2012 13 KIPP Bay Area Schools annual report

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2012–2013 annual report

oakland kipp bridge charter school san francisco kipp bayview academy kipp san francisco bay academy kipp san francisco college preparatory san jose kipp heartwood academy kipp san jose collegiate san lorenzo kipp summit academy kipp king collegiate

1404 Franklin Street, #500 | Oakland, CA 94612 | (510) 465-5477 | info@kippbayarea.org

who we are KIPP Bay Area Schools operates free, open enrollment public charter schools in the San Francisco Bay Area.

States with KIPP Schools

kipp bay area schools

kipp across the nation




total kipp students served

total kipp schools

Cover Image: Karam Saleh, KIPP Summit Academy alumnus and current senior at KIPP King Collegiate

the mission of kipp bay area schools is to operate high-achieving public schools in educationally underserved communities, developing in our students the knowledge, skills, and character essential to thrive in college, shape their futures, and positively impact the world.

our schools


current schools middle schools kipp bayview academy

kipp bridge charter school

kipp heartwood academy

grades served 5th–8th

grades served 5th–8th

grades served 5th–8th

year founded 2003

year founded 2002

year founded 2004

location San Francisco

location Oakland

location San Jose

kipp san francisco bay academy

kipp summit academy

grades served 5th–8th

grades served 5th–8th

year founded 2003

year founded 2003

location San Francisco

location San Lorenzo

high schools kipp king collegiate

kipp san francisco college preparatory

kipp san jose collegiate

grades served 9th–12th

grades served 9 (Growing to 9–12)

grades served 9th–12th

year founded 2007

year founded 2013

year founded 2008

location San Lorenzo

location San Francisco

location San Jose 3

the six essential questions question 1

question 2

question 3

are we serving the children who need us?

are our students staying with us?

are our students progressing & achieving academically?

question 4

question 5

question 6

are our alumni climbing the mountain to & through college?

are we building a sustainable people model?

are we building a sustainable financial model?


In America today, one in ten students from households in the bottom income quartile complete college.

There is more urgency than ever to ensure that all children have access to a great education, so that they have the opportunity to lead choice-filled lives. We are working towards a world where all voices are represented, all stories told.

KIPP is showing that all students can be prepared for success in college and in life.

Students from KIPP (the Knowledge Is Power Program) Bay Area Schools are proving what’s possible. We are changing the lives of students through academic preparation, emphasis on character strengths, and resources to move to and through college. Our five middle schools and three high schools are closing the achievement gap between low-income students and their more advantaged peers in the underserved neighborhoods of San Francisco, East San Jose, San Lorenzo, and West Oakland. 85% of our alumni have matriculated to college. Nationwide, KIPP’s college completion rate for all students who finished eighth grade with us is more than four times the completion rate for low-income students nationally. But that’s nowhere near where we want it to be. In addition to our existing schools, KIPP Bay Area Schools is doubling in size to serve even more students in our communities. That’s our challenge. In this year's annual report, we illustrate our impact through the lens of KIPP’s “Six Essential Questions.” These questions provide guidance throughout the year in order to fulfill our mission. At KIPP, we focus on results and share our progress with humility, an emphasis on continuous improvement, and pride in our students and teachers. 5

question 1

are we serving the children who need us?

2,808 students served

race & ethnicity 53 %

24 %

18 %



african american





eligible for free or reduced price meals

receive special education services

19% english language learners

"one of the first things that happened to me when i came to kipp is that i learned how to learn." —Markalah Hadley, 8th Grader, KIPP Bridge Charter School


Source: Preliminary data from 2013–14 academic year

free, open enrollment public schools






for admission

$0 application fee

achievement gap

54% of our 5th graders join us below grade level in reading

64% of our 5th graders join us below grade level in math 7

question 2

are our students staying with us? student persistence

average daily attendance




extra support


2:1 student to laptop ratio

school psychologists, counselors, aides, & alumni advisers

clubs & sports Activism Club Anime Art Baseball Basketball Cheerleading Computer Design Cross Country Dance Drumline Engineering Flag Football Gardening Gay-Straight Alliance Instrumental Groups Key Club 8

end of year trips KIPP HEAT La Raza Unida Orchestra OTYS (On Top Of Your Stuff) Student Leadership Program Paranormal Club Peer Counseling Sisterhood Soccer Softball Student Government Square Kids Volleyball We Reflect the Future Yearbook

Source: Preliminary data from 2013–14 academic year

California Academy of Sciences Boston Boulder Creek Camp Bothin College Visits Hawaii Los Angeles Monterrey Bay Aquarium Nature Bridge Institute New York Point Reyes & Olema Salt Point Santa Cruz

parent satisfaction

90% of families are satisfied with their school

91 %

The school has a positive impact on my child's academic performance.


Teachers at this school set high standards for students.


With hard work, my child is capable of attending college.


I am proud that my child attends KIPP.


I would recommend KIPP to other families.


question 3

are our students progressing & achieving academically? 2012–13 academic performance index (api) KIPP Bay Area Schools results far exceed California's state average

Middle Schools

KIPP Bayview Academy


KIPP Bridge Charter School


KIPP Heartwood Academy


KIPP SF Bay Academy


KIPP Summit Academy


KIPP King Collegiate


KIPP San Jose Collegiate


High Schools








789 CA State Average

high school: class of 2013 advanced placement (ap) exams KIPP Bay Area Schools students have high AP exam participation and success rates

AP Success

AP Participation






20% Took at least 1 AP exam prior to graduation


kipp bay area schools california national Scored a 3 or higher on at least 1 AP exam prior to graduation

if kipp bay area schools were a district, it would rank in the top 7 percent of all public middle and high school districts in california. 11

"for me, going to college symbolizes being liberated, and i have my sights on uc berkeley and stanford as my top choices. i know i wouldn’t have these options if it weren’t for kipp."


student profile:

anthony ramirez

Founding student, Class of 2017 KIPP San Francisco College Preparatory I have a story about what it’s like to be a KIPPster, and what it’s like to grow up in difficult circumstances. After moving to the city from Oakland when I was in the 4th grade, I lived two blocks away from KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy in the housing projects on Scott and Turk. I entered KIPP as a 5th grader, and school was a constant juggle. I spent my middle school years helping my mom take care of my two younger brothers and younger sister, often entirely on my own. Things got tough for the family. When there’s no man in the house, the oldest has to step up, and that was what I did. The neighborhood wasn’t easy either; I learned early on not to trust the other kids in the neighborhood who picked fights for no reason. I kept to myself a lot and played video games in my room. And in my first couple years at KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy, I was well-behaved, but not a great student. But in 8th grade, I started playing basketball and running cross country, made the principal’s honor roll, attended a summer camp that my teacher, Ms. Broderick, set me up for, and spoke at our 8th grade ceremony. What I told everyone that day is that being at KIPP taught me what it takes to work hard and be part of a team working towards the goal of making a change in the world. And, if you think about it, that’s something really hard to do. Now that I’m in high school and starting my 5th year at KIPP, I’m finally starting to see a pathway to college and to achieving the life I want—away from some of the stress and hard times I’ve experienced. I want to have a life filled with choices, because I’ve seen how not having options limits your success. Being at KIPP taught me what it takes to work hard and be part of a team whose goal is to make a change in the world. For me, going to college symbolizes being liberated, and I have my sights set on UC Berkeley and Stanford as my top choices. I know I wouldn't have these options if it weren't for KIPP. 13

question 4

are our alumni climbing the mountain to & through college?


of alumni have matriculated to college

1,523 alumni served

to & through college college matriculation 100%




85% 72%


63% 45%




10% 0%

students who graduate from high school kipp bay area schools 14

students who start college national average

students who complete 4-year college low income

Source: KIPP Bay Area Schools data as of July 1, 2013 and 2012 KIPP Foundation Report Card *KIPP Bay Area Schools' oldest students are seniors in college

30 college partnerships

Brown University Colby College CUNY City College Davidson College Duke University Franklin & Marshall College Georgetown University Houston Baptist University Hunter College Kingsborough College

Mercy College Morehouse College Notre Dame de Namur University Rice University San Jose State University Southern Methodist University Spelman College Syracuse University Texas State University Trinity Washington University

Tulane University University of California, Berkeley University of Houston University of Kansas University of Maryland University of North Carolina University of Pennsylvania University of San Francisco University of Texas at Austin Vanderbilt University

Bolded universities represent KIPP Bay Area Schools College Partnerships



student profile:

glenda jackson

KIPP Bayview Alumna Patten University Class of 2014 Glenda is a senior and will be one of the first KIPP Bay Area Schools alumni to graduate from college. She has spent hours recruiting new families and helping them learn about KIPP, so that the next generation of students can have access to a high-quality education.

How did you find KIPP?

KIPP found me. At the time, Molly Wood (founding KIPP Bayview School Leader) was going into ghettos and knocking on people's doors to invite students to enroll. We were homeless, visiting a friend at the time. I started KIPP as a 5th grader, but hadn't gone to school since 1st grade. There was a lot of catching up to do.

What was KIPP like for you?

Tremendously supportive when I needed it the most. In 5th and 6th grades, I had the most absences, mostly because I wanted to know what my mom was doing. In 8th grade, she got sick and I lost her to cancer. The teachers at KIPP let me do my homework after school until 7pm, brought me food on Thanksgiving, gave me emotional support and taught me life skills that I needed. They really saved my life.

Tell us about your favorite KIPP memory.

Sometimes when I think back on KIPP, I remember how shy I was at first. I had learned to read from Dr. Seuss, so I thought that was the way to write—by rhyming—and one day someone read my stuff at church and they thought it was a poem, and I said, "What's a poem?" Later, my KIPP counselor asked me to share my poetry with the whole school. That really brought me out of my shell. KIPP was the first group of people to tell me that my poetry was powerful.

What are you doing now?

I am a college student at Patten University, studying Organizational Management with a concentration in public relations. My dream is to start my own charter school, so my senior thesis is on the impact of charter education and traditional district schools.



question 5

are we building a sustainable people model?

227 total staff


of all teachers have been with kipp 3+ years. professional development


Weekly leadership coaching meetings & observations

average number of professional development days per campus


annual investment in professional development

teacher experience level 42% 28% 20% 10% percent of staff years of experience




Source: KIPP Bay Area Schools data, 2012–13 (financials) & 2013–14 (personnel)



"i teach at kipp so that i can be a part of a team that can dramatically change the trajectory of a child's life." —Kellan McNulty, AP World and AP US History Teacher, KIPP King Collegiate 2013 Harriet Ball Excellence in Teaching Award Winner


question 6

are we building a sustainable financial model? expenditures

total cost per student


philanthropic funding • • •

74% 13% 8% 5%

Personnel Instructional Operations Facilities • • •

athletics, music & arts college advising & visits extended school day & year facilities leadership development personalized learning & innovation

instruction Hours of Instruction Per Year

Cost Per Hour of Instruction

kipp bay area schools


ca average


kipp bay area schools


ca average


average per pupil state funding, 2012–13


new jersey


washington, dc








Source: KIPP Bay Area Schools data, 2012–13 fiscal year


Public Funding Philanthropic Funding


thank you We are grateful to the following donors who have made commitments to our multi-year growth campaign. lead investors

$100,000–$249,999 Capital Group Companies $5,000,000 & above Charitable Foundation William K. Bowes, Jr. Citi Foundation Foundation John Philip Coghlan & The Fisher Family Tina Vindum $2,000,000 & above Jack Kent Cooke Arthur Rock & Foundation Toni Rembe Rock Becky & Chuck Daggs Grace & Steven Voorhis Sandra & Tom Holland Tonia & Adam Karr $1,000,000 & above The Kimball Foundation Catherine & John Debs Kingsley Family Grousbeck Family Foundation Foundation Becky Long & Ken Hirsch Reed Hastings & Jaime & Satya Patel Patty Quillin Mary & Andy Pilara Charles & Helen Schwab Bonnie & Marty Foundation Tenenbaum Sandra & John Thompson Walton Family Foundation Tipping Point Community Wendell Family Wayne & Gladys Valley Foundation Foundation

thank you We are grateful to the following donors who made gifts between July 1, 2012 & June 30, 2013. $50,000–$99,999 Accenture Apple Asurion Barclays Jack & Dolores Cakebread Jackie & Bret Comolli Fitzpatrick Foundation Gap Foundation Walter & Elise Haas Fund Hewlett-Packard Company* Webb Family Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation

$25,000–$49,999 Anonymous (1) Joan & Peter Avenali Bain & Company, Inc. Devon & Peter Briger The Broad Residency in Urban Education Penny & James Coulter Mary Crocker Trust Ann & John Doerr $500,000 & above friends of kipp bay Katharine & area schools Chamberlin Family William Duhamel Foundation $50,000–$99,999 Emerson Collective Koret Foundation Jay Allen & Angelo Dana & Robert Emery Morgridge Family DiPietrantonio Wendy Holcombe & Foundation Lauren Dutton & Carl Kawaja Jenny Shimizu Risk & Glen Tripp Sandy & Jim Katzman Gerald Risk Cheryl Frank & House Family Foundation U.S. Department Michael Linn Thomas J. Long of Education Connie & Bob Lurie Foundation Foundation sponsors of kipp Lyndsay & Christopher Lyle Louis R. Lurie bay area schools Foundation Mary Leonard Robinson $250,000–$499,999 Next World Capital Narda & Andy Skov Nina & Chris Buchbinder Victoria Thorp & Roberts Foundation California Department Sheryl Sandberg & Jim Migdal of Education David Goldberg Bill & Melinda Gates $20,000–$49,999 SAP Foundation Julian Abdey & Irene S. Scully Foundation Gurley Family Foundation Sabrina Moyle Janna & James Shennan Anna & Mason Morfit Diana Cohen & Bill Falik Silicon Valley Next Generation Jen & Abe Friedman Community Learning Challenges Connie Heldman & Foundation Michael & Paula Rantz Hal Mooz Maureen & Foundation Rick & Roberta Intrater Craig Sullivan Diana & Steve Strandberg Dagny Maidman & Warriors Community The Walther Foundation Molly Wood Foundation


W.L.S. Spencer Foundation Julie Goldman ValueAct Capital Sansome Partners Regina & John Scully $10,000–$24,999 Edward Read Simmons The Adzich Family Lisa Sobrato Sonsini Charitable Trust SPI Holdings LLC Anonymous (1) Jane Spray The Applied Materials Stephenson Foundation Foundation Irvin Stern Foundation BelleJAR Foundation SV Angel Mike Cassidy TPG Capital, L.P. Centerview Partners Greg & Lisa Wendt Michael Chan Lisa & Ted Williams Pi-Chuan Chang Zynga.org Wayee Chu & Ethan Beard Ron Conway $5,000– $9,999 Charlie & Karen Couric Airbnb Cathy & Sandy Dean Fannie Allen & The Nancy & Hugh George W. Cogan Ditzler, Jr. Fund Anonymous (2) Kathleen Donohue & Mr. & Mrs. Kelly J. Barlow David Sze Darren Bechtel Randi & Bob Fisher Cynthia & Gary Bengier Sarah & Scott Gilbertson Courtney Benoist & William G. Gilmore Jason Fish Foundation Sapna & Brandon Boze Lisa & Douglas Carolyn & Preston Butcher Goldman Fund Asheem Chandna Goldman Sachs Rebecca Claure & Richard & Peggy Nils Thorjussen Greenfield Foundation Deloitte Greylock Partners Joan Egrie Gunderson Dettmer EMIKA Fund Susie Hwang & Andrea Evans & Matt Glickman Chris Lehane James Irvine Foundation Sakurako & William Fisher Brenda & George Jewett III Fortress Investment Group Julie & Steve Kimball Richard Fried Christine & Pierre Lamond The Friend Family George Lee Foundation Kelly McGowan & Tom Given Tim Brady Arjun Gupta Community Moody’s Foundation Foundation NetSuite Hall Capital Eve Niquette & The Hulburd Family Fund Charles Pohl Leslie & George Hume The Olympic Club Emily Hurstak & Foundation Ryan Floyd Barbro & Bernard Osher Imagine K12 JaMel & Tom Perkins Intermedia Family Foundation Fund Sujay Jaswa Prime Group Jawbone The John & Lisa Pritzker The Kimball Foundation Family Fund Borah & Sang Kimg Quest Foundation Marlene & Sandy Bob Rosner & Louchheim

Maverick Capital Foundation Guisselle Nunez & Ron Gonzales Bill & Susan Oberndorf Foundation David Paulson & Debra Weinstein Barbara Kelly-Pedersen & Karl G. Pedersen Jr Anne-Marie & Wylie Peterson Pisces Inc. San Francisco Symphony* Aaron Sasson Barbro Sasson The Schauble Family Foundation Jonathan Schorr Lisbeth B. Schorr Sara & John Schram* Contee & Margaret Seely Laura & Greg Spivy James Steele Tania Stepanian Diana & Jonathan Stern SVB Capital Debra & Kevin Taweel Tosa Foundation Twitter* Jane & Bernard von Bothmer Diane Wilsey Amelia & Keith Wolff $1,000–$4,999 Advent Software, Inc. Katie Albright & Jake Schatz Jonathan Anderson Anonymous (1) Patricia Armstrong & Kenneth Sharigan Jaime Erica Austin & David Arthur Deming Balu Balakrishnan Jacquie & Gary Bechtel Nancy & Joachim Bechtle Foundation Marilyn Bilotti Nancy Blachman & David desJardins Ann Bosche Chris & Michael Boskin Jennifer & Chris Brahm

Anne Callahan & Jason Harris Dan & Stacey Case Family Foundation Mark & Carrie Casey Carol & Lyman Casey Rupa Chandra & Deepak Gupta Charlie Cheever Nandini & Mathews Cherian Karla & Aaron Cheris Julia & Phil Chin Elli & Michael Chu Tod Chubrich Eugine & Edward Chung Susan & Peter Colby Edward & Nancy Conner Fund Foundation The Charles Piper Cost Foundation Ruth M. Cowan Credit Suisse Sarah Cutler E. Gretchen De Baubigny Holly & Michael Depatie Ray & Dagmar Dolby Family Fund Molli & John Dowd Cynthia & John Duchala Susan Dunlevy Lissa Dutton & Danny Shader Jessica & Michael Eisler Alison Elliott & Steven Blank Nancy & Brewster Ely James Feuille & Nancy Murray Kimberly & John Fillmore Joseph Fisher Astrid Flood The Foothills Foundation John & Paula Gambs Gap Foundation Theodore & Frances Geballe Jim Gerber John & Marcia Goldman David Gould Sadja Greenwood Sandra & Jeffrey Grubb David Guggenhime Anne & Bob Gunderson Michael Hansen Julie Harkins

Jessica Hickok Jacqueline Holen & Bill Jackson Kaye Hudson & James Slavet Lynn & Sam Israelit Kristin Horne Johnson Jones Day Lindsay & Peter Joost Matt Kanda Linda & Eric Keisman Carolyn Klebanoff & Fred Cohen Alex & Dennis Lenehan Valerie Lewis Marie & Barry Lipman Linda & Kevin Lynch Jenny & Mike Lynn Carol MacCorkle Gordon & Joan Marks Michael McElmoyl Amy & Drew McKnight Stuart & Meg McLaughlin Linda & Tony Meier Rachael Meny & Matthew Hinsch Mary Mewha & Henry Pilger Mr. & Mrs. Ken Moore Christina & Robert Morris Jennifer Moses & Ron Beller Foundation Ho Nam & Mary Ragan Macgill Diana Nelson & John Atwater Nichols Foundation Oakland Athletics Debra & Daniel Ochstein Jeffrey Oldenburg Dana Pace Julie & William Parish Larry Peiros Ferolyn Powell Liping Quin & Asit Goel Kendra & Erik Ragatz Helen Hilton Raiser Nicholas Riegels Jeanne & Sanford Robertson Amy & Brian Rodde Bob Rodert & Beverly Kiltz Kathryn Roed & Greg Bronstein Kristin & George Roeth Rogers Family Foundation

George W. & Kate M. Rowe Fund Mark & Tobi Rubin Erica Ruliffson & Bryan Schultz Emily Rummo & Rory Eakin Jodi & Jack Russi Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rust Joshua Rutberg Carmie Saldana Anthony & Shipley Salewski Melanie & Michael Schallehn Linda Schneidman Chara Schreyer & Gordon Freund Catarina & Andy Schwab Paul Scialla* The Seiger Hayes Family Jill Seman Mark & Susan Sherman Dan & Celine Parreñas Shimizu Shoresh Foundation Alexandra & Brad Singer Charles Siu Martin Skea Susan Slater & Jeffrey Hartman Lisa & Glenn Solomon Jessica & Eric Spaly Jayne & John Spensieri Elizabeth K. Stahl Sarah Stein & Michael Cohn Marjorie Swig Roselyne C. Swig Susan Swig The Swig Foundation Symantec William & Christina Tanona Beth Sutkus Thompson & Blake Thompson Norman & Carol Traeger Foundation Turn Zachary Ulman Gwen Vandepas Rebecca D. Wallace Pamela Wattenmaker Sharra & Chris Weasler Waterbar Amy & Kirby Wilcox

Erin Willard & Peter Hultman Hollis Wood Nathaniel Yap $250–$999 Francesca & Jeff Amann Anonymous (3) Sonali Arurkar Andy Atherton* Eileen & Daniel Barry Charlie Bates Laura & Gerry Beaudin Jennifer Berbower Peter & Suzanne Boutin Anthony P. Brenner Lesley Bunim Cahill Contractors, Inc. Mary & Steve Callender Eva & Jeff Camp Mei & Herald Chen David Cho Su-Mien Chong & Kyle Elrod April Chou & Peter Belden Barbara Coghlan Lynette & Russell Cohen Frannie & Michael Cooley Al & Jane Cooper Arthur E. de Cordova III Rheta Daggs Yue Dai Abigail & Ross Davisson Robert Debs Kathleen & Bob Dinetz Martin & Jill Dodd Jennifer & Sean Duquemin Mike Durrie Carol Dutton-Hollenberg Jon Eager & Nancy Klehr Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation Roy & Betsy Eisenhardt Jordi Moncada Elias Ken & Ann Emanuels Paul & Laura Escobosa Laura E. Fase Leslee & Wayne Feinstein Jeff & Shelley Finci Ann & Robert Fisher Kate & Ted Freeland GE Foundation Shumet & Neghest Ghebremichael Talitha Green & 23

thank you David Ling Carla Greene Lauren Guza Geza & Elizabeth Gyorey Rose Rodd Hartwig Leo B. & Florence Helzel Selina Henry Becky & Mark Hilderbrand Tage Howerton Johnson Hsieh Connie Ibarra-Ramirez Jason Family Foundation Tia & Harold Jenson Suzanne Jolma Kate Karas & David Hamsher Laura & Bob Katter Jennifer & Steve Kawaja Paulette & David Kessler Megan & Matthew Ketchum Joachim Gerhard Kiefer Alexis Kushner* Ted & Laura Ladd Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation Yi Fan Li Mara & Mark Lipacis Local Independent Charities of America Joan Lonergan & John Merrow Doreen & Larry Low Eric Maltiel Jules Maltz Stephen Mancini Patrick C. McBrearty Ana & Dave McDevitt Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation Amy & Marc Morgenstern Justin Murphy Janet Ogata & Nolan Highbaugh Katherine Priore Shannon & John Quinn Ellen Rosenbaum Nikolina Ruklic Judy & Nicholas Rummo Lynn Saunders Susie & Ted Schaefer Denise & David Schannon Shirley & Philip Schild Suzanne & Will Schutte Paul & Julie Seipp Anita Singha 24

Alexandra Feinberg Benjamin Gaston Jennifer Gee Kelly George Andrea Gerlach Tammy Gladwill Pam & Tim Gray Thelma & Benjamin Green Molly Griffin Chrysanthe Gussis Drew Hamlet Meagan Morrow Hanbury & Peter Hanbury David Hearth Cathy & John Henning Laura Higgins Junise Hill Sherry Ho Susan & Bill Hoehler Tom Hoerr Sati Hsu Houston & Sandra Hsu Debra Lee Hovatter Andrew Huang Mary & Rodolfo Jacuzzi Patricia Jenkins & Bob Cerf Chris Johnson Carolyn & David Kaneda Thomas Katilius Julie Matlof Kennedy & Patrick Kennedy up to $250 Jonathan & Amanda Klein Lauren Abendschein Lelia & Lawrence Lanctot Anonymous (7) Steve Lanyi Hillary Barber Nick Levinson & Julia Moll Linda & Mark Basnage Daniel Levy Hugh Beecher Elana Lieberman & Scott Berg Lorne Abramson Shannon Brady* James J. Ludwig Eduardo Briceno Foundation Bridgespan Group Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Butler Todd Macy Joel Maimon Chris Chase Louis & Gary Marcus David Coffey Lee Marshall Rachel Cohen Kyle Andrew Matson Cornish & Carey Commercial Newmark Moira Meehan Dr. & Mrs. Michael Knight Frank Mellenthin, Jr. Carole & Paul Costello Jennifer & Jim Mills Erin & Pat Crocker Ali Moazed Mark Daoust Allison Morgan Lorie Delizo Delta Dental of California Brian Moss Paul Moss Prarthna Desai Bahareh Mostajelean Jon Engler Esther & Bob Mott Aaron Faust

Abigail Smith Mehrnaz Smith Joan Sopher Deborah & Michael Sosebee Elizabeth Spaulding Jennifer Shilling Stein Michael & Anat Stein Judith B. Stephenson & Scott Harshbarger Sam Stone Valerie Storie E.N. Stringfellow Lucille & Thomas Sutkus Phyllis R. Tannin Julianne Viadro Alison & David Wagonfeld Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wallace Marianne & Frank Walters Mr. & Mrs. Jake Welch Meredith Ann Whipple Tyler Will Christopher & Susan Willrich Kay & Frank Woods Tina Woodward Julie & Michael Wright Lincoln B. Yersin Robin Yoshimura

Kenneth Oba Alexander Pagon Scott Palkoski Christiane & David Parker Margaret & Mitchell Parker Alyssa Pitts Poetry Vendors of CF Mark Prunty Meredith Quinn & Jason Whaley Lily Kelly-Radford & Kim Radford Prabhu Reddy Michelle Rhie Mary Rizzo Nick Rizzo Ruth H. Roe Keith Romero Julie & Christopher Rommel Katie Ross Katherine Samardick Joshua Sandberg Emilie Sasson Shannon & Matt Schnuck Debra & Christopher Scout Sue Siegel Judith & Carolyn Sleeth Austin Smith* Eric Smith Leslie H. Smith Ontario Smith Naomi Solomon David Sovie Mr. & Mrs. George R. Sprague Jim & Liz Steyer John Straubel Jessica Sutton Judith & John Sutton Kathryn & Gary Swart Jennifer Thompson Dennis Thonvold Midori Uehara Sara & Jukka Valkonen Jennifer Wyeth Vettel Deanne Violich Erin Vitali Kurt & Barb Voester Hunter Walk Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Westover David White & Susan Watanabe

Cameron Wicklow Grantham James Winfrey Robin Wythe Joseph Youngs The following institutions contributed matching dollars to employee gifts. Altos Ventures Apple Bain & Company, Inc. Capital Group Companies Charles Schwab Foundation Employee Matching Gifts Program Clorox Company Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank Gap Foundation GE Foundation Google Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation The James Irvine Foundation The Kimball Foundation Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co Makena Capital Management NetSuite PG&E Corporation Foundation Pisces, Inc Rally.org Riverbed San Francisco 49rs Foundation Power Integrations Royal Bank of Scotland Group Sansome Partners TPG Capital, L.P. ValueAct Capital Wells Fargo & Co. William & Flora Hewlett Foundation *An asterisk denotes an in-kind donation.

kipp bay area schools team & family * board of directors Lauren Dutton, Board Chair Chuck Daggs, Vice Chair Rick Intrater, Founding Chair Jay Allen John Philip Coghlan Doris Fisher Laura Fisher Abe Friedman Ron Gonzales Sukey Grousbeck Ken Hirsch Tom Holland Tonia Karr Mimi Kingsley Katie Paige Satya Patel David Paulson Jenny Shimizu Risk Mary Leonard Robinson Lisa Sobrato Sonsini Grace Voorhis Ted Williams

faculty & staff Jasmine Abele Stacey Adams Leyla Akincilar Derrick Allums Marites Alves Rivera David Alviso Christel Andersen Gregory Anderson Maryn Anderson Suzette Anderson Gustavo Arambula Noor Ashour Bertha Back Hillary Barber Elizabeth Barrett Elizabeth Berliant Elizabeth Betancourt Phyllis Bettencourt Sarah Blair Jordan Bock Jason Boots James Bording Farris Braddy Ellen Bray David Bress ambassadors Jaclyn Broderick William K. Bowes, Jr. Trinity Broderick Catherine & John Debs Herman Brown John Fisher Julie Brown Reed Hastings Katharine Brown Arthur Rock & Nilly Buchsbaum Toni Rembe Rock Michael Burks Sandra & John Thompson Blythe Butler executive team Jose Caraballo Beth Sutkus Thompson, Alex Caron Executive Director Chantal Carrington April Chou Gloria Castellanos Kendra Ferguson Lizbeth Castellanos Emily Rummo Zachary Chapman Phillip Chardon school leaders Susanne Chea Kate Belden Kelsey Clark Caroline Gifford Sara Coffin Lolita Jackson Sandra Coughlin Kerianne Ryan Cathy Cowan Thomas Ryan Sharon Cravanas Kyle Shaffer Melissa Crosby Judy Tang Dalia Cuenca Ric Zappa Scott Dailey Michael Davis directors Neil Davis Marie Hawase Huxley David DeAngelis David Ling Hannah DeKay Julie Mattoon Lorie Delizo Prabhu Reddy Jamie Dillemuth Jen Weiss

Trish Do Leticia Dorado Yesenia Duarte Ronnie Dyste Laura Einhorn Jacob Emrey Robert Farrell Kate Fiano Neal Finch Alexandra Fisher Kristin Fisher Christina Foust Andrew Furth Manuel Garcia Ana Garcia Tello Ruben Geerman Jessica Gin Curtis Goehring Margaret Goldstein Irma Gonzalez Kristin Goodrum Gabriela Gordon Christell Grace Chelsey Green Naa-Diane Green Alicia Greenwald Anna Gunderson Denise Hall Brisa Halviatti Tristan Hann Peter Hannibal Shannon Harrison Dillon Hauptfuhrer Elizar Herrera Gabriella Hook Sherrye Hubbard Julie Irvine Padmini Jambulapati Elaine Jardon Kristen Joe Tiffani Johnson Peter Jung Carolyn Kaneda Joshua Kangas Phillip Kim Holly Kucek Jared Kushida Courtney LaKroix Katherine Larkin Nicholas LaRocque John Laughlin Anna Leberman Nicole LeBlanc Anna Lima Anita Lin Michael Low

Erin Lynch Kyle Markwalter Yahir Marta Loretta McBride Jessica McCarthy Ryan McCormack Kellan McNulty Tiffany Mease Nagma Meharali Gerardo Mena Susana Mena Antonia Mendoza Miguel Mendoza Adha Mengis Angela Mercadante Elmer Merlos Patrick Messac Maggie Mills Megan Moilanen Santos Montano Aja Moore-Ramos Spenser Morris Brittany Mounger Tatiana Moyer Karie Mullassery Alison Nash Laura Nichols Lisa Nickele Susan Oba Iman Obeid Cally Orme Joy Osborne Meera Pamidi Kamaljit Pannu Celia Parsons Leanne Pascal Pavan Patel Grace Patil Jason Patrone Ana Payes Stephanie Payes Shannon Perkins Jennifer Perry Laura Peters Todd Petersen Lacee Phillips Rachel Pledger Allan Plews Jessica Plowman Joel Portillo Eliana Porton Susanna Poulter Joseph Prohaska Lizbeth Pulido Tyler Quillin Mike Rettberg

Cynthia Reza Samuel Rhyan Elmer Rivera Brien Roberts Alejandra Rojas Patricia Santiago Emilie Sasson Christopher Schaefer Matthew Schneidman Saveth Seang Frances Shaw-Yu Lisa Shugart T. Connor Skelly Aaron Slick Matthew Smith Shawn Smith Stephanie Spencer-Smith Sarah Stanton LaJon Survillion Emily Tait Allyson Takara Billy Tang Cristina Tapia Rachel Tenney Kenneth Thomas Benjamin Thompson Savanna Trevino Bryan Twarek Myra Vallianos Ashley Varady Hari Vasu-Devan Janna Velasquez Michelle Verrochi David Walton Emily Warmington Jillian Wasick Aminah White Nashon Williams Christine Wishon Savina Woodyard Jenna Zakrajsek Vivian Zhang Elizabeth Ziccardi *As of September 2013


the right choice What does the world lack most? Besides female presidents and cheap gasoline And it is obvious that violence, drugs, and unmotivated teens is something the world is not lacking But more like having a sense of urgency. Let me explain what I mean What better time than today to make things right Our children deserve the best of the best and the best is what they will become Who says that there is only enough best for the financially number #1 Best homes, Best health, Best jobs, Best education For schooling let me give you some motivation KIPP Bayview Academy ranks in the top 10% of all public school districts in California Recognized as California's distinguished school, yes right out of the hood Ghetto statistics don't act like we didn't warn ya Helping develop our students' knowledge, skills, and character to impact the world Raising the intelligent gentlemen out of our boys and determined ladies out of our girls Who will gladly leave their footprints for the next generations to follow These students do what they have to do today because they have a sense of urgency and know that there is no guarantee for tomorrow To fight injustice with good character and education instead of guns and rioting Using No Shortcuts. No excuses. But to "Work hard. Be nice." Think that is our creed to remind us what to do when life gets hard and that we can succeed. —Glenda Jackson, KIPP Bayview Alumna, Patten University Class of 2014

who we are KIPP Bay Area Schools operates free, open enrollment public charter schools in the San Francisco Bay Area.

States with KIPP Schools

kipp bay area schools

kipp across the nation




total kipp students served

total kipp schools

Cover Image: Karam Saleh, KIPP Summit Academy alumnus and current senior at KIPP King Collegiate

the mission of kipp bay area schools is to operate high-achieving public schools in educationally underserved communities, developing in our students the knowledge, skills, and character essential to thrive in college, shape their futures, and positively impact the world.

2012–2013 annual report

oakland kipp bridge charter school san francisco kipp bayview academy kipp san francisco bay academy kipp san francisco college preparatory san jose kipp heartwood academy kipp san jose collegiate san lorenzo kipp summit academy kipp king collegiate

1404 Franklin Street, #500 | Oakland, CA 94612 | (510) 465-5477 | info@kippbayarea.org

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