Kathryn Reuter's Resume

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KATHRYN S. REUTER San Francisco, CA 94131 p! 5!1!0! !3!1!6! !1!8!9!0! !• !e k!reuter@chinatowncdc.org ! ! CAREER SUMMARY Accomplished and highly skilled fundraiser and grant writer/administrator with over 10 years experience. !K!n!o!w!l!e!d!g!e!a!b!l!e! !in! !a! variety of fields including !community and economic development, youth development, advocacy and community organizing, and neighborhood planning. Excellent communicator and team player. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Delivering Innovation in Supportive Housing,! !S!a!n! !F!r!a!n!ci! !s!c!o! !12!/!1!1-!P!r!e!s!e!n!t! ! Fundraising Consultant P!rovide! !p!r!o!j!e!c!t! !support! !f!o!r! supportive housing agency in strategy and planning, fundraising, grant research, writing, and management; and volunteer resource management. Chinatown Community Development Center,! !S!a!n! !F!r!a!n!c!i!s!c!o! !7!/!0!7!-!P!r!e!s!e!n!t! ! Resource Development Manager, 3/10-Present • Raise over $800,000 to support key programs and strategies. • S!e!c!u!r!e! !o!v!e!r! !$100,000 by developing and implementing Foundation Strategy for $1M !L!e!g!a!c!y! !F!u!n!d Campaign. • I!m!p!l!e!m!e!n!t! Foundation Strategy for! !community development!! !a!g!e!n!c!y! by writing, editing, and packaging annually 60-70 letters of intent, grant proposals, reports, and accompanying budgets (ranging from $5,000-$500,000). • Research and identify funding resources to meet strategic organizational growth in key programs including community development, !y!o!u!t!h! !d!e!v!e!l!o!p!m!e!n!t!,! resident services, community advocacy, and building improvements. ! • Maintain consistent communication with program staff and management to determine goals and objectives. • Gather and maintain current files on organizational programs and projects. Interim Director of Resource Development, 07/09-3/10 • D!e!v!e!l!o!p!e!d! !a!n!d! !i!m!p!l!e!m!e!n!t!e!d! !R!e!s!o!u!r!c!e! !D!e!v!e!l!o!p!m!e!n!t! !s!t!r!a!t!e!g!y! !f!o!r! !d!e!p!a!r!t!m!e!n!t!,! including personnel management, fiscal oversight, and coordination of all fundraising activities. ! • I!n!c!r!e!a!s!e!d! !unrestricted revenue by 10% through annual fundraising gala. • L!a!u!n!c!h!e!d! !Communications Task Force to develop and implement agencywide communications strategy. Grants Manager, 07/07 – 07/09 • D!e!v!e!l!o!p!ed! !a!n!d! implemented Foundation Strategy! !a!n!d! !r!a!ised !o!v!e!r! !$!1!.!8!M for key programs of community development, youth leadership development, resident services, public art projects, community planning, and financial literacy. ! • I!m!p!l!e!m!e!n!ted! Foundation Strategy for! !community development!! !a!g!e!n!c!y! by writing, editing, and packaging annually 60-70 letters of intent, grant proposals, reports, and accompanying budgets (ranging from $5,000-$500,000). • Researched and identified funding opportunities; prepared and maintained grants calendar; tracked all grant awards, implementation, monitoring and compliance; oversaw all reporting to funders. • Coordinated and supervised volunteer projects with corporate partners.

KATHRYN S. REUTER San Francisco, CA 94131 p! 5!1!0! !3!1!6! !1!8!9!0! !• !e k!reuter@chinatowncdc.org Koreatown Youth and Community Center,! !L!o!s! !A!n!g!e!l!e!s! !9!/!0!5!-!6!/!0!7! ! Development Officer • D!e!v!e!l!o!ped! !a!n!d! !im!p!l!e!m!e!n!t!e!d! !a!g!e!n!c!y! !f!u!n!d!r!a!ising! !p!l!a!n!.! ! • S!e!c!u!r!e!d! !o!v!e!r! !$!1! !m!illion! !t!o! !support affordable housing, financial literacy and IDA programs, environmental programs, after-school education, youth leadership, and child care. Challengers Boys and Girls Club,! !L!o!s! !A!n!g!e!l!e!s! !6!/!0!4!-!8!/!0!5! ! Development Associate • D!e!v!e!l!o!pe!d! !a!n!d! !i!m!p!l!e!m!e!n!t!e!d! !a!g!e!n!c!y! !f!u!n!d!r!a!ising ! !p!l!a!n!.! ! • S!e!c!u!r!e!d! !$!1!.!8! !million! !t!o! !support! !educational !a!n!d! !a!f!t!e!r!-!s!c!h!ool! !p!r!o!g!r!a!m!s!,! !y!o!u!t!h! !d!e!v!e!l!o!p!m!e!n!t!,! !s!p!o!r!t!s! !a!n!d! !r!e!c!r!e!a!t!i!o!n!,! !a!n!d! !h!e!a!l!t!h! !p!r!o!g!r!a!m!s!.! ! The Children’s Collective, Inc.,! !L!o!s! !A!n!g!e!l!e!s! !7!/!0!3!-!6!/!0!4! ! Grant Writer • D!e!v!e!l!o!p!e!d! !p!r!o!p!o!s!a!l! !c!o!n!c!e!p!t!s! !a!n!d! !w!r!o!t!e! !g!r!a!n!t! !p!r!o!p!o!s!a!l!s! !t!o! !support !w!o!r!k!f!o!r!c!e! !d!e!v!e!l!o!p!m!e!n!t!,! !a!f!t!e!r!-!school ! !p!r!o!g!r!a!m!s!,! !a!n!d! !e!a!r!l!y! childhood! !e!d!u!c!a!tion.! EDUCATION M.A., Applied Women’s Studies (!m!inor: Politics & Policy!)!,! !C!l!a!r!e!m!o!n!t! !G!r!a!d!u!a!t!e! !U!n!i!v!e!r!s!i!t!y!,! !2!0!0!2! ! M.A., Religion,! !C!l!a!r!e!m!o!n!t! !S!c!h!o!o!l! !o!f! !T!h!e!o!l!o!g!y!,! !1!9!9!9! ! B.A., Psychology/Religion and Theological Studies,! !U!n!i!v!e!r!s!i!t!y! !o!f! !S!a!n! !D!i!e!g!o!,! !1!9!9!7! ! SPECIAL RECOGNITION • C!e!r!t!i!f!i!c!a!t!e! !o!f! !C!o!m!p!l!e!t!i!o!n! !f!r!o!m! !t!h!e! !W!h!i!t!e!c!a!p! !F!o!u!n!d!a!t!i!o!n! !f!o!r! !s!u!c!c!e!s!s!f!u!l!l!y! !c!o!m!p!l!e!t!i!n!g! !t!h!e! !E!x!e!c!u!t!i!v!e! !M!a!n!a!g!e!m!e!n!t! !A!c!a!d!e!m!y!.! ! • C!o!m!p!l!e!t!i!o!n! !o!f! !T!h!e! !G!r!a!n!t!s!m!a!n!s!h!i!p! !C!e!n!t!e!r!’s! !“C!o!m!p!e!t!i!n!g! !f!o!r! !F!e!d!e!r!a!l! !G!r!a!n!t!s!” !c!l!a!s!s!.! !

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