Why Use UPVC Windows Instead of Wood Windows
Wood windows are popularly used in homes and offices as they increase the aesthetic beauty of the home. However, many people are now using UPVC instead of the wooden ones as they are easier to maintain and install as well. Another reason that encourages people to get the windows is that they are cheaper than the other windows. Similarly, there are several other benefits of vinyl windows.
UPVC means Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride windows which are considered to be environment friendly. Manufacturing these windows consume little energy as compared to the wooden frames. They are energy efficient as they keep your home well insulated. It helps you maintain the temperature of your home during summer also. This allows you to save the energy within your home as well.
When it comes to maintenance then require regular cleaning and paint job or polishing. However, if you choose windows then you do not have to worry about spending on paint and polish and cleaning it is easy as well.
In case of weather resistance, the UPVC doors and windows are much better. The wooden windows generally start fading when exposed to sunlight. This is not so in case of UPVC. Wooden windows also have low resistance to wind and rain which can make it noisy and make the rot as well. But when you choose the vinyl windows for your home then you can forget about facing these troubles as they are monsoon resistant and wind resistant.
Wood is prone to termite attack that can damage it extensively and the termite treatment can add to your expenses. In case of UPVC, one need not worry about the same. Thus there are factors that encourage people to choose vinyl windows and doors. Nowadays the windows are available in different colors so that people can use them to increase the aesthetic beauty of their home.
When it comes to the different styles of windows that are available to then again you get better choices when you opt for the UPVC. You can choose sliding windows for large spaces, casement windows, French windows, tilt and turn windows, bay windows, combination windows and other styles that may be apt for your home. Doors are affordable and have a long life as compared aluminum windows. It provides protection to you home and saves it different weather condition efficiently.
Resources: http://www.getdoubleglazingprices.co.uk/ http://ezinearticles.com/?Why-Use-UPVC-WindowsInstead-of-Wood-Windows&id=5070079