Best Acne Medication That are Prescribe by Doctors

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Best Acne Medication That are Prescribe by Doctors

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Best Acne Medication That are Prescribe by Doctors Fighting acne on your own is not easy; you may easily get tired, throw your hands up in surrender and go to a doctor for the best acne medication. Which I must say is the best thing to do; self medication sometimes causes more harm than good. Acne is a skin infection, sometimes mistaken for pimples. It is a small elevation on the skin caused by excess production of sebum oil. It is reddish in color, and if it is not treated, it can lead to a disfiguring scar on the infected part of the skin. ==> Go to For More Information <==

Since there is no actual cause of acne, if you take care of your skin by eating a healthy meal regularly and taking some home skin care precautions like washing your face before going to bed at night with a mild soap and exfoliating the skin regularly can actually help in the fight against.

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Best Acne Medication According to Doctors and Dermatologists Benzoyl peroxide is one of the medications that a doctor will prescribe for you. Benzoyl peroxide can be found in most of the over the counter creams, but you should minimize its usage because too much of it may lead to bleaching of the skin which can be harmful to you. Chemical peel is also another doctor’s prescription for treating acne. With chemical peel, the top layer of skin is removed, bearing a new, younger looking skin without the traces of acne. Chemical peel, unlike benzoyl peroxide is harmless. ==> Go to For More Information <==

Retinoid is one of the best acne medications that is prescribe by doctors. It is commonly found in foods and creams. For serious acne, doctors may recommend the use of retinoid pills. Use a very effective sun block cream together with retinoid because it makes the skin sensitive to sunlight. Antibiotics are ideal doctors’ prescriptions. Often times, antibiotics are the best acne medication prescribed by doctors. Some doctors actually prefer it to retinoid and benzoyl peroxide. It prevents even cystic acne which is the most severe type of acne. Antibiotic skill all bacteria in the body and stop the spread of acne. However, this can take up to a month which is actually a long time to endure acne. ==> Go to For More Information <==

Another medication for treating acne is oral contraceptives. This works for acne that is caused by hormone imbalance. Usually, oral contraceptives or birth control pills prescribed by doctors will suppress hormones that are responsible for excess oil production. With little or no oil on your face, acne will be a thing of the past but, it can only work for women. There is a wide range of over the counter acne treatment products that may work for you. However, finding the right one for your skin may be difficult. These medications should be used as a last resort because of their side effects, and that is why it is advisable to see a doctor, or skin care expert to prescribe the best acne medication for you, this way, you will achieve the right result quickly and avoid unnecessary wasting of money. ==> Go to For More Information <==

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