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Thriving Not Just Surviving
An update from the Hills Organic Garden
The garden is looking absolutely amazing at the moment with lovely cool weather allowing our plants to thrive. Plus, we had a little bit of rain at the beginning of July which is always nice.
At the August meeting, the Mitchelton and Districts Garden Club will be welcoming Rose Graham to speak on the topic of Herbal Teas. Rose is a knowledgeable presenter and her talk will be engaging, informative, and inspiring for attendees, fostering a deeper appreciation for the world of herbs and their diverse uses in the realm of tea and beyond.

August Gardening
Apply fertiliser this month, but only if it there is water available (preferably watering before and after application). Fertiliser on dry soil can be wasteful or even damaging. Be careful not to burn shallowrooted plants like azalea and remember to keep highphosphorus fertilisers away from sensitive natives like grevillea and banksia (if in doubt buy a product especially formulated for natives).
Common hedge types and summer-flowering shrubs can be pruned now to control the size and shape of the bush and to stimulate new growth e.g. ‚Geisha Girl‘ Duranta, Murraya paniculata, Lilly Pillies, Abutilon, Bauhinia galpinii (www.queenslandgardening.com/ august.html).

As for weeds, Bindii grows in the Winter and go to seed in early Spring. The best time to target Bindii is in Winter before it produces the seed pod and spreads throughout your lawn. Keep on top of Bindii through prevention by regularly fertilising and watering your lawn (www.pestandlawnwarehouse.com.au).
Our Club will next meet at The Enoggera Memorial Hall (entrance via Trundle St) on Thursday August 3, 2023 at 9:30am for a 10:00am start. Entry is $3.00 and morning tea is provided. Visitors are most welcome. Feel free to contact us via email at mitcheltongc@gmail.com or find us on Facebook @mitcheltongardenclub.
Safety At Home
From the Ferny Grove Garden Club
The August meeting of the Ferny Grove Garden Club will be on Friday, 25th August, at 1 pm. The club meets in St Matthew’s Church Hall, Church Road, Mitchelton.
An officer from the local Police Station will come to the club to advise members on taking care of themselves in the home and in their surroundings. Safety precautions to avoid unwanted intruders will be given and members should feel much safer with these techniques.
For more information please telephone Elizabeth 07 3851 0568.
Our snowpeas are producing extremely well and the rocket and lettuce are thriving which is great to put in our salads. The silverbeet, shallots and cabbages are being shared amongst our members and we should be able to start pickling some beetroot soon. The young lemon tree has given us a few lemons for the first time and we look forward to what next year will bring. Climbing beans and broad beans have just started to get a go on and we have had some delicious carrots. At the end of our working day, we always seem to go home with a basket full of goodies.
The HOG community is a friendly group who offer people in the Hills District the opportunity to grow vegetables using organic principles. Members meet on a Sunday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm and they also attend the garden through the week to water and do general maintenance.
You will find us at 416 Bunya Road, Bunya next to the Off Leash Dog Park. Membership Fees per year are $20 for adults, $30 for family and $10 for Juniors.
Visit www.hog.org.au, search ‘The Hills Organic Garden’ on Facebook or phone 0407 582 980 for information. We look forward to meeting you!