How to hack facebook password

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How to hack Password?

• A lot of people ask themselves this question . Is it possible ? It can really be done ? How to do it then ? Well , our team worked hard on a software for a long time and we managed so far to make the perfect program for you . With our tool , you don’t need any programming knowledge to do it . So now maybe you are asking yourself , that this seems to good to be true and if so , how much will it cost or is it gonna be for free ? • Well of course that a software like this that can hack facebook password won’t be that easy to get but your answer is yes , it will be for free so don’t worry . Since we started our project a lot of people took credit for our work and were pretending that they know how to hack facebook accounts and it made it seem like a very big deal . They even started making websites selling their so called “services”

• Facebook password hack was the initial name for our tool but we thought to change it after the website’s name so we changed it to Facebook account hack . With a lot of struggle and coffee , our team managed to develop the perfect software . Of course there will be updates from facebook trying to fix their website but there will be update from our part too , so don’t worry because you will still be able to “learn” how to hack facebook password and we had already created an “update” button that will give you the newest working version . So , what are you waiting for ? Weren’t you convinced enough ? Well don’t listen to us , go ahead and listen to other people testimonials and see what they have to say about us , but we can guarantee you that here is the perfect place to learn where you can find what you need . We don’t sell you anything , we don’t feed you bullshit and we always listen to your suggestions . If you have anything to report or questions anything at all , do not hesitate contacting us . Our facebook hack team is always ready and prepared to answer any question for you , but before you do so don’t forget to visit the F.A.Q section .

• Why hack facebook accounts? • Facebook is one of the most popular social networks up to date. There are more than 140 million unique people that use facebook monthly, browsing it for hours. It’s become the main way people interact online. People hold a lot of private information about them on facebook, as well as their private chats with other people and even work details. How do you think major leaks such as the new iPhone 5 get out ? Apple employees have facebooks as well, they chat like normal people and discuss things we shouldn’t know about. Luckily with our facebook hacker no information is secure. Another note about leaks, you can expect the game Black Ops 2 soon • Over the past year, hacking facebook accounts has become extremely popular. There are thousands of people that lose access to their facebooks every day. But why would one hack anothers facebook ? It’s simple.. Perhaps you want some personal information on them, maybe you want to get revenge on an ex girlfriend/boyfriend who cheated on you ? We’ll discuss some of the most popular reasons people steal facebook passwords.

• 1) You have a friend that bailed on you for a meeting ? A simple, harmless way to get back at them would be hacking their facebook with our tool which you can get at : after you have access to their account, you could post a funny status about them such as coming out of the closet or something a little less reputation damaging. 2) Another option would be hacking that one co-worker that always bosses you around. Simply take their account and send a little message to your boss about how you’re going to quit or something of that nature. 3) Ex girlfriend cheated on you ? The best revenge will definitely involve facebook, contact the douche she cheated you with and send him a small message about how you’re dumping them or they’re simply not „the one“

• These are just basic ideas of what you might want to do. I personally like taking my closest friends facebooks with our facebook password cracker, just for fun. Change the password and just message some cute girls you know they like about how you’d like to get together with them or maybe just a onenight stand. If he’s lucky, he’s getting laid tonight, however if he’s not as lucky you’d be helping him out either way by letting him know that his crush isn’t interested in him, it’s a win-win situation ( Except the embarassment for him ) • Another fun thing I’ve done is hack celebrities accounts. You can get a lot of publicity, whether it be for your website, product or just a funny fanpage. This is something to be careful about however, don’t go crazy hacking Lady Gaga or someone that big, you could get in big legal trouble. I like to stay below the 50k like mark as those people tend to not have as much authority behind them and are less likely to take legal action. Also, I’d like you to remind you that whatever you use our tool for is your own responsibility and just use it wisely, be responsible.

• 1. Open the tool and put the victim’s Email in the field . 2. Select the function you want to use in order for the tool to work 3. Click on Hack button and wait about 5-10 minutes until our hack will successfully crack the account 4. The password will pop up in the box . 5. Enjoy using our tool and don’t forget to leave good feedback in the comments section below . • The features of our facebook hack are : • * Hack any facebook account . * Freeze any facebook account . * Update function in case it gets patched . * 100% undetectable .

• As we’ve mentioned in our previous blog posts, facebook hacking has become extremely popular since it’s release and is gaining major momentum daily. Today we’ll be talking about the biggest accomplishments acquired in the history of Facebook. • On December 20, 2011 a member with the name of PebiS hacked Lady Gagas Facebook and Twitter accounts. He was a beta tester for our tools first release. He is a website hacker and a fulltime internet marketer. He made over $20000 by promoting a „Win free iPad 2“ offer on Gaga’s facebook fanpage and twitter account. The fanpage had over 45 million fans and he earned about 30 cents per email submit on the offer, clearly it added up quickly. Her twitter had 17 million followers but didn’t get him as many conversions as facebook did. Another point why our Facebook hacker is awesome, makes you money !

• Approximately 6 weeks later, the same dude also hacked Justin Biebers facebook fanpage. This was a page made by his fans, not himself however. It still had millions of fans and they were extremely active. He also banked about $12000 from this account with the same technique, promoting adversiters offers on the fanpage. The fanpage was recovered 7 days later and he hacked it AGAIN. Some people are too stupid to set security questions, even after being hacked the first time… The second time he promoted some more offers and then dismantled the page because a stupid owner doesn’t deserve to have a fanpage that big. • You all remember, when last year a famous hacking group called „Anonymous“ promised to take down Facebook by November ? Guess how they were planning to do it ? A few members on their team came to us, after seeing our site and knowing that we have access to facebooks databases. They had a wish to purchase access as well, planning to destroy them all and eventually get rid of Facebook completely. We disagreed for two reasons – we love facebook and we love hacking facebook accounts ! They offered us more than $40000 but we respectively denied the offer. Besides, do you really think that’d work ?

• I can almost guarantee that facebook has thousands of backups taken of the site and deletion of the databases would cause minor downtime and barely any losses for users. Facebook might lose a few hundred thousand dollars due to the downtime and ads not being displayed but I hardly doubt that it’s a big problem for the owners considering Zuckerbergs wealth is above 17 billion dollars nowadays.. • In conclusion, facebook is a massive network and the possibilities with it are huge. You could make thousands by hacking famous accounts/fanpages while risking legal trouble or you could simply stick with messing with accounts of the people you know/hate. The chances of anyone actually taking legal action on you is minimal and I don’t think the charges would be taken too seriously, of course depending on where you live. The US people might get some severe charges considering you could sue a shop for not having your favourite drink in stock there.. , so all everything depends on you but seriously , who wouldn’t want to see if their love is cheating on them ? And especially if you are in a newer relationship there isn’t that much trust so a little sneak peek won’t hurt . Besides , with the software we provide you it is very easy to do it and you can hack into a facebook account very fast and easy , good luck and have fun .

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