Museum Kampa: Communications Plan

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Museum Kampa: Strategic Communications Plan

Overview Introduction ●

The collection of Central European art contributes to the awareness of modern Czech culture The people of Prague have yet to fully understand and experience modern art o  They have yet to discover the significance modern art had on national and international history Throughout the years, Meda Mládek has built an impressive art collection that beautifully showcases local and international artists

Research Insights ●  ●

●  ●  ●

Revenue is slowly but gradually increasing each year Admission fees make up 50% of the revenue o  Total Revenue of Admission Fees in 2012: 7,096,763 CZK Need financial assistance with general expenses 4 permanent exhibits, 10 temporary exhibits each year Receive 3 to 5 grants on a yearly basis

Audience Insights ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Easily accessible location Affordable admission fee Lack of general awareness Feeling of national pride Missing information about the possibilities

Message Overview � 

Museum Kampa evokes pride in the people of Czech Republic through exclusive exposure to private modern art collections which were created during a time of oppression, government opposition, and censorship.

Campaign Overview � 

To create awareness of Museum Kampa and showcase its amazing art collection to our target audience by using affordable marketing tools to increase the return rate, publicity through media outlets, family visits, and increase the value of being a donor.

(1) Increase Return Rate Goal: Increase the return rate ●

Build a relationship with first time guests prior to visit

Encourage first time guests to return, especially with a new guest

Metrics: have a way to directly connect with past guests, encourage future visits, and inform them of upcoming events and news

(1) Increase Return Rate How? ●

“Sign In” books will be available at the entrance and exit, as well as the museum gift shop

Guests receive an email thanking them for visiting and will receive a free admission ticket if they recommend a friend

Email blasts to inform past guests of future events and plans

Structure tours to pass by “Sign In” books

An exchange value: ●

Museum will build a lasting relationship with guests

Guests have an incentive to attend the museum again and bring in a new guest

Budget: showcase - 500 CZK Timeline: Track monthly and build a solid database

(2) “Wining and Dining” Goal: Increase the return rate ●

Hold an event for high PR managers from hotels, guides and tour agencies to be more aware of Museum Kampa, so that they can bring their guests to us.

Metrics: see the success up to six months after the event, success = increase of visitors - 300 per month

(2) “Wining and Dining” How? ●

Organize a special evening event which will include a guided tour around the museum, meeting at least some of the board of directors, good catering and good beverages for free, life music

Touch base with travel agencies and hotels after the event to ensure a strong relationship. An exchange value: ●

Museum will build a lasting relationship with guests

Guests have an incentive to attend the museum again and bring in a new guest

Budget: Catering 20 000 CZK , Beverages 10 000CZK, Staffs overtime 5 000 CZK Timeline: Two months before the event send invitations to desired managers and agencies, one month before, you have to arrange a life music, a week before arrange catering and beverage and more museum staff. This event will take place twice a year.

(3) Increase Free Awareness and Publicity Through Media Outlets Goal: Get free media coverage for Museum and new exhibits How: Through creating and sending press releases to all media outlets that relate with our target audience. Timeline: Press releases need to be sent out according to schedule of media outlet publication prior to exhibition date or event. ●  1 year→ be published in at least 10 publications per every exhibit or event ●  2 year→ Strengthen relationship with publications have over 100 contacts ●  3 year→ having publication calling Kampa asking to cover exhibit or event Metric: Measure the amount of coverage and compare it to the amount of press releases distributed

(3) Increase Free Awareness and Publicity Through Media Outlets

Budget: Free!!!

Examples of Media Organization

(4) Showcase children’s art and how the exhibits inspired their work Goal: Make Museum Kampa a family experience How? ●

Showcase children’s artwork from workshops in a gallery event.

Offer family-friendly snacks.

Host controlled activities such as facepainting.

Metrics: Number of museum visitors during children’s exhibit, number of repeat family visitors, number of children enrolled in workshops, donations amount before/after implementation.

(4) Showcase children’s art and how the exhibits inspired their work An exchange value: ●  Increase family visits. ●  Creates revenue (200 CZK/adult ticket; children featured get in free) ●  Empower children through art at the museum. ●  Create customer loyalty. ●  Increase donations. Budget: 15,000 CZK Timeline: Twice per year (exhibit stays in place through “wining and dining” donor event).

(5) Build Donor Activity Goal: Encourage members to become donors and students to build a Junior Board ●  create an exchange value for donors/members ●  attract young professionals and make them participate actively Metrics: Monitor donation rate two months following the event, take donor input into account.

(5) Build Donor Activity How?: Include members in donor newsletters and give students the chance to provide input ●  Members have the opportunity to interact with donors and have something to aspire to ●  Junior Board - Collaboration with czech universities in art, marketing, PR, business management An exchange value: ●  Major donor events occur twice a year; donors can see how their input has influenced the museum ●  Participate in survey(s) where they can provide their insight ●  Opportunity to go to the exhibits before anyone else Budget: 100,000 CZK Timeline: Two events each year for three years

Metrics 1. Wining and dining - More visitors via guides, hotels and tour agencies will come (300 per month) 2. Adding sign in books - We will get information about our visitors, and we can provide them newsletters and special information - visitors will come back 3. Publicity through media - Measure the amount of coverage and compare it to the amount of press releases distributed 4. Showcase children´s art - Increase family visits (more of family tickets sold - 100 per month) 5. Build Donor Activity: Monitor donation rate two months following the event, take donor input into account

děkuji Elizabeth Wycklendt Kathryn Walters Valerie Gerber Michaela Křivková Barbora Kvačková

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