portfolio 2012

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education 2010- 2012 2008- 2009 2006-2010 1997-2006 2003 - 2004

katerina.benedova@gmail.com katerinabenedova.blogspot.com FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE – BRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGIES, CZ Course: architecture and urban planning – master´s degree ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE d’ARCHITECTURE de MARSEILLE, FRANCE Course: architecture and urban planning – erasmus exchange programme FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE – BRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGIES, CZ Course: architecture and urban planning – bachelor degree BISKUPSKÉ GYMNÁZIUM J.N. NEUMANNA GRAMMAR SCHOOL , ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, CZ Graduation subjects: French language, Mathematics, History of Arts, Literature, Czech language Studies finished with A-levels CRETIN-DERHAM HALL, ST.PAUL, MINNESOTA, USA

experience and achievements work experience 08/2010 – 02/2011 BENTHEM CROUWEL ARCHITEKTEN, Generaal Vetterstraat 61, 1059 BT Amsterdam, NL –master practices – project design, competitions, participation at meetings, team work 03-07/2010 ROYAL SCHOOL, Údolní 222 / 5, 60200 Brno, CZ – English language lector – callan method 07-08/2009 ATELIER 8000 – Jiří Střítecký, Martin Krupauer, Radniční 7, 37001 České Budějovice, CZ – internship – project design, team work 2003-2007 VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT LAIBON, ČESKÝ KRUMLOV – waitress; snowboard instructor; private English teacher; TMT CZECH, ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE – telephonist; charity volunteering workshops 2011 PASOHLÁVKY WELLNESS ZONE DEVELOPEMENT - FA BUT + SOUTH MORAVIAN REGION, Brno, CZ VRANOV NEAR BRNO INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP – urban developement - FA BUT + UNIVERSITY OF LICHTENSTEIN – with Thomas Keller + SOUTH MORAVIAN REG. Brno, CZ 2009 LA GUIDECCA INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP -housing developement - ENSA MARSEILLE + ENSA STRASBOURG + FAR VENICE – Marseille, F / Venice, I LIGNES DE BATEAUBUS INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP – water transport in the old town of Marseille – urban planning and developement, ENSA MARSEILLE + ENAU TUNIS – Marseille, F awards 2011 PASOHLÁVKY WELLNESS ZONE WORKSHOP, 1st prize VRANOV NEAR BRNO INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP, 1st prize 2010 BEDŘICH ROZEHNAL PRIZE, 2nd prize CHANGING THE FACE – CORIAN DUPONT COMPETITION, 4th -10th place 2009 ENVIROS 2008 ČEEP – competition – low energy building, 1st prize ČMSS –competition - low energy family house, 5th - 10th place UNESCO MONUMENT ENTRANCE LEDNICE – studio competition, 1st prize exhibitions 2011/ 05-06 CITY INTERVENTIONS FOR BRNO 2011, former city workhouse, Brno, CZ / 04 WORKSHOP UN3 EXHIBITION, MINI gallery, Brno, CZ 2010/ 05 BACHELOR PROJECTS EXHIBITION, gallery of architecture – Dům pánů z Kunštátu, Brno, CZ / 03 – 04 CHANGING THE FACE COMPETITION EXHIBITION, National theater piazzetta, Prague, CZ / 03 - 04 KRESBA BARVA, figural drawing exhibition, Museum gallery, Bysřice nad Pernštýnem, CZ 2008/ 04 06 SVĚTOVÉ CHRÁMY NA DLANI,structive models of sacral architecture exhibition, Diocesan museum, Brno, CZ

skills and qualifications languages MOTHER TONGUE : CZECH OTHER LANGUAGES: ENGLISH – fluent spoken and written FRENCH – fluent spoken and written LANGUAGE CERTIFICATIONS: 2004 TOEFL (TEST OF ENGLISH AS A FOREING LANGUAGE) 270P CAE (CAMBRIDGE CERTIFICATE IN ADVANCED ENGLISH) GRADE B DELF 1ER DEGRÉ (DIPLOME DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRACAISE) technical knowledge AUTODESK: Autocad- advanced, 3D Studio Max- advanced, Autodesk Architectural Desktop- intermediate, Autodesk VIZ- intermediate ADOBE: Photoshop- advanced, Illustrator- avanced, InDesign- advanced MAXON: Cinema4D – basic RHINOCEROS- advanced SKETCHUP- basic ARCHICAD- basic DRIVING LICENCE GROUPS A,B,C SNOWBOARD INSTRUCTOR LICENCE SEA NAVIGATION LICENCE other interests FINE ARTS: 1990-2006 MILENA SVECOVA ARTS SCHOOL, ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, CZ painting, graphic design, sculpture, etc. 2003-2004 STUDIO OF PHOTOGRAPHY (SILVER PRINT), CRETIN-DERHAM HALL, ST.PAUL, USA STUDIO OF PAINTING, CRETIN-DERHAM HALL, ST.PAUL, USA SPORTS –climbing, ski mountaineering, long distance running, swimming... and more :)




The architecture of the objects of the multifunctional cultural and community center emerges from the urbanistic study. In their volume and location these buildings don’t exceed the maximal height level of the surrounding area and respect its natural configuration as well as its historical value. Both houses correspond not only in terms of materials but also in their simple conception free of all unnecessary formalities. They are not trying to compete with the town and its genius loci; on the contrary, they attempt to create a dignified entrance worthy of the town. Their floor plan creates a coherent space with a certain amount of tension created by the very not-orthogonal arrangement. The buildings can be used together to host large events or separately to provide space for small scale activities such as regular evening courses, classes and community gatherings.

multifunctional cultural center

south elevation

north elevation

The picturesque riverside location brings along certain disadvantages such as threat of floods. Considerable part of the town is also so called “endangered by the river” and it has always been. It takes account of the power of the water and it is designed and built in the manner that can endure such condition - solid construction and situating living rooms and main storage in higher floors. Since the Lipno dam has been built (in the 1960´s) there have been no major floods but one(2002). It uveiled the flaws of the contemporary building that disrespected the original conception of the local traditional construction. The context of the listed building of the former cloth-factory is essential in the new structures proposal. There must be no elevated platforms on columns, garage blocks etc. The new buildings must fluently follow the concept, location and volume of the existing. Occasional damage caused by water must be easy to remove. The construction and disposition design emerges from these requirements. There are no cellars, the main construction is monolithic concrete. The representation halls, storage rooms, technologies, archive and office are situated in the 2nd and 3rd floor. The ground-floor is modest, designed in mostly water-resistant materials.

The entrance to the building B is right opposite to the entrance into the restaurant situated in the old building. The following foyer is double hight space. The two small halls in the groundfloor are equiped by two locker rooms with bathrooms for the quests and enjoy the view of the river. The main hall is once again elevated in the 2nd floor and with no visual contact with the exterior. The 3rd floor is reserved for the technologies, the management office, archive and employees´ facilities. To preserve the intact and compact volume of the building, the skylights are used.

3rd floor

2nd floor

ground floor

The central theme of the building A is the large representation hall elevated on two plinths(bar/cloakroom and toilets), accessible by two one-flight staircases lit through the skylights and the high top lit foyer with a bar. Another significant quality of this arrangement is the presence of the daylight in the hall which is welcome especially during daylong conferences. It is lit through the glazed openings into the staircase spaces which are not, unlike the glazed groundfloor walls, visually connected to the exterior, therefore the audience is not disturbed by the outside happenings. In order to enhance the acoustics or to provide a special ambience the heavy courtains can cover the side walls.

multifunctional cultural center








parkové úpravy - návrh plochy občanského vybavení - návrh kongresové centrum, hotel ateliéry, restaurace, cafré, showroomy plochy hromadného bydlení návrh- bytové domy max. 3np plochy smíšené - návrh bytové domy max. 4np, obchod, café, příp. administrativa

REVITALISATION OF A FORMER INDUSTRIAL AREA NEAR THE HISTORICAL CENTER OF ČESKÝ KRUMLOV (UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE) The town is a complex living organism and while designing a specific area it is vital to take account of the entire urban structure with its issues, potential and qualities. A thorough analysis provides the basis for this elaborate project: the strategic planning documents, urban planning documents, demografic studies and action plans. There are three hottest post-industrial areas surroundint the entrance to the old town that demand to be taken care of. This study is concentrating on the most actual area of these three - the “Ambit” zone.

revitalisation - “ambit” zone

The project of revitalisation of the Ambit area in Český Krumlov emerges from the current needs and the future strategic visions of the town as well as from its historical context and cultural heritage. It proposes a natural and simple cultivation of the grounds and their transformation into a park and riverside promenades creating an agreeable background for the pedestrian paths joining the downtown with the housing areas in the suburbs. This environment creates a set for a multifunctional cultural and community centre. 23%

Ģímskokatolická církev

církev Āeskoslovenská husitská

1% 1%



listed buildings

traffic analysis

þeské budČjo

s þe


10% 29% 19%



bez vyznání

veĢejná správa public




branches of economical activites of inhabitants




do roku 1919 prĪmysl 1920-1945 industry cestovní ruch tourism 1946-1980 školství 1981-2001 education stavebnictví building industry





jiná vyznání

transformation zones



14% 29%


0-14 let


ý kĜíž

15-64let >65 let












age structure of inhabitants P





protected zone

one day




jednodenní návštďvy



autobusové nádraží vlakové nádraží transformaþní území 1. stupnČ - jednoznaþné podmínky využití

parking silnice I.tĜídy I39

transformaþní území pro pĜestavbu v návrhovém období - komplexní areály

silnice II.tĜídy II160 a II157


plánovaná silnice II.tĜídy




hranice mČstské památkové rezervace

ro íb šš vy

hranice Ĝešeného rozvojového území


hranice mČstské památkové zóny

transformaþní území v dĤsledku nárĤstu funkþích a provozních stĜetĤ

plánovaná místní komunikace plánovaný tunel


type of visits

transformaþní území specifická - zahrádkáĜské kolonie >> bydlení / veĜejná zeleĖ

železniþní traĢ cyklotrasa znaþená turistická trasa


14% 29%

civic facilities

space relations - view points


cultural facilites

státní hrad a zámek


do roku 1919



otáĀivé hledištď

revolving theatre


mezinárodní hudební festival

international music festival







visit rate of attractions - 1,200,000 turists/year

23% 13%

Ģímskokatolická církev

roman catholic

církev Āeskoslovenská husitská


czechoslovakian husit church other religions

jiná vyznání

1% 1% 0-14 let


not found out



bez vyznání

no religion

15-64let >65 let



14% 29%

medical facility sports grocer´s free time center senior housing kindergarten elementary school high school college art school

zdravotnické zaĜízení zaĜízení pro sport obchod - jednota/tesco/lidl/penny volnoþasové zaĜízení pro mládež domov pro seniory mateĜská škola základní škola stĜední škola/gymnázium/uþilištČ vysoká škola - cevro institute základní umČlecká škola

historické dominanty registrované významné krajinné prvky městská zeleň kultivovaná - parky zásadní pohledové osy

český krumlov - cz 2012


concert hall museum theater cinema gallery castle - chateau


do roku 1919

koncertní sál





státní hrad a zámek

1920-1945 1946-1980





town housing stock - 1772 houses

revitalisation - “ambit zone”


přímka alej formální přímka příležitostná alej kongres formální příležitostná kongres

křivka park uvolněná křivka každodenní park kavárna uvolněná každodenní kavárna

studios - workshops - showrooms main hall

small hall



Ambit - connecting center and housing

new/old - urban/natural

Currently there exists only a narrow stripe of pavement on one side of the busy route I/39 that the residents of the largest neighborhoods can use to walk to the downtown. Let´s create a pleasant trail which attracts! Let´s create a path throug a park - a pedestrian axis of the Krumlov´s people!

There used to be a millstream along the former Porák cloth-factory. Let´s rediscover history - let´s recreate the millstream! The reminiscence of the faded glory of the Krumlov´s industry - the millstream copies the original path along the old building. The vision of a prosperous future - the curved millstream is softly embracing the new building - it is changing as well as the time and use. On one bank there is the green leisure park to refresh your body, on the other there are the cultural facilites to enrich your soul.

přímka alej formální příležitostná kongres

křivka park uvolněná každodenní kavárna

český krumlov - cz 2012

parking in the green


Ambit - a point of interest on the way to history

2 paths - 2 identities

Almost everyone arrives along the route I/39 from České Budějovice. Let´s place a new town icon so they can see it! Let´s support the magnificent view of the castle!

Along one path dozens of people walk every day, along the other hundreds of people from time to time. The first one winds from place to place and makes the daily way of the locals more pleasant. The second one brings the visitors directly and in a dignified way to the piazzeta in front the cultural object. The first one leads through a park, the second one is beset by rows of trees.

2-STOREY MULTI-GENERATION FAMILY HOUSE WITH 4 HOUSING UNITS AND AN OFFICE with: Marek Matrtaj New building is erected in the place of the old country house which is in a bad condition lacking proper foundations and being used for agricultural purposes. The building is located in the rural area close to Walding. It is a country house with agricultural facilities, surrounded by scattered agricultural dwellings of the same type, and fields. Its a free standing dwelling, located on a south facing slope, surrounded by fields, forest, and a pond on the south side. The character of the region is protected by european and local statutes. Architectural and typological design - the country house is a 2-storey house, with an uninhabitable attic space and partial basement. The house consists of 3 simple volumes, following the U shaped outline of the original country house. The two main volumes are two storey roofed with a simple gable roof with a slope of 25° and east-west orientation of the ridge. The connecting volume is one storey volume with a terrace atop. The built-up area of the house is 484,91 m2. The house consists of 5 units – 4 housing and one office.

country dwelling

west facade

section b

south facade

section d

north facade

section a

east facade

original house

outline comparism

st.gotthart - a 2010 - 2011

section d

2nd floor

1st floor

The connecting volume contains a wellness zone – a wintergarden, which is followed by a sauna, shower and a WC. The north main volume contains the office, 2 flats on the 1.floor, and one flat on the 2.floor. The office is accessible from the main staircase. On the first floor there is an open space office with a meeting place, serviced by a kitchen, and a WC. The top floor is accessible via a staircase, and visually connected by a ceiling opening. The top floor serves as a single office space with an access to the terrace. The flats on the 1.floor of the north main volume are each accessible through a separate entry on the north side. They are of same floor area and consist of an entry hall, bathrom, living space with a kitchen and a bedroom. The walls of these flats are partitions, thus allowing a flexible future rearrangement. The flat on the 2.floor has a separate entry on the north side, followed by the entry hall. Entry hall serves as a changing room for dirty clothes – it includes a washbasin, and wardrobes beneath the staircase. The flat on the 2. floor consists of a main living space – living room and a kitchen, followed by a auxilliary block – a walk through closet, WC and a bathroom, and a bedroom on the east side of the flat. The aim is maximal practicality and minimal visual and building impact on the site.

WORKSHOP - SOUTH MORAVIAN SPA DEVELOPEMENT organisator: UN3 FA VUT - Prof.Ing.arch Petr Pelčák a Jihomoravský kraj with: Marek Matrtaj, Tereza Křivinková, Enrico Montagnoli 1.place Goal of the workshop was to propose a concept for the spa area on the shore of the Novomlýnská reservoir Mušov II in the beautiful neighborhood of the Pálava hills. There are supposed to be situated accommodation capacitis of different categories, balneocenter with its own accommodation, spa and wellness with areas reserved to the staying guests and commuting visitors. There had been a proposal for a large spa complex project in the past that would not pay off in the current economical situation. Based on this conception the construction had begun. Therefore we had to put up with the given shape, position and dimensions of certain roads. Our design is based on the fusion of the traditional local values, landscape configuration and the principles of sustainable developement. The vital role in our project played the human scale, proportion and the traditional composition of rural landscape that are essential for natural and harmonical ambience.

spa pálava

The project is defined by the identity of the place and the landscape set which is supposed to be enhanced, not disturbed

Ideal and balanced use can be reached through joining traditional values with local traditions.

Attractivity of the area is in several crucial points that attract different groups and types of people.

Typical use of the land is vineyard and orchard - the trees will filter the noise from the camping and the motorway, vineyard will embrace the accomodation.

The given sickle shaped road is completed into a circle which creates a traditional village square - with a water element and trees, surrounded by houses.

The given roads are used by cars, adding of pedestrian and cycling paths offering number of viewing axes and events is suggested.

Green-filter/trees/potential zone of growth, blue-spa,purple-balneo,brown - accommodation in the vineyard, yellow-vineyard/winery, light green- parking/vineyared

The area of the village square is defined by the given road. Suggestion is to create a romantic miniature of surrounding landscpe - hills, ponds, woods, meadows, settlehouses, vineyards...

Accommodation in low rise traditional houses surrounded by vineyards, accessible by car but with parking on the adjoining area. Possibility of sequential growth

The balneo center for demanding customers - accommodation and therapy under a single roof, view of the reservoir. Possibility of further growth.

Surrounding landscape is not visually separated. Only the height levels differ - the terraces provide calm space, the pools pass from the interior into the exterior.

The main spa complex with several different pre-paid zones. Possibility of further growth.

Possibility of modern building according to traditional forms.

Proposal of the spa comples - the pools and wellness zones are separated by the areas of calming green. The contact with the surrounding landscape is essential.

Impression of the spa village square and tho “colonade�, natural placement of the structure into the Palava hills landscape.

spa pĂĄlava

vranovské lazy INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP - NEW HOUSING DEVELOPEMENT IN VRANOV organizator: UN3 FA VUT - Prof.Ing.arch Petr Pelčák, Jihomoravský kraj, Universitat Lichtenstein - Dipl.arch. Thomas Keller (ETH Zurich/SIA) with: Marek Matrtaj, Pavlína Doležalová, Sandro Durrer, Nicolas Hemmerle 1.place The aim was to create a concept of housing structure in the neighborhood of Vranov by Brno - historically important place of pilgrimage. The vital idea of our proposal was to avoid producing another urban sprawl near Brno and to take advantage of the great potential of the site. By analysing the needs of Vranov and using historically verified conceptions of settlement of the land around spiritual and economical centers we reached the most natural structure design - isolated dwellings - “lazy”.

vranovské lazy

different settlement density: city x country => dense x sparse

no competitive village should be created next to Vranov

typical settlement pattern on our land

due to collectivization of agriculture vast fields were created : CZ x Austria

different density is lethal to the country and to the city as well - it is neither

types of landscape around Vranov - orchards, meadows, forests - preserve them

center - village with scattered dwellings around

isolated dwellings - a few houses together support different types of communities

urban structure of Vranov - monastery with the church in the center of the settlement

vranovskĂŠ lazy

main and supporting road network

Vranov surrounding - cultivated woodland

natural beginings of settlement surrounding Vranov

further growth of the housing structure

life in the community, in the country and in the privacy

necessity of building regulations: traditional and simple outline, volume and traditional and local materials

application of the traditional settlement pattern on Vranov and its surroundings

maximal density: 52 1to2 generation houses, maximum due to capacity of the cleaning plant

examples of modern building with traditional forms and scale

vranovskĂŠ lazy

COMPETITION - SMOGFREE CITIES ČESKOMORAVSKÝ CEMENT with: Marek Matrtaj This project is not envisioning a unique sculpture. It is a set of objects for universal use. The principal idea of the project is to materialise the essence of life on Earth and to illustrate the purpose of the material TX–ACTIVE – which is pure clean air. Single objects represent the different molecules of gases creating our atmosphere. They are created in such scale to be easily understood by human senses and also to provide an alternative to the regular urban furniture. These groups of objects of different sizes installed in particular locations of the city have number of roles and purposes. These are not only to improve the quality of the air in the problematic parts of the city but also to provoke curiosity and ecological awareness in the inhabitants of the cities. The epicentre of the installations is located in the city centre with the above-average amount of traffic – emissions.


The concentration of the objects is high and there is also one superior, larger object with a scheme and a text explaining the essence and the function of the Earth´s atmosphere and also the purpose of the installation, its parts and its allover influence on the city air. Due to the simple form of the objects and their repetition the prefabrication is possible. The surfaces or the elements´ models are marked by the reliefs of their chemical symbols thus increasing their surface and the photocatalytical ability. Various groups, positions, locations and amounts of the elements can improve, revitalise and complete different public spaces or even less urbanised areas. One can lean on them while having a picnic, sit on them while waiting for a date... one can walk among them or climb on them... the objects can be part of water elements in the parks or on the squares or they can dominate the centres of roundabouts... As an example of the instalations´ locations the suitable spots are marked in the map of Brno. These places are loaded with the traffic but also have the quality urban space and the great potential. It is just the air, it is everywhere. But there is nothing without it.

TXActive is a revolutionary self-cleaning building material with the ability to reduce the amount of air pollutants by light and thus purifies the air, like trees and greenery.These materials can be used to build everything you normally build of cement. The essence of technology is the use of TX Active cement containing photocatalyst -substances accelerating the natural decomposition of the pollution by action of light. All products in the TX Active materials have not only self-cleaning ability, but they also eliminate the hazardous substances in their environment, such as nitrogen oxides NOx


Let´s materialise pure air!


student housing with a garden with: Marek Matrtaj How to accomodate 80 students in a place with identity? What does a student need? Morning coffee (beer), three hours to finish a drawing, place to learn, but most of all, place to meet and talk and spread ideas. Garden or kitchen, both a living centre of student life, combined to form a platform for gathering and learning from each other.

WHAT`S GOING ON? Garden - the key element creating a meeting place, connecting the two volumes and visually balancing the simple geometric volumes of the habitat. Contact and interaction - the main place of contact is kitchen, a natural and obvious solution, and in order to highlight its importance - it has a prominent place on the facade! and moreover - a garden full of people can make people forget their dinner... Noise - although there have always been apartement houses on this busy street, the current regulations do not allow for a living or sleeping room to be located on the street facade, thus, these need to be kept behind a noise reducing facade. In contrast with the usual dull facades against noise, this one bursts with life - place to sit and watch surroundings, read morning news, grow plants... all visible and attractive from the street, creating a pleasant street - house interaction.



with: Marek Matrtaj The City Interventions project is a professional and civic initiative. It offers a service to city inhabitants, the provision of which logically arises from the essence of educating an architect. This project is based on the finding that most city inhabitants are convinced that architects do not do the most that can be expected from them – i.e., that architects do not actively intervene in public affairs, that they do not deal with the urban space that influences our everyday movement and life in a city, that the architect (if he or she manages to find a willing investor) only tries to build a personal memorial regardless of its impact on the environment. Drop the backpack with the books or the tube with the drawings, the bag with the groceries or the kid with the bucket … Lay down on the grass, sit down on a rock, lean against a tree, dip your feet in the water ... Ignore the cars, the trams, the trolleybuses... Perceive the genius loci – the pulse of the city and the tranquillity at the same time... Admire the noble architecture, the historical monuments... Observe the passers-by, the playing children... Experience the’Konečňák’





Konečného square -busy traffic junction, crossroad between the important institutions and public facilities -space defined by the set of three magnificent buildings in the art-nouveau style by Franz Pawlů -tiny lawn curtailed by three busy roads which prevent the quality use of the area and its unity with the building fronts defining the square -triangle loaded with potential Konečného square? Intervention! We suggest to get rid of the negatives and to emphasise the positives. Without radical interventions into the city´s urban plan and complicated changes to the transport infrastructure. Preserve and change. We are proposing a simple structure of rubble, soil and concrete prefabricates that will create an area protected from the traffic noise eliminating the cars from the sight while keeping the great panorama of the surrounding buildings. Purify, clean, crowd, screen out, enrich, revitalise. The mound creates an acoustical and visual barrier but unlike a wall you can grass it over, lay down on it, or cross it any time. Given by the vastness of the space the mound doesn’t make an impression of hugness and inaccessibility. Just the opposite- it is seducing and inviting to explore what is behind. And as the classic says: “People are there where there are people.” we can’t leave the oasis of the urban space without the pedestrians. Moving the sidewalk on the busiest side of the square (Veveri) behind the mound will provide a stable flow of the people in the area. Reduced height and larger width of the mound on the west corner allows the access from the second busiest direction without disturbing the intimate ambiance of the space. The city furniture and a landscape element together there are lightweight concrete cubes. In the centre of the triangle the terrain sinks more thus creating a little amphitheatre which can host various activities such as childrens’ games or alternative theatre plays, happening and performances. The bottom could change into a water element – a shallow fountain springing from the ground to different heights. The trees can stay. The bushes can’t.

The building site is created by a corner gap in the existing structure on the Bečva riverfront with a view of the historical town of Přerov on the other bank. There is a park in the neighborhood. According to the analysis of the town´s needs and the strategic planning documents the most suitable use of the new building would be senior housing in combintation with small flats for singles and young families. The location is genuinely ideal for the senior housing - in walking distance from the old town center, surrounded by the necessary civic facilites and near the park. To rejuvenate the atmosphere of the place (and to provide some diversion for the old people) the small apartements for the young are situated in the same object. The goal was to create a vertical accent to the horizontal riverfront as a dialogue with the old town´s towers as well as a pleasant urban space in human scale.

přerov -cz 2010


riverfront house

riverfront house

The housing for the elderly benefits rather from a view of a public space than of a private couryard(more things to watch if one can´t move too much). Therefore the volumes are drawn backt to the northern and western edges of the site and a space for a corner square connected to the town organism and the river is provided. The apartments for handicaped people are situated in the horizontal volumes and they are equiped with large private loggias which are separated one of another by flower-pots with plants the height of which depends on the relationships between the neighbours. The singles´ and young family flats fill the vertical volume of the 11floor tower. The rigid raster of the windows is suppressed by the sliding shading panels with a circle motive that cheer up the facade according to the everyday life of the inhabitants. The entire ground floor is reserved for various shops, civic facilities (hairdresser, pedicure, pharmacy) and a cafÊ with a perron in the square. The trees in the south-east corner of the square optically enclose the block and provide more intimate atmosphere. The composition and the expression of the building is complex and unified while preserving individual identity of living of people.

The site is situated between the gardens and the main square of the town of Lednice right behind the wall which runs around the entire park and gardens. The program of the project was to design a ticket office, bathrooms, a gift-shop and gallery and to deal with the entire site regarding its historical importance. The main concept of my design was to enlarge public space and to cultivate this area separated from the rest of the town by the protected castle wall which has today lost its original purpose of separating the nobles from the peasants. This space creates a transition between the town and the park though it stays urban. The building is minimal - it has clearly defined volume which creates a natural border of the piazzeta and in which all the functions except for the gallery are situated. The object is opaque in the west where there are the bathrooms, semitransparent in the part of ticket offices and fully transparent on the other end with the gift-shop. The aim is maximal practicality and minimal visual and building impact on the site.

lednice - cz 2009



The building of the rectory provides a perfect space for the gallery. All the walls and ceilings in the interior are removed, the space opens itself to the roof truss thus providing room for placement (hanging) of larger exhibits. In the southern part the space is vertically divided by an upper balcony above the service area of the museum which provides another perspective of the exhibits.


DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT SACRED SPACE IN VIRTUAL REALITY In virtual reality there are no boundaries and so are not in your mind. You are floating in space, exploring remote corners of your mind, reanimating old dusty memories, caressing secret desires and hugging the freshest wounds. You are strolling through the immensity of the space, entering harbors to find reconciliation and new strength. In this reality you weight nothing and you fit everywhere. Nowadays you are constantly formed and shaped by thousands of stimulations, your surrounding knows exactly what you are supposed to do, to wear, to think. Nowadays your inner-self is the most sacred place you can find. Your inner-self between heaven and earth. Your soul, your humanity. In this virtual reality you refresh it. There is heaven, there is earth and in between there is your inner-self glowing with all colors. You enter where you desire the most. You are inside. Around you clouds with your memories, thoughts and wishes float. They emerge from your inner-self and they surround you. It is only up to you. What used to by in the inside is absorbing you from the outside now. Your inner-self, your sacred space, your show. But you are not alone. In this interface between heaven and earth you use to enter your inner-self there are also other people searching themselves, refreshing their humanity. Everyone can enter his private chamber and let himself be surrounded by himself. And you know that they have their most sacred space, their thirteenth chamber too. And they know they are not alone in this. Virtual reality is perfectly adapted to you, the unique individual, to your thoughts, needs, to your inner-self. This individual flexibility coexists with the universal conscience of a world full of unique individuals. It is yours and everyone´s – universal sacred space - intersection of sets.


LOW ENERGY WOODEN HOUSE The wooden house for two to four member family is designed to be economical energetically as well as in its volume. The concept reflects the orientation of the parcel and the interior is composed according to functional zoning. The main idea was to create a generous spaces of high quality keeping in mind simplicity of the construction in a small house (external dimensions 6x14m). The traditional forms make the house easy to situate anywhere in the country. The main living area has south-western orientation and in summer it is possible to extend it onto the terrace. The space above half of it opens itself to the roof truss which gives the room airy and dignified ambience. For practical reasons in the area of the kitchen the ceiling height is standard. In the centre of the house there are the bathrooms and the technical equipment. The children´s room is in the attic enlightened by two roof windows and one horizontal window on the floor lever from which even small children have a good view. The parents´ bedroom profits from two roof windows too and also is additionally enlightened by a window viewing the main living area. The corridor is used as a wardrobe. Next to the house there is a car- shelter and a shed for bikes and garden equipment. The construction is wooden made of columns 60x120mm and OSB panels founded on thermally insulating foundations ISOQUICK. The building is labeled with A energy consumption mark. It is insulated with mineral wool panels and equipped with triple glazing. To maximize the energetic profits there are also air recuperation and solar panels to heat water and air. The roof cover is made of titanium-zinc metal sheets which continue to create facing of the north wall of the house. The rest of facings are vertical larch planks.


section A

section b

ground-floor plan

1st floor plan


north elevation

east elevation

south elevation

west elevation

scheme of heating


academy of dance and music New building in a historical city center is always a problem. This project was being created virtually step by step and is entirely based on analysis of the site. The position of the building on the triangular site emerged from the main visual axes and perspectives in order to preserve logic and tradition of the existing building. In the obtained area the particular volumes of different functions are situated so that the functions stay independent yet connected. The load-bearing construction is made of steel as primary and secondary spaceframe. The skin made of thin metal in raster of 2x2 meters inspired by traditional fittings and ornaments of Marseille ensures comfortable interior environment even with the generously glazed walls. The area accessible for public is directly connected to the administration of the academy, the theatre is in the basement, the vertical volume of the music department in the west creates a dialogue with the church towers and the dance department responds with its shape to other buildings in the very neighborhood.

en dentelle

housing complex in venice Before the four-day workshop a thorough excursion in the town of Venice was necessary. Our task was to design a housing complex on the island of Guidecca right next to very dense housing designed by Gino Valle. On the site there were remains of an old factory which would be completely cleared before the construction except for the high chimney which is an important landmark. To enlighten the dense building of Gino Valle we based our concept on three rows with descending number of floors towards the open sea. The infrastructure is according to local habits and traditions ensured by canals which provide private berths and separate the private gardens from public promenades. There are 50 apartments of types from two-room to five room ones. The private exterior space is essential- every flat has its own garden or terrace. The general raster is 5x11 m and all the apartments except for the two- room ones and the penthouses are maisonettes. The construction material is traditional brick and concrete of different colors for each type of flat. The public space creates a dialogue with the square in the neighboring housing. On the square there is the chimney in the axes of the spaces between houses and low building for services. The entire island is elevated 1,5 m above the normal sea level. in cooperation with: Jonathan Monier, Romain Rossi

L´esprit canal




l´esprit canal

summer studios in verdure The studios are situated in a steep narrow gorge along a seasonal creek on the unoccupied lots between public road on the top and a railway embankment. The connection between the studios is ensured by stairs and footbridges which also provide connection between the beach through the existing tunnel underneath the embankment and the upper part of the town. There are four smaller studios for 10 people each and one bigger with bathrooms, kitchen and access for disabled. Connection between interior and exterior is essential therefore there is always a spacious terrace around each studio and generously glazed sliding windows. Shade is provided by surrounding trees and inbuilt shades. The construction made of subtle steel columns is anchored into the steep slope. The volume of the studio itself is made of wood. The stairs are made of galvanized perforated metal and anchored into the slope either each step separately or as little staircases. The indoors equipment is multifunctional and flexible, adaptive for different kinds of activities starting with music workshops through many kinds of fine art to anonymous alcoholics´ sessions or movie nights.

summer workshop studios

summer workshop studios

low energy family house competition for low energy housing rockhouse with: Marek Matrtaj The house is designed to profit maximally from contemporary modern technologies as well as from traditions proven by time. The form is based on the concept of Socrates´ house open to the South. The energetic economy of this concept is furthermore supported by recessing part of the volume below the level of the ground in the North. Except for the entrance in the North the house is open to the south only. The triple glazing provides maximum solar gains in winter and the shape shading in summer. It is labeled with the A energy consumption mark, and consumes 47 GJ of energy per year partially compensated by its solar system and underground air exchange system.






east elevation

south elevation

north elevation

west elevation

scheme of heating


Side entrance to the cultural centre La Friche Belle de Mai with: Tomáš Kozelský In the area there are clubs, theaters, galleries, restaurants and offices. Whole place used to be brownfields right next to a railway corridor. The level difference between the street and the entrances to the objects is 5 meters. To connect these two levels we created a system of cubes inspired by natural shapes of Giant Causeways in Northern Ireland. To bring life into this triangular space cramped between two buildings one of them having no windows on this side we decided to let water run between the cubes. It brightens the place with reflections and pleasant burbling. To provide natural shade we preserved the three original plane trees.

luxury housing for a single man

The principal ideas of the project were to create a compact space with logically coherent functions and to profit from the orientation of the site on the south-facing slope and to erase boundaries between exterior and interior while preserving the inside privacy. Therefore the main housing volume is situated on the top of the entry floor with service rooms which is partially burried in the slope. This placement allowed to create a spacious green terrace – a simulation of garden which would be (considering the size and orientation of the site and the privacy demand) very hard to achieve. Furhtermore I wanted to profit from the view of the city over the top of the hill in the north. This is possible by elevating the housing floor one meter higher. Thus I decided to elevate the bedroom as a glazed box slightly protracted outside the main volume. In order to preserve the complexity of the interior space and to add a bit of extravagancy the bedroom is fluently connected with the main living space by a generous staircase. The whole design should produce a harmonious composition of volumes and colours on the exterior as well as in the interior.

single man house



first floor

bedroom floor

reconversion of the military watchtower of the Brno arms factory The main concept was to to create a clean interior with a corresponding simple exterior that will complete the existing tower without suppressing its dominance. To support a spirit of traditional Japanese architecutre I based my design on basic geometric forms. To follow this idea I tried to reduce the number of different materials used and to avoid brick, which is specific for the volume of the tower itself. The spacious terrace is cantilevered over the river and it´s equiped with a few rostri in summer. Under the roof but in the exterior right in front of the entrance there is also a little garden in the Japanese style. The goal was to create a space where it´s easy to breath, to feel, to think, to live, simply to be. All the new constructions are made of wood. It is wooden space frame with fields 3 by 6 meters with wooden pillars 150x150milimetres. The outer walls are of sandwich construction filled with mineral thermal insulation 250milimetres thick. The ceiling construction is made of wooden laminated beams with a layer of thermal insulation. Sliding woooden windows 3000 x3000 milimetres have double glazing. The podia are based on the principle of rostrum and the tatami is made of traditional natural materials. The interior of the tower itself provides several itimate tea rooms. The construction is made of six steel pillars of diametre of 120mm which support the wooden floor constructions of the tea rooms. Acces and the reinforcement of the construction is provided by a double helix of narrow staircases- each one way only.


Hanging lamp The lamp is inspired by transformation of natural materials. In this case it´s water, natural paper, light and human body. The prototype is made of plywood and pigmented linen. Essentially the lamp is a luminous panel that can be hung in space thus dividing it. By using different colors various ambiences can be achieved. The prototype measures 1x 0.3 x 0.07 m.

a chair The concept of the chair for the Prussian court philosopher is inspired by his ascetical inclinations and by his sense of simple aesthetics and practicality. It is neither a leisure sofa nor a work chair. It is merely a materialization of Kant´s philosophy, of his life attitude. The construction is made of welded stainless steel.

kant chair

Modular furniture “joyful cylinders� is a set of 12 types of cylinders (2diametres, 3heights, 2types of faces) made of light aluminum covered with anti-slip rubber. They fit into each other so one can create various compositions in vertical or horizontal directions.



MODEL 1:200







there have been better times I, II combined arts on cardboard 40X60CM

embarasing memory acrylic on canvas 50X50CM

cycle of combinations of acrylic paint and silver print 2004/2005

better times

muse acrylic on wooden board 30X90CM 2006

cycle of acrylic paintings 2005

dancing acrylic on cardboard 60X80

EXODUS acrylic on cardboard 130X90CM

little acrylic on canvas 60X50CM




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