2 minute read
from OceanSkin

Red is a primary color in all meanings of the word. Linguistic research shows, that red is the oldest word for a color in almost all languages. Red is also the first color that infants can see. and if people are asked to name a random color name, the majority replies “red”. Natural sources, which can produce red color schemes are for example:
Red Autumn Leaves, Bamboo, Beet Root, Canadian Hemlock, Chokecherries, Crabapple Bark, Elderberry, Hibiscus Flower, Portulaca, Rosehips, St. John’s Wort, Sumac Fruit, Sycamore Bark, Cherries, Strawberries, Paprika...
In a symbolic meaning, a lot of people think of the color red in terms of blood. Therefore, the color is associated with violence and aggression. Red generates energy and is therefore widely used in advertising. Due to excessive use, we have started associating red advertising with cheap products.
All in all, Red stands out. Especially in nature, red is a color that we usually see on fruits or flowers, which you can find with a green background. Out of these red flowers and fruits, beautiful natural dyes can be created.

A bright red shade, which can be intensified by extending the soaking time, is created with the help of strawberries.
STEP1 Take ten fresh strawberries and puree them with a blender. Make sure to clean the strawberries beforehand and to remove access leaves. Afterwards, strain.
STEP2 Mix one tablespoon of straberry blend into the tanning lotion or into the animal fat, which is applied onto the skin before drying.
The dye can be applied in two different ways onto the fish skin.
The strawberry blend can either be mixed into the “Emulsified Oils” tanning mixture or after the tanning process into the animal fat, which is used to maintain the leather’s softness.
A) SOAKING TECHNIQUE Mix one tablespoon strawberry blend into the tanning lotion, which contains one egg yolk and two tablespoons of oil. Make sure the strawberry blend is well mixed with the tanning lotion for an even finish. Lay the clean fish skin evenly into the mixture and let it soak. Afterwards, wash out the fish skin and let it dry.
Color Intensity 5 Minutes : Low 3 Hours : Medium 24 Hours : High
B) MASSAGING TECHNIQUE Mix one tablespoon of the strawberry blend into the animal fat, which will be massaged into the fish skin after the tanning process. Massage until almost dry. The more strawberry blend is used, the more intense is the dye outcome.

This natural color recipe is suitable to dye one piece of fish skin (10x15 cm).
10 strawberriers
A) 1 egg yolk + 2 TBSP sunflower oil
B) 1 TBSP animal fat