Shap Reminiscence Project

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Between the Ages an inter-generational project Starring pupils from Shap Endowed CE School and members of Shap Better Balance Group

This project has been made possible with funding from The Learning Revolution Transformation Fund, managed by NIACE, and Eden Arts in Penrith. Partners received training for 3 intergenerational reminiscence sessions based on Home, School and Leisure. The sessions took place in Shap library, Shap Primary School and the Memorial Hall. Pupils from the school engaged with members of the Shap Better Balance group to share their knowledge and experiences around the three themes. Key partners in this project were Cumbria Libraries, Eden Arts, Young Cumbria, Age Concern and Shap Endowed CE School. Andy Murray from Young Cumbria filmed the project and artist Kate Brundrett sketched the learning that took place. Copyright: Penrith Library 2010. Drawings: Kate Gilman Brundrett

We were privileged because we had a bath (with taps!)


Toilet paper? In the war you didn’t have it! We had newspaper cut into squares.

Our bedrooms were very different - we didn’t have duvets.

There was no central heating - we had ice on the windows

We had stone hot water bottles - now there are ones that you can put in the microwave

We used to darn the socks - now we throw them out

There were no hair dryers - you just left it

We were allowed to play with the button box while we let our hair dry

Shirts came with two collars so that you could replace a collar when one was worn out from scrubbing

We always had Horlicks in a mug and a malt-extract, like treacle - a spoon a day


Playing a number quiz on the computer

Playing on the Wii

There wasn’t a fascination about boys in those days!

As a girl you never got up to dance until a gentleman asked you, and if you weren’t asked you didn’t dance

Children’s books were mostly black and white

Playing timer games


Alice in an original school hat from 1945 brought in from a lady in the Better Balance group

When I was at school we had hammocks to sleep in, in the afternoon

I liked school so much I went on to be a teacher!

We had tea and cakes at the end of the last session

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