Katherine Smallwood - The Altruistic Resurgence - Focus Group Transcript - Part One

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KS= Me/Focus Group Leader Jaz = 20 year old female Annabel = 21 year old female Nikita = 20 year old female John = 20 year old male KS Thanks so much for helping me it's really really appreciated. Okay, so I'll just go through the sort of project title at the moment, the working project title, because I don't 100% know, this is what it will be. But at the moment is called the altruistic resurgent. And the project is about researching the new wave of compassion, empathy, which our society is experiencing, as well as the rise in digital activism. And then I've said that I'm seeking to overcome the performativity, and commercialisation of empathy, to instigate authentic compassion and genuine action. So, yeah, that's a sort of summary of what the project is about. Obviously, it is massive, and I've got lots of different sort of pillars of research, but I wanted to do a focus group, because it's really nice to be able to, like, hear different people's opinions and be able to sort of have a bit of like a conversation about that. I've got quite a few sort of questions. And then I've got, like, a little, obviously, its not like show and tell, but I sent a message saying, like, if you could have a little think about any, it's not pressured or anything, but if you just could think about, if there had been any campaigns or any things that you sort of seen generally that you felt were, you know, positive and felt quite compassionate and like something new, maybe, that we haven't seen before that stood out to you. And then something that was felt a bit, a bit less good, and kind of had an element of that's a bit shit, that's not great for the transcript but never mind. But yeah, so there's that as well. And then I've got some word and image association, so like, a little game, basically but it should be, you know, quite interesting. So I thought we can start, I think I would say we'll start with that. But seen as Nikita isn't here, I don't know whether maybe her internet's not working, not going to work. She said the link isn't working, I will just send her the meeting code. But since she's kind of a little bit behind, what I'll start with is going around the the campaigns so that, you know, she doesn't miss out on any of the questions or anything like that. So, Jaz, you're on next to me on the little thingy, so I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna ask you if you had any brand or charity campaigns that stuck out to you as being kind of positive, and then any that ringed a little bit negative or inauthentic to you, and don't feel like, no one needs to feel pressured about any of their answers or anything, as in there's no right or wrong. It's just whatever you think. Jaz Hey, my positive was the McCain advert where they collabed with family fun. So it's all about, I mean the campaign's called differences in inverted commas, and it's about bringing families together over tea time, basically, and they had 150 families who have severely ill or disabled children, and I love it in the app, that they say, there's another one and it's about love, and it's like, also called disability, and I just think that's really nice. KS Oh, that's lovely, isn't it? Yeah, that's really cute. Jaz So and then my negative one was that Pepsi ad with Kendle Jenner in

KS Oh, yes. Oh awkward. That was a really big thing when that came out, wasn't it, and then there was that whole video of her like crying about it and that went viral didn't it? Why did that feel inauthentic to you personally? What about that was it because it was Kendal or ? Jaz No, I think the whole, I think ,I don't think it was Kendal, I think she just got the stick because she's the celebrity, but, it was just completely tone deaf, like how was a can of Pepsi going to solve, I can't really remember what they were protesting about to be honest, but anything you're gonna be protesting about, how was a can of Pepsi gonna KS Yeah, she like she just like handed a can of Pepsi to like the police didn't she and then he like drank it, Jaz then it was like, yeah.......Sold. (laughs) KS Yeah no, that makes complete sense. I agree with that. John, did you, you're, sorry you're next on my little, I'm just going round. What did you sort of have for your answers? John Okay, so I'm really sorry, and didn't actually see the message KS OK John but I've had, had a little think, so the first one that I could think of was like the negative one just because I saw it in the cinema the other day, and it's its the Levi's, I think, buy better, wear longer campaign KS Okay John and I don't, I haven't read up about it, so I don't know if they if it fully is true, but to me, it just stood out as a little bit inauthentic just because of what I know about the brand. KS So you kind of feel like it doesn't quite match up with other things that they do. What kind of things do you think clash about that? Why does it like sit with you a bit like, weird? John Well, just because like, I know that they're obviously like, I think they are a fast fashion brand aren't they? and I think I remember I can't remember which documentary it was, but it was

one that you've watched as well, and they were talking too, I think, one of the bosses at Levi's, I remember they either didn't want to answer any questions, or they didn't know exactly where they're getting their clothes from. Yeah. So yes, KS Well, the whole premise of Levi's, when it originally came out, was that you bought a pair of jeans, and they were like, you were like set for life. They were like, really, really, like the best quality jeans you could buy. They still are, the best quality jeans you can buy, but it was kind of like, it's now because of you know what's happened with the whole fast fashion since like, 2000, everything's kind of just blown up. So they used to make them all in America, it was like authentic American denim, but now, that's not really the case anymore, it's like worldwide, and obviously they are fast fashion brand, because the definition of that, is just that they're mass producing clothes, which they are, but I think that that's a completely fair enough answer about that whole new campaign. They are definitely trying to rebrand a little bit, and kind of go, not rebrand, almost like go back, I think, to what they were originally saying. So that's interesting. Don't worry, that you didn't see the message, because just thinking about it, just quick, quickly, it's just right. Yeah, John Yes and I don't, I don't know if this really counts. But I've also just remembered, the Paralympics, like I'd come in, and I think it's called like superhuman. But I just remember it came off as very, like authentic and quite inspirational KS Okay, so the one that it, was that the one that just like advertised it? on was it channel 4 John Yes KS it was Channel Four John Yes, that's right KS Yeah. Okay. So what about that, did you see, that like, was it the imagery or the tone, the music? Like what kind of stood out to you about that? John I think, I think it was just all of the above, to be fair. I think the tone was very uplifting and very inclusive, and it was obviously supposed to sort of represent them in a very sort of empowering way. So yeah. KS Okay. Yeah, I'm just, I'm just like looking at them when you guys are saying them, I'm just typing like them in. Cool. Oh, and Nikita has just just entered so I will just, admit, I can't wait

to see what the costa is like, in the background. Oh Annabel do you want to go while Nikita just Annable Is she coming KS Oh lets just say hello, it may be a little bit slow so you know, Hello, oh so cute, I love your little headphones, I'll just like briefly explain what we're doing Nikita, if you can hear me basically, at the moment, we're just going around everyone's kind of, campaigns that they found, not that, you know, people didn't, it's not like it was a big task, but just what kind of campaigns sprung to their mind and then positive things and or negative things. So we've just done Jaz and John, and now we're on to Annabel, because you're in Costa when you're not speaking, are you able to just mute your thing, you just say that the background noise just goes just for my transcript thing. Thank you. Okay, off you go Annabel Annabel Yeah, sure. Actually, I just thought about it last minute. I don't know if it's exactly what you were, like kind of thinking of, but I think I remember this advert from like a couple of years ago. It wasn't bold advertising. I think it was just advertising like a company, that makes advertisements. They like, it wasn't like a particular product it was advertising. It was about like friendship between a dog and like a toy. KS Oh right Annabel Just remember it being like really touching for some reason. KS Yeah, okay. Annabel It felt like quite genuine, like authentic, and it felt really like promoting particular values. It was just like how they represented it and obviously I feel like it is just like a demonstration of their like kind of company, and how they can like kind of help invoke some like emotions, whatever really, like kind of presents things it was very like authentic and genuine, I do just remember that KS Was it the AA advert? With that tucker? I remember it's like a really like, Shaggy Dog, I remember seeing like one for the AA and they've started using a dog and it was really cute. But, it could be that, I'm just looking it up and people get like little toy versions of it Annabel It wasn't that, but actually that as well to be fair, KS

anything with a dog in it is just cute and makes me feel happy. Annabel I feel like it's not exactly the same as the others but it was the only thing I could like think of, the only thing that popped into my head was like a very specific answer KS Yeah and that's fine and then did you have any other Annabel because it had a specific name of the advert but I just can't remember it. I might have a little search in a minute. KS Yeah Annabel Then in terms of like negative ones I actually thought of something like very similar to Jaz basically, it wasn't exactly the Pepsi advert, but I feel like Coke adverts in general, they always like try and like, present you know relationships, like friendships and you know, like share a coke and whatever, but, I don't know, I just always see them as like, quite like cringy and like inauthentic KS Yeah Annabel and like, kind of like, either like kind of person or like overly sweet, like, it's almost like always overdone. So that you kind of, I think, in general to be fair, like, you know it's a big company, like it's a huge company, don't really care about it, really care about these like friendships it's so altruistic or anything? KS Yeah Annabel It's like, purely to sell that product. So it's such a big corporation and change, like, I feel like that does have like a big impact on how I view the advert basically, KS yeah so it's almost Annabel but I can't think of any like, specific advert, KS

So it's almost like too airbrushed and like too perfect and just doesn't really feel real. No, I completely get that. Thank you. Okay. Nikita, did you have any thoughts about any campaigns you'd seen? NS I just tried to think of one's right, then the internet, now, but I'm not sure. KS That's okay. Don't worry if you want to, like think about it a bit more and then at the end, I can like, come back and like re ask you if that helps. But don't worry about doing it now if that's with the internet, that's understandable. The next thing that we'll do doesn't need the internet or anything. You just need your pen and your paper, if everyone has that. I feel like I should do this as well, actually, but I, I don't have my, I'll go and get it. So I'm going to do some word association. I'm just going to say some words, I'm not going to put any context on them, because, and I find that really tricky, as I like over-explain everything, obviously. But I'm not going to put any context, I'm just going to say the word or the words, whatever, and then can you just write down, let's say, like, three to five, maybe like five, but if you're struggling, don't worry, about five words that you immediately think of when I say those things. So don't overthink it, and don't worry about oh, is that right? Or does that sound weird? Like I just want your immediate reactions to those things? It's fine, I can just do on here. So the first word or brand is Instagram. So I want you to just put the first five things that come into your head when you think about Instagram. So I'll sort of give like, maybe like a minute for each, also if you have any questions or anything like just let me know, that's fine KS I've written my five words, when you're done just like, I don't know go like this, I don't really know if I should be doing it but I mean, done it now, I'm, I am part of the, the target market. Some people for their like primary research have been interviewing themselves. They like do an interview or like, interviewed my younger self, or that kind of thing. So I think this is fine. Right? Okay, I'm going to go round the same order that I did last time, and just say your words, and then I might ask you like a couple of questions about why you think you chose them? Or? Yeah, so Jaz what were your five words when I said Instagram? Jaz I, first one is pictures, it's really obvious but that's what I put. KS That's fine Jaz And then celebrities KS Yeah Jaz But I thought of the logo, because I remember it being really colourful, and I remember when it changed from that browny one

KS Yeah, all the colours Jaz Yeah, Um, social, food pictures KS Nice Jaz Don't know if that counts as it kind of links to pictures KS Yeah Okay. So when I, you guys are like finished, what I'll get you to do is just take pictures of your words. If that's okay. And then I'll, and then I will be able to use it in my sort of work. So, yeah, if you just like, right, leave a bit of space between each one on your, I mean, don't like write over it and so I can like, see it. Okay, right. Yeah, that's great. Thank you, Jaz, and then John, what were your words? John Okay, so I've got likes, body, image, comments and politics KS Okay. Yeah, that's interesting. When you think about Instagram and likes, do you think of it in a positive or a negative way? Because likes is an inherently positive word, isn't it? But what's your association with that word? John Ummm probably, probably more negative. But I, personally I am a little bit indifferent because I don't post anything KS Yeah John So yeah KS What about it seems negative? John Just because I know that people can become quite obsessed with likes, and I think it becomes quite an unhealthy obsession KS Yeah ok. Annabel, what words did you have?

Annabel So I had, I was just like you know, show, just like show myself. KS Yes I know I put showcase Annabel Like kind of like fake, perfection, like beauty and also likes KS Right? Okay. So everyone, okay. And Nikita, I'll just ask what yours are? NS I've got public, insecure, vulnerable, manipulative, destructive and society KS So everyone's kind of picked up on that element of putting visuals out into the world, whether you immediately think of pictures or visuals or representation of who you are. That's kind of what Instagram is about. And then some people have obviously picked up on that being quite negative and that like connecting to the idea of kind of fakeness and is it real? That's great. Okay, the next word is I don't know whether I should define this, I think. I think it will be obvious what it means. So I'm sorry if this comes across patronising, but I'm going to read out the definition of it, just in case you think, am I understanding this? So, the next word is oh I've been spelling it wrong on my whole project, great, Slacktivism. So Slacktivism can be defined as the practice of supporting a political or social cause, by means such as social media or online petitions, characterised as involvement, sorry, characterised as involving very little effort or commitment. So that's that word. So yeah, just write the first kind of five words or phrases that kind of come to mind doesn't matter have to be a word, like if you want something, it's like three words, that's fine, but kind of your initial associations with that concept, because it's not really an obviously, it's a concept. So yeah, I'll give a bit more time for that one, it's a bit more, you know, abstract. Okay, right I've just looked at the time, how the hell? I'm gonna have to hurry up? Is anybody on a time limit? Does anybody have to go at four? Or is anyone around till half Four? I wouldn't want it to go on after that just because of the transcript, actually, and how long it would take to type it. But is everyone around till half four? Oh, that's great. Thank you. Well, I don't know where that time has gone. Okay, right, I will just go straight in and ask don't worry, if you've got five, that's fine, because there's a couple to go through. So Jaz what words kind of came to your head? Jaz Umm I thought, in the end it's a bit safe, like, you're clearly not that passionate about something if you're only posting about it, then moving on with your life KS Yeah, Jaz

Like if you really wanted to change it, then you wouldn't just put a hashtag on or whatever. Also, thought maybe it's social pressure, because everybody else is posting about it. You feel like you have to KS Yeah. So like collective, like collective pressure, isn't it? Like if lots of people are doing it? You feel like oh should I be talking about it? Jaz Yes. Cool. That's. KS That's great. Thank you, John, what did you have? John A performative, ineffective, limited, engagement and educational. KS Performative, limited. What did you say again, sorry performative? John So I've got performative, ineffective, limited, engagement and education. KS Okay, that's interesting. So you've got a little bit of a contrast, because you've got like performative and then also educational. Do you think it can be both? John I think it can be both. Yeah. Obviously, it would be better to back it up with some real life action. But I think that educating people and getting people engaged with issues who otherwise might not have been just because of like, how far reaching say, like a brand or an account would be is like, the first step? KS Yeah. The first step. That's important. Yeah. Okay, cool. Annabel what did you have? Annabel I had performance image, so kind of like improving your image. Social credit, which, again is quite similar, kind of like improving like your image, like to people around you for what everyone else thinks. Laziness, and I was trying to like think of a fifth one, I thought, like politics, because it does kind of remind me of when people are like, politicians in particular have make these, make, like, I know, they say, oh, yeah, we'll definitely do this, like, they make these like, kind of, like, empty promises, but it's all it's all like, it's all it's all rhetoric, like, no one, a lot of time we know they don't actually, like, follow through with like actual like action. KS Yeah,

Annabel it's like, I know, in part kind of like power play KS Yes, a lot of the, I've had to, I mean, I know, you know, look at this, but I've had and Jaz knows it all too well, because I don't stop talking about it, but I've had to read an ungodly amount of theory and psychological theory and, you know, too, for this project, and so, I've read a lot about self identity theories and self determination theories, you know, by like psychologists and their interpretation that, you know, most of what you're doing is for you, even if you want to think you're doing it for others, it's mainly comes down to you it can be your you know, it's it's, I think that whole thing about image is quite important. So, thank you. And Nikita, what did you have?

Nikita I wrote minimal effort or engagement, just for social image KS Fabulous, great, that's fab. Okay, so it's just told me that the meeting is going to end in 10 minutes which is obviously brilliant. So what I will do is send another link at the end of the 10 minutes, hopefully it will only take like two minutes to crossover, find it so annoying that it does that but here we are. So the next one is, I'm going to skip that one, David Attenborough, first five words that you think of when you think about David Attenborough? KS Three, five, whatever, however many you get done okay. I'm going to just ask now, don't worry if you haven't got five, Jaz what words spring to mind when you think about the big DA? Jaz I put inspirational, the environment, animals and a national treasure KS National treasure, nice one, like it. John, what have you done? John So I've got Saint, important, activist, environmentalist and comforting KS Cool. Those are interesting. Why did you see him as comforting? John I'd say his voice is very familiar. And also it's just nice to know that someone cares. KS Okay. Annabel what did you have?

Annabel I only came up with four, but I've got wholesome, engaging, inclusive ,it's just because everyone loves David Attenborough, who doesn't love him KS As in inclusive appeal? Annabel Yeah, inclusive appeal. Yeah. And I don't know, the last one I thought of is kind of sad just because of how impactful his messages are, also kind of just I feel like the fact that he is so old and he's been campaigning for it so long, but he's unlikely to see any actual action from his campaign, It's quite sad. KS Yes, I agree. That is sad. Nikita what have you put? Nikita I've put activist, national treasure, kind and social influence KS Fab, okay, now I would love everyone to do the same for Greta Thunberg. Okay, Jaz, what did you immediately think of for Greta? Jaz I put that, it's very, not really very much, but, for the younger generation, not that David Attenborough is not KS Yeah. Jaz I don't want to be comparing the two but that to that. But I'm just trying to say that maybe more relatable, people can relate more to culture that's our age than KS That's really interesting. Yeah. That's great. John Jaz and KS Sorry Jaz Sorry, I've put that she is very mature for her age. She's just so young and most teenagers are just KS

a bit funny Jaz Yeah KS Yeah Jaz and obviously the environment and being a woman KS Cool. Okay. John what did you put? John So I've got outspoken, inspiring, intense, desperation and brave. KS Can you say them again, that one goes quick? John All right don't worry, so I've got outspoken, inspiring, intense, desperation, and brave. KS Okay, yeah, that's great. Annabel what do you have? Annabel I've got inspiring, powerful, hard working, and then I was going to put frustrating but in the manner of that she is so young, but often people like overlook her or like belittle her because of her age, I couldn't think of an appropriate word that kind of like, KS yeah, no, that's fine. I know what you mean. Nikita, what did you have for Greta? Nikita I put inspirational, fighter, challenge, environmentalist KS Challenge. Okay, that's really interesting, right? Thank you. So obviously just kind of the point of that is from my point of view, they both kind of have the same message. They have the same goal. But they are two different ends of the spectrum. One's an old man and one's a young girl. So they kind of are coming from, and obviously we know who gets more controversy, and that's obvious. You know, she's young and she's female. So we see a lot more controversy there. Do you guys have any, this wasn't actually on my thing, but do you have any thoughts on why you think Greta gets more controversial opinions thrown at her than David? If anyone's got any ideas just go like that, great, Annabel? Annabel

I feel like it is, a lot of it is just to do with her age, people like just assume she doesn't know anything. I think a lot of adults don't like being told what to do by like people of our age, and might find like people feel like, that has like a lot to do with it. KS Yeah, Annabel I don't want, I know, someone or that age to be like, kind of don't want to have that kind of like power ,maybe. KS Yes. No, I think that makes complete sense. I think there's a big connection between that I've just seen that, yes, and I've just seen that, that Jaz has just gone, I'm not sure what has happened there but I'm going to end the meeting anyway and start a new one now because I just don't like it when it just goes off randomly. So I'm literally just stay there and I will send you all the link. Would you rather I emailed it to everyone, is that easier? Right Okay, I will, I will email it. Fabulous. Okay. Right two seconds Jaz I'm trying to redo it. It's okay, I've just ended that meeting. I'm gonna start a new one. It's a bit weird. I wonder if the internet has gone. Oh, you just left the call. Yeah, you're, you just disappeared from the members? Also, yeah. Yeah Jaz I sent us a link of the advert I think Annabel was talking about KS Oh, cool. Thank you. Oh, that was great. That's okay. Honestly, I always just talk over people and then in the transcript, I just hate myself but I just, I can't help myself. That's when you Jaz Sorry, did I missed anything when it went KS No, what was I saying? Oh, I just asked Annabel like why do you think that, why do you think that she kind of gets more criticism than David Attenborough? Jaz Yeah KS and she just said mainly her age because a lot of people in power don't really like being told what to do and that that was it but I'm gonna have to move along here, within this focus group, not stuff in general. Nikita just entered herself, okay, queen, right so think everyone is back now I'm going to start recording, this meeting is being recorded KS

Okay, so I think that's a really good you know idea that Annabel has about, kind of Greta being younger and older people not liking maybe having that kind of narrative put on them when they feel like maybe they know a bit more, potentially we see that. So the next kind of thing links, so would everyone just be able to, oh John I remember you had your hand up did you have something to add to what Annabel said KS Or not, John? I think he may be on mute, himself, okay, he's just typing to me, he must be having some issues with the audio, I think you're off mute now, maybe let me just ask him can you hear me, just wondering if he can hear me or if it's just that we can't hear him, that's strange he's just re entered the meeting room and now we've got two, what, okay, right I'm just gonna carry on could you guys write down what words come to mind when I say older generation? John Hello KS Hello, we're doing older generation, oh no John Sorry my laptop didn't

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