KS Yeah Jaz Is it called Pandora? Is that what it is called? KS I can't remember I think it was called adventure something, because me and Jaz were talking because we've both been to Disney World Florida and we were talking about this ride, you, you explain it Jaz and explain how it Jaz Basically you ride on the back of a banshee, think it's a banshee basically an avatar, you go on this banshee, which is like basically like getting on a motorbike and then they have this massive big screen and you KS literally you feel like you are in there Jaz Yeah, you're there and then like the seat will move when you go down and then water will go in your face and you're like a waterfall. So it's quite, it's basically a 4D experience, and then the Banshee like breathes underneath you. So it's like you're on it's just so clever. And you would think because obviously there's rows of people, you think you'd see other people but you're completely KS Can't see anybody Jaz You are so in it. KS Yeah. How did it make you feel? And was it your favourite ride? Jaz Yeah its my favorite ride KS It was Jaz Yeah and it just makes you forget about basically everything. Like you're just so there. KS Yeah. Jaz
I wasn't thinking about oh my god, I've got an exam next week. KS Yeah, you feel like transported Jaz It just like blocks everything. Whereas normally it's not that easy. KS To forget Jaz It's not that easy because you're always thinking about it, even like if you're sleeping you still have to inflate things you're worried about. But that just completely transportative KS Transports you. Yeah, cool. Annabel what did you, have you ever been to anything? Whatever you can think of that sort of similar? Obviously, Avatar is of its own sort of thing. But yeah. Annabel Yeah, nothing quite similar to Avatar specifically. But like in general, I had one thing that I popped into my head ,was quite a few years ago now it's like 2017 I think it was, I remember going to like an exhibition about David Bowie, much no, it was initially like made by the Victoria & Albert Museum, but I didn't see it there, but like, I just remember it being really like kind of immersive like it's a lot of senses arr I was going to say sensual but I feel like that's not the word KS sensory Annabel Yeah, there was like lots of like, kind of like loud, like, kind of like music and It had loads of like bright lights like really like kind of like I know like lots of like impressive like visuals. I do. I remember like at one point sitting in a really big room just sort of on these beanbags on the floor and like listening to the sight blaring music and then like watching like these like kind of like lights like a light display basically KS Yeah Annabel I do just remember feeling like, like we're not like really like kind of like so like impressed and I was like KS Was it, was it called David Bowie is?
Annabel I think so. Yeah, I think it was, I can't remember really what it was called, so many years ago, but yeah, I feel like, It also made me feel like quite upset just because like David Bowie like died like not that long before KS Yes Annabel and it was like, so it seemed like so beautiful, and like the music was so like so fantastic. I felt like it was like really a eye opening experience. KS Okay, yeah, that's lovely. I think that it kind of helps like bring things to life doesn't it and stuff like around you. So that would be quite emotional. Nikita have you've got anything Nikita Yeah, it was quite a while ago now but me an my parents and brother went to this theme park it was sort of like futuristic in a way I can't really remember that well but I know I sort of cried it was like in a big cinema we were in like big chairs for the experience like moving and speakers I think like right next to you basically it was futuristic and like interesting to see how like it brought you out your own bubble almost KS Did you enjoy it? Nikita I think so. I was quite young so It was like all the moving chairs, I think it was like shots of air or something at you, I can't really remember but that sort of thing, it is interesting KS Yeah. Great. Thank you, and John, do you have anything? John So, I have two things. The first one is probably like a bit more relevant but it's not as good. So I remember at the Tate Modern, and I've been probably like two or three times, they often have like, little videos and stuff that accompany the exhibitions. KS Yeah John and even even though it's just like one extra sort of, like, sense that's being involved, which is like audio, I suppose, is still helps make it a lot more interactive KS Interactive
John I guess, gives you a bit of like, background information to the art itself. KS Yes. Definitely John So yeah KS Okay, that's lovely John The other thing was, which I was gonna mention is, doesn't, it's not really as good as, I remember watching I think, I think they used to call it 4D and it didn't really catch on but I remember watching a film when I was like, 10, I think it was spy kids, and they like have really interacted with the seats and stuff like KS Yeah they do still do that because I saw the last Star Wars in 4D John Oh yeah ok KS and did you enjoy John It was very like interactive and quite engaging KS Okay, so that kind of relates to my next kind of question, which was to do with feeling emotion, and I'm basically trying to work out what really makes people feel emotion if I can find any like links to this. So I'm wondering can anyone remember what the last film they cried at was? It can be happy film, sad film, stressful film, anything. I just would like to know. What was the last film you cried at? And if you remember it, just say it, shout it out John Oh are we not going in turns? KS No you can just say it, just say it John Oh, okay. I mean, virtually every single film I've seen, but the last one I watched is Thor love and thunder, wait, no, that's not even out yet its Thor the dark world which is the second one
KS Okay, and what made you cry about it? John I think,I think it was over Lowki, he, he faked his own death, and I thought it was real because I forgot how the film goes KS Okay, so is there anything in particular, what do you think made you kind of feel that emotion? Is it the acting? Was it the scene? Is it the characters? John Yeah, I think I think it's probably like a combination of all of the above. So I think the acting and like, the facial expressions were like, very, like convincing and very like engaging, and obviously, the the music in the background was like, very sad, I think it was like, obviously, like a violin or something like that KS Yeah John and I think probably like the whole composition as well, like it had sort of like, his face in the middle of the screen and stuff. So yeah. KS Okay. And I'll go in order, actually, Jaz did you have anything? Jaz Did you just say films or TV as well? KS It can be anything. Really? It doesn't matter? Jaz I think it was either is it me before you is that what its called? KS Yeah Jaz that one or squid games KS Okay, can you explain why you think you cried at each one? Because I understand that some people are just criers, like that's just kind of their natural reaction. But I'm trying to kind of sort of pinpoint the part in which it takes you from feeling sad to then crying because for me that represents the crossover between sympathy and empathy almost. Because when you're crying It's because you're really feeling it not just experiencing it, If that makes sense.
Jaz Yeah,Squid games was basically because they were being so kind. One girl, sorry, spoilers, but one girl was basically like, oh, I don't, I don't really have any family so it makes sense for you to be able to go back and see your family and I'll just sacrifice myself particularly. They've just been so kind, and there was a similar situation with an old man as well, just been really kind. Me Before You, I think it was actually after he died, and when she was reading the letter, KS Yes, yeah Jaz I think it was that other one. I can't remember what he was saying in the letter. KS But yeah, Jaz he was saying like the passion wasn't there, how again how kind he is being wanting her to go and do all the things that KS they would have done together, but he still wants to live her life. Lovely. Okay, Annabel did you have anything that you've, I mean, I know that you're not really a crier at all Annable I have to say I actually can't remember the last time I cried at a film or a TV programme, but I was gonna say squid game as well, just because I didn't actually cry but I was very close to kind of like crying. KS Yes Annabel I think, wait what was it, it was when wait this probably like no spoilers, KS Yeah no that's fine don't worry, I won't be watching Annabel Yeah I can't imagine it being your thing, It's not very nice. But it was when like this old man like kind of like, like pees himself basically KS OK Annabel
And this guy helps him up, I thought I really liked that. KS Yeah Annabel and I know, I feel like when the old man's like, beginning to likeI kind of Iike forget things as well. I think I only really like cry in films, personally, when I can't see things coming. If I see something coming or like anticipate it, or anticipate a sad scene like, for like, I'm like, generally fine, because I've got that preparation. But if it's something like out of the blue thats really sad that's when it gets to me KS Right, that's interesting. Nikita did you have anything? Nikita Yeah, I have definitely cried at some films, one was a dog's purpose when he goes back to his owner at the end. Obviously, it's already a very emotional film throughout the whole thing. Its very sad, but I think obviously having dogs myself I could relate to it a little bit KS Yes, that Nikita it made me cry even more I think, that I've got my own dog KS I just kind of feel like I spotted a little connection between the last three, which like our voice is because, you know, interesting, I kind of feel like you've been emotional when you've actually seen someone else show empathy. So, you know, you both kind of described in the squid games somebody helping someone else as initiating emotion within you, and dogs are known to be the most empathetic animal, aren't they because they really, really easily tap into emotion, they can smell emotion, they can feel it. So your kind of own empathy is triggered by other people's empathy. And also, I really like that whole point about the suddenness of it, when you don't have the preparation to prepare. I think that's also quite important. So yeah, that's interesting. Thank you. I know that we're like, insanely overrun. But I was just gonna say they're all just kind of the same question, but it's what's your favourite TV series and why? Has any particular piece of art ever moved you and why? Has a book ever moved you and why? It's kind of just thinking about, you know, things that have made you, things that have stood out to you that have kind of, you know, that you've experienced, obviously reading or experiencing it for pleasure, you don't want to like think about just work or whatever, obviously, that's gonna make you cry for different reasons. But like, what, what has made you kind of be moved in that way where you feel so emotionally connected to that thing, whether it's art, book, TV, film, I just thought the film was kind of interesting because it transitioned from, I can't remember how it transitioned from, oh, talking about 4D experiences and 4D cinemas. But if you only have like one of those things, that's fine. Or if you have one for like, every single one then however much you have to say. Then
that's okay. I'll maybe just give everyone like a couple of minutes, think about that one because I'm going to try and think about it as well actually. KS Yeah, so got film, theatre production, TV series, art, and then a book. Okay Jaz have you got anything that's springing into your brain? Jaz Yeah, when you first said it, TV series was love on the spectrum KS Oh, yes. Jaz And, book was Wonder KS Okay, what is, I know, about love on the spectrum, is like, It's like a dating programme, isn't it, It's about autistic people and their experience finding love. And then what is the Book about? And why do you think that made you feel emotion so strongly? Jaz Wonder is about a little boy and I think I think it starts when he's starting school, and it focuses on the family, and basically he's got a facial deformity, so it's just about the whole experience of that and I think probably because I can kind of relate to that KS Yeah, Yeah, that makes sense. So there's that element of like, feeling like, it's applied to a feelings that you felt before and you see it represented in that. That's nice. Annabel, did you have anything? Annabel Yeah, I've been trying to rack my brain. So I do remember one book I read last year I think it was, I think it was like really particularly like moving. I just can't remember for the life of me what it was. TV programme, I feel like bake off for me, It's something like, comforting about it. I like the people in it are so sort of like normal and everyone so helpful and lovely it's just like I don't know like a comfort blanket or something like that? I would say? KS Yeah Annabel Oh, apart from that I'm struggling to think of things sorry KS That's ok, don't worry. John, did you have any, anything that sprung to your mind? John
Yes. So in terms of like a television series, I had sex education, and I was just, I think, this most recent season, which some people didn't really like. I'm sorry, if there's any spoilers, I'll try not to spoil anything. Just the most I think like the last sort of two or three episodes, there was like a lot of compassion and empathy, and they explored a lot of very complicated, like social issues, especially with the LGBTQ plus community, which I thought was very, sort of important and inspiring, and yeah, I mean, because emotional, definitely. KS Yeah John Then also a book called Giovanni's Room, which in a nutshell, it's just about like a closeted gay man, and about how his, his, I guess, like secret partner gets killed. KS Oh that's horrible John So yeah, yes. KS So what, was it written in a particular way? Like, what kind of tone of voice was it written in? like, what do you think about that? Because you could probably read, you've probably read books before where people have died, but you haven't felt that strength of emotion before? So what do you think about that made it different? John So, in general, I think the tone was very, like, conflicted, because I think like, the main sort of conflict of the story is him sort of reconciling his own identity, because he's actually, he's actually engaged at the time, so he's engaged to a woman whilst sort of exploring his sexuality with this other man who he is clearly in love with. He just doesn't want to accept it because of I suppose like social norms and that kind of stuff, and as he can think about his dad back home, and how disappointed he would be, and I can't remember exactly the reason why it's, so Giovanni's the other man, I suppose, and the reason why he gets killed is directly as a consequence of the main character's actions. So I think it makes even more sort of emotional, and I suppose the fact that he struggles to accept his real identity as the reason why, you know, his partner gets killed, so yeah KS Yeah, that makes complete sense. That they're all really good answers. So thank you so much for that. I had three other questions, but I'm going to put them to you guys in like texts and like Nikita as well so that you can think about them a little bit more just because they are actually a bit more thinky. I'll read them out to you. Why do you believe that it is Gen Z, who appears to have started the resurgence of compassion and empathy that we saw popularised in the 70s? So it's kind of like why now like, why do you feel this is happening within because even like sex education being so popular is another result of that trend because it is a very emotion driven production and focused on addressing issues which affect other people, which in turn is very empathetic. And then the other one was about what
type of Instagram posts do you feel engage you, or engaged you and kind of, so why do you think that is? If you have any idea why, and then this is quite a general one, maybe I'll do this one now actually, because I think this would be a good thing to talk about together. Do you think that we need leaders? And do you think we need role models? So I asked you all obviously to think about someone that you view as, like a role model. So I'm sort of looking into whether people, whether we, whether we need them to motivate us to do better and whether they help causes or whether they set kind of, you know, an unrealistic expectation or whether they kind of make me think about the right way to word this, whether they wherever the kind of sensationalization of them, I can't say that sens okay, literally can't say that word, then how do you say that sen, you know, when you like, say sensationalise some things when you're sort of like, you know, putting it on a pedestal, if that kind of puts those actions and makes them feel like they're abnormal, when maybe these actions should be more to be seen more readily. So if you think, well, my role, my role model discusses these things quite a lot, or has brought this into society. If people are praising that and saying, oh, wow, look how amazing that is. Does that kind of alienate them from other groups of people and make it seem like, you know, for example, Marcus Rashford, being a famous footballer, in amongst lots of footballers, who, let's be honest, don't really do that much with pretty big paychecks. Whereas I'm not criticising footballers, because there's so many jobs who receive a lot of money, and they don't get as much stick. So it's a thing everywhere, but he's kind of standing out at the moment and getting loads of good press, because of the way that he chooses to express his kind of political opinions. He puts them out very publicly. But I was kind of questioning if that may be. If putting him on a pedestal makes those actions seem abnormal, and when in reality, these actions should be much more normalised. and should we should be seeing them more often. So I was just wondering, what your guys's opinions are on that, and I wouldn't, I don't want to say discuss it amongst yourself, because that's a hard thing to do, but if anyone's got a got an opinion, and someone else wants to be like, oh, yeah, I think that was well, then, then yeah, who would like to start Jaz I've got one idea KS Yeah that's fine Jaz I think I agree It should be normalised and everybody should be maybe doing a bit more than they are, obviously can't say that for everybody. But unfortunately, that's not the case at the minute, so we do need people to bring awareness to all the different problems in the world. Obviously, in an ideal world, everybody would be but that's not happening KS So yeah. I'm just gonna zip my mouth for this John Yes, I absolutely agree. I do think it would be great if we could get to a point where we didn't have to, you know, sensationalise the good things that people do. But I think it's obviously better celebrating, you know, good things that people are doing, I guess as opposed to like constantly critiquing people for doing the wrong thing. That make sense
KS Yeah. Annabel Yeah, I'd agree with that as well. like, no, it does seem like, like, these people do provide like beacons of hope that is like good in like humanity as well, particularly when like the news as well can be so like, dark a lot of the time, like, is nice hearing about these, like normal forms and like what they are doing. I was thinking, like, one issue with so much publicity around these role models, and that positive actions is that in a way, it kind of can subvert the intentions around the actions in the first place, I think kind of like turns away from it being out of genuine kindness and empathy, and maybe like, you know, brings that down, like, oh, could they be doing it now for that publicity for that social credit and value that you get from becoming like a role model through these actions? I think it was a very complicated issue, but I think in general, in our current society, they are more beneficial. KS Yeah. How do you guys think that you can distinguish between something that feels real and something that feels fake when someone's talking about something or brand posts about something, how do you distinguish between something that feels authentic and something that feels a bit performative? Oh, It just chucked Jaz out, so don't worry. Annabel I feel like it's really hard to like kind of KS Yeah Annabel measure at the time. Like, I think when, like, adverts and things a lot of the time, they can just follow conventional tropes and images of like, kindness and like kind of things like that, like when they do do that, it just feel a bit inauthentic, like they are just following like a set pattern of what's accepted rather than it coming from like, you know, true, like, emotions inside. I think it is quite hard to gauge. KS Yeah, I definitely think it's true as well John Yeah, I think I think for me, like, personally, I think I try and measure it in like a few different ways, and like, first one is like a good sort of depth of knowledge, and I think it's very apparent when I think like a campaign or like a person is talking about an issue in a very surface level when it comes off as not very genuine, because it seems like people are trying to say the right thing without actually properly researching and understanding what they're talking about. Something if you can bring a level of depth to a discussion, I think that shows a lot of, just genuineness, and I think another one is, I'm not sure if this is maybe the right or wrong way to think about it, but I think having ulterior motives is often a good indicator that something isn't authentic, and I definitely associate authenticity with like a level of sacrifice.
KS Okay, can you explain more about sacrifice? John Yes, so I think, so for example, with charity work, a lot of people, I mean, obviously, they don't make any profits, and a lot of it goes back into the community and their allowance of volunteers, and I think it would be the same thing for say, like a brand or like an influencer, as if I think a lot of people would think the same way, but if you genuinely cared about an issue, you'd be willing to sacrifice some of your resources then actually try and make a difference, as opposed to say, profiting off the back of something or trying to sell a product. So yeah, KS Yeah cool I like that idea. Thank you. Jaz. I don't know if you heard the question I asked about how do you think that you distinguish between stuff that feels real and genuine and stuff that feels fake and performative? Quite big question, isn't it? Jaz I think if that person has an attachment to it, always makes it seem more personal, like Marcus Rushford, obviously he's experienced that before. Not that you can't help the things that you don't know anything about either, though. I don't mean that. I just mean, you can tell if somebody is genuine, if they've experienced that. KS Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. Great. Okay. Well, obviously, I apologise for it being like double the time that I initially thought it would be. It's gonna be interesting to transcribe. But I, I hope that you guys enjoyed it, it was really useful. I will have to send round some consent forms just for you guys to sign and take about 20 seconds to do. But yeah, I'd have to have those done otherwise, I can't use any of it, and then I will also send through just those other two questions that may be slightly more thinky, because I don't want to take up any more of anyone's time. So yeah, thanks so much for your help, and I hope that you will have nice evenings. Me and Jaz are going to watch strictly that's the only thing I can think we are going to do. But yeah. Okay. Thank you. Bye.