Education Pioneers 2012 Annual Report

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Our pioneers have the




to confront our nation’s

education crisis, and they are committed to


as a

way to solve problems. Our pioneers believe that transformational change is possible, and they have the will to take

a c t i o n.

Letter from S cott morgan fo u nder & ceo Dear Friend, This is an incredibly meaningful time for me to reflect on all that Education Pioneers has accomplished in collaboration with so many outstanding people and partners. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary in 2013, we not only look back at the impact we’ve made, but also forward to our next 10 years of work. We plan to attract 10,000 new leaders to work full-time in the education sector by 2023 to advance our vision of making education the best led and managed sector in the United States. The sector is hungry for more top leaders and managers, and I’m proud that Education Pioneers is one of the leading organizations addressing this critical need at scale. The importance of leadership became very clear to me when I served as legal counsel for Aspire Public Schools, a high-performing charter school network. There, surrounded by a talented, multidisciplinary management team, I saw firsthand the profound effect that leaders can have on education from outside of the classroom. I also recognized the opportunity to build a pipeline of talented leaders to advance the work of high-impact organizations. As a result of these experiences and observations, Education Pioneers was born in 2003. The following year we welcomed our inaugural class of nine Education Pioneers Fellows who worked with seven Partner organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2012 we had a network of over 1,600 leaders, with 390 Fellows working in 16 cities nationwide with more than 180 Partner organizations. In 2013, we are welcoming approximately 450 new Fellows who will serve in school districts, charter school organizations, education nonprofits, and other education organizations across the country. 1

As we enter our second decade of work, Education Pioneers will continue to grow and scale our programs successfully, while increasing our focus on supporting our talented Alumni in driving long-term impact in full-time leadership roles with key Partner organizations. The first step is to ensure a powerful Fellowship experience for thousands more top emerging leaders by providing the training, tools, and support to ensure our Fellows thrive within our Partner organizations so that our Partners benefit from Fellows’ contributions. Our second main focus is to increase the effectiveness of our Alumni in education, and we are excited about our major collaboration with The Broad Center and the Strategic Data Project at Harvard University on the Activate ED Exchange to support this work. The custom-built Activate ED Exchange technology platform connects our Alumni with each other and with other education leaders and provides them with critical resources. This strategic partnership lays the foundation to make an even bigger impact on children nationwide.


We’re well on our way to transforming the U.S. education sector by bringing in thousands of our nation’s top leaders, managers, and analysts. From 2008 to 2012, Education Pioneers received over 10,000 applications for 1,400 Fellowship opportunities. The perception of the education sector is changing, becoming a place where top graduates can launch meaningful, high-impact careers. Thank you for your support of Education Pioneers’ mission and work. As we look to the important work that lies ahead, we’re excited to partner with you and other pioneering leaders to support our bold vision to bring 10,000 talented leaders into education to transform opportunities for millions of children nationwide. Best regards,

Scott Morgan Founder & CEO

c ul tiv a tin g a n ed u c a t i o n leader: Ma ris a Wh i t e B o ld 2013  Chief of Staff,


Implementation and Support Unit of the US Department of Education

 First Education Pioneers Graduate School Fellowship cohort  Placed at Aspire Public Schools



 Started at the New York City Dept. of

 Earned Harvard MBA  Joined NewSchools

Education’s Office of Accountability

 1.1 million students in the New York City school system with $24 billion annual budget  Managed 2 managers and 4 others who managed multiple outside ontractors  Responsible for $40M annual budget (Office of Accountability)

Venture Fund

Impact Part of a core leadership team of five people that manages a $60 billion budget in federal grants and $75 million in federal contracts that support states and districts nationwide.

Education Pioneers started me on this path and helped me think about the levers for change in education and where I could fit into the landscape. — Marisa White Bold Chief of Staff Implementation & Support Unit US Department of Education


2012 EP Highlights

T r ans formi ng Educati on

1600+ EP Fellows and Alumni

180 Partners 72%

of Alumni in the workforce have chosen to work full-time in education


of Alumni work in high impact roles (managers of managers or higher)


of African American/Latino Alumni hold senior manager positions in the education sector, compared with just 4% in the private sector

Challenge: The United States ranks 17 out of 50 developed countries in education1 and fewer than one in 10 low-income students graduate from college by age 242. As a country, we need to ensure higher quality education is accessible to every child. Solution: With many great organizations focused on improving education from inside the classroom, Education Pioneers is focused on attracting, training, and advancing change agents to fill critical leadership and management roles outside of the classroom.

Skilled management is the single most important determinant of organizational success. — Thomas J. Tierney Chairman and Co-Founder Bridgespan Group

Education Pioneers strives to address the scarcity of management talent in the education sector and pull the “invisible lever”3 of education transformation by bringing top leadership and management talent from business, law, education, and other disciplines into the field. These management positions are often invisible, but also instrumental in transforming education. Our Fellows and Alumni are becoming the educational leaders and managers who ensure the infrastructure, resources, and policies are in place to support our nation’s principals and teachers, enabling them to focus on delivering a high-quality education to all students.


Educati on S ector S napsh o t Education is a

Education Pioneers Leadership Programs

industry, and teachers are the

Education Pioneers selects top leaders and carefully matches their skills with high-impact work at one of our Partner organizations. Leadership development workshops and a strong Alumni network provide a collaborative environment that helps our Fellows succeed in their Fellowships, and in their future leadership careers in education.


2nd largest work

force in the country4 The average large school district has


employees, serves Graduate School Fellowship: 10-week or one year Fellowships designed for graduate students from a wide range of backgrounds including business, law, education, and policy. Fellows have four career path options:    

Organization Leadership Entrepreneurship and Innovation School Leadership Policy, Research, and Law

Analyst Fellowship: Full-time, 10-month program designed for earlycareer professionals, allowing them to leverage existing skills and knowledge to manage strategic, data-based projects.




and manages a $1.3B+ annual budget5 There are an estimated

3,700 management roles in public school districts6

2012 Results

At t r a c t in g a nd P r e pa ring t he N e x t Ge ne r at ion of E duc at ion a l L e a de r s


Education Pioneers Graduate School and Analyst Fellows

It turns out that [district and school] leadership not only matters: it is second only to teaching among school-related factors in its impact on student learning.

93% of supervisors rate their Fellows’ work quality as very good or excellent

— Wallace Foundation Report “How Leadership Influences Student Learning”


of Fellows initially unsure or unlikely to pursue long-term careers in education are now committed

35% African-American and Latino Graduate School Fellows recruited

For 10 years, Education Pioneers has been committed to attracting top leadership talent to the education sector and providing the training and work experience necessary for these leaders, managers, and analysts to launch successful and transformational careers in education. Starting from an initial class of nine Fellows in 2004, we’re now launching the education management careers of more than 400 Fellows a year, with a goal to grow our national network of leaders in education to 10,000 by 2023. Additionally, we have begun investing in initiatives to support and keep these leaders in education. Our Fellows come from a wide range of educational, professional, and personal backgrounds, and their shared Fellowship experiences provide them with unique perspectives on education, better equipping them to transform the sector. In 2012 we focused on:   

Increasing the quantity of committed, high quality talent in the sector, and expanding our geographic reach Building Education Pioneers’ brand awareness in the private sector to increase our talent pipeline Maintaining a focus on racial diversity as we scale


C o n n e c t ing L e a de r s w i t h E du c at ion org a niz at ion s Quality talent is the single most important driver in creating and supporting great schools. We’re excited to partner with Education Pioneers to help expand the pipeline of great people working to improve public education in Tennessee and ensure that the important initiatives underway continue to grow and succeed.

2 0 1 2 R e s u l t s7

96% of 201 0 2 su upe perv vis isor o s be eve believ e th thei eirr Fe ellllow ows’ s’ wor ork k wi will ll be e use sed d in the h lon ng te t rm m to imp prov ove the efficiiency a d/ an d/or effectivene n ss of a p og pr ogram/depart rtm tment

— Chris Barbic Superintendent The Achievement School District, Tennessee

Education Pioneers believes that the right talent in the right educational organizations will improve the performance of those organizations, thereby improving the education for all our nation’s students. Over the past 10 years Education Pioneers has clearly established itself as a valued partner, helping solve the most critical talent problems facing today’s education organizations. Starting with just seven Partners in 2004, we have grown our Partner network to include over 180 of the country’s leading players in the education space — and have developed the talent pool of Fellows to match their needs. In 2012 we focused on three key initiatives:   


Prioritizing key Partners and identifying their leadership talent gaps and needs Building the processes and infrastructure necessary to help our Alumni transition into and within the education sector Developing the tools necessary to enhance Alumni effectiveness in high-impact roles

98% of o sup per er v viiso iso sorrs and n 95 5% off Fello ows ws bel eliie el ie e tha ieve at th he Fe F ll llo ows arre mo m re p ep pr par ared ared d for o a high-im or mpa pact ct care ca reer in n ed duc ca attio on

100% off sup uper err vi viso sors rs would woul d re reco comm mmen end th the e pr prog ogra ram m to ano noth ther er org rgan aniz izat a ion

100% of Fele lolows w wou ws ould ld d reco re c mmen co mmen mm end d th the e Fe Fell lllow owsh ship sh ip p to a fr f ie iend nd/c /col olle le eag gue

partner snapshot Education Pioneers’ top Partners based on number of Fellows placed (2004-2012)  Teach for America  New York City Department of Education  Boston Public Schools  KIPP Foundation and Schools  Chicago Public Schools  District of Columbia Public Schools  Oakland Unified School District  Los Angeles Unified School District  San Francisco Unified School District  Los Angeles County Office of Education  Jobs for the Future  Uncommon Schools  California Charter Schools Association  NewSchools Venture Fund  Prince George's County Public Schools  New Leaders  Victory Education Partners  Citizen Schools  Achievement First  City Year  United States Department of Education

To ensure our Fellows are prepared for their high-impact roles within our Partner organizations, we provide professional development workshops, access to education experts who can provide critical insight into working in the sector, and opportunities to meet and bond with other Fellows and Alumni. This approach gives our Fellows a unique opportunity to learn from each other’s diverse backgrounds and provides a strong network to rely on after completing their fellowships.

I was really impressed with how Education Pioneers brought together a wide range of people from different backgrounds, all of whom I found to be super smart, committed, and interesting. I really enjoyed getting to know these people and have kept in touch with many of them — I consider them colleagues in the movement. — Shannah Varón Executive Director at Boston Collegiate Charter School (2009 Alumna)

For a full list of Partners, visit 8

Be t t e r P e rform a nce t hrough Me t ric s

From the fight against polio to fixing education, what’s missing is often good measurement and a commitment to follow the data. We can do better. We have the tools at hand. — Bill Gates Co-Chair Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

To make the best-informed decisions, having the right data and knowing how to interpret it is paramount. Education Pioneers is committed to being the premier provider of analytic talent in the K-12 education space. We are working with our Partners to determine and share the tools, knowledge, and strategies needed to create a performance-driven culture in our school systems. As part of this work, we defined and tracked metrics that helped us meet our 2012 goals of: 

 


Actively sourcing and placing analytic talent in education organizations to help them effectively use data and improve data-driven decision making Working with key Partners to identify and address continuous data gathering and reporting challenges Investing in collaborative efforts with key Partners to create a data-driven performance culture in schools

2 012 Res ult s

92% of Ana naly ystt Fel e lo low w su upe perv rvisor orss sttat ate ed tha h t tth hei eirr prog gram or department is bet e ter positioned e to make ma ke e dattaa dr driv ven dec ecis isio is on nss as a direc ct re r sult of their Fellow ow w ’ss worrk

93% % of Datta Leeaadder ersship i ip Trac ck8 Gradu uate Sc School ol Felllow o (DLT T GS GSF)) super ervi v sorss and an d 10 00% off An A allys y t Fe ellow supe su perv rv vis isors in indica ated th that the eir F ll Fe llow o con ntr trib ib but u ed to a hi h ghv lu va ue da d ta pro roje ject ct

100% of o Ana naly lyst ly st Fel ello low lo w su upe perv rvis rv issor o s an and d 97% 97 7% of o DLT LT GS G SF su s pe perv rvis rv issor orss ag agre ree/ re e e/ stro st rong ro ngly ng ly y agr gree e tha ee hatt as a ressul ultt off the Fel o ello l ws lo wshi h p ex hi expe peri pe rien ri e ce en ce,, t ei th e r Fe Fell llow ll ow o w is mo m re pre repa pa are ed fo or a hi high gh-i gh -imp -i m ac mp actt ca care reer re e er in n edu duca ca ati t on on

t r a n s f o r m i n g e d u c a t i o n, 2003


Fellow Acceptance Rate





28% 22%


17% 11%


Key Events and Milestones








27 20


Bay Area Site Launched

Boston Site Launched

New York Site Launched

EP Founded by Scott Morgan Tom Bradshaw and Miguel JimĂŠnez Join Founding Board of Directors

Scott Morgan Selected as Draper Richards Kaplan Entrepreneur

90 65

Los Angeles Site Launched

DC Metro Site Launched

o n e y e a r a t a t i m e. 2009






4509 390 360 305 229 13% 110

Chicago Site Launched

Peter Thorp Appointed Chairperson of the Board Frances McLaughlin Joins EP as Chief Operating Officer

13% 11% 135

Houston Site Launched

Launched the Analyst Fellows Program Gale Mondry Appointed Chairperson of the Board


180 10%

180 6%

EP Serving 16 Cities

New Orleans Site Launched

Activate ED Launched

Memphis Site Launched

A 10,000+ strong network of leaders working full-time in education Education is the best led and managed sector in the United States

Frances McLaughlin Promoted to President Deanna Harnett Joins EP as Chief Administrative Officer


2012 Financial highlights

Building a T hri v ing, S u s ta in a b l e Org a niz at ion


increase in earned revenue over 201110

It is rewarding to see Education Pioneers build responsible, sustainable growth, and foster critical partnerships with education organizations that consistently report high satisfaction rates.

$5.8M+ secured in grants, corporate contributions, and individual contributions

— Jon Spack Chief Growth Officer Spark

62% of core program costs are covered by revenue generated at the regional level

To achieve our vision of transforming education through exceptional leadership talent, we need to make sure Education Pioneers is a thriving and sustainable organization with diversified funding sources and the high-performing, entrepreneurial team necessary to drive dramatic change. We are well on our way to financial stability, and a recent staff survey indicated that 91% of our staff felt the organization valued their contributions. In 2012 we remained committed to:   

Creating a powerful network of champions and supporters Building a national board and regional advisory boards to ensure we have the leadership in place to increase our impact Investing in the infrastructure and technology necessary to reduce our cost-per-Fellow



alumni in action

As an EP Graduate School Fellow in 2008, Salomé worked at New Leaders, an organization that has trained almost 800 educators in 12 urban areas, and serves more than a quarter million students each day. There she helped develop a schedule, curriculum, selection process, and assessment tools for a leadership program to develop young teacher leaders. Salomé continues her work with education leaders, policies, and strategies to advance urban students of color.

I had no sense of the landscape of the education sector when I entered Education Pioneers. EP gave me a huge step up in terms of understanding the landscape and really opened a door for me. Coming into my current organization, without this information, I would have definitely been further behind.


As a 2012 Analyst Fellow, Cory served as a management consultant at Education Resource Strategies, advising schools on how to best allocate their resources and how that impacted student funding. As Senior Budget Analyst at the Atlantic Public Schools, Cory has helped to streamline the operations of a district with a $574.8M operating budget and comprised of 95 schools with 5,260 staff and 50,707 K-12 students, 75% of whom qualify for free or reduced lunches.

As an Education Pioneers Analyst Fellow and in my current work with Atlanta Public Schools, I have been able to use my analytical and technical skills to help streamline organizational operations to ensure that all students have access to a quality education that helps them achieve their dreams.


As an Education Pioneers Fellow and then a member of Education Pioneers’ local advisory and alumni boards, I’ve seen the organization grow significantly in the last five years alone. Education Pioneers has made a critical impact on the education outcomes of millions of students nationwide.

As Chief Growth Officer, Jon is responsible for growing Spark, taking the national nonprofit to new communities, building core infrastructure, and leading overall operations. His work helps Spark match low-income 7th and 8th graders with mentors and one-on-one workplace apprenticeships. Spark has provided more than 2,350 apprenticeships to date, and 92% of Spark apprentices graduate high school, significantly above the national average.

— Salomé Portugal Director of School Leadership Development, New Leaders (2008 GSF Alumna)

— Cory Edmonds Senior Budget Analyst Atlanta Public Schools (2012 AF Alumnus)

— Jon Spack Chief Growth Officer Spark (2008 GSF Alumnus)

Looking to t he fu t ure In 2011, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation invested $7.6 million in Education Pioneers, which included funding for the Activate ED strategic marketing and recruitment initiative. Activate ED is a collaboration with The Broad Center for the Management of School Systems (TBC) and the Strategic Data Project at Harvard University (SDP) and is focused on two goals:  Attracting more top

leaders, managers, and analysts into the education sector through the Activate ED strategic marketing and recruitment initiative  Creating a custom-built

technology platform, the Activate ED Exchange11, which connects Alumni from Education Pioneers, TBC, and SDP, and allows them to share best practices and support each other throughout their careers

We see Education Pioneers as a leading talent pipeline for management talent in the education sector. Not only do EP Fellows bring their unique talents to existing Partner organizations, but we believe that some EP Alumni will found and lead the next generation of education reform organizations that focus on expanding education choice for parents. — Anne Stoehr Walton Family Foundation (2009 Alumna)

Education Pioneers is proud of how far we have come over the past 10 years, but there is still much to be done in the education sector. By 2014 we want to have the groundwork laid out to jumpstart our progression, preparing for tenfold growth between 2015 and 2023. What does this growth look like?   

10,000-strong network of leaders working full-time in education A reputation for being the sector’s premiere provider of leadership, management, and analytic talent A transformed education sector that is the best led and managed sector in the US, as well as a primary career choice for America’s talent

In addition to significant growth, Education Pioneers has begun to focus more heavily on supporting and advancing our Alumni working in the field as they take on increasing levels of responsibility. In 2012 we began offering professional development, mentoring, and training programs, as well as an online network to facilitate communication between education leaders called the Activate ED Exchange. Our goals may be ambitious, but we know we can get there with your support.


c ul tiv a tin g a n ed u c a t i o n leader: A l e xa n dra B er na d o t t e 2012


 Ashoka Fellow  Jefferson Award for Public Service

 The Princeton Review

2004  Foundation for a College


Education (small nonprofit in East Palo Alto, CA)

 NewSchools Venture Fund Entrepreneur of the Year Award



 Earned Stanford M.Ed.

 Hired First EP Graduate


School Fellow

 EP Fellow at NewSchools Venture Fund (NSVF) Bay Area Cohort  Continued at NSVF as an Associate Partner

2009  Entrepreneur-in-Residence at NSVF  Founded Beyond 12

Impact Beyond 12 is working with approximately 100 high schools, college access organizations and colleges; tracking the postsecondary progress of 20,000+ college students; and coaching close to 2,000 students at 180 colleges and universities.

Ultimately, the Education Pioneers Fellowship helped me crystallize my voice and allowed me to embrace the notion that there are multiple ways to solve the problems with our education system. — Alexandra Bernadotte Founder & CEO Beyond 12


e du c at ion pione e r s ’ s u p p or t e r s 1 2 Education Pioneers is transforming the education sector in a unique way and we are thrilled that so many organizations and individuals share our vision and want to help us succeed. Your ongoing financial support will help us to expand our impact and ensure that the leaders, managers, and analysts we bring into the sector can launch successful long-term education leadership careers, ultimately giving our children a better chance for the future.

Lead National Investors Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Robertson Foundation Walton Family Foundation, Inc. Major National Investors Credit Suisse Americas Foundation MetLife Foundation RGK Foundation W. Clement & Jessie Stone Foundation Lead Regional Investors Crown Family Philanthropies Foundation for Newark’s Future Houston Endowment Joyce Foundation Meadows Foundation The Prudential Foundation Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Rogers Family Foundation S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation

Major Regional Investors Acumen Solutions Annenberg Foundation (Alchemy) Boone Family Foundation The Capital Group Finnegan Family Foundation Fondren Foundation Google Harold Whitworth Pierce Charitable Trust Homestead Foundation Leslie Family Foundation Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund Louis and Harold Price Foundation Lynch Foundation Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Parthenon Group Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Simmons Foundation State Street Corporation Mike Tooke Regional Investors Brown Foundation, Inc. John W. Carson Foundation Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris Foundation Richard E. & Nancy P. Marriott Foundation, Inc.


National Board of Directors Thomas Bradshaw Aimee Eubanks Davis Mike Fox Miguel Jimenez Gale Mondry and Bruce Cohen Scott Morgan Meghvi Maheta Roig Sam Schwartz Paul Sherer Champions Accenture Apple Boston Private Bank & Trust Company Michael Casey Jessica Dravida Michol Ecklund Tom Feeley Giving Circle Marc Granetz Helen and William Mazer Foundation Hobsons Houghton Mifflin Longfield Family Foundation, Inc. Lauren Maddox Stuart Morstead Leslie Reilly Martin Rodgers Bruce Sandys Alyson Sattler Sprint Sprint Foundation Jay Tansing

Supporters Anonymous^ Dwayne Andrews Chokkalingam Arumugam Tomislav Bitanga Amanda Bock-Williams Elizabeth Boehmler* Michael Bornmann Keith Cadden Lydia Carlis Calinda Carroll* Dean Chen Wang Cheung Scott Cody* Roberta Colton Andrea Condit* Marcelo Copquin Miki Correa Betty Danti Christopher Davis* Angela De Mello Keesee Carrie Douglass* Jami Dunham East Bay Community Foundation Braden Edwards Anne Eigeman Jean Eisberg* Vladimir Elkin Melanie Fisk Michael and Susan Fogliano

Mercedes Forrest* Wellesley Fraser* Adriane Gamble* Dale and Dare Gillette Laura Ginns Joel Goering* Jacqueline Greer* Joe Harrington* Tim Heis* Clara Hess* Kristen Hodge* Trey Huelsberg Cristina Huezo* Keshav Inamdar JP Morgan Chase Megan Kane Jeffrey Kang* Kimberly & Erika Pearson Foundation Erin Krivicky* Pradeep Kumar Debra Kurshan* Claire Laudone Nancy Lue Louisa Malkin* Brian Mariscal Cary Matthews* Berenice McLaughlin Microsoft Corporation Cristina Miller David Noe*

^ Our supporters also include a number of individuals who wish to remain anonymous

Become an Investor

Hazel Nourse Chiagozie Nwabuebo* Casey Osterkamp* Christopher Pare Brian Pick* Gianluca Pivato Maritess Plewnarz* Sergei Pliutsinski Anita Puri Christopher Riddick* Judy Rosquete Andrew Rotherham Averell Ryland* Stephen Sandak* Stephanie Saylor Jenny Shilling Stein The Shilling Family Foundation Sarah Shoff* Rob Stewart Justin Sussman Cate Swinburn* & Brady Shannon Chris Tessone* Carolyn Trager* Robert Trombley* Jay Urwitz Samuel Veihmeyer Brandon Wall* Elise West* David Wilcox Dorothy Wright * Education Pioneers Alumnus/Alumna

Join the cause! Donate online at By mail to Education Pioneers Attn: Donor Services 1625 Clay Street, Suite 300 Oakland, CA 94612 To become a corporate sponsor, or for additional information about how you can support Education Pioneers, contact us at


F in a n c ia l s 2012 REVENUE SOURCES

69 %

2 3%


Foundation Grants

Program Fees

Corporate and Individual Donors

G R OWT H I N F UN DI NG* Foundation Grants

Program Fees

Corporate Contributions

Individual Contributions

2012 Total Funding $7,561,358





2011 Total Funding $5,645,081















*Funding does not include Interest Income, Other Income and In-kind donations


Audited Financial Statement Fiscal Year 2012 Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets for the Year Ended September 30, 2012 with summarized totals for the nine months ended September 30, 2011.




Temporarily Restricted


$2,884,7 1 4


REVENUES Foundation grants

$5,258,5 1 1

$3,957,0 61

Corporate contributions




Individual contributions



63,440 3,568

Interest income



Other income



Program fees











$5,750, 1 2 5




1,984,1 1 4

1,984,1 1 4

1,366,2 8 1







Program fees, pass-through In-kind donations Net assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of usage restrictions Total Revenues



$6,845,1 5 7


EXPENSES Program services Management and general Fundraising Total Expenses

EXCESS/DEFICIT OF REVENUES OVER EXPENSES Net Assets, Beginning of Year Net Assets, End of Year












$2,963, 41 3


E duc a tion P i o neer s lea d er s hi p Board of Directors

Executive Team

Gale Mondry Board Chair Education Pioneers

Scott Morgan Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Tom Bradshaw Vice President and Assistant General Counsel Cantor Fitzgerald Aimée Eubanks Davis Chief Public Affairs Officer/ Chief People Officer Teach For America Mike Fox Director of Global Vertical Marketing Facebook Miguel Jiménez Director, Financial Planning & Analysis Symantec Corporation

Frances McLaughlin President Deanna Harnett Chief Administrative Officer Julie Cruit Angilly Vice President, External Relations Kelli Doss Vice President, Human Assets Jacqueline Pohl Vice President, Finance & Operations (Alumna) Anne Sawyer Shields Vice President, National Programs

Scott Morgan Founder & Chief Executive Officer Education Pioneers

Julayne Virgil Vice President, Sector Impact

Meghvi Maheta Roig Director Education Pioneers

Regional Executives

Josh Rubenstein Principal ghSMART Sam Schwartz Managing Director and Head of Mergers & Acquisitions for Credit Suisse’s Asset Management Division Credit Suisse Paul Sherer Senior Managing Partner, Chief Investment Officer, and Co-founder Breosla, LLC

Brandon Malmberg Executive Director, Western Region

Local Advisory Board Members Boston Local Advisory Board Stephen Chan Chief of Staff, The Boston Foundation Justin Cohen President, The School Turnaround Group Mass Insight Education Brendan Cullen Managing Director Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation Steven Neville Special Assistant to the Chancellor University of Massachusetts—Boston Linda Noonan Executive Director Massachusetts Business Alliance in Education Shannah Varón Executive Director Boston Collegiate Charter School Stacy Wilbur Senior Account Executive Regan Communications Group

Tanya Ramos Executive Director, Eastern Region

Chicago Local Advisory Board Pranav Kothari (Chair) Strive Network

John Troy Executive Director, Southern Region (Alumnus)

Angela Rudolph Think. Plan. Do.

Kimberly Zouzoua Executive Director, Northern Region

Jonathan Furr Northern Illinois University Jason Cascarino Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Lina Bankert Bellwether Education Partners Crystal Howard Johnson Publishing Company Nancy Lee Chavez City Colleges of Chicago (Alumna)



Houston Local Advisory Board Mike Casey Managing Director, RBC Capital Markets

San Francisco Bay Area Local Advisory Board Miki Correa Jones Day

Michol Ecklund Group Counsel, Africa & Middle East Marathon Oil Company

Gay Hoagland Director of Leadership Programs Stanford School of Education

Jennifer Hines Senior Vice President, People & Programs YES Prep Public Schools

Lisa Neuberger-Fernandez Director of Corporate Citizenship Programs Accenture

Los Angeles Local Advisory Board Marlene Canter Former President LAUSD Board of Education

Jon Spack Chief Growth Officer Spark

Carole Neal Senior Marketing Consultant Verizon

Vidya Sundaram Content Producer GreatSchools

Kevin Reed Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs UCLA

Washington, DC Advisory Board Jay Tansing (Chair) Managing Director, Public Sector Practice Acumen Solutions

Ref Rodriguez Chief Executive Officer Partners for Developing Futures

Mike Bornmann Vice President, Corporate Development Sprint

Alyson Sattler Board Chair and Sr. Manager of Contributions The Capital Group Companies

Dean Chen Product Manager Naviance

Chuck White Vice President and Deposit Manager Boston Private Bank & Trust Company

Lauren Maddox Principal The Podesta Group Anita Puri Senior Manager Accenture Andy Rotherham Co-Founder and Partner Bellwether Education Partners


The Learning Curve: Lessons in Country Performance in Education, Pearson, 2012. http://thelearningcurve.


U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Public School Graduates and Dropouts From the Common Core of Data: School Year 2007-08. Retrieved from: http://nces. ed.go/ccd/

3. The Invisible Lever: A Profile of Leadership and Management Talent in Education, Education Pioneers, 2013. invisiblelever 4.

Childress, Stacy. “Rethinking School,” Harvard Business Review, March 2012. rethinking-school/


Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in the United States: 2008–09, National Center for Education Statistics, November 2010. pubs2011/2011301.pdf


The Invisible Lever, Education Pioneers, 2013


Results and analysis from Education Pioneers’ 2012 surveys of Fellows and supervisors


The Data Leadership Track includes both Analyst and Graduate School Fellows who are working on projects that involve data


At the time of printing, the 2013 Analyst Fellowship cohort and Partner placements were still being finalized

10. Changed from cash to accrual accounting system 11. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation provided funding to The Broad Center to lead the development of the Activate ED Exchange 12. Fiscal Year 2012 (October 1, 2011September 30, 2012)


1625 Clay Street, Suite 300 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 893-4374 Š2013 Education Pioneers. All rights reserved.

Made possible by a grant from the Taproot Foundation

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