Est 2021 Ph: 0466 607 045 E: Call us for a FREE Measure & Quote: 07 3881 1700 PRICING Our regular pricing is the competitors ‘SALE’ prices No matter what type of shutter, blind or awning you require for your home or business, we have the right solution to suit your needs at a very competitive price. Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | WarnerEst.2021SEPTEMBER 2022 Supporting Our Local Community for Over 30 Years!Property Connections Local running group, Run with Rob took out the 2022 Largest Team Trophy at the Sunshine Coast Marathon raising much-needed funds for the Small Steps For Hannah Foundation. Read more on page 3. BIG EFFORT FOR SMALL STEPS BIG EFFORT FOR SMALL STEPS

 5/25 Ferguson Street, Albany Creek | 3264 9000 Melinda Business Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Casey SeniorAsset Albany Creek | Eatonns Hill || Cashmere 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek | Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Jason Chandler Business Owner Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | Warner Property Connections BusinessOperatorSystems Sophie Benett Sales Associate Veronica Gritsenko SeniorManagerAsset Casey Connolly Sales Associate Bianca Reynolds Business Owner Jason Chandler Asset Manager AimeeHarlaczJonsson-Business Owner Melinda Chandler Sales Associate Kyanne HuntDombrowskiSimone Office Manager Sales Consultant Asset Manager Vicki HarperJonathan Wein Sales Consultant Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Kynan Hunt Katie Sing Sales Associate

Jurassic Trail Closure
Big Effort For Small Steps

Founder of the Run with Rob running group handing over the cheque to Sue and Lloyd from the Small Steps for Hannah Foundation
A massive congratulations to the local running group, Run with Rob (RWR), who took out the ‘2022 Largest Team’ trophy at the Sunshine Coast Marathon last month. You may remember from last month’s article in the Eatons Echo that the RWR community were embarking on a mission to create the largest running group to compete at the Sunshine Coast Marathon. Well, we are pleased to report that the group recruited an incredible 149 runners, who participated across all distances. In the lead up to the event, the team raised over $12,000 for the Small Steps for Hannah Foundation - what an amazing effort!


The RWR group was established only 12 months ago and now comprises over 250 runners from Eatons Hill, Redcliffe, Bundaberg and Hervey Bay, all running to raise money for the foundation. For more information about Run with Rob, or to get involved, visit them on Facebook at

The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page CATERINGFUNCTIONSCAFE07 3264 5321 1/10 Dawn Road, Albany Fonzie Abbott Coffee All Day Breakfast and Lunch Fully Licenced

The Northside Brisbane Mountain Bikiing Club and Northside Trail Care Alliance (NCTA), in cooperation with Queensland Park and Wildlife Service, are happy to announce that a Community Sustainability Action grant has been received. This grant will be used to refurbish Jurassic (Trail #2) in Bunyaville Conservation Park. This is much needed work to repair and improve the sustainability of the trail, following the damage caused by flooding. The improvements will provide a revamped experience for the Thecommunity.workswill be completed by an external contractor and volunteers in two stages requiring the trail to be closed for several weeks. Work is scheduled to start on September 5th and the projected finish date is 30th September. Trail closure updates can be found at https://
Just few volunteers from NTCA
of the hard working
The Eatons Echo is a FREE monthly publication delivering 14,500 copies per month of what matters to the Eatons Hill and surrounding areas. Our paper is 100% locally owned and operated, which means we don’t just talk about being local, WE ARE LOCAL; we live it everyday. Distribution is carried out via direct letterbox delivery to homes and businesses in the suburbs of; Albany Creek, Eatons Hill, Warner and Cashmere. Copies can also be picked up from a variety of magazine stands within the above suburbs.

COMBINE strawberries, pineapple, pawpaw and mango in a large bowl. MIX ginger, orange juice and passionfruit pulp in a small jug and drizzle over fruit. SET aside in the refrigerator until cool. SERVE with yoghurt. Recipe courtesy of Judy Stubbs, Maleny Branch of the Queensland Country Women’s Association
Page 4 - September 2022, The Eatons Echo
the m th

Warner, Albany Creek, Eatons Hill and parts of Cashmere COLOUR BLACK & WHITE AdvertSize CasualRate RegularRate CasualRate RegularRate 1/8th Page $130 $115 $77 $66 1/4 Page $185 $175 $130 $115 1/2 Page $290 $265 $230 $210 Full Page $525 $490 $420 $360 ADVERTISE WITH US! 14,500 copies monthly Rates above are on a per month basis and include GST Casual Rate = One Off Advert, Regular Rate = 6months Advertising Rates Contact us at or scan QR code to book your advert online

Recipe of
The next edition of The Eatons Echo is the October issue. The deadline is the 22nd September...don’t miss out.

COVID-19: At the time of going to press (29th August 2022), information contained within this issue is correct. As the situation with the COVID health crisis is ever changing, we urge you to contact organisers of any events listed within our publication if you are doubtful about times and dates. For more information, visit or email Method: Direct letterbox delivery around the North West suburbs of Brisbane. Copies also available for pick up from local magazine stands. Distribution areas:


This recipe is brought to you by The Queensland Country Women’s Association’s (QCWA) Country Kitchens program. The program Empowering women through education and health is a priority for the Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA). The QCWA Country Kitchens program, funded by the Queensland Government through Health and Wellbeing Queensland, supports Queenslanders to adopt healthier lifestyles. To find out more about the program visit au/

Serves: 6 | Prep time: 15 mins | Cook time: 0 mins Ingredients 1 cup strawberries, roughly chopped 1 small pineapple, skin removed and chopped ½ small pawpaw, peeled and chopped 1 mango, peeled and sliced 1 tablespoon ginger, grated 2 oranges, juiced 2 passionfruits, halved and pulp removed 2 cup natural yoghurt, reduced fat Method
Copyright: The Eatons Echo is produced by Echo Media Group Pty Ltd (The Publisher). All rights are reserved and the contents are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission from The Publisher. All care is taken by The Publisher, however responsibility is not accepted for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of The Publisher.
The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page

Pine Rivers St. Andrews Hockey Club members who recently represented Brisbane; Harry R, Nathan K, Logan T, Jack M and Mitchel L
Local Lads Striking High For Brisbane
The Pine Rivers St Andrews Hockey Club recently had six of their players represent Brisbane in the Under 13 Boys State Championships held in Gladstone. The boys’ teams ended up finishing third in their respective divisions. Congratulations to the local lads from Eatons Hill!

The Albany Creek Probus Club is looking for new members in your area. Probus provides you with the opportunity to join a social Club so you can meet other retirees on a regular basis, listen to interesting speakers and join together in social activities. They meet at Hornets Club on Graham Road, Carseldine, from 10am on the first Thursday of each month. To find out more contact Secretary Greg Early on 0407 960 588 or gmail.comearly.gregory1@ Our best stories come from YOU! Email with submissions.

Melinda Chandler Business Owner Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere || Warner | 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek | 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Jason Chandler Business Owner Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler 0400 957 999 Casey Connolly 0400 957 799 Leah Tronc 0498 789 799 Jonsson-HarlaczAimee HarperVicki Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Albany Creek | 5/25 Ferguson Meet the 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local Jason Chandler Business Owner Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler Business Owner Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Senior Asset Manager Leah Tronc Asset Manager Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | Warner 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Property Connections Are You 100% Happy With Your Current Property Manager? Professional Property Management Over 35 Years Experience Experience the Difference Today! 3264 9000 | 699 Albany Creek Rd, Albany Melinda Chandler Business Owner Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Leah Tronc Asset Manager Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | WWarner | 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek | 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Jason Chandler Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler 0400 957 999 Casey Connolly 0400 957 799 Leah Tronc 0498 789 799 Jonsson-HarlaczAimee HarperVicki Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Albany C | 5/25 Meet the 30+ Years Supporting Jason Chandler Business Owner Wayne Sales Melinda Chandler Business Owner Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Dombrowski Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Leah Tronc Asset Manager Allbany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | Warner | 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Property Connections Are You 100% Happy With Your Current Property Manager? Professional Property Management Over 35 Years Experience Experience the Difference Today! 3264 9000 | 699 Albany Creek Rd, Albany Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere || WWarner | 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek | 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Jason Chandler Business Owner Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler 0400 957 999 Casey Connolly 0400 957 799 Leah Tronc 0498 789 799 Jonsson-HarlaczAimee HarperVicki Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Albany Creek | E | 5/25 Ferguson Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Jason Chandler Business Owner Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler Business Owner Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Benett Systems Operator Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Leah Tronc Asset Manager Allbany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | Warner | 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek | 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Property Connections Are You 100% Happy With Your Current Property Manager? Professional Property Management Over 35 Years Experience Experience the Difference Today! 3264 9000 | 699 Albany Creek Rd, Albany Melinda Chandler Business Owner Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Leah Tronc Asset Manager Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere || WWarner | 5/25 Ferguson St, Creek | 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Jason Chandler Business Owner Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler 0400 957 999 Casey Connolly 0400 957 799 Leah Tronc 0498 789 799 Jonsson-HarlaczAimee HarperVicki Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Albany Creek | 5/25 Ferguson Meet the 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local Jason Chandler Business Owner Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler Business Owner Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Leah Tronc Asset Manager Allbany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | | 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek | 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Property Connections Are You 100% Happy With Your Current Property Manager? Professional Property Management Over 35 Years Experience Experience the Difference Today! 3264 9000 | 699 Albany Creek Rd, Albany

The players agrees that it is not just about playing hockey together, it’s also the social aspects; going out to dinner together—training, as they call it—and hanging around for drinks after the game. Often, they all meet up for a hike or a coffee date. On and off the court, they all get along smooth as mocha! In 2021, Raina and Storm represented Brisbane at the Masters
However, on a final note, the ladies have begun searching for sponsors that support sportswomen.As yet, they have not been successfulinfindingsportinggrantsorsponsorshipsthatmight help ease the expenses for these mature-age active women. Raina and Storm hope to find an organisation or government entity that see the value of supporting older sportswomen as an example to young women that in sport, age is no barrier. To get in touch with the ladies regarding potential sponsorship opportunities, please contact
The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page
Raina tells, ‘Being selected in a Queensland team is definitely a highlight for us and even though we are not in the same team, we get to represent together and experience it together.’
Celebrate with the Senior Committee Lunch & Techno ‘Hands On’ Session
Thursday 20th October 2022, 12pm to 3pm. Doors open 11.30am Arana Leagues Club Foundation Room
Click on Events, Go to Senior’s Lunch, Click on Get Ticket (with the number you wish to purchase), Follow the prompts. Contact Judith 0431 159 921 or Leonard 0417 883 688
Raina, a Library Aide at Albany Hills State School reveals, ‘Playing hockey into our ‘later years’ keeps us fit and has allowed us to make life-long friends, as well as new ones along the way. The Masters ladies, affectionately known as ‘Netscreamers’, as well as the Saturday ladies, are an absolutely fantastic group of women.’
Most of Raina and Storms’ legacy has been fulfilled whilst playing in the same team and making close gal-friends while they’re at it. They play in the Monday Night Masters competition, on the artificial-surfaced court, and on Saturdays at Downey Park.
Raina and Storm Breaking Horizons in Hockey Norths Netscreamers to represent Queensland Masters. Storm is third from right and Raina second from right. State Championships and were selected to represent Hockey Queensland. Unfortunately, the National Championships were cancelled due to the COVID pandemic—shocker! This year, however, their hard work and dedication earned them a second chance at competing, which will allow them to play rep in Cairns this September. Storm is crossing her fingers and toes to make the Over 60’s team, and Raina the over 55’s.
Senior’s Month & Be Connected Week is Coming Up A Welcome is extended to All Seniors for this event

Enjoy a delicious meal of a Buffet Roast with baked vegetables, Dessert, Bread Rolls with Tea and Coffee. Cost: $25.00 Book via the website
Albany Creek locals Raina McCarthy and Storm Schouw have been hitting Brisbane hockey fields like cyclones their whole lives—near 50 years. They come from a long line of hockey fanatics, including their aunties, uncles, cousins, and parents, Tom and Deniece Quine, who have all played for Northern Suburbs Hockey Club. Even the ladies’ children played when they were in juniors!
Just as exciting, four of the ladies’ Netscreamer teammates and their coach have been selected to represent Queensland as well.Truly, this is a sisterhood of travelling hockey dresses. And none of these keen, green, and mean players are planning to drop their passion for the sport anytime soon. Rain, hail or shine, Raina and Storm simply cannot be stopped!

Forget haute couture and the avant garde masterpieces circling your Instagram feeds; feast your eyes upon the innovative, reinvented fashion stealing the moment at our inaugural Hayward Street Style Showcase!

This October 21st at 6:30pm, a catwalk will roll out in the foyer of Stafford Corps in Hayward Street, ready for a diverse team of volunteering models to strut their stuff. The event will raise money for both Brisbane disaster relief and that of developing countries. Stafford Family Store manager Mark Andrews revealed that the $5000 raised at last year’s showcase would go to the ‘Making it Happen’ project, supporting The Salvation Army Waterhole community centre in Alice Springs.

The first half of the showcase will feature designs from The Salvation Army looks streetwear, then brights and bolds inspired by Sally Steele, followed by After 5 masquerade styles. The second half will feature University of Canberra and Tafe Upcycles crafted by emerging design students.

Also making star appearances on our runway will be pieces from Restitched, Amends the label, Olive the label, and Nikki Jade creations, as well as DIYGIRLSHED street upcycled ponchos for the homeless. You can expect to see retroinspired vintage fashion pieces that burst with colour and originality, casual kick-back wear, boho and ‘hippy’ styled delights, formal treasures, and best of all, affordable clothing. Louis Vuitton could never! Sally Steele, one of the talented designers, will also be volunteering as a model, whilst Stafford Member Jimmy Sullivan is opening the show. Jackie Lewis will be our MC again.

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Front page image and images in article courtesy of Darryl Nash & Christine Morgan Models Kitty, Finn and Lilly at the Hayward Street sign Models Emily, Kaetlyn, Finn, Ivan, Mayatu Nova, Thomas Integrated MMA Stafford

Brisbane’s Stafford Corps
Recycled Beauty Graces
Last year, over 160 people attended each event—even with restrictions—so 2022 is set for a big turn out! The new store at 32 Hayward Street, Stafford will be open from 5-6pm and food trucks will be on site. Our tickets are up on Eventbrite to a cheap $25 entry, including light refreshments. We also love giving back to our community, so the foyer will again hold pop-up displays and small business community stalls (free of charge!) We hope this show is able to spread some smiles and lift some spirits, both with the event and the funds to be raised. But most of all we hope our community awakens to the wonders that can be achieved with the art of recycling, reusing, and repurposed clothing. Contact Sandi, the event Coordinator, via sandra.d@ for inquiries.
To most students, the financial side of things is a headache and a half. Is it even worth the splurge? some might wonder.

Formal night—one of the most memorable events of the high school senior year. Not to mention, an incredibly expensive night for students who go ‘all out’ and splurge on a dress or suit, even if it is just for solo use hire, plus the costs of makeup, hair, formal shoes, a clutch, the ultimate limousine grandentrance, etcetera, etcetera.
The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page

If you ask local mums Christine Bunn and Mel Nicol, their answer will be a definitive No. Christine has lived in Brisbane Northside for 29 years, originally finding her life’s fulfilment as a Registered Nurse. She has three children, respectively aged 20, 18, and 16, who all attended Prince of Peace Lutheran School. Christine founded three previous community services—Loaves & Fish, Meals 4 You, and Meals 4 Youth—which led to her receiving an Australia Day Lord Mayors Award. However, Christine had to leave behind her ministries 6 years ago due to Degenerative Disc Disease, which rendered her disabled. Around this time, Christine realised that with the cost of living growing exponentially, affording formal and semi formal attire was becoming out of reach for more families. Just hiring a dress or a suit alone could cost around $150-$300!
Squeaky Clean Formal Attire…For Free? co-run business, Bubble & Squeak, were formed. They set about sourcing preloved and new formal and semi formal wear to giveaway ‘free’ through their new community service. Any Year 11/12 student is welcome to pop into the ladies’ studio in Stafford and rummage through their vast collections to their hearts’ desire—no questions asked! In order to remove any emotional stress from clients, all that is required from them is a Student ID. They can come get fitted for their gown or suit; Bubble & Squeak has all size outfits, women and mens’ shoes, ties, clutches, jewellery, and more. They have already sent two boxes of goods to Borroloola, Darwin, for their first youth ball, as well as 3 car loads of quality clothes to Solomon Island Community in Oakey. Between Mel and Christine, they have had 7 children attend school formals and are fiercely aware of how expensive it is. The mums wish to lessen the financial and emotional burden on families wanting their children to experience the once-in-a-lifetime event.

As always, Bubble & Squeak is welcoming any donations of women and mens’ formal wears. Items can be dropped off at 14 Banek Place Everton Park. You can also check them out on socials Instagram and Facebook handles are @bubbleandsqueakbrisbane Christine Bunn and Mel Nicol in their studio

Christine approached her close friend Mel Nicol, who lived in Dirranbandi until her major move 4 years ago to the heart of Brisbane, and both ladies had a lightbulb moment. What if, for those in need, they could make the seemingly unsurmountable cost of formal night disappear? Poof, the foundations for their
Mel’s heart also lies in rural and remote communities that endure hardship. Christine tells, ‘We fitted our first client this week and have three next Tuesday fully booked out. Mel and I would love to see this community service reach as many students as it can. There is nothing better than supporting our community and having the ability to make a difference.’
SUNDAY 23rd OCTOBER. Doors open 11.30am, Auction Starts 1pm OES Hall, Cnr. Kitchener Road & Bohland Street, Kedron. Admission $3 -includes a door ticket - every door ticket receives a prize. Cent Auction Tickets 50c a sheet OVER 100 GREAT PRIZES - Refreshments available

For further information or to pre-purchase tickets Call Lorraine on 3263 1337 or email


GATES Open In Dayboro
10am - 11am, Cost: FREE Mon. 19th Sept. & 26th Sept. Beginners

Page 10 - September 2022, The Eatons Echo

Gates is presented at The Churn Room in the Old Dayboro Butter Factory at 38 Williams Street, Dayboro. The exhibition will be open to the public from 16th to 30th October, 2022 from Wednesday’s through to Sunday’s from 9am - 3pm (Closed Mondays and Tuesdays). Admission is free.
After experiencing the tragic loss of her stepdaughter in 2017, Bobbie Jones left her corporate career to pursue healing and purpose finding it in her passion for art.

To book call PGA Golf Professional Nick Tonga (07) 3264 6795

Timetable (Costs are per session) Intermediate 1pm - 3pm, Cost: $40 Tues. 20th Sept. & 27th Sept. Advanced 9am - 3pm, Cost: $120 Thurs. 22nd Sept & 29th Sept First Time Beginners
Junior golf is still at the forefront of our leading bodies but I feel the game and its administration needs to diversify if it is to attract younger players and families to the sport. The traditions of which the club golfer is all so familiar with, are also possibly the barriers that seem to keep the younger generations from committing to the game. Clubs are full of rules, regulations, old school habits and of course a time commitment. It's all necessary but do they shout out "Come and join our club, we'd love to have you?" As the economy slows down and we know it will, time will tell but one thing is for sure, numbers at clubs will decrease. The clubs that show the foresight to listen, understand and move with the times, will certainly be the big winners moving forward.
With all of the modern-day greats winning big events worldwide, unselfishly promoting their clubs and the game here at home, plus massive paydays, we still find that junior golf participation is low when compared to other sports.
My dream and hope is to one day see this great game stand beside the team sports and see our kids choosing a sport for life, one they can play forever, anywhere in the world and with anyone. It's a pretty special game.
If your community organisation is looking to increase numbers, or you have a story to share, email

Call for details

Fairways Pro Nick Tonga

at Wantima Country Golf Club, 530 S Pine Rd, Brendale

You only have to look around your local club Monday to Friday and it is so predominant, our seniors, the club's engine, grinding the path and the generation who taught us to give more than you take, leading by example. Who will be the ones that are going to take over in the long term?
10am - 11am, Cost: $20 Tues. 20th Sept. & 27th Sept. Includes All Equipment
Golf club memberships and patronage have grown at a rate never seen before and there is no reason why it shouldn’t continue in the same fashion. The only problem I see, is the ageing population in the game and I say that with the utmost respect because without our seniors support and contributions, the game and many clubs in Australia would barely exist.
In saying that, the area in which we live is probably one of the most successful golf superstar havens in the country from Norman, Grady, Senior, Baker-Finch, to modern day players like Sendon, Pampling and Smith, we certainly have had the golf gods on our side here.
One of Bobbie’s striking images

It's been three years away from the game and although I had heard the rumours, to actually see the growth and present buzz around golf is amazing.

& Greens A monthly column with PGA Golf
The exhibition is designed to provoke thought and reflection and to leave the visitor with a new perspective on gates.
The Gates project took Bobbie along 6000 kilometres of Australian roadway that many never travel to capture an artistic insight into Gates and their silent stories. Over 100 quintessentially Australian gates tell a story of culture, function, art, and power.

Opening to the public on the 16th October is the first exhibition for Eatons Hill Artist and Photographer Bobbie Jones entitled ‘Gates’.
‘Time in nature allows us to reflect, observe and appreciate symbols and messages that we are too busy to notice in our daily lives. This country is incredibly unique and spiritual which is what I have tried to capture through these images,’ said Bobbie.
The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page Your local plumbing, drainage & gas fitting specialists ✔ Hydro Jet Rodder ✔ Drain Cleaner Machine ✔ Camera Location ✔ Residential Maintenance ✔ Insurance works Specialising in drainage clearance & rectifications QBCC Licence # 15055223 07 3038 1038 or 0410 371 220 plumbaroundptyltd ✔ Commercial Maintenance ✔ Hot Water Systems ✔ Pre-Purchase Plumbing Inspections ✔ Water Efficiency Inspections ✔ Gas fitting Services ✔ Sewer Rectifications ✔ Stormwater Rectifications ✔ Updating Tapware & Toilets ✔ Finding those pesky water leaks OUR SERVICES INCLUDE

Page 12 - September 2022, The Eatons Echo Funerals with FaithAn Outreach of the Catholic Church • All Areas • Burials • Repatriations • All Parishes • Cremations • Pre Arrangements Phone: 07 3293 0555 • Funeral Bonds Caring for 724anddenominationsallfaithshoursadaydaysaweek

To book your event, visit events, choose your event, make your booking and print your ticket. For more information, contact the library on 5433 2638.
The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page

What's On at the Albany Creek Library!

Galaxy Slime : Monday 19th September, 10.30am11.30am Make a tub of super spacey slime to take home. Ages 5-11. Free. Bookings Required. Sprint into the Poetree Garden : Monday 19th September, 2pm - 4pm Write and perform a poem with poet and teacher Nicki Cassimatis. Add your poem to a leaf on our poetree, to be displayed in the library over the holidays. Ages 9-11. Free. Bookings Required.
1000 Hearts Sewing Circles : Tuesday 20th September, 2pm - 3pm Support Queensland Mental Health Week and hand-stitch a "pocket-heart" to be given away in a random act of kindness. Basic sewing skills required. 1000 Hearts is an Australian initiative promoting kindness. Ages 12+. Free. Bookings Required. Meet Bumpy the Wombat: Friday 23rd September, 2pm - 3pm Meet Australian wildlife, including owls, Wombats and bettongs. All ages. Free. Bookings Required.
Engineering Challenge: Wednesday 28th September, 2pm - 3pm Test out your engineering skills and use everyday items to build brides, towers, and more. Ages 6-12. Free. Bookings Required. Mum and Daughter Hormone Help : Thursday 29th September, 6pm-7pm Teen hormones can be a superpower! Find out how with naturopath Wendy Burke, plus how to address common concerns. Free. Bookings Required. Galaxy Bath Bombs: Friday 30th September, 3.30pm4.30pm Make galaxy bath bombs using natural ingredients. Ages 1217. Free. Bookings Required. Craft Group : 2nd & 4th Monday of the Month, 10am - noon Feeling crafty? Do you enjoy making and creating, are you a needlepointer, beading artist or a scrapbooker? Join other crafters and share your tips and tricks, solve your craft problems and chat while indulging in your craft activity. BYO project, supplies, and sense of fun. Sessions are held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. Excluding public holidays. Free. No bookings required. Suitable for adults only. Bridge Club: 2nd Monday of the month, 2pm - 3.30pm Contract Bridge or Bridge is considered to be the ultimate card game and it is played all around the world. Come along to learn how to play, practice your skills or just have fun playing with other players.

The Australian Trade College North Brisbane (ATCNB) is delighted to announce that one of their very own teacher’s, Leah Pollock-Grant, has been recognised for excellence in the State’s to[ training awards.

Leah was teaching Certificate III in Business to Year 11 and 12 students when she recognised a need for additional support in the mental health and well-being space. This led her to study a Cert IV in Mental Health and then a Masters in Counselling to build her skills in this area.

While Leah was thrilled to have won the award, she said it was a great opportunity to showcase what teachers do at ATCNB, ‘It’s not just an award for me, it’s an award for everyone because we all do an amazing job. The responsibility we have as teachers and trainers goes beyond just providing training.
Page 14 - September 2022, The Eatons Echo
State’s top training awards taken out by Brisbane Teacher state of the art education facilities. ATCNB partners with Australian Trade Training College (ATTC), a Registered Training Organisation, to provide students a wide range of nationally recognised VET qualifications and courses in trade areas such as Automotive, Business, Commercial Cookery, Electrotechnology, Engineering, Hairdressing, Barbering, Construction, Cabinet Making and Plumbing.
Leah has taken out the VET Teacher of the Year award at the North Coast Region Queensland Training Awards. These prestigious awards recognise individuals and organisations that strive for and have achieved success, best practice and innovation in vocational education and training (VET).
ATCNB College Principal, Brett Kavanagh, said the award was a testament to Leah’s commitment and passion for her role, ‘Leah has been creating a safe and supportive learning environment for students at ATCNB for 14 years, and we’re thrilled that she has been recognised for this through the Queensland Training Awards. In my 25 years of working in schools as both a teacher and school leader, I have never encountered a teacher and VET trainer that is more passionate about the long-term learning and personal wellbeing journey of her students. Leah is a most worthy candidate of the VET Trainer of the Year award category.’
like Leah that help ATCNB become known as a ‘trade school of excellence’, ‘The College’s philosophy is that students can reach their potential through many and varied pathways. Leah brings this philosophy to life. She takes her time to get to know students, giving them the support to find their own pathway and pursue their career goals. Our student completion and engagement rates are higher because we have teachers that care about their wellbeing,’ Ms Zechowski said. Leah is now in the running to take out the state award at the Queensland Training Awards State Final which will be presented on 17 September.
As the Leading Teacher and Guidance Officer at the College, Leah was recognised for her guidance of more than 1,200 VET students across business, creative industries, workplace practices and skills for work/vocational pathways.
It’s ensuring our young people are supported in their wellbeing as well as their mental health.’
‘I can have a bigger impact on the students other than teaching them business. I model them to have positive self-talk, positive mental health and wellbeing while teaching business at the same time.’ Leah also coaches other teachers and trainers on how to provide a safe and supportive classroom.
MRAEL CEO, Christine Zechowski, said it was teachers
Leah Pollock-Grant
BUSINESS | COMMERCIAL | PERSONAL Full service mobile mechanics come to your home, site or workplace at a time that suits you. Courtesyvehicleavailable! • Cars, Vans, 4WD’s • Major, Minor & Logbook servicing • General Repairs & Maintenance • Warranty on Parts & Workmanship 3351 3116CALL WORKSHOP: 2/1147 Southpine Rd, Arana Hills
ATCNB, which is part of MRAEL and the IntoWork Australia Group, is an independent school that caters for Years 11 and 12 students that integrates Queensland’s Certificate of Education (QCE), with trade training and apprenticeship services. It is based in Scarborough in a purpose built facility that includes industry standard trade workshops and

The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page Apply Now Complete Year 11 and Year 12 at our purpose built, multimillion dollar, trade training, co-educational independent senior school located at Scarborough Accelerate your School Based Apprenticeship opportunities through our flagship Business and Industry Work Experience programs phone2 07 3880 4331 Take a Virtual Tour of the College online today § Automotive § Commercial Cookery § Construction § Cabinet Making § Electrotechnology Outstanding QCE, Business and Employment outcomes Information Event & Campus Tour - Tuesday 25 October 6:00 PM Wherever you live,getting to us is easy.Scan for transport options. § Hairdressing and Barbering § Metal Engineering § Plumbing § Health Services § Child Care

have to use is vital! Getting a real estate or online property appraisal will give you an idea of where you stand currently.
If you’re looking to renovate or sell and buy again, getting an idea exactly how much equity you may
If you have a current home loan, ask yourself “how long has it been since I checked I had the best possible product/rate”? Having a set and forget mentality with your home loan rate, especially in todays competitive rate market, is a sure fire way of missing out on potential better offers.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is not knowing how much they can afford to spend before they start dreaming big. Having a realistic idea of your borrowing capacity not only helps you plan smarter and keep things within budget, but can also help you from over extending your monthly commitments.
Sometimes the hardest part about building or renovating a home is organising the finance. And if you’ve ever done it before, you’ll know how it can be trickier than your average mortgage. Whether you’re looking to buy land and build, renovate an existing property or sell and purchase a new home, checking your financial foundations first before you start is essential!

Check your rate
Having an idea of your actual monthly outgoings is a great way to identify any areas that you may be able to cut back on or improve. Lenders these days look to rely heavily on your living expenses when assessing your affordability for a home loan. You would be surprised how that daily cup of coffee adds up over a three month period! So where does your Mortgage Broker come in?
Page 16 - September 2022, The Eatons Echo
Check your equity position
Now that banks have all adopted comprehensive credit reporting, it is more important than ever to keep an eye on your credit score. Not only does this help you identify any potential issues upfront but also helps you monitor your score for any potential fraudulent activity. Check your expenses
Check your credit score
Getting The Financial Foundations Set
Here are some top tips to getting the foundations right for your next project: Check your borrowing capacity
Ask your local mortgage broker, Scott Palazzi from Loan Market to help you with all of the above prior to the banks seeing your application. Scott has a wealth of knowledge within the industry and says knowing this information upfront helps set the foundations for your future project. In addition, Scott says this will give you the best possible chances of gaining that all important bank approval! Contact Scott today on 0413 747 283 or email scott.
To book an appointment, please scan the QR code, call 1800 103 074 or visit

“Unfortunately, this assumption leads to worse outcomes like more complicated surgery and potentially more invasive cancer.”
Sante Medical Owner Dr Jackie Montefiore welcomes the partnership. “Now, we can offer our patients timely and affordable skin checks and treatment with highly skilled male and female skin cancer doctors five days,” Dr Montefiore said.

“All the doctors have extensive post-graduate training, and some of them – like Dr Jones and Dr Williams – have been practising for decades in skin cancer medicine only.”

Convenient clinic location with parking at 161 Given Terrace, Paddington 2 in 3 Australians will get skin cancer by age 70 Skin cancers are easier and safer to treat when they are small and detected early When was your last skin check?
Comprehensive skin checks and treatment by female and male doctors

“Some female patients prefer to see a female doctor for a full-body skin check, and they can see Dr Tiffany Litvine or me. We can also offer advice about restoring damaged skin, preventing skin cancer and enhancing your appearance,” she said. To book a skin check now, call 1800 103 074 or visit www.
The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page
Skin Patrol is a leader in workplace skin cancer screening, delivering thousands of skin checks across Australia each year. With a growing team of doctors at their Brisbane HQ, Skin Patrol has joined forces with GP practice, Sante Medical, to make skin checks and treatment more accessible for locals here.
Skin Patrol And Sante Make Skin Cancer Checks Easier Feature Your local spring health and wellbeing guide!
While many of us know how important it is to get a skin cancer check, how many of us make the time? According to Skin Patrol HQ doctors, not enough. They are urging Queenslanders to get this preventative health check done. Skin Patrol CEO Dr Alan Jones explained that two in three Australians will develop skin cancer by the time they are 70, and the earlier skin cancer is detected, the better. “Many people missed important health checks during the pandemic. If we can diagnose skin cancer early and when it is small, it is much easier and safer to treat. But, because skin cancer is common, some people assume they can wait to see a doctor, Dr Jones said.
Experienced skin cancer doctors available five days a week

• Rib pain: This can be a sharp stabbing pain on inhalation causes by irritation to the joint or nerve.
• Lower back pain: the force of a cough can exacerbate or cause a disc injury.

• Headaches: Coughing can trigger a headache caused by straining, sneezing and blowing your nose. So how can a Chiropractor help?
Chiropractors are musculoskeletal therapists meaning we assess and treat the spine, muscles and surrounding tissues. A chiropractor finds areas of the body that are not moving and aims to adjust and release these to restore normal function. After a coughing injury this may be a spinal or rib adjustment, diaphragm release and soft tissue therapy to tight muscles and tissue.

At Function Allied Health we are passionate about helping our patients get back to feeling and functioning their best. If you or a loved one are recovering from a cough and are experiencing pain, we are here to help. We accept Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Plans, DVA patients and offer Pensioner, Health Care Card, Defence and Student discounts. To make an appointment call 3351 0933 or scan the QR code below to book online.

A cough is your body’s natural defence mechanism to protect the respiratory tract and clear foreign particles from the lungs and throat. So, when does coughing become a Prolongedproblem?coughing can cause a range of pain and injuries including:
Has Coughing Become A Pain In The Back?
Did you know that a cough or a sneeze can have a speed of up to 80km per hour?! Your body has to withstand a huge amount of force by contracting and bracing the spine, ribcage and surrounding muscles.
• Chest pain: Coughing uses muscles in the chest and abdomen. Extended periods of coughing can leave the muscles feeling sore and fatigued • Muscle strain: A cough can be forceful enough to cause a strain of muscles in the back, intercostal muscles (ribcage), neck and abdominals.
Page 18 - September 2022, The Eatons Echo
It seems like everyone is either sick or suffering from the after effects of being unwell this winter. Here at Function. allied Health, we have seen a huge increase in patients presenting with coughing related injuries.
• Diaphragm strain: During a bought of prolonged coughing your diaphragm has to work overtime which can cause tightness under the ribcage and a feeling you can’t take a full breath.

Eadie Kendell with Echo News Journalist Georgia Wright at Function.all Pilates studio their own standards. There are three main types of workouts offered at Function.all; Shape, which is a low-impact toning class; Energy, which involves more cardio and challenging movements; and Foundations, the class that focuses most on form and conditioning. The latter is the perfect place for beginners (like me) to start, as this is where the breathwork and mind-muscle connection is established, alongside the key components of Pilatesstyle workouts. I found shape to be quite challenging especially, considering the low-impact, as it forced my body to pretzel into shapes and motions using a sort of balance I’d never considered prior. However, it was the Energy class that left me sweating and reeling in utter Allexhaustion.thepainwas worth it, of course, because I had gained a sense of bodily control and grace previously unknown. And so it was made official: I, a gym junkie, now had the art of Reformer Pilates up my sleeve thanks to Function. all. To my wonderful instructors, I am sure to return soon!

As a low-impact, total body workout that focuses on improving flexibility and strengthening muscles through controlled, repetitive motions, Pilates puts a whole new strain on your body. You train as an integrated whole—not just as compounded muscle groups—while focusing on core, posture, and upper/lower body strength. One of the most important learnings of Pilates is using breath and mind-muscle connection to ‘feel the burn’. It took me a hot minute to grasp the concept, but now my approach to exercise is forever altered. At Function.all, they incorporate reformer machines, which add on more resistance than typical body weight, ultimately making your muscles work harder. Instructors work closely with participants and tailor to their needs, making sure that everyone is working hard enough at

When I used to think about growing muscle and training my core, my mind flicked to the gym. To lifting weights. To high impact HIIT classes or sunrise sprints. Never did I expect to find my glutes screaming in protest and my abdomen shaking during a Pilates class. After seeing a rising trend on social media of gym-junkie females turning to Pilates for extra burn, I decided it was time to experiment with the foreign form of exercise. With a ‘don’t knock it till you try it’ attitude, I booked myself and a fellow gym-junkie friend into a 3-class trial run at Function.all Pilates in Ferny Hills. We arrived not knowing what to expect, and ended up leaving feeling very humbled, and very sore.
The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page
By Georgia Wright
The Pleasant Surprise of Function.all Pilates

Local KickingPhysioGoals

Sam is a Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and owner of IntegratePHYSIO clinics in Warner, Narangba and North Lakes and satellite clinics in Aspley and Hamilton.

Sam has an outstanding industry and client reputation, who within four years has expanded his practice across five locations and grew 100% during the pandemic. With his diverse team of experts, this extraordinary gentleman has delivered injury relief for 14,000+ patients in Moreton Bay Region.

It is wonderful to see Sam recognised and another great example of a Moreton Bay business shining brightly for the Region. Good luck Sam in September! Sam Bhojwani
Congratulations to Sam Bhojwani from IntegratePHYSIO who was announced as a Physiotherapist of the Year finalist in the 2022 Allied Health Awards.

Page 20 - September 2022, The Eatons Echo WWW.TOPSPINFITNESS.COM.AU FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT EMMANUEL ON 0434 206 824 OR EMAIL TOPSPINFITNESS @GMAIL.COM BUY 4 GET 1 FREE $160 FOR 5X SESSIONS30MIN SPECIAL OFFER! where you need them. New hospitals Authorised by the Queensland Government, William Street, Brisbane. Advertisement We're building 3 new hospitals and 7 satellite hospitals. Expanding ambulance services and creating thousands of new beds. Improving healthcare for all Queenslanders. Queensland Health Plan

Sam was surprised and delighted to secure a finalist spot in this national Awards program and is looking forward to the Gala Awards event taking place in Sydney in September where the winner will be announced.

Finally, when performing automated forms of exercise such as running on a treadmill, the body may be working
Studio Pilates franchisees Candyce Clark, Strathpine; Rosa McCartney, Albany Creek; Melinda Clifton, Arana Hills; Nicole Dickson, Everton Park

“Pilates allows me to focus on getting my mental health in the same shape as my physical health.”
So, what are you waiting for? Give Pilates a go and book yourself into a class today! Your mind will thank you.
Rosa, Albany Creek franchisee says, “When I learn a new exercise or modification, it challenges me to learn a new skill, keeping my mind engaged.”
Since its creation in the 1920’s, Pilates has been used around the world to increase muscle strength and tone, improve flexibility and posture, and lose weight. However, more research is suggesting that Pilates also has a wide range of mental health benefits. Candyce, Strathpine franchisee, loves her Pilates and tells us that Pilates can benefit the body and mind.

The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page
Here are just three ways that Pilates has can improve mental health. Breath is one of the most powerful tools in calming the mind and it is utilised in a wide range of mental health practices. Every Pilates exercise involves a breathing pattern which improves the effectiveness of the exercise, helps supply oxygen to the muscles, and prevents you from holding your breath. “When I am focussed on my breath, I am not focused on the afternoon schedule of picking up the kids!” Nicole, Everton Park franchisee. Pilates is also used widely to reduce and cope with stress, as exercise can increase endorphins, your body’s ‘feel-good’ chemicals. Melinda, Arana Hills franchisee, says “Pilates is where I go to escape a stressful day. As soon as I hit the reformer, I forget about everything else and focus on me.”
How Pilates Benefits Your Mental Health but the brain is not actively engaged. This may lead to increased risk of injury and reduced exercise benefits. Pilates requires you to recruit both your body and mind simultaneously, improving memory and brain function.

Meet and Greet at Albany Creek
The Albany Creek Community Kindergarten is throwing its doors open to prospective families for Open Week 2022.


The event, taking place on Monday 5th September to Thursday 8th September, will provide families a chance to learn more about the kindy that has been serving the local community for more than fifty years. The meet and greets will be held each morning from 9am11am for families that are not already on a future waitlist at the kindy. Here you can meet the educators, see the indoor learning environment and explore the outdoor play areas. For more information and to register for the event, visit candk.
All items are for sale and there will be a raffle box! Kedron Arts Group (KAG) consists of local artists and crafts people, and provides the opportunity for members to showcase and sell their work to the public. KAG donates a % of all sales to nominated local charities, such as Karuna Hospice, Drought Angels, A Brave Life and Qld Rural Fire Brigade. For more details email
In October the club will host Seder Yener, who will demonstrate some of his wonderful skills with Pastillage. This is a medium frequently used to make structures that require extra strength, so it will be a very informative and inspiring afternoon with Seder. Visitors are welcome to attend and there will be a small fee charged.
An update from the Brisbane North Cake Decorators
The next meeting of the Brisbane North Cake Decorators club will be held on Saturday, September 17th at the Arana Hills Community Hall, Dawson Parade Arana Hills, commencing 1pm. This will their Annual General Meeting and after the formalities are complete, there will be a demonstration by guest chair-person Sue, from Central Branch.

The Queensland Cake Decorators Association Annual Cake Show, is on again the weekend before the meeting and there will be plenty of new ideas to talk about. The wedding cake, for the wedding table display is almost finished and several members are entering thecompetitions, we wish them every success. Members look forward to catching up with each other after their two year break due to COVID.
The club had to change a lot of plans for their August meeting. Lorna demonstrated how to do brush embroidery and members all completed a small example of this activity. The frangipani workshop will be conducted at a later date, to be confirmed.


For more information check out their Facebook page by searching Brisbane North Cake Decorators Association QCDA or email


Taigum Shopping Centre, 217 Beams Rd, Taigum QLD 4018 5th - 18th September 2022

New members are always welcome!
Page 22 - September 2022, The Eatons Echo
New member Trish with her Brush Embroidery work
Schedule for the Cake Decorators

The youth team are also running ‘Gays and Greys Workshops’ on Wednesday afternoons. This intergenerational social group welcomes people of all genders, sexualities, identities and allies 12 years and older. The workshops run from 3pm5pm each Wednesday and have activities like badge making, pillowcase making and more.
Our wonderful volunteers, Margaret and John, are just part of the amazing team that make up our staff at the op-shop. They are there to help you with your pre-loved fashion and accessories in our new store at 8 Dallas Parade, Keppera. The new shop will operate from 9am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays, from September 1st. So, drop in and have a chat with our friendly helpful team, we look forward to seeing you soon.

Picabeen Change Room Op-Shop
An update from the Picabeen Community Centre

For further details please head to Picabeen_Youth Team on Instagram or call the community centre on 3354 2555. All activities are at the Mitchelton Community Centre, at 22 Hoben Street, Mitchelton.

Page 24 - September 2022, The Eatons Echo Phone: 3264 2011 Albany Hills State School, Keong Road, Albany Creek • Group Coaching Albany Hills State School All Saints Parish Primary school Albany Creek State AspleySchoolEastState School St Dympnas Catholic Primary School Queen of Apostles Catholic School Good Shepherd Christian School ALL NEWRECEIVEENROLMENTSA FREE TENNIS RACKET AND FREE HOT SHOT T-SHIRT • Private Lessons • Fixtures • Racquet Restringing • Pro Shop
Picabeen Youth Team have a regular LGBTQI+ drop-in on Wednesdays from 3.30pm. The group is aimed at 12-18 year olds. The Picabeen Community Centre is a safe space and welcomes all people from the LGBTQI+ and their allies.

The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page Things you should know: Applications are subject to credit approval. Eligibility criteria and other conditions may apply to some loans. Full terms and conditions will be included with our loan offer. Fees and charges may be payable. Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL and Australian credit licence 234945. ADV15406 270522 Achieve your home owner goals with our support. 0422 483,700Albany Creek Road Whether you’re looking to buy, invest or switch loans, I’m here to help you through every step. My name is Kay Parmar and I’m your local CommBank Home Lending Specialist. Talk to me today.

Have you visited our newly launched website, The Little Echo? This platform showcases the creative talents of the youngest citizens within our community. From photography to recipes and stories to news, you will be truly inspired by what the kids in the community can do. Visit or scan the QR code to have a look. If your kids have a recipe, artwork or story, we would love to hear from them. Either email or upload content over on The Little Echo website.

Page 26 - September 2022, The Eatons Echo from your State Member for Everton TIM MANDER
The Eatons Hill Movie in the Park was a fantastic community event put together by the Moreton Bay Regional Council. This was a chance for families to come together on a warm Friday night to enjoy a FREE showing of the Disney film ‘Encanto’. There were food trucks serving dinner and snacks for the movie-goers and the free lollies from my stall were very popular!
Everton News
Tim Mander at Movie Night Tim Mander MP and Noodles the dog

A TIP TO HELP OUR BEES!...During the warmer months there are fewer flowers, food sources and water for the bees. Furthermore, bees may drown as they try to drink from the pools when they do find water. To give our bees a helping hand, why not grate an Apple and add some water to the bowl?

Tim Mander MP at Eatons Hill Movie in the Park Tim Mander MP and Noodles the dog

The Eatons Hill State School Carnival also went ahead after two years off due to Covid. A big shoutout to the Eatons Hill P&C for organising the event, which was the busiest it has been in some years! My team and I were there handing out flags and lollies to the kids and I even took part in the Anytime Fitness 30 Second Push-Up Challenge with some members of the local community. The raffle prize of the day was a neon-green BMX that I had donated, with all proceeds going towards the great work the P&C does for our local community. Events like these are important opportunities for local residents to come together with friends and family to enjoy the great experiences our part of Brisbane can offer. To keep up to date with what is happening in your local area visit my Facebook TimManderMPEverton or website If you would like to contact me, please phone my office on 3535 1100 or email:

Vietnam Veterans’ Day - thank you for your service August 18th was Vietnam Veterans’ Day, marking the anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan in 1966 and we pay tribute to the 521 Australians who lost their lives in the line of duty and the more than 3,000 who were wounded. Between 1962 and 1972 almost 60,000 Australians served in the conflict and we pay our respects to those veterans still with us, many of whom continue to bear the wounds seen and unseen. We must never repeat the mistakes of our past by disrespecting and mistreating the men and women who proudly wear the uniform in defence of our values and country. Contact me Please get in touch with me via au or 3205 9977. You can stop by one of my mobile office caravan visits, or drop into my office in Strathpine to let me know what your priorities are for our community. To find out more about what’s happening in our community visit
Dickson Seniors Expo
Dickson News
Support research into the causes and treatment of mental illness and attend our Trivia Night! Australian Rotary Health has created the “Lift The Lid” initiative to make these aims a reality. Sponsored by Mitchelton Rotary Club and Arana Leagues Club lift your hat for Lift the Lid and get behind this important cause by joining us for a night of Trivia fun!

Working hard. Getting results.
Authorised P. Dutton, Liberal National Party of Queensland, 3/199 Gympie Road, Strathpine QLD 4500.
A Message from Peter
3/199 Gympie Road, Strathpine QLD 4500 07 3205
Peter DUTTON MP Federal Member for Dickson

This year’s Dayboro and Pine Rivers Shows were a great success and no doubt the Samford Show will be bigger and better when it returns in 2023. I hope you enjoyed your visit to one or more of the shows as much as I did and I can confirm that the Pine Rivers Show has the best dagwood dogs!
The Seniors Expo was a tremendous success, with over 1200 visitors and 80 stalls. I’d like to thank all the members of the Dickson Seniors Council for their tireless work in organising the event and congratulate them on continuing to make the Expo bigger and better with each year. I started the Dickson Seniors Expo in 2004 with the help of the Dickson Seniors Council, to support seniors in our local community. Every year since I have been proud to host and sponsor the event. Backing small businesses I’m regularly out and about in Dickson talking to small businesses about the issues that matter to them and offering my help in any way possible. I want to see more local business opportunities created in our community,so more people will have jobs. Recently I had the pleasure of visiting Hamish and Jacqui Perera at Jubilee Energy in Brendale, to tour their premises and workshops, meet their employees and discuss their current energy products. If you would like me to visit your business, please get in touch via email – contact details are below.
Federal Member for Dickson
It’s been a really busy few months since becoming the Liberal leader and I’m proud to be the first Queenslander to lead the Liberal Party since it was formed 77 years ago. Together with my Coalition team, we’ll back small businesses and support families dealing with increased cost of living pressures, while holding the Albanese Labor government to account on their promises to Australians and support outcomes in the best interests of our country and community. The only people who pay the price for a broken promise are families and small businesses.
Local shows
The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page
Page 28 - September 22, The Eatons Echo * BATHROOMS • Potholes • Trenches • Footpaths • Trip hazards • Crackfilling • Ramps Small Specialists!Work All residential & commercial work Family owned and operated locally Over 30 years experience Contact Deb or Ash 3869 1659 or • Speed bumps • Water diverters • Small overlays • Driveway crossovers • Carpark & Driveway repairs ASPHALT REPAIRS Licensed builder with over 30 years trade experience CALL TODAY TO START YOUR STRESS-FREE BATHROOM RENOVATION Free Quotes | Repair Specialists | Any sized job Specialising in Bathrooms, Insurance Repairs, Renovations Extensions, Granny Flats, New Builds #67351QMBA|#15096669LicenceQBCC BUILDER Free Quotes | Repair Specialists | Any sized job Specialising in Bathrooms, Insurance Repairs, Renovations Extensions, Granny Flats, New Builds #67351QMBA#15096669LicenceQBCC SAVE UP TO $1,500 OFF RENOVATIONBATHROOMCOMPLETEYOUR SPECIAL 0421 011 214 | 1300 161 655 SERVICE & TRADE DIRECTORYYour Local RYAN: 0432 669 855 CALE: 0411 874 252 RENOVATIONBATHROOMSPECIALISTS LOCAL | RELIABLE | EXPERIENCED BATHROOMS QBCC: 15295431 BUILDER QBCC: 1104186 Brad 0447 043 824 New Builds, Major and Minor Renovations building and development

The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page SERVICE & TRADE DIRECTORYYour Local • Air Conditioning - Supply & Installation • Residential & Commercial Maintenance • Switchboard Upgrade • Appliance Installation • Smoke Alarms & Safety Certificate • Lighting Design & Solutions • Extensions and Renovations • Data & NBN Connections ELECTRICIAN Choyce Electrical specialises in high quality, value for money electrical services: Air Con & Fans Safety Switches LED Lighting LOOKING FOR A LOCAL ELECTRICIAN? Smoke Power,SwitchboardsAlarmsphone, data and TV points Call for a FREE Quote 0448 860 666 DOMESTIC | COMMERCIAL | INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN Licence No. #72254 ARC AU36888 GARDEN SERVICES FULLY INSURED, ABN, FREE QUOTE ANDREW 0404 830 890 • HEDGING • MOWING • SMALL TREES • LIGHT CHAINSAW WORK • GARDEN BED MULCHING PRE SALE TIDY UPS/ MAKEOVERS GARDENS AND LAWNS CARAVAN SALES WE SELLBUY,ANDCONSIGN PEST CONTROL Call now for a FREE QUOTE to get rid of the following pests: • Cockroaches • Termites • Ants • Mosquitoes • Silverfish • Rodents • Spiders • Wasps/Bees 0408 380 867 JIM’S PEST CONTROL • Animal Management Mobile locksmith service providing lock installation, repairs,changes & key-alike convenience PREMIER LOCKSMITHS Arrive on time & qualityprovided!work Call Darren 3861 0872 Security Licence number 3535622, ABN 90581178679 ❖ Deadlocks ❖ Deadlatches ❖ Security screen locks ❖ Sliding glass door locks ❖ Garage door locks and more LOCKSMITH

Page 30 - September 2022, The Eatons Echo SERVICE & TRADE DIRECTORYYour Local Your old fashioned local house painter with over 30 years experience. All work is done by Peter and comes with a 100% guarantee. QBCC: 44340 Call Peter for your free quote 0422 102 037 GUARANTEEDTOKEEPAPPOINTMENTS Peter Wright THE PAINTER Premium quality paints used | Locally owned & operatedPeter-Wright-The-PainterPAINTER PLUMBING 3063 2253 Hi, I‘m Local in Your Area Blocked Drain Expert ✔ Senior Discounts ✔ Upfront Pricing ✔ Fast Plumber ✔ Water Jet & CCTV EmergenciesPlumbing 24/7 Conditions Apply* Same Day Trades Call$0out Licenced Plumber and Drainer Since 1988 QBCC Licence #1096084 IF YOU’VE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST PLUMBER ADVERTISE IN OUR DIRECTORY! Rates from only $70 per month! Email $110 PLUMBING 0439 468 013CONTACT TOM ABN: 90149699385 • QBCC: 1296982 ALL PLUMBING & GAS SERVICES SERVICING BRISBANE & SURROUNDING AREAS PENSIONERS & SENIORS DISCOUNTS THINK LOCAL. SHOP LOCAL!

Ladies, Do You Want To Make A Difference?

The Brendale Evening Club welcomes you to come along to see if VIEW is for you. Ladies looking to join the club must be ready to have the time of their lives, as they join in and participate with other like-minded women in the many organised fundraising and social Activitiesactivities.include a Fashion Parade, a trip to Parliament House for a tour and lunch and group walks along the foreshore at Shorncliffe. The ladies also get together on the first Saturday of the month to enjoy a coffee morning. Upcoming events include a Picnic in the Park, at Pine Rivers Park with visitors welcome and a Father’s Day Raffle at Bunnings Brendale. At the September meeting our guest speaker will be SaraJane Dean, from the University of Queensland Institute of Molecular Bioscience. To be a part of this rewarding and amazing club, we welcome you to come along to one of our next dinner meetings as a Thevisitor.Brendale Evening View Club is a fun and friendship club, where you can meet new friends, enjoy a two course meal and listen to an informative guest speaker. While we’re having fun, we are also fundraising for The Smith Family. Our dinner meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at Aspley Hornets Football Club, 50 Graham Rd, Carseldine, meet at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Through the Smith Family, our members sponsor eight Learning for Life students. VIEW is a national self-governed women’s organisation formed by the children’s charity, The Smith Family. VIEW (Voice, Interests & Education of Women) women fully support The Smith Family’s Learning for Life educational program, which gives disadvantaged Australian children the step up they need through education, to achieve their goals as adults and help break the poverty Forcycle.further information email or phone Shayne, 0409 991 428.
The Eatons Echo, September 2022 - Page PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICEYour Local Treelopper Specialists No obligation free quotes. Large or small jobs welcome Call 1300 885 755 or 0416 154 304 • Tree Removalists • Tree Surgery • Storm Damage Prevention • Pruning and Shaping • We mulch for you • Stump Grinding • 20 years experience • Professional Friendly Service TREE SERVICES QUALITY AGED FOREST SERVICEFromAVAILABLEMULCH-only$10/m³! & TRADE DIRECTORYYour Local T-SHIRT SUPPLY & PRINTING GET YOUR BRAND NOTICED! Corporates • Events • Sports Clubs • Email for a quote From$10 per shirt!T&C’s Apply • Business Cards • Brochures • Presentation • Plans & Posters • Banners • A-Frames • Ink & Toner • Stationery Call 3707 6800 22 Nepean Avenue, Arana Hills PRINTING & SIGNAGE YOUR LOCAL PRINT & SIGN SPECIALIST

An update from the Brendale Evening View Club

Page 32 - September 2022, The Eatons Echo