Stamford Prospectus

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Nursery to High School


to Stamford American International School

At Stamford American International School we believe the success of our program is based on teamwork, collaboration and the broad participation of our international community. All our students are unique individuals, with equal potential to make a positive contribution to the school and society. Our goal is to instill an enthusiasm for lifelong learning and a sense of global awareness in each student, along with the necessary skills to prepare them for the challenges and changes which lie ahead. Stamford American International School is a truly international school, where our faculty and the wider school community proudly reflect the shared vision, commitment and energy necessary to ensure the educational success of every student. At Stamford, while we have established high standards for academic achievement and performance, our educational program has been created with an emphasis on the development of the whole person. We focus on the total growth of our students, addressing social, physical, emotional and cultural needs in addition to academic welfare. We aim to provide the direction, counsel and support that each student needs to reach their full potential. Our school environment provides daily opportunities for students to increase their knowledge and skill base in order to acquire the attributes necessary for meaningful lives. Many of these attributes are identified in the IB learner profile, which is the core of our curriculum model featuring rigorous American standards enhanced by the IB program. The curriculum at Stamford is designed to support a developmental, student-centered approach where teaching for understanding is coupled with a stimulating and varied curriculum.

Frequent positive and constructive feedback to students characterizes our learning environment. This is an essential ingredient for a program that seeks to nurture in every student a love for learning, a strong sense of self-esteem, personal integrity and a respectful, caring attitude towards others. At Stamford, parents, students, faculty and staff work together as a community to solve problems within a framework of fairness and shared values. With more than 60 nationalities represented on campus, each of us has an exceptional opportunity to develop an understanding of, and appreciation for, the philosophies of people from many different cultures. I hope that you will take the opportunity to contact me, and others in our school community, to gain a deeper understanding of our program. And, of course, we hope that you can visit us to learn first-hand what sets us apart in the world of international education.

Malcolm J. Kay Superintendent

“Our educational program has been created with an emphasis on the development of the whole person.� Malcolm J. Kay, Superintendent

Our Philosophy

Student Centered Education

Stamford American International School promotes a high standard of academics, responsibility and citizenship in a supportive, international community. We implement a student-centered approach to instruction following an inquiry-based and interdisciplinary curriculum. The success of our community relies upon the teamwork, motivation and collaboration of students, teachers, staff and parents. Our goal is to encourage critical thinkers, responsible global citizens and students who are prepared to achieve the highest standards, both in their subsequent education and throughout their careers.

Vision As a school community we will continually strive to provide the best teaching and learning experiences for all so that each individual achieves more than they believe they can, therefore we implement an open enrollment policy for participating in the full IB Diploma Program. We will celebrate our academic, sports and service accomplishments so that individuals and groups are recognized locally, nationally and globally. We will become the leading American international school in Singapore and achieve a global reputation for excellence and academic rigor.

“We’re amazed by the campus and the amount of technology that’s been incorporated. Stamford has gone from strength to strength.” Rashmi Singh, Parent

We will support our philosophy through these Guiding Statements… • Maintain high standards of academic progress, achievement and performance including preparation for admission to competitive universities in the United States and worldwide.

• Develop internationally-minded citizens by fostering multicultural and intercultural interaction. • Celebrate diversity and build an understanding of, and respect for, different value systems and cultures.

• Embrace the attributes of the International Baccalaureate learner profile so that we guide all to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, openminded, risk-takers, balanced, caring and reflective.

• Promote critical understanding and compassion for others and the courage to act based on one’s beliefs.

• Create an environment in our schools where all feel safe and secure and can thrive.

• Address a variety of learning needs including English as an Additional Language, native language support, special needs support, enrichment and counseling so that each individual can achieve success.

• Develop students who are fluent in the Chinese language or Spanish language as well as in English, the language of instruction.

• Recruit, retain and professionally develop leading American and international teachers and educators for our school.

• Instill in students confidence and an enthusiasm for life-long learning.

• Be a reflective and thoughtful community, seeking input from a variety of resources to successfully guide our progress.

• Develop future leaders with active and innovative minds. • Continue to develop a welcoming community that supports happy and passionate staff, students and parents.

• Encourage all to become responsible contributing citizens of the school and within a global context.


“I love that Stamford’s students and teachers are so culturally diverse, coming from over 60 countries. And I appreciate that the kids get to learn about all the main cultures of Singapore and of our school community, whether it’s decorating their classroom for Chinese New Year, learning about civil rights for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, or by showing pride in their home countries by parading in national dress at the International Fiesta.” Michelle Cook, Parent

Celebrating Our


Stamford American International School students come from over 60 nations around the world




New Zealand






Sri Lanka














Papua New Guinea


















Hong Kong












Saudi Arabia







Costa Rica



South Africa


A World-Class


We base our teaching and learning on the challenging American Education Reaches Out (AERO) standards. Our approach to education is student-centered, and follows an inquiry-based, interdisciplinary curriculum. Our curriculum is broad-based and academically rigorous, incorporating the best practices in education. IB Middle Years Program (MYP)

In addition to offering the AERO standards, Stamford is an IB World School authorized to offer the Primary Years Program, Middle Years Program and Diploma Program. IB World Schools share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Stamford believes is important for our students. Stamford offers the IB Diploma Program and Advanced Placement program, together with our American High School diploma.

The MYP is a course of study designed to meet the educational requirements of students between the ages of 11 and 16 years. The MYP provides a philosophical framework with a holistic approach to education and a rigorous framework for assessment. The MYP aims to educate the whole person and to show the impact of each individual on the world around them. The MYP fosters intercultural awareness and the importance of communication. Its goal is to constantly place learning within a context and to make explicit the relationship between various disciplines.

American Education Reaches Out (AERO) Standards The AERO standards are supported by the U.S. State Department’s Office of Overseas Schools and the Overseas Schools Advisory Council to assist schools in developing and implementing American standards-based school curricula. AERO standards provide a framework for curriculum consistency from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 and for stability of curriculum in overseas schools. AERO’s curriculum and resources are in alignment with researchbased trends in the development of curriculum worldwide and in particular with standards-based efforts in the U.S.

IB Diploma Program (DP) The DP is recognized by universities in 138 countries and is designed to be taken over two years. The DP includes six academic subjects and the central core which consists of the extended essay, theory of knowledge and CAS (creativity, action and service). Students study two modern languages, a humanities or social science subject, an experimental science, mathematics or computer science and another subject including the arts.

IB Primary Years Program (PYP)

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses

The PYP is a course of study designed to meet the educational requirements of students between the ages of 3 and 12 years. The PYP focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world outside. The most significant and distinct feature of the PYP is the six transdisciplinary themes. These themes are about issues that have meaning for, and are important to, all of us. The PYP offers a balance between learning about or through the subject areas and learning beyond them.

The AP courses will be a permanent part of Stamford’s robust academic portfolio. Established over 40 years ago by the U.S. College Board, the AP has historically been considered the standard of academic excellence at North American High Schools. AP courses are designed to expose able and motivated High School students to college level academic material. This will allow our students to earn college credits and advanced standing at colleges and universities in the U.S. and to gain acceptance into the finest universities throughout the world.


“We’ve been at Stamford for four years, and each year I feel the academic bar has been raised higher and higher, encouraging our kids to achieve more than they thought they could. I also appreciate the importance that is put on the Arts, Music and Drama, exposing our children to so many different genres and mediums, linked to their curriculum and at the same time, having fun!” Dana Poole, Parent

American High School Diploma and Honors High School Diploma

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing At Stamford, students in Kindergarten 2 and above participate in the Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP) testing twice each academic year, once in the Fall and again the Spring. The testing standards used are the widely regarded American Education Reaches Out (AERO) standards. The results are immediately integrated into each student’s individually tailored learning plan and allow teachers to identify the precise standards that each student has achieved and the standards yet to be achieved. Created by educators for educators, MAP assessments provide detailed, actionable data about where each child is on their unique learning path and teachers use the information in the classroom to help every child, every day.

Stamford’s American High School Diploma is a credit based academic program designed to be taken over four years (age 1419). Students must earn a minimum of 20 credits in order to meet American High School graduation requirements. Honors Diplomas will be granted to graduates meeting additional requirements including a grade point average greater than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (in both their junior and senior years) and 24 credits. This challenging academic college preparatory program will give Stamford students the opportunity to achieve future success in colleges and universities in America and around the world.


Early Years Program

Nursery: Age 2 – 3 Years

“We really like the look of Stamford and its program. The school facilities are very good and the friendly environment has helped my daughter adapt to her new country and new language.” Sonia Evangelista, Parent

The Nursery Program at Stamford is designed to meet the needs to young children from age 2. Our focus is on the development of the whole child in a languagerich, challenging and caring environment that stimulates active participation and meaningful learning. Language-Rich Environment

The Nursery Program is based on play and experimentation, giving children time to explore, investigate, inquire, ponder and wonder at their own pace, thus building their confidence and self-esteem.

As children develop speaking and listening skills they are building the foundations for literacy, making sense of visual and verbal signs which ultimately lead to reading and writing. Young children need to be given the opportunity and encouragement to develop the confidence to become skillful communicators. Through varying methods and techniques based on skill level and learning ability, Nursery children engage in interesting activities to help them learn through games, songs, role play and stories. Language development also includes a gentle introduction to a foreign language through daily Mandarin or Spanish.

Hands-On Activities Our teachers facilitate opportunities for hands-on learning and exploration. They create specialized learning environments that allow the children to explore a new activity every week whether that be with blocks or in the role play corner. This exploration helps children to develop their fine and gross motor skills and improve social interaction. Children also engage in hands-on activities in math to explore mathematical relationships, to learn to expect and identify patterns and to solve problems.

Learning Through Play Through years of experience, we know that play is a powerful tool for learning. Experiences with sand, water, building blocks, dramatic play, art materials, music, outdoor play and games are integral to a child’s development. Play activities encourage exploration and experimentation, spark curiosity and imagination, and build children’s abilities to solve problems. In addition, play also provides children with opportunities to experiment with language and work cooperatively with others.

Broad Exposure All activities are designed to enable students to become inquisitive, communicative and confident young learners. We develop our students’ confidence in communicating ideas to others through developmentally appropriate activities in speaking and listening and emergent reading and writing. Our centers include Math, Science and Social Studies, Language, the Arts, Physical Education and Technology.


Early Years Program cont. Pre-Kindergarten to Kindergarten 1: Age 3 – 5

“Stamford offers Chloe a rigorous academic education underpinned by a creative, technologically advanced and internationally diverse culture. I have watched her grow in confidence as she is continually challenged to step out of her comfort zone, trying new things are now the “norm” and not the exception.” Colleen Sommerin, Parent

A child’s first school experience is very important in laying the foundation for a lifetime of learning. Our Early Years Program combines play, culture and the roots of structured learning. The Early Years Program at Stamford is a happy and exciting experience for children that builds a positive attitude toward learning. Within the context of concept-based learning, we provide a wealth of experiences in a safe and relaxed environment, led by a team of highly experienced teachers who specialize in Early Childhood education.

Building on the play-based Nursery program, the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten 1 programs at Stamford are designed to provide guided inquiry that is based on each individual achieving more than they believe they can. From Pre-Kindergarten onwards, our curriculum incorporates the IB PYP framework, along with challenging AERO standards.

Building a Foundation

Integrated Curriculum

Our teachers facilitate opportunities for hands-on learning and exploration in Nursery and transition into more structured Primary Years Program (PYP) learning in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten 1. Specialized learning environments allow the children to explore a new activity every week helping children to develop their fine and gross motor skills and improve social interaction. We develop our students’ confidence in communicating ideas to others through developmentally appropriate activities in speaking and listening and emergent reading and writing.

Topics of Investigation are integrated across relevant subject areas and our teachers work closely together to achieve this. Integration provides a common framework, making learning more meaningful and connected. Brain-based research informs us that learning is better understood and retained longer if children see connections. Children’s progress is regularly assessed and the results provide the basis for further instructional decisions.

From Play-Based to Structured Learning Through years of experience, we know that play is a powerful tool for learning. Experiences with sand, water, building blocks, dramatic play, art materials, music, outdoor play and games are integral to a child’s development. Play activities encourage exploration and experimentation, spark curiosity and imagination, and build children’s abilities to solve problems. In addition, play also provides children with opportunities to experiment with language and work cooperatively with others.

Lifelong Learners Children enter school at various stages of social, emotional, physical and academic development. Because of our holistic educational approach, our teachers strive to meet each child’s individual needs and learning styles within those four domains. Our teachers build safe and happy environments where the students learn to work cooperatively in small groups and to listen to and respect others. Our ultimate goal is to create enthusiastic, lifelong learners.

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Elementary Program Kindergarten 2 to Grade 5: Age 5 – 11

Our Elementary curriculum promotes high standards of academics, responsibility and citizenship in a supportive learning community. Daily Foreign Language

Stamford aims to make learning relevant and meaningful to students by adopting an inquiry-based, integrated curriculum which focuses on the child as a learner. We recognize that children come to us as distinct individuals with unique experiences, backgrounds, abilities and interests. Our teachers promote cross-cultural understanding and differentiate instruction to meet students’ varying needs, abilities and learning styles. We provide a balanced education program within a safe, stimulating environment so that each child can learn and grow to their greatest potential.

The emphasis on foreign languages continues through our Elementary School, with Mandarin or Spanish taught daily by native speaking specialists at an ever more challenging spoken and written level. Our language classes are divided into seven levels (phase 1 to phase 7) to ensure that each child is challenged at an appropriate level.

1-to-1 iPad Program The 1-to-1 iPad Program at Stamford allows for Elementary students in Kindergarten 2 through Grade 5 to challenge themselves in applying practical and creative‑thinking skills to solve problems and communicate ideas to a wider audience. Students work on progressively harder skills as they advance through the program. Students are given a broader range of applications (apps) and the opportunity to choose which app will enhance their multimedia presentations. Stamford teachers are linked into an extensive Apple network of sharing and collaborating to bring the best Information and Communications Technology (ICT) practices into the classroom.

Two Rigorous Programs of Study Stamford uses the IB Primary Years Program (PYP) curriculum framework along with American Education Reaches Out (AERO) standards to provide the major content in the key areas of learning to be covered and to describe learning outcomes to be achieved by our students. Our language arts program is designed to help students acquire the ability to write and speak well, and to examine, process and use information gained through listening and reading skills. Mathematics problem solving, critical thinking and computation skills are also strengthened through a balanced approach. In addition to the core math program, students in Kindergarten 2 and above have supplemental Math Enrichment classes focused on developing problem solving, reasoning and communication to further develop their mathematical resiliency, confidence and presentation skills.

Assessment & Achievement

Broad Exposure Our Elementary School curriculum also includes instruction in Foreign Languages, Social Studies, Science, Art, Music, Dance, Drama, Physical Education and Library Skills with a focus on integrated technology. Classes follow Units of Inquiry which guide studies for a 5-6 week period through a central idea, which ties all subjects together.

Each child’s achievements are continually assessed. Teachers use a variety of assessment techniques including testing for knowledge and skills, observations, portfolios of children’s work and analysis of book, project and practical work. Attitude, learning skills, social relationships and effort are considered equally important when looking at the overall development of the child. Detailed descriptive reports are given to parents four times a year and parent/teacher conferences are also held to discuss each child’s social and academic progress. Achievement of students in Kindergarten 2 and above is also benchmarked according to American standards in an external assessment held each Fall and Spring called Measures of Academic Progress (MAP).

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“We joined Stamford at the Foundation Campus when there were less than 400 students, and loved the school’s community feel. We were impressed with the administration’s vision, the integration of technology in the IB curriculum and the diversity of students and staff. But what remains through Stamford’s rapid growth and impressive new campus is that original community feel and the sense your child is part of something special.” Mindy Arbaugh, Parent

Secondary Program

Grade 6 – Grade 10: Age 11 – 16

Our aim is to provide a balanced educational program within a positive, stimulating environment, so that each student is challenged to reach their fullest potential. Stamford’s Secondary Program recognizes and addresses the broad range of needs of young adolescent learners, while encouraging them to appreciate cultural diversity. We promote positive social interactions and provide opportunities for students to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for lifelong learning.

Through daily foreign language study the students further their intercultural awareness and international-mindedness through the acquisition of Mandarin or Spanish.

International School Camps We understand the value of experiential learning in this age group and take full advantage of our location by incorporating important sites and venues in our community into our curriculum wherever possible. We also incorporate regional educational opportunities into our program with our annual international school camps. Our camps introduce students first-hand to diverse cultural practices and traditions resulting in a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world’s diversity. Camps last for 5 to 7 days and include locations such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia and Thailand.

Dual Curriculum From Grade 6 to Grade 10, Stamford offers the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP) along with the American Education Reaches Out (AERO) standards. The MYP has an interdisciplinary focus where learning is made relevant and meaningful through the areas of interaction. Students develop their disciplinary knowledge, while becoming aware of the connections between subjects and the world outside the classroom. Each semester students receive instruction from their eight MYP courses in Language A-English, Spanish or Mandarin, Humanities, Technology, Mathematics, Science, Arts (Music, Drama, Dance, Choir and Art), Physical Education and Language B Spanish or Mandarin (Language B is language learning while Language A is language arts).

Electives Program

The culminating activity of the MYP is a student-directed, extended inquiry called the Personal Project which is completed in Grade 10, the final year of the MYP. The Personal Project is an opportunity for students to develop their known strengths and discover new ones. Students draw upon their disciplinary knowledge as well as the skills developed while investigating a topic that motivates and interests them. The Personal Project provides preparation for students as they move into the Diploma Program (DP) and prepare for Advanced Placement (AP) examinations in Grade 11 and 12.

Daily Foreign Language Language is integral to exploring and sustaining personal development and cultural identity and provides an intellectual framework to support conceptual development. The Secondary School language courses encourage students to gain competence in a language other than their mother tongue and develop a respect for, and understanding of, diverse linguistic and cultural heritages.

Stamford’s Electives Program offers a diverse array of activities by semester for students to explore and expand their interests. Some of the unique electives on offer include Drama, Dance, Lego Robotics, Music, Science, Textiles and Global Issues Network. To encourage a wide breadth of exposure, students are given the opportunity to choose and participate in one elective per semester but they may not repeat electives. Elective classes are offered in addition to student core specialty programs including Art, Music, Dance, Drama, ICT (Technology), Health and Physical Education.

1-to-1 MacBook Program The 1-to-1 MacBook Program enables teachers and students to effectively integrate International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards with the MYP curriculum. Within our 1-to-1 environment, teachers partner with students and challenge them to use technology creatively, productively and appropriately. Students are growing up in a digital world and Stamford feels it is important to equip them with safe and reliable hardware and the latest software and cloud services to enhance their learning on and off campus.

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“Stamford embodies the international community experience we were looking for with our assignment in Singapore coupled with solid academic credentials and rigorous testing standards. In our time here our children have thrived and we have been overwhelmingly delighted with our choice in Stamford!” Sheri Chandler, Parent

Advisory Program

Community Service

Each student is assigned to an Advisory Group and Advisor. Much of the advisory time is devoted to the idea of learning how to learn. Topics such as note-taking, goal-setting, time management, study strategies and test-taking are addressed. The Advisory Program also focuses on health and social education issues, which are appropriate and relevant to these particular grades. Students learn to accept responsibility for their actions and through positive and negative consequences begin to understand the link between their behavior and its effect on themselves and others.

Integral to Stamford’s vision and curriculum is to encourage students “to become responsible contributing citizens” within the local and global community. This aspiration is embraced through a variety of community service efforts which have in the past included: building a community garden, volunteering with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), raising money for the Wildflower Home and the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Singapore and creating service action plans through the Global Issues Network. Community service activities are student-driven and vary from year to year depending on student interests.

Clubs & Organizations


• • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Art Club Band Chess Club Chinese Club Choir Contemporary Dance Drama Club Global Issues Network Literature Appreciation Math Club Model United Nations Origami Club Spanish Club

Academic Skill Development Body Combat Coding Construction Science Current Events Dance Drama Front Page News Global Issues Lego Robotics Math Games Math Strategy Music

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• • • • • • • • • •

Studio Production Science Club Skill Development Student Council Technology Innovation and Design Thinking Textiles Theater Production Visual Art Web Design Yearbook

Secondary Program cont. Grade 11 – Grade 12: Age 16 – 19

Stamford’s program is a challenging academic college preparatory program that gives students the opportunity to achieve future success in colleges and universities in America and around the world. Secondary School students have the opportunity to graduate Stamford with Advanced Placement (AP) credits, an American High School Diploma, an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma and a way of thinking that makes them citizens within a global community. Stamford believes this will serve them well as they make their way in society.

International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB DP) Stamford’s Secondary Program in Grade 11 and 12 follows the American Education Reaches Out (AERO) standards in addition to the AP and DP. The DP is a comprehensive and challenging pre-university course of study that demands the best from motivated students and teachers. The two-year curriculum is one of the highest regarded academic programs for students age 16-19 available in the world. The DP is a unique program designed to prepare students for entrance to universities in the United States and worldwide. Research conducted in the UK reveals that university admissions offices recognize that the skills developed by DP students makes them highly desirable applicants for university. Beyond completing college-level courses and examinations, DP students are also required to engage in community service, individual research and an inquiry into the nature of knowledge. The DP curriculum contains six subject groups together with a core made up of three separate parts: extended essay, theory of knowledge and creativity, action, service. The two-year course of study leads to externally-assessed final examinations and a qualification widely recognized by the world’s leading colleges and universities for its high academic standards.

Advanced Placement (AP) Program The AP is a program in the United States created by the College Board offering college-level curriculum and examinations to Secondary School students. The AP curriculum covers a variety of subjects and is created for the U.S. College Board by a panel of experts and college-level educators in each subject. Students with a strong academic background may pursue college level studies while in Stamford’s Secondary School through the AP Program. Students take AP exams in Grades 11 and 12 and based on their performance, they can earn credit, advanced placement or both, for college.

American High School Diploma and Transcript Students who graduate from Stamford can earn an American High School Diploma. Students must earn a minimum of 20 credits including achieving the following required 18 credits on their school transcript: English - 4 credits Modern Language and Social Sciences - Overall 6 credits with a minimum of 3 credits in Social Sciences and 2 credits in Modern Language. Mathematics including Computer Science and Experimental Science - Overall 6 credits with a minimum of 2 credits in Mathematics/Computer Sciences and 2 credits in Experimental Science. The Arts (Art/Drama/Music) - 1 credit Physical Education and Health - 1 credit Honors Diplomas will be given to graduates meeting additional requirements including a grade point average greater than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (in both their junior and senior years) and 24 credits.

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“Moving the process of teaching and learning away from the traditional, didactic method toward an inquiry-based, interactive and interdisciplinary approach will provide our students with the higher order thinking skills crucial to their success.” Andrew Hancock, Academic Dean

1-to-1 MacBook Program

IB Diploma Program course offering:

The 1-to-1 MacBook Program in the Secondary School enables teachers and students to effectively integrate International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards with the DP curriculum. Within Stamford’s 1-to-1 environment, teachers partner with students and challenge them to use technology creatively, productively and appropriately. Stamford’s holistic approach to teaching and learning acknowledges that access to the digital world enhances student development. Equipping students with safe and reliable hardware and the latest software and cloud services prepares them for facing the rapidly changing demands of the 21st century. Technology provides the means and the context to help students become skillful problem solvers, who can appreciate the role of technology in everyday life and society and who can respond critically and resourcefully to real‑life challenges.

(Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL))

Advisory Program Stamford’s Advisory Program provides a structure and a set of practices for monitoring and supporting students’ academic progress and college and career readiness throughout their Secondary School career. Students develop key life skills, metacognitive skills and habits for learning in support of academic achievement, post-secondary planning, personal growth and interpersonal skill development.

Group 1-Language A (Literature) Literature (SL/HL) Spanish (SL/HL) Group 2-Language B (Language Learning) English (SL/HL) Mandarin (SL/HL) Spanish (SL/HL) (other languages considered upon request) Group 3-Individuals and Societies Economics (SL/HL) History (SL/HL) Psychology (SL/HL) Group 4-Experimental Sciences Biology (SL/HL) Chemistry (SL/HL) Physics (SL/HL) Group 5-Mathematics and Computer Sciences Mathematics (SL/HL) Math Studies (SL) Group 6-The Arts Art (SL/HL) Drama (SL/HL) Music (SL/HL)

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College and Careers Counseling Program

Preparing Students for Life Beyond

“Of the 58.3% of students that scored a B or higher in chemistry, 91.7% of the students were IB students.” University of Florida

Stamford’s Advisory Program includes a full College and Careers Counseling Program through which students are advised on course selection, college preparation and introduced to prestigious universities throughout the world. Through personalized support, Stamford students are given the opportunity to achieve future success driven by their aspirations. In addition to the structured program at Stamford, parents and guardians are an active part of developing students’ aspirations and shaping students’ goals. Parent forums and information sessions are held regularly to keep parents-up-to-date on different university systems, how to prepare and how to help at home.

Personalized Planning and Support Beginning in Grade 9 and through to Grade 12, the College and Careers Counseling team meets with students as a group once a week to discuss topics related to academic and university preparation. Guest speakers are a part of this program and provoke students to begin thinking towards academic and career readiness. Previous speakers have included university representatives from all over the world and even guest speakers related to careers, speaking on topics ranging from preuniversity preparation, career development skills and academic readiness. Students and families have access to the College and Careers Counseling team beginning from Grade 9. The team monitors student achievement and progress, and works with students, families and teachers to ensure that students continue to improve.

results enable students to experience a smooth transition in to worldwide academic programs and ensures that students are ready for university applications. Stamford is also a Testing Center for the SAT I, SAT II and ACT.

Academic Diagnosis Stamford closely monitors student progress and analyzes test results to ensure that students are given extra support as needed. Courses, such as Strengthening Core Academic Skills, provide dedicated time and resources to ensuring students are meeting college readiness benchmarks in the PSAT and making improvements to their scores overall. The primary focus is placed on ensuring that every student achieves more than they believe they can as demonstrated by our focus on consistency and development in student achievement.

Stepped Careers Program Beginning in Grade 9, students are exposed to different careers and professions in order to equip them to make better choices for academic course selections. Examples of guest speakers have included community members from the following: Mondelez International (Fast Moving Consumer Goods), Schlumberger (Oil and Gas), Standard Chartered (Investment Banking), Bamboo Technologies (IT), SAP Asia and a Psychologist. Students learn about the skills needed to be prepared for future careers and reflect on personal and career interests.

Preparation for all Educational Systems

College Preparation Stamford’s College Counseling program consists of a robust and comprehensive Pre-University testing program that begins in Grade 8. This Pre-University testing program enables students to be better prepared for future testing regardless of their university destination and allows academic teams to better understand how to support the students. The testing

The Careers and College Counseling team has experience with supporting student university applications to educational institutions all over the world. The team works with our students and their families to ensure that the course selection is best suited to set each student up for success. The team keeps upto-date with educational institutions globally and works with university representatives from around the world.

Pre-University Testing Program Outline Grade Level





Grade 8, 9

Not applicable

Not applicable

ACT’s Explore Test


Grade 10


Fall (October)



Grade 11


Fall (October)



Grade 12

SAT, ACT and/or SAT II

October - January

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Our Campus

Enhanced Academic and Athletic Facilities

Centrally located at 279 Upper Serangoon Road, Stamford’s $300 million purpose-built campus features state-of-the-art technology and facilities establishing Stamford as a benchmark for international schools around the world. Stamford will continue their advancement in bringing the best international school facilities to Singapore.

Enhanced Campus Features The campus features top-notch academic and athletic resources including: • Cognita iLEarn™ - Stamford boasts Singapore’s first interactive learning environments, providing access to experts from anywhere in the world • 1-to-1 Technology Program - Kindergarten 2 through Grade 5 students each have their own iPad, while older students each have their own MacBook computer • Technology Integration - Every class has an interactive Promethean board and access to iMac computer laboratories • 21st Century Learning Resource and Media Center – Upto-date with the latest traditional as well as technological resources, Stamford has multiple Learning Resource and Media Centers to support engaged learning through providing resources to students across all ages

• State-of-the-Art Science Wing - All of the Science labs across campus are fully equipped for hands-on instruction and are designed to mimic the scientific method, complete with special presentation areas for presenting findings • Indoor and Outdoor Meeting Spaces - Student breakout areas for collaborative student work and areas for quiet contemplation and study, including the Senior Study and the Stamford Courtyard • World-Class Sports Facilities - Multiple swimming pools, full gymnasiums, a fitness center, an indoor and outdoor climbing wall, a Golf Excellence Center, full size tennis courts and an outdoor field for American football, track, soccer and more • Comprehensive Arts Facilities - Dedicated Performing Arts Theater, an Art Gallery, music classrooms and practice rooms, dedicated spaces for art, drama, dance and music • Early Years Facilities - Specially designed, age-appropriate facilities with enclosed secure playgrounds • Student Café - Restaurant quality, healthy, energy-rich food created by Singapore’s celebrity Chef Emmanuel Stroobant, the cafeterias provide students with both indoor and outdoor seating • Stamford Parent Cafés - Specially designed space for parents to meet on campus and enjoy the delicious food prepared by celebrity Chef Emmanuel Stroobant


“We like the fact that Stamford doesn’t just have a vision for the future, it has clear plans for achieving the ambitious goals it has set. Stamford doesn’t follow educational trends, it leads the way…and we look forward to being part of the school for many years to come.” George & Lisa Horsington, Parents

Stamford Overview

Giving You the Bigger Picture

American & IB Curricula

Specialty Classes

Stamford merges two rigorous programs of study, the International Baccalaureate (IB) with the American Education Reaches Out (AERO) standards. Stamford is an authorized school for the IB Primary Years Program (PYP), the IB Middle Years Program (MYP) and the IB Diploma Program (DP). IB World Schools share a common philosophy: a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Stamford believes is vital for our students. Stamford also offers the Advanced Placement (AP) Program.

Students have dedicated class periods with specialist teachers in each of the following areas: Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Dance, Library and Physical Education. Elementary students from Kindergarten 2 also have supplemental, specialist Math Enrichment classes focused on using the AERO Mathematical Process.

Second Step Social Program Stamford uses the award winning Second Step Social Program to support the social and emotional development of children. The social curriculum is taught weekly to all students starting from Pre-Kindergarten to promote Skills for Learning, Empathy, Emotion Management and Problem Solving. The social program has had great impact in improving overall behavior, increasing positive attitudes and improving academic performance.

Daily Foreign Language To help foster a wider geographic and cultural perspective and broaden communication across different cultures, children receive daily Mandarin or Spanish instruction from native teachers beginning at age 2. With such regular reinforcement, our students soon become proficient in their chosen language.

Visiting Artist Program

English as an Additional Language (EAL) EAL teachers support the development of students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Students in Kindergarten 2 to Grade 5 whose first language is not English, and who are deemed to need help with their English language skills, are given appropriate EAL support. Grade 6 to 8 students are expected to be at an intermediate level of proficiency. By Grade 9 and 10, students will need an advanced level of English, as they take mainstream subjects. Students in Grade 11 and 12 will be required to have native-level English profiency in order to enroll at Stamford as there is no EAL offered at this level.

1-to-1 Technology Stamford focuses on building our students’ experience and comfort with integrated technology. There are interactive Promethean boards in every class, a 1-to-1 iPad Program for students from Kindergarten 2 to Grade 5 and a 1-to-1 MacBook Program for our Secondary School students.

Teaching Staff Stamford is dedicated to providing the highest quality teaching staff. Our teachers have experience teaching in international communities and assisting students in their adjustment to their new school. Many of our teachers have advanced degrees and all of our teachers are committed to students achieving more than they believe they can.

The goal of Stamford’s Visiting Artist Program is to provide students with real opportunities to learn and develop in a meaningful context. The unique collaborative environment between teachers, students and guest speakers allows students to make deeper connections with each artist’s medium and explore the variety of the arts.

Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Stamford offers a variety of over 100 options of after-school activities for Kindergarten 2 students and above as part of our CCA Program to enhance students’ experience and allow time to explore interests in a structured way. Ranging from academic, sports, arts, language and strategic thinking, some of the activities include: sports, crafts, language and performing arts among others and vary by semester. Activities offered have included Golf, Taekwondo, Sports Climbing, Photography, Parade Art, Choir, Ballet, Drama, Robotics, Chinese Club, Math Competition, Newspaper, and so many more!

Athletic Program Our Secondary School offers a full athletic program for Junior Varsity and Varsity teams, taking advantage of inter-school competitive sports in Singapore and also with the wider international community. Our school philosophy includes a commitment to physical health which we support through the curriculum, competitive sports and our CCA Program.

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”I am ecstatic that my son is exposed to the liberal arts programs while attending Stamford. Auditioning for a musical/play or symphonic orchestra is not within his comfort zone. With music, drama and other electives as part of the daily school curriculum, he is exposed to and gets to participate in the creative arts which I feel is an important aspect of education, focusing on all parts of the brain. One never knows where one’s talents lie until they’ve dabbled in a little bit of everything.” Sherri Schneider, Parent

Sports Calendar


Stamford is a full member of Athletic Conference of Singapore International Schools (ACSIS). ACSIS represents an organization of over 20 international schools in Singapore competing at the highest level of athletics. Throughout three seasons our students compete and represent Stamford in the following sports:

Stamford is easily accessible by a variety of means. Many families take advantage of the close proximity of the Woodleigh MRT Station and our extensive door-to-door bus service, while others who live close by choose to bike, walk or drive to campus.

• Cross Country • Soccer • Basketball • Badminton

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

• Swimming • Track & Field • Touch Rugby

Community Service Part of Stamford’s vision is to encourage students “to become responsible contributing citizens of the school and within a global context” and students embrace this aspiration through the many and varied community service activities they are engaged in. Community service efforts are student driven and so vary from year to year, but previous partnerships have included Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Rainbow Club, St. John’s Home for the Elderly, World Wildlife Federation and many others.

Student Café Stamford is very proud to be in partnership with celebrity Chef Emmanuel Stroobant for the food service at both the Student Cafés and Stamford Cafés for parents. Chef Stroobant believes strongly in serving delicious food that is healthy, fresh and nutritious and is guided by the philosophy of promoting ‘Healthy food, healthy kids and a healthy planet.’ Each day there is a Western, Asian and Vegetarian option for lunch as well as drink and snack choices. Each lunch includes a nutritionally balanced meal of starter, main and dessert providing exciting new food experiences for our students and expanding their palates.

Facility & Location Stamford’s purpose-designed campus facility features state-of-theart academic and athletic resources and technology establishing it as the benchmark for international schools around the world. Stamford is located in central Singapore close to all the major expatriate residential areas. Stamford is approximately 10 to 20 minutes from Orchard Road, Bukit Timah, Novena, East Coast, Holland Village and Sentosa.

Echoing the classic American Parent Teacher Association, our PTA aims to build a bridge between parents and teachers, to maintain lines of communication and enhance school life. Teachers play an active role in the PTA and work with parents not just on educational and welfare matters, but to keep alive the diverse cultural traditions of our students. The PTA encourages Stamford families to participate in numerous activities such as the Fun Run and the Halloween Party. If parents are inclined to volunteer their time, they could do anything from being a classroom parent to accompanying field trips, to organizing a major event such as the International Fiesta. The PTA also provides an ideal forum for parents to socialize and make new friends, an important factor in adjusting to expat life.

Communication Communication and support between home and school are critical to us. We firmly believe that parental involvement is an essential ingredient in providing a quality education. We seek input from parents to guide our progress and we encourage parents to be actively involved in their child’s education.

Cognita Stamford American International School is part of the Cognita family of schools. Cognita is a leading international independent schools group committed to excellence in education. Cognita’s reputation is built on strong national and local leadership, a determination to provide the highest-quality teaching, a broad curriculum and personal support for every child. The Cognita group currently encompasses 64 schools across the UK, Europe, Brazil and Southeast Asia.

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Getting You Where You Want to Be

• Photocopy of SG pass/visa • Standardized achievement test (ITBS, ERB, CAT, MAT, MAP and PSAT) scores (if available) • Educational assessment or specialist reports (where applicable) • Stamford Medical Examination Form *Required at the time of application.

Stamford offers rolling enrollment throughout the year as long as space is available and aims to make the admissions process a pleasant, straightforward experience. Please note that admissions meetings and school tours are available by appointment only. To inquire about availability of places, or more information about anything covered in this brochure, please contact the Admissions Department at +65 6602 7247 or email us at

Wait List If a place is not available at the time you wish to join, your child’s name will be placed on the wait list and you will be notified as soon as a vacancy is anticipated. Please notify the Admissions Office of any changes of address or other contact details or if your circumstances change. Wait list priority is given to families with siblings.

Admissions Process Step 1: Prospective students need to submit all required forms and documents online and pay a non-refundable Application Fee in order to be considered for admissions. Please go to the school website at to submit an application. Applications are considered in chronological order of receipt. Each applicant is reviewed individually and independently. Step 2: Once the required forms and documents have been submitted and the Application Fee has been received, the Admissions Office and the appropriate school administration will review the application file. More information or interviews may be requested. Families will then be notified by email of the outcome. Step 3: When a place is offered, the Facility Fee must be paid within seven calendar (7) days of receipt of the invoice. If the Facility Fee is not received within 7 calendar days, priority will be given to other applicants. The first installment of Tuition Fees and the Technology Fee, if applicable, is due on May 1st for August entry and October 1st for January entry. The Medical Examination Form will need to be completed and returned prior to the student’s start date. To apply, please submit the following necessary items: • Completed and signed Application for Admission* • Application Fee for each applicant* • Letter of Guarantee (if applicable)* • Photocopy of applicant’s passport * • Student Questionnaire (Grade 6-12 only)* • Transcripts or report cards for the past 3 school years (translated into English)* • Passport sized photograph • Photocopy of applicant’s birth certificate

Sibling Priority Stamford aims to welcome all family members into our community. As such, our first admissions priority is given to families with siblings. Acceptance into grade levels with very limited places will be reserved for children with a sibling or multiple siblings already enrolled at Stamford or with applications submitted. Siblings will also be given first priority should there be a wait list in their grade level. Singapore Nationality/Singapore Passport Holders Approval is required from the Ministry of Education (MOE) before a Singaporean student (6 years old and above) is allowed to attend classes at Stamford. The application for approval from the MOE will be sent as soon as a student is accepted, as required. Please note that Singaporean applicants who are 6 years old and above will be accepted onto our wait list and no place will be reserved for the student until formal approval has been granted by the MOE. Student Pass Stamford will register a child requiring a Student Pass with the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) after acceptance and parents will process the application from there. Please note that applicants requiring a Student Pass will be accepted onto our wait list and no place will be reserved for the student until formal approval has been granted by the ICA. Student Pass holders can commence classes after the student ID has been issued. Student Pass holders must meet the minimum 90% monthly attendance requirements stipulated by the ICA.

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“Our combination of IB and American standards is ideal for a future work force: a work force that will need self motivation, flexibility and an ability to understand the value of different pieces of knowledge and how that knowledge can be used to create and innovate.� Malcolm J. Kay, Superintendent

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279 Upper Serangoon Road (1 Woodleigh Lane) Singapore, 347691 Next to Woodleigh MRT For more information, please contact us: Phone: +65 6602 7247 Email: Stamford American International School CPE Registration Number: 200823594D Period of Registration: August 10, 2010 to August 9, 2014 Š 2012 Stamford American International School All images in this brochure were photographed on the Stamford American International School Campus Printed April 2014

East Coast


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