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Everton News from
Budget Wish List
This year’s State budget was a major disappointment for the electorate of Everton. Despite constant lobbying, the State Government has once again not allocated any funding for the upgrade of the South Pine/ Stafford Road intersection. Without an upgrade this bottleneck will continue to cause delays for motorists. I’m also aghast that the much-promised upgrade of the Linkfield Road overpass will not even commence before the 2024 election. Everyone travelling east from Albany Creek/ Eatons Hill know what a nightmare this choke point causes.
Everton Youth Advisory Council
This month I was proud to facilitate the inaugural meeting of the Everton Youth Advisory Council, which gave me the chance to hear the perspectives of young people in the Everton electorate. I was encouraged by the bright ideas that were raised on a number of important topics including youth crime and diversionary programs, vaping regulation, and phones in schools. Discussions like this are vital towards having greater representation of young people, and I look forward to further meetings with the group.

your State Member for Everton TIM MANDER

Sorry Day
Sorry Day has grown into a significant community event in recent years. The morning of May 26th this year saw a great gathering of people coming together at the Teralba Park Stolen Generations Support Group Sorry Day Commemoration at Teralba Park. This day gives people the chance to come together and share the steps towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and communities.