Presentation on graphic ideas

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I would use my back garden, And make it look like I will edit myself to make a forest me look really small Photo manipula 1on I would use my cat to make him look like a giant next to me


I would take photographs of different people and blur some of them out the photograph

Campaign-­‐ Alzherimer ’s

The back ground will be a total contrast from the quote. quotes

I would get a famous quote

I would take a picture of different leCers that I find, to make the word of the quote that I choose

And then I would cover their face with different materials

I would also do different image of portrait and replace the half of the face with a younger version of the person

Photo manipula1on The different photo manipula1on ar1st: •  Kyle Thompson •  Anna Bodnar •  alltelleringet Photo manipula1on is an ever evolving collabora1on between photography and graphic design. Combining certain elements to create a unique image, that can convince even the most experienced set of eyes, requires a very crea1ve set of skills

Compaign-­‐alzheimers This are the ar1st that do the campaign-­‐alzheimers •  Tasha sallinas •  Gerhard Richter Alzheimer’s disease has become one of the most prevalent forms of advanced demen1a in America. According to the Na1onal Ins1tute on Aging (NIA), the degenera1ve brain disease currently affects close to 5.1 Americans. It is a highly distressing sta1s1c and something that graphic designer Domenico Liber1 wants more people to be aware of. The Italy-­‐based Liber1 has developed a smart Alzheimer’s awareness campaign, through which he hopes to inform others of the advanced demen1a and memory distor1ons that define the disease. All of Liber1’s ads feature vintage photographs of families spending quality 1me together – on the beach, or perhaps celebra1ng a holiday – but the faces of some members are removed completely

Quote Artist & famous quotes •  Barbarah Kruger, •  george bernad shaw •  Einstein •  Stephen Hawkins Famous artist use famous quotes as an inspiration, which they then create designs incorporating text and image

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