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2023 in Everton is off to a flying start!
Clean Up Australia Day – Sunday 5th March – Starting at Teralba Park 4pm-5:30pm
I am again calling for volunteers to come and participate in this great effort to keep our local community and environment clean. I hope to see many of you down at Teralba Park in the afternoon of the 5th to help keep this wonderful part of our community free of rubbish! You can register for the event here: https://www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au/fundraisers/timmandercomau/ teralba-park--everton-park--osbourne-road-side
Neighbour Day
I am so pleased to announce our Neighbour Day and Easter Egg Hunt with Hicks Real Estate is back on again on Sunday 2nd April at Teralba Park, Pullen Road, Everton Park from 9am-11:30am. There will be food stalls and a coffee van to keep adults happy while children hunt for Easter Eggs. Plenty of activities and games will keep the young ones occupied as well as information and activity stalls provided by our local community groups.

Australia Day – Citizenship Awards
This is one of my favourite events on our calendar, welcoming new Australian citizens and I am proud to be included in these important ceremonies.

A Busy Few Weeks!
We are well and truly into the swing of the things for 2023. In the last few weeks, I’ve been busy attending local events such as Leadership Investitures at schools, events at sporting clubs and organisations, visiting small businesses and of course we held our annual Dickson Awards on Australia Day.
The new parliamentary year also started on 6 February, so I’ll continue to hold the Albanese Labor Government to account on their promises to Australians and support outcomes in the best interest of our country and community.
For regular updates on what’s happening in Dickson, you can sign up to my regular eNewsletter at www.peterdutton.com. au, or head over and like my Facebook page.

School Leaders
Well done to all the school leaders in both our local primary and high schools who received Senior Student and Student Leader badges – I wish you all the very best for your year ahead.
Congratulations Sophie!
Congratulations to Albany Creek local Sophie Hebron on winning the Girls’ 14 Years 5km event at this year’s Australian Open Water Championship in Busselton WA. It is a fantastic achievement and I look forward to seeing what Sophie will do in the future.
The Biggest Survey
Thank you to everyone who completed my ‘Biggest Survey’ either by post or online. Your feedback will help me to better understand your needs, priorities and what’s important to you and our community. .
Backing Small Business and Jobs
I’m regularly out and about in Dickson talking to small businesses about the issues that matter to them and offering my help in any way possible. I want to see more local business opportunities created in our community so more people will have jobs.
Just recently I had the pleasure of visiting Jason and his team at Zapt Industries (www.zaptind.com.au) in Brendale and Maureen at Kupidabin Wilderness in Mount Samson (www. kupidabin.org)
If you would like me to visit your business, please get in touch via email – contact details are below.
What’s important to you?
Please get in touch with me at peter.dutton.mp@aph.gov.au or 3205 9977, stop by one of my mobile office caravan visits, or drop in to my office in Strathpine to let me know what your priorities are for our community.

A TIP TO HELP OUR BEES!. ..During the summer months there are fewer flowers, food sources and water for the bees. Furthermore, bees may drown as they try to drink from the pools when they do find water. To give our bees a helping hand, why not grate an Apple and add some water to the bowl? The bees will be able to get the sugars from the fruit and drink the water but not drown as they can stand on pieces of fruit. Our bee populations are threatened, let’s give them all the support we can!
Sing with Us!
Serenata Singers’ Open Invitation to 2023

The Serenata Singers is a friendly community choir based in The Gap. We are celebrating 53 years of singing in 2023 and would welcome new members. No audition is necessary. An ability to read music is helpful, but not required. The choir sings a variety of popular and show tunes, spiritual and folk songs.

The choir is starting the new year under the directorship of Guillaume Lemay-Yates with new music and our usual enthusiasm. We will be rehearsing every Monday in 2023 starting at 7.00 pm at The Gap Uniting Church auditorium, 1050 Waterworks Road, The Gap. You are welcome to meet choir members, find out about the choir, and join in or simply observe a rehearsal.
If you can hold a tune and love to sing, the Serenata Singers may be for you!
For further information, check us out at: https://serenatasingers.org.au/