East Elevation)

To understand what was required within the building I studied factory design and the process of printing and producing ink. Throughout the design it was important to ensure that visitors, employees and artists within the building enjoy the spaces, ensuring that the factory is both practical and exciting. The traditional Manchester red brick and corrugated cladding allow the building to blend into ins surroundings, while the large abstract windows and imposing North roof lights brings a boldness to the building which aims to attract people to the building and Pirate Printing. (Right- View of building from riverside) (Below - 3D Detail of facade and structure)

The interior uses strong industrial materials such as metal stairs which allow a view from each floor onto the next and an unpolished concrete floor which allow man holes and other textures to be purpose fitted so that children can print safely in the building, rather than the option of exploring around Manchester. A key aspect of the building is that the Ink Factory is visible from the ground floor and the mezzanine, separated by a sound proof glass, which allows visitors to see the ink making process whilst printing or enjoying the cafe. The over-all concept of the ground floor was to create a combined space for engaged print making, while also providing day to day activities such as a cafe for near by residents and workers. The building also includes Bi-fold industrial doors on two sides, allowing the building to open up onto the riverside and market place. This was to ensure that the building is inviting, regardless of its potentially harsh factory appearance. (Right - View of interior Ground floor)

The pod style studios are designed in a softer, less industrial timber to give a softer interior for artists to work within. The pods are attached to the steel structure and allow views from the North roof lights across the site, the pods also have views into other pods which aims to give a community feel to the artists area. Below the pod studios there is a space for changing exhibitions which can be used by the in house artists to exhibit their work. It can also be used to show the rich history of textiles and ink within Manchester. This exhibition space leads onto a roof garden which can be used by anyone who visits the site, it provides views across the developing area and new park. (Right - View of Studio Pods and Exhibition Space)


The original design for The Basin Homeless Shelter had a static facade system which protected the building from unnecessary over-heating, solar radiation and bright light. However due to greater variations in temperatures in 2080, the static facade system may not provide adequate shading making the internal conditions less than ideal. The facade materials were thick slabs of timber, which were not only impermeable and so blocking amazing views to the canal, but were unsuitable in terms of not being as sustainable as possible. The building is a steel frame with concrete load bearing walls and concrete oor slabs. Steel is prefabricated and so can be built off site which enables fast and easy construction. Steel also has a long design life and as will be able to function in 80 years time, steel can also b recycled which would mean that if the building becomes redundant the steel can be reused. Concrete has hight thermal mass capabilities as its able to absorb heat energy throughout the day and release that energy at night. This is a sustainable form of passive heating within a building which is used throughout the day and night. The new facade will be mainly Bamboo, as it is a strong building material which can be grown into different shapes to match complex designs or facades. Bamboo is sustainable and full forests of bamboo in a fraction of time that tradition timber forests grow, reducing CO2 emissions as Bamboo takes in more CO2 and emits more O2 whilst growing. (Above - Elevation with original facade) (Right - Sketch diagram of light passing through original facade)

The new facade uses the original design idea of using timber for a homely aesthetic by by applying bamboo technology the building can become future proof. The dynamic facade is an ‘umbrella’ shape which is attached to the concrete slab floors that extend throughout the building, these facade components open and close with the intensity of the sun, blocking the solar radiation and keeping the spaces inside cool. The components will not be present on the ground floor as there are minimal glazed components unlike the upper levels, the ‘U’ shape of the building will also protect these areas from overheating. The nature of the bamboo facade design allows light to still enter through gaps when the shutters are down, maintaining the views which allow a healthy atmosphere within the building. (Above - Sunscreen detail, operates on electric shutters) (Right - Diagram showing sunscreen when open/closed)

The new facade increases sunlight in the building as the panels are able to open and close, which improves the views from the building in comparison to the original ďŹ xed separate panels. The dynamic facade also helps to maintain an optimal internal temperature and so greatly improving the internal conditions of the building.

(Above - Physical model of dynamic facade)

(Above - new triple low E glass which reduces harsh sunlight and solar radiation)

(Above - Original ventilation

(Above - New ventilation due to changes in design) The original design of the building was not designed with effective ventilation, the cool air which came into the building became trapped as hot air and so causing the building to overheat. In 80 years time the summers will be hotter and the winters will be cooler, so there is an emphasis on ensuring that buildings are sustainable by heating and cooling themselves without using energy. By adding a small window above the bedroom doors this allowed air and natural light to pass through into the main circulation space. Also by opening up the staircase air is able to pass through all oors and be removed through the roof garden entrance. The building also uses the canal which is near by, this canal has been extended through the building in order to cool it. Cool air from the canal is passively blown by the wind onto the building, bringing cool air into the building and passively removing hot air.

Turbines under the canal provide a completley renewable energy solution, kinetic energy provided by the movement of the water constantly moves underwater magnets which produces AC power. These turnines can be placed in the canal as they require very little space and have no environmental impact and ao are an effective way of producing energy, unlike solar panels which will have little imact in 80 years time on a low level building surrounded by potential high rises. The placement of the canal allows an amazing opportunity to produce usable water from the canal. Water from the canal is drawn into the courtyard of the building which is then ďŹ ltered of all its large particles. This water is then used for things such as toilet ushes, lAaundry and irrigation of the roof garden, this use of grey water within the building reduces the need for fresh water. The used water is then removed from the building into a water tank, with the overow going into the storm drains.

(Below - Diagram of using the canal for energy and brown water)


The Piccadilly Basin Shelter includes a GP centre (GF) which allows the homeless throughout Manchester to access physical and mental advice in a non judgemental space. The cafe and communal spaces aim to attract the public whilst allowing the homeless to run their own cafe (GF), from produce grown on the surrounding grounds, which provides the homeless with jobs and interaction with their peers and the wider Manchester community. (Above - Concept image of Piccadilly Basin Shelter)

Accommodation is provided on the First Floor (Male block and communal bathrooms). These rooms are provided to homeless people for 2 years, allowing time for each person to get the necessary individual help that they need, save up money and get tehir lives back on track. Included on the First Floor is a multi-use Fab Lab which can be used by both the residents and the wider community, providing an interaction space where the homeless can integrate back into the community, it also provides a space where the homeless can learn skills such as computer and craft skills, which may help them to get jobs and break the homeless cycle.

(Left - View from new extended canal) )Right - View from bridge on Ducie St)

(Above - Section running N/S)

(Left - Ground Floor)

(Right - First Floor)

(Above - Section running E/W)

(Left - Second Floor)

(Right - Third Floor)

The second floor is another accommodation block (Male) with no public access and communal bathrooms again. However this floor includes a communal kitchen and larger lounge spaces allowing the homeless to spend time away from the public eye. The Third floor is again accommodation (Female) with communal bathrooms. This floor leads onto a private roof garden, giving the homeless a natural place to relax without being looked on by the city below. The divide between female and male block is determined by a 2016 Manchester study of the demographic of the homeless in Manchester, the same study determined the amount of beds in the shelter as the shelter is designed to accommodate all the official homeless people currently in the city. centre.

(Right - Front elevation) (Below - Side elevation)

(Above - Handmade model of Piccadilly Basin Shelter)


(Above - Site Master Plan)

(Above - Kids site fun map) (Right - Empress Wildlife Park advertisements)

(Above - Main building elevation)

(Above - Ground Floor)

(Above - First Floor)

(Above - Second Floor)

Empress Wildlife Park, a pop up nature park in Stretford uses conservation and tensile structures to tackle the problem of de-habitation of species. The pop up nature of the design allows for it to be easily removed from the area leaving existing buildings undamaged, creating habitats in the urban environments The growing popularity of indoor farming is important for architecture, as we continue to build and less space becomes available we must consider re-use and adoption of architecture. This concept can be applied to bee and honey farming, as bees are in decline due to urbanisation we can adapt buildings to house bees. This also provides a safe space for children to learn about wildlife. Butteries and other pollinators can also be housed indoors similarly to bees. (Left - Concept image of bee enclosure)

The ‘main house’ (1, 2, 3 & 4 on children’s map) is the hub of the site and is an example of how an already established building can be adapted so that the building is given new purpose, while remaining undamaged. The ground floor of the main house includes the cafe and indoor butterfly exhibition, whilst the upper floors house special bee enclosures which allow the bees to move in and out of the building freely. These spaces allow a place unlike any other in Manchester, a fun and educational wildlife habitat in a densely urban area. (Right - Concept image of butterfly enclosure)

By designing a tensile structure throughout the site the wildlife park was able to create a constant relationship within the site , which guests are able to follow and interact with by using the new public footpath which was created from the redundant road which previously ran through the site. The bat sanctuary is a darkened net structure which allows the bats a place to interact safely nest in the city centre, as there previous homes were likely destroyed by urbanisation. The simple construction of the netting, partially connected to columns to maintain the shape, and also connected to walls of existing structures was vital in designing spaces which can be replicated in other areas within Manchester. (Above - Concept image of bat sanctuary) (Right - Empress Wildlife Park promotional posters)

The bird sanctuary is in the centre of an established industrial park, by moving the car park to another area and pedestrianising the area I was able to design a space which is a natural and exciting place for people to visit. the sanctuary allows birds to come and go freely while proving a safe habitat where they can nest in the newly planted trees and reinstate the population of endangered birds. (Above - Concept image of bird sanctuary) Right - Views from outside / inside sanctuary)

(Above - Model of Empress Wildlife Park master plan)

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