Katerina Dima - LME Candidature

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Candidature for

Liaison Officer for Medical Education issues 2017/2018 Katerina Dima

Table of Contents

Motivation Letter Plan of Action Curriculum Vitae

Motivation Letter October 11th, 2013. On this day, for the first time ever, I crossed the door of my Local Committee’s office, after countless attempts of peer pressure by our then Secretary. It was Friday afternoon and school had just resumed after a month of exams. I was tired, angry, fed up, uninspired and most of all, I had no idea what to expect. Looking back, 4 years later, one thing is for sure: I could have never possibly guessed the whirlwind of events that was about to follow that simple, spontaneous decision to go.

Dear IFMSA Family, Maybe you are wondering why I just shared this with you - then again, maybe not. But if you are, I’d like to ask you to take a moment to remember your first ever contact with your NMO. Perhaps it was weeks ago and the memories are still fresh. Perhaps it was so many years ago, you hardly even remember anymore. But to me, that moment remains engraved in the depths of my mind, as it was bound to both change and define the course of my university life; and I am sure that you can find your own truth in that statement. Admittedly, I owe writing this Motivation Letter right now to the disappointment and misdirected frustration of a 20-year old me, who, in light of doubting Medicine as a choice for the first time, decided to look for answers in that small office, next to our anatomy classroom. Answers, and even more questions, I discovered in HelMSIC back in 2013. Quickly, I became enticed with the possibilities the organization offered me. Everything seemed like an absolute revelation to young(er), angry Katerina; I had finally found a safe place to share my quests, my thoughts and my passion about medicine. And when I discovered SCOME, everything fell right into place. I found all the outlets I needed but my university could not offer me. All this energy I had been suppressing inside me for years was finally about to be directed into something meaningful and worthwhile! Hence, when the call for EuRegMe delegates was sent out in 2014, without thinking about it twice, I jumped on the IFMSA wagon and embarked on the journey of a lifetime.

From LOME, to NOME, to SCOME Regional Assistant, to being the General Assistant this year, I devoted all my time and energy into making a difference: I dove into every opportunity of work that came along my way. I organized projects locally and nationally, I coordinated a team of incredible SCOMEdians as NOME and initiated our first, shy advocacy efforts. I coordinated yet another team of incredible individuals, this time NOMEs from all over Europe. I coordinated alongside our SCOME-Director the SCOME IT and supported everything related to our work. I gave sessions, trainings, coordinated events and heard incredible stories from all over the world. I got to attend the AMEE Conference twice, an opportunity that changed the course of both my personal work but also my NMO’s. I became a student once more, but I also became a teacher. Every time I thought my IFMSA experience could not get any better, IFMSA was there to prove me wrong. I couldn’t possibly know where each step would take me as time flew by.

So, you may ask, why is Katerina standing here, writing all this? To explain, let me take you back to the beginning. When I moved away and started Med School in 2011, I immediately set out to learn Japanese literally, before doing anything else. And while Japanese is an incredibly rich and unique language, there is one word that stood out to me the most: - ikigai, which roughly translates to “something one lives for”, a “raison d’être” as the French say. Now, bear with me for a second.

Katerina Dima | 3 | LME Candidate

Motivation Letter Quickly after becoming enamored with SCOME, I was introduced to the LME work. It was during the AM14 in Taiwan and the candidature presented by Stijntje Dijk. It was the realization of the extent of IFMSA work beyond GAs and Regional Meetings and how powerful youth participation actually is. It was the understanding of brand new terms to me such as advocacy, policy, external representation and how crucial these tools are in the process of societal change. And as the years passed and my SCOME experience grew, I understood better and deeper just how much potential there was in our hands. And there it was - my ikigai. Somewhere between returning education to its inherent role, empowerment, and making a positive impact in our own little world. Somewhere between medicine and volunteerism - serving communities but also serving ourselves. Right in the heart of helping those around me to unleash their full potential and raise their voices unapologetically. We have the privilege of working with some of the biggest Medical Education stakeholders worldwide, and that is thanks to some incredible, forward-thinking people. We take part in high-stake decision making processes, have the opportunity to participate and influence organizations like the World Federation of Medical Education, UNESCO or the World Health Organization. And yes, this is a huge opportunity but at the same time, a huge responsibility towards the NMOs, all those people whose work resulted in this and all the medical students who otherwise would not have a voice.

and the clear vision that the LME position needs; and I am ready to tackle this challenge head-on. We have to remember that passion itself does not suffice: it always needs a good strategy to accompany it, which I hope you will find right below in my plan of action. In a very, very short summary, my vision would be to leave the LME position more visible and better understood by NMOs, with even stronger partnerships, towards a direction that is aligned with our goals; but most imporantly, leave behind valuable tools that our members can take advantage of, even after I’m gone. Before I close this -indeed, long- letter, there are certain people who deserve acknowledgements, as without them none of this would have ever happened and, truthfully, credit should be given where credit is due. First and foremost, my NMO HelMSIC for giving me incredible opportunities and lifelong friends and making life in Thessaloniki a lot more sufferable. Vagelis Papageorgiou, HelMSIC President 2016/17, for always believing in me and encouraging me more than anyone. Priit Tohver, RD Europe 2016/2017, for introducing me to the inspirational side of policy and also, shameless dancing. Arij Chatbri, SCOME Director 2016/17, for being my rock (and I hope I have been her rock, too) and partner in crime all throughout this year. And last, but certainly not least, Stijntje Dijk, SupCo Member 2016/2018, for showing me what hard work can achieve and for lighting a fire inside me that will never go out. In the end, we really are our choices. So let’s set out to make our every choice, and every action, count. Yours truly, Kat(erina) Dima

After 4 years full of SCOME and consistent hard work, I’d like to think that I now hold the experience

AMEE Conference 2015 Student Taskforce | Glasgow AMEE Conference 2016 Student Taskforce | Barcelona

Katerina Dima | 4 | LME Candidate

Plan of Action




New Opportunities






IFMSA Exchanges


Capacity Building







Plan of Action

Sustainability Ensuring partnerships that stand the test of time and evolve to meet our strategic goals is a crucial part of the LME’s work. It is only after securing a concrete foundation that we can explore towards which direction our partnerships can advance.





Situation Analysis Analyze the current status of our existing partnerships to ensure that they are constructive towards IFMSA and our NMOs and that they fall under our appointed Global External Focus Areas (GEFAs) or our strategic goals. Explore whether a change of direction is needed and use these analyses as a guide for the Annual Working Plan.

Follow up Follow up on the work done so far, especially regarding our MoU terms and whether they have been respected or not by all parties involved, including us.

Momentum Communicate with partners (potential or existing) frequently throughout the term to ensure good terms and to preserve or increase the momentum. Use various communication channels.

Global External Focus Areas Support the implementation of GEFAs for the next term, as well as the process of creating next year’s and ensure our work in representation is directed first and foremost by this framework.

Handover Handover is an essential part of the sustainability of LME work. Apart from making the most out of the handover period and remaining very close to past LMEs and seeking advice, I aim to create an LME journal throughout the term, ie a detailed month by month document following the main aspects and updates on the work being done in the term as well as advice, challenges and how they were tackled, opportunities and key information that will be of great help to the next LME.

Katerina Dima | 6 | LME Candidate

Plan of Action

New Opportunities The product of IFMSA efforts should be visible and useful for NMOs: thus, we need to secure new opportunities for our members to support both IFMSA and NMO work in the field of medical education.





Stakeholder Mapping After handover, analyze past stakeholder mappings, adding to them according to next term’s GEFAs and the Annual Working Plan. Approach each stakeholder with clear objectives and expected outcomes that reflect the goals set in our GEFAs and ensure any new partnerships grow to the best interest of all those involved.

Events Calendar Create a dynamic calendar of all SCOME related meetings and events across the globe at the beginning of the term that will be updated regularly for NMOs to keep informed.

Connecting NMOs In collaboration with the SCOME IT and by using the NMO report, collect information on which NMOs are actively working on external representation in the field of Medical Education or holding relevant positions, including their international partners. Consequently, create a dynamic database for the purpose of NMO support and collaboration.

Grants Seek funding opportunities, in collaboration with the VPF when needed, for SCOME activities and members. Monitor and follow up on the existing ones (such as the AMEE Student Grant). Promote funding opportunities that the NMOs can take a hold of whenever these come across.

New partners, new benefits for NMOs

All events in one place

Katerina Dima | 7 | LME Candidate

Facilitated sharing and contact

Plan of Action

Representation Ensure a strong and memorable presence for IFMSA and our NMOs. Aim to be real game changers rather than silent observers and take note of any potential information and opportunities that could benefit the Federation. Below you can also find some propositions that will be of course adjusted to the new Working Plan.




External Meetings Attend all necessary meetings with our partners: (OpenCon 2017, 4th Global Forum on HRH, AMEE & WFME Executive meetings, UNESCO World Conference on Bioethics 2018, OTTAWA/ICME 2018, AMEE Conference 2018, The Network TUFH 2018 to name a few). Whenever possible, attend other relevant events (such as the WHA and preWHA). Present or not, contribute actively by giving input, conducting sessions/trainings/workshops and externalizing IFMSA work.

Regional Approach Collaborate closely with Regional Directors to establish meaningful communication and explore possibilities with Medical Education organizations (eg the WFME regional associations, see below), as well as any other SCOME related externals. Work early on with RAs and RDs to determine the medical education related priorities in each region to act as a guide throughout the term.

Well-prepared delegations Careful selection of IFMSA delegations with clearly set out criteria (such as experience, motivation, post-participation plan of action, regional and gender representation, availability) and task descriptions, as well as minimum expected outcomes. Provide personalized explanations to non selected participants as well as feedback for future applications upon request when the applicants’ number allows it. Overlook extensive preparations to reach said outcomes.



Social Accountability



Fulfill all our duties towards AMEE and the EB while bringing IFMSA and the medical students’ perspective onto the table.

Be an effective representative of IFMSA and NMOs, using our policies.

Follow up on the work done so far with both THEnet and The Network TUFH.

Work together with the Chair in Bioethics and attend the 2018 Conference.

Follow up with all Human Resources for Health (HRH) related partners.

Select, prepare and follow up on the IFMSA delegation.

Explore, alongside the LO WHO, the organization of a HRH related side event at the WHA.

Foster and strengthen


between the WFME Overlook the AMEE regional ssociations Student Grants for and IFMSA regions. the term. Follow up on first WFME internships (evaluation, impact, reporting) and monitor the next launch.

Attend The Net TUFH 2018 Conference in August. Consider the creation of a survey on Social Accountability (SA) among IFMSA NMOs to measure the global impact with support from THEnet.

Explore further potential, together with SCOPE, SCORE and SCORP, such as the creation of a Human Rights and Ethics in Education toolkit.

AMEE Conference 2018

Work with the Global Health Workforce Network to develop content on a HRH workshop, during one of our preGAs.

The Student Taskforce is one of the greatest opportunities offered to IFMSA members. If elected, I aim to make sure everything is handled with transparency and good teamwork between the AMEE representatives. The timeplan includes selecting a cocoordinator by the end of January 2018 and then proceed to the selection of participants: in every step, the criteria would need to be made clear. For the STF itself, a good balance between experienced and inexperienced members, gender and regional representation would be the aim, prioritizing students active in the field of medical education. A mentoring system would be of great value during preparations, but of even greater value would be the arrangement of common post-event resources for the STF members to use, as well as a 6 month follow up to assess how this experience impacted participants.

Katerina Dima | 8 | LME Candidate

Plan of Action

Advocacy Advocate on behalf of IFMSA and our official positions, empower our argumentation with references, data and input from our NMOs. Empower NMOs to initiate their own policy making structures and ensure proper understanding of its importance and strength.





Policy as a tool Strengthen our policy making and use it effectively during external representation to make our stances known and our organization more visible. Proofread existing policies and seek to enhance existing references while exploring the need for updates. Most importantly, ensure NMOs provide their input and shape the creation process. For this reason, introduce new methodologies such as Policy Debates, point systems among NMOs, interesting infographics and short videos and introduce Policy Awareness Month.

Data collection A strong argument needs strong evidence to back it up; for this purpose, I believe data collection in collaboration with partners, the SCOME IT or the NMOs on our priorities and focus areas is of immense value. An example for such use would be collaborating with THEnet to survey and gain understanding on a global level on the social accountability of medical schools, which would in turn be used to develop policy and advocate.

National Policy Promote the implementation of national policy as a major advocacy tool and support NMOs in their efforts to do so: share useful information, provide the know-how and the capacity building (when needed, on a personal level) to build such platforms on a national level, while securing NMOs understand potential benefits and challenges alike.

NMOs in the spotlight Advocate for more involvement opportunities for NMOs, such as delegation spots or reduced participation costs, while securing already existing ones.

Strong policy making

Empowering NMOs

Katerina Dima | 9 | LME Candidate

Information from inside out

Plan of Action

Exchanges Since 2015, the LME has been working closely with our SCOPE and SCORE teams, assuming an important role: to support the efforts towards recognition of SCOPE and SCORE exchanges, as well as support NMOs in their national efforts to do so, while strengthening our external representation and working towards Academic Quality.






Elaborate Mapping Collaborative mapping of possible externals to endorse exchanges in collaboration with the SCOPE team in order to renew our Handbooks. Mapping of possible externals related to both SCOPE and SCORE, alongside the respective teams, to work together towards Academic Quality and provide expertise on impact assessment.

Capacity Building Organize online capacity building seminars for NMOs regarding recognition of exchanges and steps they can take. Revisit the existing manual if needed with the SCOPE and SCORE Directors. Be readily available for SCORE and SCOPE to conduct training sessions regarding recognition and impact in international meetings.

Updating our resources Revisit and update the Exchanges Profile Book with the use of infographic and more numerical information to increase appeal towards external partners, both on an international and a national level. Revisit other relevant resources and update as needed and as agreed upon with SCOPE and SCORE teams.

Exploring new possibilities Collaborate with SCOPE and SCORE, as well as the VPPRC, to explore what possibilities the current exchange database offers us, in order to make it more approachable for externals and friendlier towards tutors. From an external relations point of view, it would be interesting to explore designating feedback space for interested tutors and/or universities.

Impact Assessment Create, alongside the SCOPE and SCORE International Teams, standardized and simplified pre and post Impact Assessment forms to facilitate data collection and further development of exchanges.

SCOPE & SCORE It is vital to ensure frequent communication and collaboration with the SCOPE and SCORE teams all throughout the term by being readily available for both, as well as NEOs and NOREs seeking advice on recognition or relevant external representation. Moreover, it is important for every LME to be present in SCOPE and SCORE sessions and provide them with the most support, which I aim to follow extensively. Katerina Dima | 10 | LME Candidate

Plan of Action

Capacity Building The work of the LME does not stop in representing our federation toward external partners. It extends to giving NMOs the tools to do the same on a national level, through several grassroots movements. If elected, I intend to provide support and share much needed knowledge to empower our members.






Valuable toolkits Create, alongside the SCOME International Team, the Global Policy on Medical Education (GPME) Toolkit: now that our policy documents are being renewed and this policy statement will exist no longer as one, it is important to have a unified source for NMOs to collect information on the 12 points of the GPME. The toolkit will consist of easy-to-read infographics and ready-to-use tips and tricks.

Accessible opportunities Promote educational opportunities that members can attend extensively throughout the year, using the newly created Events database and all other communication channels. Encourage participation and offer valuable guidance to participants.

Physical Presence Conduct workshops, training sessions and other capacity building activities during, but not limited to, our meetings. When time and finances allow it, be available for SubRegional Trainings and other NMO initiated events.

Online Presence Organize with the support of the SCOME IT and the TO webinars on thematics relevant to our priorities or as specified by NMO needs. Make sure to follow up said webinars with the relevant resources to facilitate the NMOs’ follow up.

More online resources Enrich online resources such as the SCOME Public Folder with more materials collected during the term, or prior.

preEuRegMe 2016 TMET | Kastoria

preEuRegMe 2017 Policy Masterclass | Antalya

Katerina Dima | 11 | LME Candidate

Plan of Action

Teamwork They say that a Liaison Officer’s work is lonely: however, I strongly believe that it certainly doesn’t have to be so. As part of the Team of Officials, the SCOME International Team and our Federation, there are already three different groups a Liaison Officer is working alongside. And real power lies in numbers: keeping this in mind, I wish to proceed with a team-centered mindset and be involved, as well as involve others in the work, whenever that is feasible.

SCOME IT Team of Officials • •

Attend all Team of Officials Meetings Attend both GAs; attend RMs, as needed Be an active member of the team and assume responsibilities, as needed

NMOs •

• •

Share and update on LME work and follow updates (eg by including small infographics/reports via the SCOME newsletter or by sharing monthly infographic of reports) Offer help and guidance to NMOs and aim to respond to all messages within 48 hours Allocate time monthly for Google Hangouts with NMOs. Invest time during IFMSA meetings to discuss with members and locate focal points; proceed accordingly with the SCOME IT


VPE-LO Team •

Katerina Dima | 12 | LME Candidate

Work closely with the SCOME-D and the International Team, establish priorities early on Support, mentor and train the team; foster personal development and capacity building Be present - in online meetings, discussions, googlegroups and be readily available Follow up on the Omega Survey SWG and plan forward

Work closely with the VPE-LO team in interdisciplinary fields Explore more options for collaboration across different LOs Share common tasks

Plan of Action

Involvement As mentioned above, the tasks will be tackled with a team-centered mindset wherever that is possible - as indeed, a large part of a Liaison Officer’s work is difficult to share. Delegating work, promoting opportunities, letting NMOs shape the LME term are some of the main key points in this section.

Regional SCOME Sessions | MM16, Malta





HelMSIC Delegation | MM15, Turkey

Input as a priority Ensure that NMOs are the focal point of the term: request and take feedback very seriously as well as implementing NMO priorities and needs in LME work in order to shape the Annual Working Plan. This might seem redundant, as it ought to be a given, however there can never be enough stress put on how important NMOs’ feedback is.

Creating the space Create opportunities for involvement through Small Working Groups and input requests (as these have been agreed upon within the SCOME IT). If needed, delegate certain tasks to experienced SCOMEdians or other SCOME IT members.

A platform for sharing Invite NMOs to share their ME external representation relevant struggles and achievements within our social media groups and encourage their interpersonal communication and collaboration through social media by having small “awareness & storytelling campaigns” and working closely with RAs to bring NMOs with similar struggles together and offering guidance. Make sure to collect and promote examples of fruitful efforts, as a good example is the best sermon!

Follow up and evaluation Wherever there is involvement of NMOs, ensure proper follow up to measure the impact of the experience, as well as to evaluate said effort in order to collect valuable information for improvement and the creation of even more involvement opportunities.

Katerina Dima | 13 | LME Candidate

Plan of Action

Professionalism While working for the Federation is a true privilege, the workload remains heavy and the responsibility tremendous. This is one aspect that has constantly circled around my mind: understanding this reality and having worked extensively in SCOME these past 4 years, this candidature is the product of months of thought and effort and aims to not only protect the work done so far, but also advance it one step further.


Accountability Introduce milestones during the term: these will be key moments with a main goal of holding LME work accountable towards the NMOs. Below you can see an example of some PoA milestones that will be adjusted according to the Annual Working Plan and the other Officials.

AMEE Taskforce Create a clear plan for the STF and send out the calls for Coordinator


1 2




SA Survey


Finalize the objectives and format, alongside the SCOME IT and launch


Events Calendar Finalize the calendar with all important internal and external events NMOs can attend.



4 May

NMO Database

Finalize and make public the NMO Database (mentioned in New Opportunities)

LME Journal

Finish the LME Journal and hand over to the next LME.




September Impact forms

Finalize, alongside the SCOPE and SCORE teams, the pre and post impact assessment forms

Transparency Transparency, ethics and respect will be the true guides of the term. By being open towards NMOs, sharing my work, keeping all selection criteria and processes as clear as possible, I intend to make sure all tasks remain irreproachable.

Availability Commitment and time: as I am done with my university obligations, with a few exams pending for graduation, the entirety of my time will be devoted to the position, which will also allow me to be present in the vast majority of meetings and events.

Approachability Approachability and openness: this has been mentioned already, however I can not stress enough the importance of remaining close to the NMOs and giving them the space and confidence to approach me anytime. First and foremost, every TO member serves NMOs and if elected, I will be here to support anyone that needs it.

Personal improvement Life is an ongoing learning process. As Socrates famously said “True knowledge is knowledge that you know nothing� and during the term I will remain an avid learner and work on improving myself constantly. Rest assured that feedback will be greatly appreciated and implemented.

Katerina Dima | 14 | LME Candidate

Curriculum Vitae 800 800 400 400 400 200 200

Aikaterini (Katerina) Dima 04.06.1993 dimakaterina@yahoo.com +30 6944188139 Ermou 32, Thessaloniki Greece

2008/2011 1st High School of Preveza 2011/2018 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Medicine

2013/2014 Local Treasurer Local Officer on Medical Education National Project Coordinator - Breaking the Silence 2014/2015 Local Treasurer National Officer on Medical Education Programs iSWG - Medical Education Systems (author) SCOME Strategic Plan SWG (member) 2015/2016 National Officer on Medical Education SCOME Regional Assistant for Europe 2016/2017 SCOME General Assistant Plenary Chair - HelMSIC NGA

2013 HelMSIC SCORA PET - Thessaloniki, Greece 2014 Training New Trainers | HIT Event - Armenistis, Greece Training Medical Education Trainers | PreGA August Meeting- Taipei, Taiwan

Katerina Dima | 15 | LME Candidate

Curriculum Vitae 2015 Healthcare Leadership School - Geres, Portugal

2016 Training Medical Education Trainers | preEuRegMe (Trainer) - Kastoria, Greece

2017 Policy Masterclass | preEuRegMe - Antalya, Turkey Training Medical Education Trainers | preGA August Meeting (Coordinator) - Arusha, Tanzania

2013 - 2017 13 HelMSIC NGAs 2014 IFMSA European Regional Meeting - Warsaw, Poland IFMSA August Meeting and pre August Meeting - Taipei, Taiwan 2015 IFMSA March Meeting (Sessions Team) - Antalya, Turkey IFMSA European Regional Meeting (Sessions Team) - Aalborg, Denmark IFMSA August Meeting (Sessions Team) - Ohrid, Macedonia AMEE Conference (Student Taskforce) - Glasgow, Scotland 2016 IFMSA March Meeting (Sessions Team) - Buggiba, Malta IFMSA European Regional Meeting and preEuRegMe (as RA) - Thessaloniki, Greece Yo! Fest (IFMSA Delegation) - Strasbourg, France IFMSA August Meeting (Sessions Team) - Puebla, Mexico AMEE Conference (Student Taskforce) - Barcelona, Spain 2017 IFMSA March Meeting (Support Person) - Budva, Montenegro IFMSA European Regional Meeting and preEuRegMe - Antalya, Turkey IFMSA August Meeting (Sessions Team) and pre August Meeting- Arusha, Tanzania

2016 AMEE Student Grant Winners (as HelMSIC)

Medical Education, Volunteerism, Psychiatry, Philosophy, Traveling, Yoga, World History, Literature, Baking, Sketching, Landscape photography, Guiding (WAGGGS), Linguistics, World Cinema, Geography, Scrapbooking Important note: Any proof of information will be made readily available upon request.

Feel free to contact me anytime!

Katerina Dima | 16 | LME Candidate

e r a s t h g u o “Th , s m a e r d but s t c e f f e r i e h t Till � d e i r t e b

Svartifoss, Iceland | April 2017

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