OLD IRVING PARK NEWS | Volume 34 s Issue 2 s March 2020

Page 8


Summarized Minutes of the General Meeting on February 10, 2020 – Bart Goldberg, Secretary


he “This Whole Meeting is Out of Order!” Meeting: To paraphrase the great Al Pacino in “And Justice For All,” while our meeting was highly informative and entertaining, he would not have been wrong to scream “You’re out of order! You’re out of Order! This whole meeting is out of order.” Since I like to think that I do more than simply report the facts, I feel an obligation to analyze the root causes behind the chaos. As a result, I submit the following multiple choice question: Question: Why did our normally well-choreographed meeting veer from course as if it had no rudder, as if there was no such thing as a beginning, middle, and an end? Possible Answers: (A) Because President Chan was able to attend only for the first 30 minutes due to other pressing requirements, leaving former President Lynn Ankney to try and control the throngs in her stead; (B) Because the nice people from Meta Wine brought along some of their libations to share and the room may have been a little buzzed; (C ) Because we were simply out of practice after going a couple of months without a meeting due to the holidays; (D) Because we had many special guests drop in (see below) and their schedules had to be accommodated; (E) All of the above.

Attendance, and Commencement of Meeting: In front of approximately 60 OIP’ers, President Chan called the meeting to order at 7:36 PM. This was impressively prompt as people were still milling around enjoying the liquid refreshment that Meta Wine had brought along. I heard a couple of regulars discuss whether or not it was good manners to grab a second glass before settling down, and then deciding that it was. Normally, our President would have greeted newcomers and discussed recent developments at this time, but due to the presence of both of our Aldermen (and knowing that each needed to get to other engagements) she yielded the floor to them. Alderman Samantha Nugent (39th Ward): Alderman Nugent came by to share some very exciting news with us, namely that she had succeeded in gaining approval and funding for some gorgeous new permanent metal signs for our community. She had informed us a few months ago that there might be a way to obtain funding if all parties acted quickly to move on this project to obtain the signs, and since that time she had been working with CDOT, and PEBA (the Pulaksi Elston Business Association) and OIPA to do so. She announced at the meeting that she had approval for ten of these rather pricey signs that will be placed on light poles (probably five on each side of the street between Kildare and Kostner). We were involved in their design, and they will be purple with six arch-shaped cut-outs and they will say “Old Irving Park.” They should really provide some gravitas and landmarking for “downtown” Old Irving Park. We know that Alderman Nugent really fought for this, and we are very appreciative.

Ding, ding, ding if you answered “E”. 6 | March 2020

Old Irving Park Association

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