Unit 1 Greetings

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GREETINGS English Greeting Expressions As you remember guys, there are many ways of greeting people, both formal and informal. The speaker’s task is to choose the appropriate one for the situation. General Greetings (Formal) General greetings (informal) 1. Hello!


2. How are you?

2. What’s up?

3. How are you doing?

3. Good to see you

4. How is everything?

4. How are things with you?

5. How’s everything going? 6. How have you been keeping? 7. I trust that everything is well.

5. How’s it going?

Time to practice

Personal pronouns

A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated primarily with a particular person, in the grammatical sense.

Verb to be

Time to practice

Articles An article is a word used to modify a noun, which is a person, place, object, or idea. Technically, an article is an adjective, which is any word that modifies a noun. Usually adjectives modify nouns through description, but articles are used instead to point out or refer to nouns. There are two different types of articles that we use in writing and conversation to point out or refer to a noun or group of nouns: definite and indefinite articles.

Wh- Questions Wh-questions begin with what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why and how. We use them to ask for information. The answer cannot be yes or no.

Preposition of place

The image demonstrates some of the most common prepositions of place in English. Prepositions of place are used to show the position or location of one thing with another. It answers the question "Where?"

The owls are waiting at the bus stop.

The owl is standing on the box.

The owl is sleeping in the box.

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