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2013 AnnuAl RepoRt
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\Photo by Jessica Kirste
new Jersey Conservation Foundation
new Jersey Conservation Foundation is a private, nonprofit organization whose mission is to preserve land and natural resources throughout new Jersey for the benefit of all. | through acquisition and stewardship, we protect strategic lands from the highlands to the Pine barrens to the Delaware bayshore. We promote strong land conservation policies at the local, state and federal levels, forge partnerships to achieve conservation goals, and provide support and technical assistance to partner groups. since 1960, we have helped protect more than 125,000 acres of natural areas, farms, parks and water resources.
about the CoveR
Protecting the magnificent hudson River Palisades vista in bergen County was a major priority in 2013. this photo shows the dramatic view from the air, similar to what our policy manager eileen swan saw on her first day in america. see stoRy anD moRe Photos beginning on Page 4.
on this Page
a fox kit peers out from the underbrush at the great swamp national Wildlife Refuge, where new Jersey Conservation Foundation got its start in 1960. the red fox is common in new Jersey, but whether they are native is a subject of debate.
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FRom ouR
2013 tRustees L. Keith Reed pResiDent
Wendy mager
FiRst viCe pResiDent
Catherine bacon Winslow seConD viCe pResiDent
thomas b. harvey tReAsuReR
Robert W. Kent seCRetARy
saving landmarks is nothing new for new Jersey Conservation Foundation! Decades ago, we helped preserve the land surrounding the east point lighthouse on the Delaware Bay in maurice River township, Cumberland County.
“here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.” – theoDoRe Roosevelt
new Jersey Conservation Foundation is in the business of perpetuity. We believe that preserved land is forever.
But perpetuity means constant vigilance. in 2013, we helped lead the fight to ensure permanent preservation for many threatened places.
most prominent is the hudson River palisades, pictured on the cover. this national landmark was thought to be protected, but events of the last few years have shown otherwise. new Jersey’s pine Barrens and highlands are also protected under the law, but they still need defending from challenges and weakening proposals. With your support, we have mobilized numerous partners against critical threats in new Jersey. Read more about the palisades on pages 4-6.
in 2013, we also helped preserve nearly 1,700 acres, including family farms, natural areas, wildlife habitat and drinking water resources. please see pages 8 and 9 for a map and descriptions.
nearly 1,000 people joined us for events in 2013, including hikes and educational programs on preserved lands, a kayak tour of the Cooper River in Camden and the tour de open space bicycle tour in hunterdon County. Another milestone in 2013 was achieving accreditation … essentially the Good housekeeping seal of Approval for land trusts.
For all these accomplishments, we have you to thank. We are very grateful for your generosity, and will work hard to protect the best of new Jersey for future generations!
miChele s. ByeRs exeCutive DiReCtoR
l. Keith ReeD pResiDent
Kenneth h. Klipstein ii AssistAnt seCRetARy
Penelope ayers Cecilia birge Roger byrom bradley m. Campbell tim Carden theodore Chase, Jr. Jack R. Cimprich Rosina b. Dixon, m.D. Clem Fiori Peter J. Fontaine Lawrence Fox Chad goerner gordon a. millspaugh, Jr. maureen ogden virginia K. Pierson Kathryn Porter samantha Rothman John a. scully Louise Currey Wilson Robert J. Wolfe honoRaRy tRustees
hon. brendan t. byrne Catherine m. Cavanaugh hon. thomas h. Kean aDvisoRy CounCiL
edward F. babbott C. austin buck Christopher J. Daggett John D. hatch susan J. hullin blair macinnes thomas J. maher scott mcvay David F. moore mary W. moore ingrid W. Reed Jamie Kyte sapoch Leslie sauer tama matsuoka Wong eXeCutive DiReCtoR
michele s. byers
Printer to place FSC logo here as per client
For membership information, please visit our website at www.njconservation.org or call us at 1-888-LanDsave. our mailing address is 170 Longview Road, Far hills, nJ 07931.
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Photo by anthony taranto, courtesy of PiPCnJ
pRoteCtinG sAveD lAnD
Defending land from threats large and small is part of new Jersey Conservation Foundation’s mission. as one of new Jersey’s largest statewide conservation groups, we help make sure preserved lands stay that way. We monitor emerging threats, advocate for solutions, meet with legislators, testify at hearings, organize with partner groups, and engage citizens. When necessary, we take legal action. here are a few current examples:
an american Landmark threatened
the palisades have awed and inspired ever since explorer henry hudson anchored his ship beneath them in 1609. “When i first saw the palisades, i was stunned,” recalled eileen swan. on her first day in America in 1984, irish-born swan – who is now a new
Jersey Conservation Foundation policy manager – got a unique introduction to her new country. her American husband, Ken, rented a small plane to fly her over the lower hudson River. “i had seen hudson River school paintings in art history classes in ireland and i recognized the view. it was inspiring.” the majestic rocky cliffs were preserved a century ago when palisades interstate park was created to halt
quarrying. Because of the palisades’ unique geological formation and place in history, the national park service designated them as both a national historic landmark and national natural landmark. But this unspoiled natural panorama is in serious peril. the land immediately behind the park is not protected. For decades, towns north of the George Washington Bridge preserved the
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Former governors add Clout
in early 2013, the protect the palisades Coalition asked new Jersey Conservation executive Director michele Byers for assistance. she knew that larger and more powerful voices were needed, and reached out to our state’s environmental mentors, four former governors.
Photo by the star-Ledger, newark, n.J.
historic vista through zoning laws that capped building heights at a maximum of 35 feet, well below the park’s tree line. But, in 2012, englewood Cliffs broke with tradition and granted a variance to allow lG electronics to build a 143-foot office tower. the proposed tower – more than quadruple the height limit – would rise about 80 feet above the tree line.
Four former governors added their clout to protect the palisades: from left, Brendan Byrne, James Florio, thomas Kean and Christine todd Whitman.
of all the partners in the effort to preserve new Jersey’s land, none are more prominent than Brendan Byrne, thomas Kean, James Florio and Christine todd Whitman. the idea of harnessing the combined political clout of these ex-chief executives sprang from our longstanding relationships, formed during their years in public office. When we asked Governors Byrne, Kean, Florio and Whitman if they would team up on a letter to lG requesting a lower building, these two Democrats and two Republicans readily agreed.
in June 2013, they sent a letter to Bon-Joon Koo, Ceo of lG electronics, asking for a low-rise alternative to the proposed 143-foot tower. “We are concerned that this tower would not only interrupt the historic, natural vista enjoyed by millions, but would also set a precedent for greater building heights stretching northward along these iconic cliffs, eroding the unique American landmark of the palisades,” wrote the governors. “Given your generously sized 27-acre site, it is our hope that a beneficial resolution Continued on page 6
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2013 annual Report Continued from page 5
the Palisades don’t look much different today than they did a century ago, as seen in these circa 1910 postcards. images courtesy of the new City Library historical postcard collection.
can be reached through a low-rise design that fully accommodates the company’s needs for new office space while ensuring the integrity of the palisades ridgeline and park,” they added. “such a balanced approach would enable economic development at the same time as a critical natural asset is preserved for the future.”
Continuing efforts
our work to protect the palisades didn’t end with 2013. this spring, the new Jersey senate and Assembly introduced identical bills that would create a “protection Zone” with a height limit of 35 feet in the palisades towns of englewood Cliffs, tenafly and Alpine. We’re continuing to raise public awareness of the American landmark that would be lost to future generations if the lG office tower is built as planned.
Keeping our Public Lands safe
Another serious threat comes from “diversions,”which allow government agencies to “un-preserve” public lands and divert them to uses other than conservation. last year, ocean County sought to divert nearly four preserved acres to
build a new entrance road to ocean County College in toms River. these lands are part of an intact 500-acre pine Barrens freshwater swamp forest that was purchased with ocean County natural lands trust funds. We opposed this diversion because the land was preserved to protect a wetlands forest and its animals and plants. Fragmenting the forest by filling in and paving wetlands would irreparably harm this habitat, which is home to federally-endangered swamp pink lilies, threatened barred owls and numerous rare neotropical long-distance migratory birds. With partner groups save Barnegat Bay and the new Jersey sierra Club, we filed litigation challenging the state’s issuance of a permit allowing the college to build the road in wetlands. Although diversions require the lost land to be replaced, this is not good policy, as replacement lands rarely make up for lost natural resources. Diversions defeat the original purposes of preserving land in the first place, and they erode confidence in the state’s land preservation program.
Defending a highlands Forest
the state-owned Weldon Brook Wildlife management Area is a 1,552-acre forest in sussex County,
part of the sparta mountain greenway. in 2013, the nJ Department of environmental protection (Dep) Division of Fish and Wildlife proposed a forestry plan that required extensive tree harvesting and new logging roads, to create open habitat for goldenwing warblers. Concerned that the required tree harvesting would damage other rare species, new Jersey Conservation insisted that more scientific information was needed. As a result, a botanical survey of the property was initiated. the natural heritage program, another arm of the Dep, continued and expanded the survey. twenty species of rare new Jersey forest plants – including bluebead lily and least moonwort – were discovered at Weldon Brook, and the list is growing. the Division of Fish and Wildlife agreed to revise its forestry plan, moving the clear-cuts and new logging roads away from rare plant sites and sensitive wetlands. it is not yet known whether the logged area will attract the target warbler species and avoid unwanted negative impacts to the forest community, but this was a “win-win” in that natural heritage program botanists collected rare plant data and used it to improve a forestry proposal on state land.
Photo courtesy of nJoit, ogis
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poliCy hiGhliGhts
Policy team Priorities 2013 – Wins and Losses n
We and our partners in the new Jersey Keep it Green Coalition worked with the new Jersey legislature to garner support for a bill that would provide stable, long-term funding for land preservation. We were not successful; the proposals encountered resistance because of tough fiscal times, politics and competing priorities. effort continues with new proposals that look toward different revenue sources. As of now, the last funding from the 2009 Green Acres bond referendum has been spent and the Garden state preservation trust fund is depleted. urged the state Department of environmental protection (Dep) to redraw sewer service areas in the Delaware Bay watershed to omit land with sensitive environmental resources, as required by regulations. As a result, the Dep removed about 900 acres of wetlands and threatened and endangered species habitat in salem County from the proposed sewer service area. opposed provisions in the n.J. economic opportunity Act of 2013 that would incentivize development in rural and environmentally sensitive areas throughout new Jersey. the bill especially undermined regional planning and protection policies for the highlands planning Area, as well as inappropriately redefining and increasing “smart growth” areas in the pinelands Comprehensive
management plan and the state plan. Despite our efforts, the bill ultimately passed the legislature and was signed by the Governor. n
launched a pilot project in Byram township, sussex County, to help municipalities track conservation easements and ensure that local land preservation goals are met. Conservation easements are voluntary legal agreements restricting or extinguishing development rights on privately-owned land. Worked to protect a mature forest in Bull’s island state park, in the Delaware River. the state initially proposed to remove six acres of floodplain forest dominated by massive 200-year-old American sycamore trees, whose canopies provide breeding habitat for rare, migratory songbirds, including the cerulean warbler and the midwestern “sycamore warbler," a subspecies of the yellow-throated warbler. A greatly improved proposal by the state is presently on hold. Advocated for the federal Farm Bill, pressing for continued conservation funding and soil protections. the Farm Bill’s natural resource conservation programs have allowed new Jersey to preserve over 170 farms across the state. new Jersey Conservation alone has received nearly $30 million to
protect Garden state farmland. We play a special role in Farm Bill policy, working to ensure that federal funds protect soils by limiting the amount of structures that can be built on agricultural land. this helps protect prime agricultural soils from large scale greenhouse operations. n
Worked to preserve a critically important 1,500-acre tract in millville, Cumberland County, known as the holly Farm. the property adjoins the nature Conservancy’s 3,000 acre manumuskin preserve (which we played a lead role in saving), as well as other state lands. We and our partners litigated to overturn the Board of public utility’s (Bpu) approval of the sale of the property to a developer. in 2013, we successfully convinced the court to send the matter back to the Bpu for reconsideration because the state Department of environmental protection (Dep) had offered to buy the land. unfortunately, the Dep withdrew its offer, leaving the future of the holly Farm uncertain. successfully urged the Board of public utilities to deny large-scale solar projects on farmland and other open space. We argued that these installations are better suited for brownfields and previously developed sites. our testimony supports new Jersey’s energy master plan, which discourages the use of open lands for large solar energy projects.
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GAininG GRounD
new Jersey Conservation Foundation and its partners preserved nearly 1,700 acres throughout the state in 2013, from the highlands to the pine Barrens
to the Delaware Bay Watershed. We preserved productive farms that grow
fresh foods and help the Garden state’s agriculture industry to thrive; and
we preserved natural areas that safeguard our water supply, protect
habitat for wildlife, and provide scenic places for hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, kayaking, fishing, bird-watching and more!
Cumberland County aRnoLD FaRm
282 acres, greenwich and stow Creek townships
this scenic farm is located only a few miles from the Delaware Bay, among the gently rolling hills of the stow Creek Watershed. it includes highly productive agricultural fields, wetlands and nearly 100 acres of forest. the farm was preserved under the state Agriculture Development Committee's direct easement acquisition program, in which the state buys and extinguishes the development rights to the property. We assisted by contributing funds from our federal Farm and Ranch lands protection program grant. CRoss 2 FaRm
57 acres, hopewell township
the Cross 2 farm is part of the 507-acre Rabbit hill Farm, which was divided into nine properties for ease of preservation and dividing the estate among family members. Wheat, spelt, soybeans, potatoes and sod are grown on the farm, which is composed entirely of prime soils. the property was preserved using state farmland preservation funds and part of our federal Farm and Ranch lands protection program grant. DeWiLDe FaRms, 4 & 5
38 and 37 acres, hopewell and shiloh townships
two additional sections of the large, familyowned Rabbit hill Farm were protected through farmland easements. As with the Cross 2 farm, crops like wheat, soy, potatoes, spelt and sod are grown on the farms. in 2012, the first two sections of Rabbit hill, totaling 157 acres, were preserved.
hunterdon County ConLey FaRm
107 acres, Delaware township
this family farm near the historic hamlet of locktown raises sheep, honeybees and vegetables. in summer, honey and fresh produce can be purchased at a roadside stand. Because the farm contains 96 percent prime soils and drains to a pristine stream, preservation was a priority. We purchased the development rights on the land using state funds and our federal Farm and Ranch lands protection program grant.
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2013 annual Report hiLL & DaLe
14 acres, tewksbury township
in 2011 and 2012, we preserved 201 acres of the landmark hill & Dale Farm as an agricultural and nature preserve. the financing plan called for selling the small corner of the property with houses and two barns. We transferred the 14-acre parcel to new owners who are renovating a barn for their home. thomPson ReaLty Co.
94 acres, Delaware township
this property has it all – agricultural fields, woods, a quarter-mile of frontage along the plum Brook and an historic cemetery with grave markers dating back to the 1700s. it adds to a 1,000-acre “green belt” around the hamlet of sergeantsville; trails linking it to adjacent preserved lands are planned. We acquired it in partnership with the state Green Acres program, the new Jersey Water supply Authority, hunterdon County, Delaware township and the 1772 Foundation. toDD-Whitman
64.5 acres, tewksbury township
protected through a conservation easement since 1989, this property along the banks of the lamington River includes meadows, woods and a half-mile of river frontage. the property was donated to us and sold to a neighbor. Because of the easement, the land can be used for passive recreation and agriculture but may not be developed.
mercer County
hoPeWeLL vaLLey enteRPRises
67 acres, hopewell township
Anyone who has sampled hopewell valley vineyards’ wines – including pinot grigio, chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon and merlot – can savor the benefits of this permanently preserved farmland. We helped owners sergio and violetta neri preserve the property, which includes grape vineyards, field crops and surrounding woodlands. We purchased the development rights using state funds and our federal Farm and Ranch lands protection program grant. KLePPeR
5 acres, Princeton
this wooded property is a vital link in the network of greenways and trails that are being created in the environmentally sensitive princeton Ridge area. We partnered with princeton, mercer County and the Friends of princeton open space to preserve the parcel, which was once proposed for condominiums. Funds from princeton, mercer County, the state Green Acres program and the Borden Foundation were used to purchase the property.
ocean County DonaDio
1 acre, Lacey township
this donation of a small, undeveloped parcel expands our nearly 4,000-acre Candace mcKee Ashmun preserve at Forked River mountain. over the years, we have received many similar donations of small parcels.
salem County boyeR
9 acres, alloway township
We helped the former owner and the state Green Acres program preserve this property, which was added to the state’s 2,191-acre thundergut pond Wildlife management Area. the scenic property in the heart of the Burden hill Forest includes woods, wetlands, meadows, and a tributary of the Deep Run, which flows into the Alloway Creek. the property is home to a population of swamp pink lilies, an endangered species. huRFF-LiPPenCott
153 acres, Pilesgrove township
located on a plateau at the highest point in salem County, this sheep and chicken farm has been in the same family for 100 years. the family also leases land to a farmer who grows corn and other crops. We assisted pilesgrove township and salem County in preserving this land and contributed our federal Farm and Ranch lands protection program funds. gRanDvieW PRoPeRty
85 acres, Pilesgrove township
this property, adjacent to marlton Recreation park, was purchased by the township eight years ago for a proposed high school that was not built. We provided technical assistance to help the town permanently preserve it through a state Green Acres easement. the land is now part of the recreation park, which expanded from 65 to 150 acres and includes athletic fields, walking and running trails, playgrounds, picnic facilities and pavilions. stRang FaRm
94 acres, upper Pittsgrove township
in July 2013, we purchased an agricultural easement on the property, permanently extinguishing its development rights. the farm, a corn, grain and soybean operation, is 85 percent tillable and is comprised of 97 percent high-quality agricultural soils. Woodlands protect a Category 1 stream, the highest level of protection afforded to waterways in new Jersey. We purchased the development rights using our federal Farm and Ranch lands protection program grant.
thumLeRt FaRm
100 acres, upper Pittsgrove township
We helped the owners in the early stages of permanently preserving this farm. With our assistance, the owners sold the development rights on the property to the state Agriculture Development Committee. WiLLiams FaRm
29 acres, Pilesgrove township
We assisted pilesgrove township and salem County in preserving this parcel, where corn, soybeans and hay are grown. the land is 100 percent tillable and consists entirely of prime soils. We contributed part of our federal Farm and Ranch lands protection program grant toward purchasing the development rights.
somerset County
beLLemeaD PRoPeRty
46 acres and 119 acres, bedminster township
As Bedminster township’s open space consultant, we helped somerset County acquire 46 acres of wooded land adjacent to the Fiddler’s elbow Country Club. the county now owns this land, once eyed for commercial development on all four corners of an intersection just south of interstate 78. in addition, the development rights on 119 acres of golf club property were donated. Although Fiddler’s elbow still owns the land, uses are restricted to golf courses. LanWin/thomPson PRoPeRties
353 acres, hillsborough township
through our long relationship with land investor W. Bryce thompson, we were able to secure an option on this property in the beautiful sourland mountains. somerset County was interested in acquiring the land to add to its sourland mountain preserve, so we transferred our option to expand the preserve to 5,900 acres. the first 58 acres closed during the summer of 2013, and the remaining acres closed in December. We will manage the sourland mountain preserve in partnership with somerset County.
sussex County LansbeRgeR
10 acres, Wantage township
this property, received as a donation in 1999, was transferred to the u.s. Fish & Wildlife service in 2013. An important waterfowl habitat and migration area, it is now part of the Wallkill River national Wildlife Refuge. in 1992, we helped form the nucleus of the refuge through a land donation.
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2013 annual Report
Fall Colors at hill & Dale preserve
A walk to the top of the hill & Dale preserve in northern hunterdon County rewards
Photo by meredith Kimball
hikers with glorious views of the surrounding countryside, including preserved farmland.
And there’s still more to come! We’re planning to expand the preserve and open
new trails later this year.
our success depends on
our donors! thank you
to all who contributed
in 2013!
Foundation support $100,000 and above
CtW Foundation, inc. C the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation C F. m. Kirby Foundation C the William penn Foundation C victoria Foundation, inc. C
$50,000 – $99,999
the 1772 Foundation, inc. national Forest Foundation
$25,000 – $49,999
Arthur Kontos Foundation, inc. the Fund for new Jersey C
Johanette Wallerstein institute C J. seward Johnson, sr. 1963 Charitable trusts C the leavens Foundation, inc. mary Reinhart stackhouse Foundation
$10,000 – $24,000
American Conservation Association, inc. Bacon Winslow Family Foundation Bunbury Company, inc. C hyde and Watson Foundation helen & William mazer Foundation C pheasant hill Foundation C Rosemont Foundation stone Foundation of new Jersey the John tyler Foundation the Robert l. and Jane B. Wallace Foundation
$5,000 – $9,999
larry & Judy Cohen Foundation, inc. the edward t. Cone Foundation C Frelinghuysen Foundation C e.J. Grassmann trust the luckow Family Foundation, inc. the Curtis W. mcGraw Foundation margaret parker Fund of the Community Foundation of new Jersey miranda Fund of the Community Foundation of new Jersey union Foundation C
$2,500 – $4,999
the Charles e. and edna t. Brundage Foundation C Roxiticus Foundation the Winslow Foundation C
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2013 annual Report
$1,000 – $2,499
the howard Bayne Fund C the Gelfand Family Foundation, inc. sumner Gerard Foundation C the merrill G. & emita e. hastings Foundation the homestead Foundation, inc. the Kane Family Foundation the Koven Foundation C hella and scott mcvay Fund of the princeton Area Community Foundation Wilhelmina B. moyer-Ross Foundation Fund of the Delware Community Foundation losam Fund sussman Family Foundation the thomas & Agnes Carvel Foundation the thomas Fund of the princeton Area Community Foundation C James and virginia Welch Foundation C vogel/Kitze Family Fund of the Community Foundation of new Jersey
$500 – $999
Gordon and llura Gund Fund of the princeton Area Community Foundation Warters Family Fund of the Community Foundation of new Jersey
$250 – $499
Joseph s. holman Fund of the Community Foundation of new Jersey Rush holt & margaret lancefield Fund of the princeton Area Community Foundation the Richard R. howe Foundation the Kirk Kellogg Foundation the margetts Foundation mcAlpin Fund of the princeton Area Community Foundation pisani Family Fund of the Community Foundation of new Jersey George and martha vaughn Fund of the princeton Area Community Foundation
$100 – $249
ernest Christian Klipstein Foundation C Corbin Family Fund of the Community Foundation of new Jersey Cooper Family Fund of the Community Foundation of new Jersey William and nancy lifland Fund of the princeton Area Community Foundation
public Agency Funding partners in 2013
Corporate and organization support $50,000 – $99,999
Conservation Resources, inc.
$25,000 – $49,999
JpB3, llC
$10,000 – $24,999
the horizon Foundation for new Jersey merck & Co., inc. the nature Conservancy novartis pharmaceuticals Corporation open space institute pseG
$5,000 – $9,999
Rancocas Conservancy short hills Garden Club C tamke tree experts, inc. union County vocational technical school vargo Associates
$250 – $499
the Conservation Fund Cornerstone Financial Group D&R Greenway land trust inc. Deer lake Club, inc. C eisner Amper Accountants & Advisors Garden Club of princeton C Garden Club of somerset hills Great swamp Watershed Association hopewell valley Community Bank hunterdon land trust new Jersey highlands Coalition tom Rodriguez Associates tree-tech, inc.
$100 – $249
land trust Alliance nRG energy
$2,500 – $4,999
Burrs mill hunt Club Church & Dwight Co., inc. earthshare of new Jersey C Raritan headwaters Association
$1,000 – $2,499
Borden perlman insurance Coughlin Duffy llp Goldman sachs & Company hatch mott macDonald michael e. heenehan environmental Consultant monmouth Conservation Foundation peapack-Gladstone Bank River valley Realty llC trust For public land Whole earth Center
$500 – $999
Amy s. Greene/ environmental Consultants, inc. David Rago Auction, inc. norman J. Goldberg, inc. Dwight hiscano photographs hunterdon hiking Club James F. hurley insurance Agency Corp. Jm sorge, inc. mel Chemicals, inc. pinelands preservation Alliance
A. vassallo, inc. Barbertown sportsmens Club, inc. Brinkerhoff environmental services, inc. Central Bucks Bicycle Club Ronald A. Curini Appraisal Company, inc. Delson or sherman Architects pC Friends of princeton nursery lands Friends of the Rancocas Garden Club of Westfield John vena, inc. molinari Appraisers morris County park Commission new Jersey invasive species strike team nJ Keep it Green nJDA Division of plant industry Forest pest outreach old Bridge public library patagonia Footwear philadelphia produce Credit Bureau philadelphia Fresh Food terminal Corp. pinelands nursery pinto Brothers, inc. princeton Free Wheelers inc. procacci Brothers sales Corp. Rake & hoe Garden Club, inc., of Westfield, nJ Rumson Garden Club sourland Conservancy stony Brook Garden Club tewksbury land trust Wick & Brother, inc. Wiggin and Dana llp
Bedminster township
hunterdon County
Delaware township
natural Resources Conservation service
Cumberland County
hillsborough township
mercer County
new Jersey Green Acres program
matching gifts American Century investments Arch Reinsurance Company Bank of America matching Gifts BD matching Gift program Bristol-myers squibb Foundation, inc. CA technologies Chubb & son inc. Doris Duke Charitable Foundation matching Gifts program exelon nuclear exxonmobil Foundation Gap Foundation iBm Corporation matching Grants program Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies merck partnership for Giving nissan Gift matching program the William penn Foundation matching Gifts the pew Charitable trusts matching Gifts program pfizer Foundation pitney Bowes Charity Giving station prudential Foundation matching Gifts thermo Fisher scientific verisk Analytics matching Gifts program
individuals $100,000 and above
mr. and mrs. Joseph Z. Duke mr. and mrs. peter Kellogg C
$50,000 – $99,999
the hon. maureen ogden C
$25,000 – $49,999
penelope Ayers Catherine Bacon and paul Winslow emma Joy Dana C Gates and mary ellen hawn C l. Keith and lisa Reed C harry and Joannah Wilmerding
$10,000 – $24,000
Roger Byrom mrs. Catherine A. m. Cavanaugh C Dr. Rosina B. and mr. Richard Dixon
.new Jersey Water supply Authority salem County
somerset County
state Agriculture Development Committee
Donors for ten or more consecutive years
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2013 annual Report
A Family sheep Farm preserved
these sheep would undoubtedly
be delighted to know that the
hurff-lippencott farm in salem County
will stay farmland forever. this farm,
owned by the same family for the past
century, was one of many in the fertile
Delaware Bay region that were
Photo by Fran Rapa
permanently preserved in 2013.
mr. and mrs. Robert W. Kent C David and mary moore C Joan and Robert Rechnitz louise and Cliff Wilson
marian W. starrett C eric and patsi sumner Richard and laura szwak
$5,000 – $9,999
mr. and mrs. philip D. Allen mrs. millicent Anisfield Alix and scott Bacon Gordon and Janice Cameron lisa Caplan Ruth Charnes C Dr. theodore Chase and mrs. victory Chase C Dr. lloyd Davis and mrs. sally Davis John and Anne Duffy Randolph Floyd peter and Jennifer Fontaine mr. and mrs. Frederick Gardner C mr. Chad Goerner Richard R. Graber stephen C. Gruber susan and tod hullin peter W. Jewell C John l. Kemmerer, iii Dan and Gail Kopp pamela and Roland machold C thomas and Belle maher Alexandra A. manning Jill Kearney and stephen m. mcDonnell Jennifer and John mcGahren scott and hella mcvay Wilhelmina B. moyer Kurt munkacsi and nancy Jeffries mr. and mrs. e.W. nordberg John and maja parker
ms. eleanor s. Campbell Jack and Ronnie Cimprich C Clem and Joanna Fiori mrs. sara Jane Gordon C mr. and mrs. thomas B. harvey, Jr. C holly R. hegener and Jon Cummings C Robert and Barbara hillier mrs. Caroline p. huber C mrs. Beverley v. Jones mr. and mrs. Kenneth h. Klipstein, ii mr. and mrs. samuel W. lambert, iii C Joan and sandy millspaugh C margaret h. parker Kathryn A. and James m. porter C helen Reed Jacqueline strigl C Bob and Barbara Wolfe C
$2,500 – $4,999
ms. michele s. Byers C mrs. lillie R. DeBevoise C mr. and mrs. Richard W. herbst mr. Roger W. Jacobs C James and Gretchen Johnson mr. and mrs. John Karlin Wendy mager and eric monberg C nelson obus and eve Coulson mrs. millicent l. palmer C samantha Rothman and John hankin
$1,000 – $2,499
mr. and mrs. Robert D. pierson C mr. howard pronsky and mr. Joseph maurer John s. and leslie v. Reed Karen A. Richards C michael and Deirdre Rothpletz Dr. pamela Rothpletz puglia mr. and mrs. James A. schwarz C John and Josephine scully Jeffrey and mary louise shafer hunt and margaret stockwell C patricia stover Richard and laura szwak Chuck and Ravenna taylor mr. Robert J. vogel and ms. Carrie A. Kitze Kathleen Ward mr. John R. Weingart and Dr. Deborah spitalnik mr. michael J. White Clarissa and Alan Willemsen lee and Claire yeash
$500 – $999
linny and merrick G. Andlinger Dr. and mrs. edward F. Babbott C Dr. and mrs. hazen J. Baron C mr. and mrs. B. Richard Benioff mr. and mrs. peter p. Blanchard, iii John and Rosanne Bornholdt C Dr. Barbara Brummer and mr. thomas A. Brummer John and Jenifer nina Burghardt Dr. Benjamin Burton Bradley m. Campbell and Katherine hackl mr. tim Carden and ms. Amy Rosen Carolyn B. Coughlin
ms. sandra Cristofori Kenneth and marilyn Cummings C John and margo Dana mr. David earling and ms. maria R. nicolo Joanne elliott David J. epstein Chana R. Fitton and William A. timpson Dr. Richard h. Flyer and ms. Julie A. nathanson mr. Robert l. Foester Clare and larry Fox C mr. Charles h. Fraser, Jr. the hon. Rodney p. Frelinghuysen C mr. and mrs. heberton Fricke, iii Bruce and Karin Gast C Jim and Kathleen Gilbert C marfy Goodspeed and Richard Zimmer louis and Gail harris C mrs. nora e. J. hayes C Gayle C. hoyt C samuel G. huber nina planck and Rob Kaufelt Jim Keller Carol m. Kleis and Rex A. parker C mr. Rudolph W. Kluiber and ms. mary Ann Zlatnik sybil Kramer C mr. William Kurtz Kim leicester Carla lee lewis C Anita and Jeffrey liebman mr. and mrs. Roger R. locandro Andrew p. love David and elizabeth mcGrail honorable Joseph h. metelski C mr. thomas D. michalenko
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$250 – $499
thelma Achenbach C Grania and George Allport mr. and mrs. Bruce Angiolillo mr. John Bailey Robert and pamela Becker mr. and mrs. leonard Berkowitz thomas Besselman pat B. Black and Carol W. english C mr. and mrs. Alfred F. Blas Richard and harriet Bonuccelli C mr. and mrs. John Braniff mrs. elizabeth Ann Breedlove C Ann Cavanaugh John s. Cebak C Charles and Jeannie Chapin C mr. and mrs. C.D. Clarke Dr. Jonathan Cobb and ms. suzzanne Douglas Dr. Richard h. Colby C paul n. Dackow C maggie and michael Delia mr. William Doan, iii C mr. and mrs. Arthur t. ehrmantraut mr. and mrs. Charles Gordon engel C James and Dawn engel mr. Charles A. evans, Jr. C mr. Jeffrey D. Faigle Dr. and mrs. eugene p. Fazzini mr. William J. Fine Dr. and mrs. nicholas Fiori mr. and mrs. John Fiorini, iii mr. and mrs. Richard h. Francis tim and terri Fraser Keith and Joan Freehauf Jon and evalyn Gelhaus mr. and mrs. Joseph Glavey, Jr. sophie and Curtis Glovier
meg and tom Gorrie ms. Anne s. Gralla C Berdine Groel C mr. David J. haas C tricia haertlein mr. Ashley hammond Dr. Daniel A. harris and ms. Jane Buttars peter D. haugk Robert and sarah hemsen C mr. and mrs. Joseph s. holman the hon. Rush D. holt and Dr. margaret lancefield C Jeffrey and Dawn howell mr. and mrs. Gary Jagodzinski erica l. Johanson and James v. powers Andrew W. Johnson Dr. stephanie B. Jones C Candace l. Jones and stephen phillips Betty Ann Kelly thomas and liz Kelsey nan and Robert Keohane mr. and mrs. Warren s. Kimber mr. and mrs. Carl W. Klemme C mr. Christian t. Knoeller C thomas Koven edward and Dolores Kresge C John e. Kresge Alan and Donna l. Kunze elayne A. leighton Richard and Gemma lury lisa and marty macCollum C mr. matthew martin C mr. lee W. mather, Jr. Rev. and mrs. David h. mcAlpin, Jr. C ms. Donna C. mcBride peter and Jane mercer mr. and mrs. Christopher A. merton Robert and veronica mitchell C Dr. Donald p. mitrane and ms. Regina Bohnsack C mr. ed molinari timothy morris Jay and Catherine morrow C lynn and harry o’mealia patrick and susan palmer harald paumgarten edward pfeiffer mr. and mrs. B. michael pisani Jill porter Clement A. price Doug and myla pridgen hilary prouty Janice Reid Archibald and Karen Reid Anthony and Glorianne Robbi C. Graydon and mary Rogers Dr. leon m. Rosenson and Dr. suzanne levin C mr. John l. Ryan ms. Carina sayles mr. and mrs. nelson schaenen, Jr. Betsy schnorr mr. Anthony silva mr. and mrs. J. peter simon mr. paul W. steinbeiser Janice summers mr. mark szutarski C mr. steven tarshis
marianne teetsel and Robert Jacobs C mr. and mrs. W. Bryce thompson louise tompkins C mr. and mrs. George vaughn, iii Gert and margaret von der linde C ms. margaret Waldock and mr. scott Deter mr. and mrs. William h. Wallace Robert and Geralyn Ward Caron Wendell Anne and stephen K. West mr. and mrs. van Zandt Williams, Jr. elizabeth and Robert Wilson mr. Frederick young and ms. Joy stocke mr. and mrs. Randolph J. yousey laurie volk and todd Zimmerman
$100 – $249
Doris Aaronson C Jefferey and sara Abrams Darvene Adams mr. James F. Ahearn Judith A. and Frederick h. Allen Janet and Frank Allocca Florence Aluotto mr. and mrs. James C. Amon C tom and Kylen Anderson James Andrews mr. and mrs. Chris Antar Richard and Barbara Armstrong C mrs. Candace m. Ashmun Deborah W. Bailey C mrs. Collier W. Baird ms. virginia h. Baker mr. and mrs. michael Baker Joseph Balwierczak mr. peter G. Banta paul Barbin scott Barnes laura and Jeff Barnes marjorie Barrett mr. Kerry Barringer and ms. Rosetta D. Arrigo Fred Bartenstein C norman Basch and irene Cooper-Basch
ms. sandy o. Batty ms. heidi Becker nancy h. Becker James Bellis mr. Richard Benfield Bruce and Barbara Berger Jorge and mary Berkowitz Alice Berman mr. and mrs. peter Bernthal mr. and mrs. John J. Bertulis mr. Ronald Bianchi Barbara and Joel Bickell peter and helena Bienstock Cecilia Birge veronica Bishop C mr. timothy Blasko mr. and mrs. Raymond m. Blinn C mr. edward A. Bober, Jr. Andrea m. Bonette C mr. and mrs. Robert Boulton C ms. Jane Bourquin marlene Boyd ms. prudence Bradley Beth B. Branigan C ms. Kim Breidt ms. patricia Brennan Drs. stephen Brenner and pam Benfield mr. John m. Brotherton mr. Bill Brower s. Gordon and sara C. Brummer C stuart and helen Brunet C Richard and linda Bubnick Russell Buchanan mr. and mrs. John h. Bunnell mr. and mrs. Andy Byers William J. Cahill mesut Cakir mr. Gregory D. Cantrell mr. and mrs. sean Carlin Deborah Carlsen Carol G. Carlson C mr. Robert J. Carr, sr. Astrid m. Caruso and Roger t. prichard C mr. Calvin R. Carver and ms. Anne Delaney
one of our most popular “fun for all ages” events in 2013 was Blueberry picking at the Franklin parker preserve in Burlington County, a former cranberry and blueberry farm.
Photo by Laura szwak
sally and David mikkelsen C vanessa F. mitchell and Jonathan R. tarlin Gertrude mockert Janet and Daniel e. murnick C ms. elise W. murray C henry s. patterson, iii mr. and mrs. theodore s. peyton C Dr. and mrs. stanley praiss Amy and Jay Regan timothy Riegert C Greg and Carol Romano Douglas m. schleifer and maureen m. smyth elizabeth schmid mr. and mrs. John schullinger Bruce and sara schundler C ms. phyllis shapiro and Dr. partha Bagchi sandra l. simpson ms. Grace l. sinden Cynthia o. smyth ms. nancy l. squier C mr. and mrs. henry G. stifel C paul W. taylor C mr. and mrs. edward D. thomas C Kathi thonet mrs. margaret Warters mr. and mrs. Charles F. West C Aili liu and Bo xing Beth yingling C mr. John Zurlo
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2013 annual Report
A summer paddle in Camden paddlers found out how wild
an urban river can be during a
June 2013 kayak and canoe trip
along the Cooper River in Camden.
We’re working with our partners to expand recreation opportunities
for Camden residents, including
opening a property along the
Photo by maria tranguch
Cooper River as a public park.
Frederic and Gladys Case David Chandler mr. and mrs. James A. Chapman mrs. Audrey Chard Richard and sally Chrisman Robert Clayton eileen and Kenneth Clinton mr. larry J. Coffey ms. Diane m. Coffman lori Cohen Joseph and Jeannie Colalillo ms. Janis K. Cole and mr. Richard F. lambert timothy Conroy R. John and unni Cooper ms. irene Cooper-Basch mrs. emilie W. Corbin Robert and mary Courtemanche David Crall Dr. Charles Crandall and Dr. elizabeth Crandall mr. and mrs. harden l. Crawford, iii Dr. William J. Cromartie lori Cronin ms. tracy Cruise mr. Anthony Cucchi tom and liz Cutler-Kreutz Rosa David mr. Dennis Davidson Anne m. DeBevoise Charles and Andrea DeBevoise lorilee and paul DeBiasse William D. deCamp, Jr. mr. and mrs. michael Dee Robert and linda Delap John and nancy Demarrais C
Jignasa Desai-mcCleary suzette Dewey Bill and Amy DiBartolo mr. Joseph l. DiFelice, sr. Dr. John Dighton and mrs. Joan i. Dighton mr. Conrad Dilks marjorie h. Dillinger mr. sidney G. Dillon Daniel Dilollo Kate Dixon and mr. Dan Wilkinson mrs. Barbara Doane James R. Dobbins C Catherine Dodge James and Juditha Dowd mr. Alfred t. Driscoll ms. helen Dudar harry and elisabeth Dugger mr. and mrs. steven R. eberhardt C mr. and mrs. John s. eddy C susan and lowell edmunds Zvi eiref philip and elizabeth eisner Jeanne epstein C Diana evans ms. elizabeth Facey Barrie Fahey patrick and Winnie Fatton stan and ellen v. Fayer C steven Fenster C mr. John e. Finley mr. scott Fitterman mr. Roger e. Flahive and ms. eileen A. mallor C mr. and mrs. Ronald l. Flaugher David and Rosanne Fleischl C
James Fleischmann James J. Flynn, Jr. Anne Forbes susan F. Ford C William and Constance Fortenbaugh Connie and Robert Fowler Gregg and Jean Frankel Caren and John J. Franzini Deborah Freedman ms. Rebecca French-mesch Wilma e. Frey Jane morton Galetto michael F. Gallaway mr. William p. Gangel, iii ms. Judith e. Gardner lisa Garrison steve Gates and Julie Fox mr. and mrs. moore Gates, Jr. C h. Frederick Gehrlach Jeanne George noemie and Antoine Gerschel Rev. Bill Gervasi mr. and mrs. Richard A. Ginman C mr. pete Gitlitz mr. thomas Glazer Dr. and mrs. stephen A. Goldman C lynda Goldschein Robert and pamela Goss mr. oscar A. Gottscho paul and helen Goubeaud Dennis Gray and lena Jonsson melanie e. Gray and David n. Rubin michael Gross mr. and mrs. vito m. Guarino Christina Guido-Chrobokowa
mr. and mrs. William Gural henry and Doris Gutsmuth C mr. and mrs. George C. hackl mr. and mrs. Fred B hagedorn Ruth hager ms. martha h. hall C ms. margaret hanna mr. and mrs. hanna ms. Amy hansen Daniel and pamela harding ms. marion o. harris Roger and Friederika harris ms. patricia harris mrs. harold h. healy, Jr. susan hebert michael and Carol heffler Jennifer helm mr. and ms. Jim hely ms. mary D. herberich mrs. Barbara A. herbst C mr. Alan m. hershey ms. Barbara hiller ms. hollace A. hoffman Robert and tracy hofstrom ms. elly hoinowski Janet holbrook Bob and Diane holtaway Basil and Rilda hone Robert K. hornby Albert and Diane horner mr. and mrs. lawrence o. houghton mr. Jason howell ms. tabitha A. huber mr. mark huddell and ms. Kerry l. miller C mr. and mrs. thomas huey
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2013 annual Report
Dr. William lupatkin and mrs. Julie t. lupatkin C thomas and Anne macCowatt ms. susie mackay mr. and mrs. thomas J. marino mr. and mrs. emory markovic edward and lynn marra elizabeth marshall and David mcnulty mary y. mason laura mataset Betsy and lou matlack C mr. Wil Wong and ms. tama matsuoka Wong C steve mattan thomas G. mcBride C mr. John R. mcCarron C mr. Walt mcCollum Grant mcCool ms. elizabeth G. mcCutcheon James and Karen mcGregor evelyn mcKinley mr. Joseph mclaughlin Don and sue mcloughlin peggy D. mcneill mr. James mcpherson Dorothy mcWatters Greg melofchik irene mendelson C paul and Karen mengden C elizabeth m. merck ms. eleanor p. merrick michael and hilary merritt C Cynthia merwin mr. h. martin merzbach Deborah meyer C mr. William h. michelson ms. susan michniewski and mr. Douglas A. meckel C mr. and mrs. David miller Denise milot ms. Alison e. mitchell and mr. Chris Keep mr. and mrs. Richard mnich C stephanie and Joseph monahan mrs. patricia i. moody James and Billie moore samuel and Joyce moulthrop Benjamin muckenhoupt Frederick mueller C mr. and mrs. oreste muglia ms. holly B. muller mrs. Flo muller Kathy murphy Raymond and nancy nadaskay paul l. nash C suzanne nash mr. and mrs. michael neuhaus mr. and mrs. John t. newell Bill and Judith ninke marie o’Donnell mrs. melissa Ann ocana ting pau oei mr. and mrs. John olsen Albert olsen ms. Judith olukotun Richard and mary Jo opdyke John otterson ms. tari pantaleo
Frances perlman Jonathan and Bette perlman mr. David Rago and mrs. suzanne perrault estelle perry C mr. edmund W. peters mr. and mrs. Dave petrenella ms. Joy R. petzinger C David piscitelli thomas and Jane poole mr. and mrs. David G. powell C Allen Russell mr. and mrs. todd pulley Carole Rains ms. Joann s. Ramos Francis and Dawn Rapa mr. and mrs. John F. Rathgeber mr. Allen Reese and mr. Joseph m. hengel teresa K. Reid mr. and mrs. Dennis Reid, sr. lisanne l. Renner and Adam s. Grace C mr. and mrs. John Respass R. David Reynolds Barbara A. Rich Jean l. Rich mrs. Joan Richards George and patricia Richards C mr. Kenneth J. Rives ms. Jan Robbins Dr. David e. Rojer Ron Farr Roy and luise Roseberry mr. and mrs. David Ross mrs. mary ellen Rucci Dr. R. Gregory sachs, m.D. John l. sander & Grace tai Andrew and Wendy sanford mr. and mrs. Randy A. santoro C paul santucci Christine savage C Darvin schild ms. theresa l. schmidt mrs. John C. schoenherr sadie schoss C susan schwirck C
Damian sclafani mr. and mrs. Alan scott Richard scott mr. and mrs. Willy W. sedlazek mr. and mrs. Ravi sethi David and Josephine shailer C ms. Katrina m. shand Charles F. shaw, iii Jeffrey W. sheeder Jackson shepard C mr. John W. sheppard mr. and mrs. Kenneth sherwood Anne t. shulman ms. Ann e. silverman C henry and Ruth skirbst thomas and mary skleros mr. philip W. smith, iii mr. thomas p. smith Katherine smith ms. Dorothy l. smith ms. Rosalind Weslake and mr. steven smotrich James and Judith snow mr. Richard speedy mr. and mrs. Claus peter speth Roger and Joyce spingarn C mr. Alan spotnitz and Dr. Arlene spotnitz mr. scott D. stanford C mr. evan l. stanford paul and Jill steck mr. Robert e. stewart mr. Joseph A. stieber, Jr. mr. eric stiles Carl and sally stillwell Doug stolarz margaret h. stone mr. and mrs. William strugger ms. eliane m. swanson mr. and mrs. thompson swayne ms. Alice s. tempel C mrs. Rebecca testa ms. pam thier toni thomas mr. and mrs. mark thomases
in June 2013, we celebrated the preservation of the 94-acre thompson property in hunterdon County. this property has it all … farmland, forest, stream frontage and even an historic family cemetery!
Photo by sandy stuart Perry
mr. and mrs. Gerald l. huffman mr. and mrs. James W. hughes sally ike mr. and mrs. Robert h. isham C michael n. isham marianne teetsel & Robert Jacobs Chris and melanie Jage mr. Dinesh Jain ms. Denise Jarvis and mr. Don tripp ms. Robyn Jeney Bob and Florence Jennes ms. Janet C. Jessel C David s. Johnson and Dorothy e. Wilson C Carol Johnson ms. sue Johnson Robert C. Johnston martin Judd C mr. and mrs. Constantine Kallas ms. Wanda Kaluza ms. Jamie K. Kamph mr. William Kastning ms. sue Kattermann mr. and mrs. stanley n. Katz the hon. thomas Kean William l. Keefauver C ms. sandra Keller nick Keller mrs. Jean t. Kelley Christoph and Flora Kimmich marion J. Kingsford mr. David Kinsey mr. David Kinsey Roy and lillian Kirch Charles Klein C mary lee Klim Ruth Ann Kluin Bernie and Doreen Knaupp mary e. Koether C mr. Ranjit Kohli elizabeth Kohn lawrence Koplik and sarah Roberts mr. and mrs. theodore G. Koven mr. Richard G. Kraeuter steven B. Krakauer Roy and louise Kreiser mr. and mrs. henry W. Kreuter Jason Kurtz paige and elizabeth l’hommedieu ms. Angela lambert henrietta W lang Dr. and mrs. Jim lau William and Blair lawlor ms. Ann C. lay stephen leitner mr. and mrs. Will e. leland mr. and mrs. Clark A. lennon edwin and Judith leonard ms. Rachel lettre Arthur s. levy sarah J. lewis William and nancy lifland ms. Karen e. linder mr. William m. little Cate and James litvack James C. long, Jr. John and Bonnie lundberg
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2013 annual Report
Raise a Glass to vineyard preservation!
Anyone who loves a good glass
of wine will want to toast the
preservation of hopewell valley
vineyards in hopewell township,
mercer County. the preserved land includes beautiful grape
vineyards, agricultural fields
Photo by Lisa mcCollum
and woodlands.
margaret thompson mr. and mrs. R. Donald thomson C ms. Joan m. thuebel C mr. Corey tierney mr. stanley tomkiel mr. stirling tomkins, Jr. s. Gilmer towell C Joan luckhardt and Bob tucker C Adrienne tymiak and David Ackerman Dr. Daniel J. van Abs A. James and Jane van haasteren C ingrid vandegaer mr. Jeffrey D. vernam C mr. and mrs. michael t. Waldock mr. and mrs. Donald R. Walker Dr. William C. Ward, Jr. mr. Aaron Warren Warwinsky Family Ron and linda Wass ms. mai B. Watts and mr. peter lacoux mr. larry Wehr Catherine Weinstock louise B. Weschler stephen and Janet Westaway William m. Whitman suzanne Wilder mr. Joseph B. Wiley, Jr. ms. elena A. Williams C norman and vanessa Wills mr. neil p. Wissing mrs. mary Witherbee prof. Bob and Jan Wolfe William and elizabeth Wolfe ms. peggy Wong
elsa Wood patrick and leslie Wood mr. and mrs. thomas Wroth susan e. Wydick mr. h. steve yanai John and nancy yingling C Christine yovnello ms. Jennifer yoxall mr. and mrs. Richard Zega Dr. and mrs. Donald Zimmerman Gary Zockoll
individual support for 10 or more years (up to $99)
mary Allan nels p. Anderson mrs. Joyce W. Andrew ms. nancy F. Barrett mr. and mrs. Fred Berghahn ms. Doris Bergquist Dennis Bertland mr. and mrs. Behram Bharucha lawrence Bilder tom and Joanne Bintinger mr. and mrs. Donald R. Blair Ruth Blaser William and Kristine Bonn mr. Douglas C. Borton ms. Jo Ann Bowman
ms. Kitty Branton mr. and mrs. Robert s. Brewster mr. Richardson Buist mr. and mrs. A. Dean Burling mr. and mrs. Robert Butera Ruth Campo ms. Judith C. Cinquina nest R. Clark Raymond F. Clark ms. Ruby A. Cribbin Jill Devlin mr. Glenn A. Diegnan Carolyn and nelson Dittmar sal and pat Dolcimascolo mrs. Concetta v. Donahue mr. and mrs. James p. Donnelly ms. Jeanne R. eisele ms. p. J. elvington naomi epstein mr. and mrs. evald R. eskilson Kevin evans Rita s. Fand peter and shaness Farrell mr. and mrs. Franklin p. Ferrara, Jr. mr. oliver D. Filley mr. and mrs. stephen G. Fogle Douglas and Barbara Ford mr. sheldon Freidenreich mr. and mrs. p. Wayne Frey mr. and mrs. lucien o. Frohling John and marlene Fuller mr. and mrs. Charles t. Gibbons mr. and mrs. Anthony s. Glockler mrs. Rita l. Golding
ms. Alice perkins Gould Charles and laurel Gould Glen Green Dr. martine Gubernat ms. marietta l. Guertler mr. and mrs. leslie Guile miss Genevieve hall ms. marcia l. hall mr. and mrs. thomas B. halliwell Bette and lonnie hanauer Bryan and Kay hannigan mrs. lynn p. harrington ms. noreen p. harten mr. Frank W. henrikson ms. Jean e. houvener mrs. Joseph G. hovan ms. sonya hulbert Daniel l. Jassby mr. and mrs. Robert Kanner James and marie Karanfilian Karen D. Kelleher Joseph and mary Kerestes B. melvin Kiernan mr. and mrs. Barrett D. Kolton mr. and mrs. Gary l. Krakauer lois e. laBoule mr. larry laFervre ms. marlene K. larson virginia l. laughlin philip and Charlotte lo Buono mrs. laura lochetta pat and Rocco lovascio Dr. leonard lyon mr. Ralph macchio
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2013 annual Report
mr. henry F. Wood, Jr. stephen and mary yafchak mr. and mrs. l. Brewster young Robert A. and elsa B. Zelley Jeffrey A. Zonenshine and marcia minuskin
estates estate of sylvia s. Campbell estate of John Connolly estate of William D. Dana, Jr. estate of nelson C. Doland, Jr. estate of Ruth C. Webster estate of Robert l. Zion
in memory of William D. Dana, Jr. Bruce and Carol Angiolillo peter and Janet Berntha John Bailey michele s. Byers Wiggin and Dana llp Catherine A. m. Cavanaugh tom and Judy Costikyan lillie R. DeBevoise mr. and mrs. steven Fier John and Gail Fiorini Goldstein, Karlewicz & Goldstein, llp lawrence o. and Diane houghton Gary and Judith Jagodzinski peter and Cynnie Kellogg Frances A. mantone tom and Donna margetts lee W. mather modern mondays David and mary moore edward and Anne probert Keith and lisa Reed John and nancy schullinger shakespeare theatre of new Jersey paul and sheila shultz tamke tree experts, inc. neil p. Wissing
helen polk peitz paul maurer
sheila Ramsay schultz Delson or sherman Architects pC Audrey Chard Karen halverson Cross Fred B. hagedorn Jim hely Ranjit Kohli Walt mcCollum oreste muglia murray h. Ross David Ross Jamie Ross Clive yeates Jennifer yoxall ted stiles Bob and Jan Wolfe
John W. Waleski Robert Bartnichak John J. Bertulis tracy l. Bishop John Boyce Wick & Brother, inc. Burrs mill hunt Club Robert J. Carr maryanne Deandrea Gerald m. Devone veronica Fergie William Gallagher Joseph Glavey Denise Gramigna George innocenzo G&G produce, inc. e.W. Kean Co., inc. emory markovic William D. mcKane Dusty A. neergaard paul patruno philadelphia produce Credit Bureau philedelphia Fresh Food terminal Corp. pinto Brothers, inc.
Fred Froehlich Joan Richards
herbert hannah Douglas vitale
George hellerman, sr. nest R. Clark Beverley Jones nancy hladik eleanor plummer Rebecca testa
John Karlin Caroline p. huber
Rose loBosco Julie nathanson
procacci Brothers sales Corp. sam Riccelli produce Broker, inc. Barbara W. steele Warren tilton A. vassallo, inc. John vena, inc.
in honor of Daniel Adams and Johanna Flyer Richard h. Flyer
Adeline Arnold henry Arnold
edward Babbott Richardson Buist
michele s. Byers James engel Angie Capece Jayson Kolb
Colin Capobianco holly hilton-Capobiano
Beth Davisson Joseph h. metelski liam hanna William hanna
Candace Jones Anne Desmond
Keith and lisa Reed John l. Dana
norma tassy vanessa F. mitchell
the 2013 new Jersey land Conservation Rally, held in newark, attracted over 300 attendees, including many from local conservation groups. the keynote speech focused on urban parks.
Photo by Laura szwak
mr. and mrs. paul F. mallon Claire mandeville mr. and mrs. William t. marshall sarah and Robert mcClanahan mrs. ellen K. mcCormick ms. patrice J. mcCoy susan mcinnis Daryl e. mecklem and Kathleen A. howard Danya miller ms. phyllis moore elise morenon mr. Dennis R. morgan mr. and mrs. sidney Z. moss philip and Barbara moss F. Gordon and sara Jane myers mr. and mrs. David R. nalven mr. and mrs. edward p. neuburg mr. herbert l. nichols mrs. Colleen orsatti Cynthia paladino ms. Joanne i. palmer mr. emmett m. partain, iii mr. stephen J. paschik Dr. Charles W. paul mr. henry W. pfeiffer mrs. sandra J. polk William and noreen postman Dr. Adam s. potkay ms. Gerda e. Reimer mr. and mrs. irving Reingold otello and Debra Ricci Jens Riedel Debra Riegert Daniel and nancy Rubenstein William D. Rummler mr. Jacob s. samkoff ms. elizabeth sands Raymond schulley mr. thomas h. seaney mr. and mrs. tim sekulic mr. Donald m. shachat George sherman ms. Beatrice silver mrs. edward W. smethurst mrs. michael l. smith mr. Allan D. smith ms. Janet R. sneed Warren sobelsohn mrs. Roy stein mr. and mrs. michael J. suber Gerard A. sweeney ms. nancy Ann swift lillian and stiles thomas Jeanne toal mr. Kenneth J. tornvall Joan and Frank trafford mr. and mrs. William e. treene mr. Arthur tuchfeld ms. Annette o. tyler michael vanecek mr. Raymond s. veghte mr. Gilbert K. Wald and mrs. shealagh m. Gannon ms. Joan F. Walsh Barbara R. Weeks Rosanne m. Weiss ms. marjorie W. Wieseman
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FinAnCiAl position
DeCembeR 31 2013
DeCembeR 31 2012
Cash and Cash equivalents
2% 16%
investments, at market value
unconditional promises to Give Grants Receivable
Assets held for sale note Receivable
Beneficial interest in split interest Agreements land and easements
ContRiButions AnD GRAnts $9,322,152* 52% government grants for purchase of land and easements 16% Foundations
28% 2% 1% 1%
other Assets
individuals Planned gifts organizations other
total assets
901,306 138,475
liABilities AnD net Assets* Liabilities
Accounts payable and Accrued expenses Refundable Advances notes payable
total Liabilities net assets
temporarily Restricted
permanently Restricted
expenses AnD lAnD puRChAses $10,759,203*
24% Purchase of easements 31% Purchase of land 17% Program grants and contributions 18% Program management 5% management and general 5% Fundraising
total net assets
total Liabilities and net assets
* unauDiteD as oF PRinting
$406,465 389,285 515,000
to receive a copy of the complete financial statements and notes, please send a request to info@njconservation.org
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leAvinG A leGACy FoR FutuRe GeneRAtions the Red oak society was founded in 2011 to recognize those who donate to new Jersey Conservation Foundation through planned giving strategies. We thank the conservation-minded supporters of the Red oak society who are preserving new Jersey’s natural resources and lands for future generations.
to become a member of the Red oak society, please let us know if you wish to support new Jersey Conservation Foundation’s mission through: n n
Giving through your will or charitable trust
Giving through iRAs, qualified retirement plans, insurance or donor advised funds
Gifts of conservation easements, cash, securities and real estate
to discuss how your planned gift will help ensure the permanence of preservation, contact Kathleen Ward, Development Director, at 908-997-0723 or kathleen@njconservation.org.
While it is not necessary to advise us in advance that you have included new Jersey Conservation Foundation in your estate planning, we encourage you to let us know of your plans so that we may thank you and learn more about your interests. if you wish to add us in your will or estate plan, please use the following listing: new Jersey Conservation Foundation / 170 longview Road / Far hills, nJ 07931. our tax identification number is 22-6065456.
membeRs oF the ReD oaK soCiety Fredrick A. Allis* Carl Austin edward F. Babbott ira h. Beckman* louis C. Bodenheimer* David Bolger Andrea Bonette louise Bossert* Zella Brady* C. Austin Buck Ann h. Bumsted* michele s. Byers Dr. ogden Carter* nancy Castleman* Catherine A. m. Cavanaugh sophia Chroscinski* tillie Chwat* Jack and Ronnie Cimprich Francis and elizabeth Coles* Beryl Robichaud Collins*
Jean K.Colvin* Warren p. Cooper* William D. Dana* Rev. Julia s. Dawson William D. deCamp* hugo and margaret deneufville* Joseph Dlugach* nelson C. Doland, Jr.* theodore m. edison* Ann o. edison* Charles and eleanor engel eleanor english nicholas english* Walter Brooks and Dorothy stewart evert* sarah p. Fiske* elizabeth K. Gardner* Alfred R. Gnam* Joan C. Gilson
elsie B. Grove* stephen C. Gruber thomas B. harvey harold healy* elizabeth D. healy John s. hirschoff* Beverley Jones* Donald Jones* elizabeth s. Jordan* John Karlin* susan Karlin evangeline macKay h. Keasbey* larry and Barbara Keller* Robert W. Kent samuel W. lambert Frances e. land* eleanor R. lawrence* vera lazar Caryl leong and Donna paino
larrabee C. lillie* Kenneth W. lloyd* Donald macGuigan* Kenneth macRitchie Robert mclean* Kristina miller Winifred C. millikin* Gordon A. millspaugh, Jr. David F. and mary W. t. moore sigrid s. nagle* margaret Gardner* maureen ogden Franklin e. parker* harry F. peters, Jr.* Robert and virginia pierson Joann s. Ramos elizabeth B. Reed l. Keith and lisa Reed timothy C. Riegert
Gregory Romano Anna l. salvato* Betsy J. schnorr Diane p. schwarz* Betsy B. shirley* e. esty and helen stowell* Benjamin W. tucker, Jr.* mary upmeyer* Artemis vardakis* nan hunter Walnut* Ruth Creighton Webster* Catherine Welsh* Dorothy moran Werner* muriel Williams* virginia t. Williams* Clarissa Willemsen William t. Wyman esther yanai* Robert l. Zion* *denotes deceased members
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n e W J e R s e y C o n s e R vAt i o n F o u n D At i o n
Bamboo Brook
170 longview Road
Far hills, nJ 07931
170 longview Road
Far hills, nJ 07931
the Palisades have always been an inspiration for artists, resulting in the famous “hudson River school” art movement. this historical print, painted by W.g. Wall and engraved by i. hill, belongs to our trustee Rosina Dixon, m.D.
non-profit org. u.s. postage pAiD s. hackensack, nJ permit # 79