Dalstons x Fedrigoni

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Fedrigoni x Dalston’s In response to the YCN brief, I created a visual, tactile campaign focusing on Dalstons slogan ‘Soda Lovers Unite’. I chose to focus on the inclusivity and diversity amongst Dalston’s Soda drinkers. With this in mind I designed a set of charcters inspired by the Dalston areas ‘hipsters’. These character were then applied to a range of deliverables. For a campaign of this nature, I felt that consistency across all elements was important.


Limited Edition Glass I designed a limited edition glass and box that could be used as part of the campaign. Ideally these would be sold at pop up stalls or / and other promotional events. Having a limited edition glass is personal and special, these could be released seasonally or as a range all together. Ideally the boxes would come in a larger range of colours from the Fedrigoni Sirio range and with different characters on the side faces of the box.

Soda Mats One of the challenges with creating physical mock - ups for the brief was that it was was only possible to order A4 samples from Fedrigoni+. However this restriction meant I had to be more creative with the outcomes. I made Soda mats for the canned drinks that could be sold alongside the drinks in restaurants or again handed out at pop up events. The soda mats are something that can actually be utilised rather than a flyer that are often thrown away.


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