hei . rs within Logo and strokes characte must compliment one another, no matter at what x height size. If the logo is scaled down, take time to scale down the strokes to the appropriate size needed.
decorative elements are larger.
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ADC6BC 5575 U
C0B678 5845 U
pink colors must only be used ornamentally. do not use large areas of this color.
first letter of each word in Small Caps must be capitalized. color must be 5487 U, 70% tint
Body Copy Fontin, Regular
Secondary information Fontin, Italic
dashed line, 0.25 pt, 1pt dash
114 NM. Walnut St Kathleen Dunne Sweets Cupcakes Side notes Fontin, Regular
Price. No dollar sign. Just numbers. Fontin, Regular
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80 70 60 50
Industrial Designer Champaign, IL 61820 University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 217.355.5400 Kdunne14@gmail.com Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac dui non ligula feugiat faucibus vel quis metus. Vivamus semper metus a massa bibendum faucibus. In feugiat ullamcorper ultricies. Nam metus neque, hendrerit rutrum laoreet vitae, hendrerit at lorem. Aliquam
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Prosperity Gardens
Prosperity Gardens is a local non-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting healthy living among the community. On February 15th, 20 graphic designers and I from the University of Illinois, gathered to complete a series of designs within 48 hours. Our goal was to help accelerate Prosperity Garden’s growth as a non-profit organization. Within this short time frame, we created a brand identity for Prosperity Gardens through collateral, signage, public relations, transportation, and created a financial sustainability plan. Each student had the opportunity to move around in teams when necessary, this ensured that each student had input in the entire design process. Prosperity Gardens is located at: 302 North First St, Champaign IL, 61820
The logo in the upper left hand corner is the main logo that will be used at Prosperity Gardens. We created an icon system that can easily be used to represent other events that will be held at the non-profit organization such as cooking classes and educational health classes for children in the neighborhood.
Over the course of 48 hours, we created a printer friendly brochure that shares the story of Prosperity Gardens. We created a web layout design with an easy way to donate money to the organization.
A possibility to print a billboard on the side wall of the gardens is currently being worked on. T-Shirt designs for workers in the gardens have been created as well as a welcoming sign for the Gardens.
Shirt Design
I was heavily involved in the social media aspect and packaging of product for Prosperity Gardens. In order to raise awareness of the need of a truck to transport dirt and vegetables, we created a compelling picture and shared Prosperity Gardens story on Facebook. We also created a product that would become Prosperity Gardens “signature product�. This product is shown on the following page.
Pickup for Prosperity was started in hopes to raise awareness through social media in order to find Prosperity Gardens a much needed truck. The result of this campaign was a very willing person who is able to lend their truck to Prosperity Gardens whenever needed. This was a great success however a more permanent solution is still desired.
It was important to include Prosperity Gardens story as a non-profit organization on all of the packaging for the product. We created lunch bags to be sold on the college campus for students.
Prosperity Salsa’s main ingredient will be collard greens. Taste testing occurred and the top 3 salsas were chosen for mild, medium, and hot flavors.
Bella Remix Logo Design Bella Remix is a local boutique in Champaign, IL. Previously Bella Mia Boutique, the store underwent a major re-branding. This re-branding incorporated the selling of vintage furniture as well as designer label clothing. As a creative on Midnight Oil Advertising team, it was my responsibility to design a new logo for the store. As well as creating the new Logo for Bella Remix, the client chose my design for the mail out post cards for a private showing of the store as well as the grand re-opening of the store. Bella Remix is located at: 1422 S Neil St Champaign IL, 61820 (217) 352-2222
Logo being used on Bella Remix Facebook page
bella remix
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bella remix
bella remix
Logo Concepts
Final Logo Design
bella remix
Bella Remix Mail Out Post Cards
Cream and Flutter
Cream and Flutter is a local bakery in Champaign, IL. While working on Midnight Oil’s creative team, Cream and Flutter came to me with the request for a simple birthday card advertisement. Following Cream and Flutters brand language, I was able to create an advertisement that the client was extremely happy with. This advertisement is post card size and is currently being distributed at local Champaign companies. Cream and Flutter Bakery is located at: 114 N Walnut St Champaign, IL 61820
Pink box shows the area around the logo. Space must be given here. No other elements can come into given area.
Ornamental strokes should be kept in place at the bottom and top when entire name is written out. If not using the ornaments, do not place them elsewhere.
All varietes of logo must be shown on a light color field.
Notice that the weight of the strokes for the decorative elements are larger.
Logo and strokes must compliment one another, no matter at what size. If the logo is scaled down, take time to scale down the strokes to the appropriate size needed.
The space that should be given aroud the logo is relative to the x height of the characters within.
x height
Headings Fontin, small caps Sub Head Fontin, Bold center aligned, dotted
first letter of each word in Small Caps must be capitalized. color must be 5487 U, 70% tint dashed line, 0.25 pt, 1pt dash
Body Copy Fontin, Regular
Secondary information Fontin, Italic Side notes Fontin, Regular
Price. No dollar sign. Just numbers. Fontin, Regular
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac dui non ligula feugiat faucibus vel quis metus. Vivamus semper metus a massa bibendum faucibus. In feugiat ullamcorper ultricies. Nam metus neque, hendrerit rutrum laoreet vitae, hendrerit at lorem. Aliquam diam elit, hendrerit ac tempor in, tincidunt in quam. Integer placerat faucibus facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac dui non ligula
Treats Pantones Solid, Uncoated
100 90
607 U FDF8D6
5487 U 597B7C
80 70 60 9A8B7D warm gray 9U D5938A 7522 U
50 40 30 20 10
949B50 5767 U
ADC6BC 5575 U
C0B678 5845 U
pink colors must only be used ornamentally. do not use large areas of this color.
Cream and Flutter Advertisement Currently distributed at local Champaign Companies Pink box shows the area around the logo. Space must be given here. No other elements can come into given area.
Ornamental strokes should be kept in place at the bottom and top when entire name is written out. If not using the ornaments, do not place them elsewhere.
All varietes of logo must be shown on a light color field.
Notice that the weight of the strokes for the decorative elements are larger.
Logo and strokes must compliment one another, no matter at what size. If the logo is scaled down, take time to scale down the strokes to the appropriate size needed.
The space that should be given aroud the logo is relative to the x height of the characters within.
x height
LET’S CELEBRATE! Headings Fontin, small caps Sub Head Fontin, Bold center aligned, dotted
first letter of each word in Small Caps must be capitalized. color must be 5487 U, 70% tint dashed line, 0.25 pt, 1pt dash
Body Copy Fontin, Regular
Sweeten your next party with custom treats Sweets Cupcakes by Cream & Flutter! Secondary information Fontin, Italic Side notes Fontin, Regular
Price. No dollar sign. Just numbers. Fontin, Regular
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac dui non ligula feugiat faucibus vel quis metus. Vivamus semper metus a massa bibendum faucibus. In feugiat ullamcorper ultricies. Nam metus neque, hendrerit rutrum laoreet vitae, hendrerit at lorem. Aliquam diam elit, hendrerit ac tempor in, tincidunt in quam. Integer placerat faucibus facilisis.
Impress your guests with unqiue cakes, cupcakes, and more designedTreats just for you. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac dui non ligula
Pantones Solid, Uncoated
100 90
607 U FDF8D6
80 70 60 9A8B7D warm gray 9U D5938A 7522 U
50 40 30 20 10
949B50 5767 U
ADC6BC 5575 U
C0B678 5845 U
Pink box shows the area around the logo. Space must be given here. No other elements can come into given area.
Ornamental strokes should be kept in place at the bottom and top when entire name is written out. If not using the ornaments, do not place them elsewhere.
5487 U 597B7C
All varietes of logo must be shown on a light color field.
Notice that the weight of the strokes for the decorative elements are larger.
pink colors must only be used ornamentally. do not use large areas of this color.
Logo and strokes must compliment one another, no matter at what size. If the logo is scaled down, take time to scale down the strokes to the appropriate size needed.
The space that should be given aroud the logo is relative to the x height of the characters within.
Front of Advertisement
x height
Call us or visit our Champaign location for more Headings Fontin, small caps information and to get started on your custom design! first letter of each word in Small Caps must be capitalized. color must be 5487 U, 70% tint
Sub Head Fontin, Bold center aligned, dotted
dashed line, 0.25 pt, 1pt dash
Body Copy Fontin, Regular
Secondary information Fontin, Italic
114 N Walnut St Sweets Champaign, IL 61820 217.355.5400
Side notes Fontin, Regular
Price. No dollar sign. Just numbers. Fontin, Regular
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac dui non ligula feugiat faucibus vel quis metus. Vivamus semper metus a massa bibendum faucibus. In feugiat ullamcorper ultricies. Nam metus neque, hendrerit rutrum laoreet vitae, hendrerit at lorem. Aliquam diam elit, hendrerit ac tempor in, tincidunt in quam. Integer placerat faucibus facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac dui non ligula
Treats Pantones Solid, Uncoated
100 90
607 U FDF8D6
5487 U 597B7C
80 70 60 9A8B7D warm gray 9U D5938A 7522 U
50 40 30 20 10
949B50 5767 U
ADC6BC 5575 U
C0B678 5845 U
pink colors must only be used ornamentally. do not use large areas of this color.
cakes | cupcakes | sweets | gifts & favors | stand rental | custom design
Back of Advertisement
This tea mug has a built in infuser which allows the user to re-steep tea as many times as desired during the day. The tea leaves can be left in the mug and the steeping can be turned off until the user wants to add hot water.
Tea Mug
Three Step Process
Tea Storage
Easy to grip
Air tight rubber band keeps tea fresh
Mug can be used separately
The Hue is a chair designed for the Battery Conservancy in Manhattan, New York. This chair design was a collaborative work between Kathleen M. Dunne, Ji In Sun, and In So.
Park Survey (60 participants)
Create an iconic movable outdoor seat for Battery Park. Battery park is a 25-acre park located at the tip of Manhattan.
Most participants said they:
The seat must be suitable for a range of activities, be able to accommodate people of different sizes and abilities as well as be stackable for storage purposes.
Found park benches to be uncomfortable. Would be bothered when sitting next to a smoker. Have not left a park because there were no seats available. Tend to sit at a bench to relax for a period of time. Would not be bothered when sitting next to others on a bench.
Product Features QR Code
Each of the individual chair panels are connected by clear led rods. At night these led lights illuminate the chair in the park.
Solar Panel
LED Light
The image to the right shows the details of the Hue chair as well as how the chairs will be placed in Battery Park.
Chair Human Behavior
Plastic Injection Molding
Polyurethane is a unique material that offers the elasticity of rubber combined with toughness and durability
The primary process for manufacturing plastic parts:
+ superior impact resistance + abrasion resistant + oil and solvent resistant + weather resistant + excellent electrical insulating properties + heat and cold resistant + extremely high flex-life and can be expected to outlast other elastomer materials
http://www.engineersedge.com/injection_molding.htm http://www.emachineshop.com/machine-shop/Aluminum/page53.html http://www.chemicool.com/elements/silicon.html http://www.boedeker.com/polyc_p.htm
+ taking plastic in the form of pellets or granules and heating plastic until a melt is obtained + the melt is forced into a split-die chamber/mold where it is allowed to “cool� into the desired shape + mold is opened and the part is ejected + producing parts from both thermoplastic + the ability to soften and flow upon heating + facilitates recycling post consumer waste, reject parts and the melt delivery systems
http://www.sdplastics.com/polyuret.html http://polyurethane.americanchemistry.com/Sustainability/Recycling http://www.polyurethanes.info/polyurethanes_recycling.html
Brush 120 is a toothbrush holder designed for children ages 5-13. This toothbrush holder design is a collaborative work between Kathleen M. Dunne, Sam Ham, and Kaleb Walker.
The Brush 120 Goal
The Facts
Brush 120 is a toothbrush holder designed to entertain children for a full two minutes while brushing their teeth.
Brushing should last at least TWO minutes. THREE minutes is even better!
Each band on the Brush 120 toothbrush holder lights up in a programed sequence. Once the child takes the toothbrush out of the holder, they simply press the button and watch the light show as they brush. As time winds down, the sequence of lights becomes faster and finally flashes on and off when the full two minutes is up.
“44% of children brush their teeth twice a day or more.� -Michael Sesemann, DDS President of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and an Omaha dentist
Gingivitis occurs in an alarming 50% of all children.
Brush 120 holds a single toothbrush. This helps prevent the spread of germs because each toothbrush will require a separate holder.
Power Button
Two AA batteries required
Manufacturing Process
Rings: Lexan 2 Part Injection Mold and Ultrasonic Weld
Bottom: Rubber Molded or Over Mold
Base: ABS or Nylon Injection Mold
Color Study
Brush 120 comes in a variety of different colors for whatever your child preference is.
Painting Work
Hi, I’m Katie. I am a recent graduate of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign by way of Mother McAuley High School on the south side of Chicago. I graduated as a James Scholar Honors recipient in the field of Industrial Design with a background in Graphic Design and Advertising. This past year I had the opportunity to design the Logo for a local clothing and furniture boutique, Bella Remix, in Champaign, IL. I also worked closely with a nonprofit organization, Prosperity Gardens, contributing to the development of their brand identity. This brand identity involved collateral, signage, public relations, transportation, and giving them a financial sustainability plan. I currently work part time for Carriage Greens Country Club as an associate pro-shop manager. In this position I am responsible for everyday business activities while ensuring the satisfaction of day-to-day customers.
Thank You.