Matanza river in Argentina, Buenos Aires, is one of the most polluted rivers in the world, over 6,000 factories dump waste into the river, predominantly owned by oversea companies, along with domestic and US waste shipments as china closes its doors to problematic materials and the president of Argentina reclassifying waste material as commodities creating a massive oversight with non-recyclable materials. Activists are calling Argentina “a sacrificial country”, as these issues cause health risks for communities in shanty-towns along the basin, like villa 21. Argentina biggest export is soya bean meal, causing loss in species, deforestation, and water pollution with agrochemicals, along with displaced farmers as demand focuses smaller farms to relocate to the city for alternative employment.
This project purposes the implementation of cellulose filtration systems along Matanza river, with the introduction of a new industry for displaced farmers to help Argentina companies transition to plant-based materia