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Knitting For Those In Need
store posted a call out for beanies or scarves on social media and was astounded by the reponse she received.
‘My store is very much about supporting the community and we are always trying to help out in a way or another. After posting the call out for donations onto social media, customers started dropping the items to the shop. Customers were very happy to be help and had a lot of pride that they just made the items to donate them,’ explains Leilani.
Donations continue to pour into the store, so if you would like more information about receiving a donation of winter woolies, contact samfordvariety@gmail.com
A Lovely Lunch with the Ladies
Johanna from Picabeen Community Centre was thrilled to take delivery of the donated winter woolies
The Picabeen Community Centre was thrilled to receive a donation of cosy winter woolies last month. Lovingly hand-knitted by members of the Samford community, these items will go a long way in helping those within our community doing it tough stay warm this winter. The team at Picabeen handed out the donations at their recent community BBQ and visitors were overjoyed to receive the donations. The drive was organised by the Samford Variety Store as many of their customers are keen knitters and were eager to help out in anyway they could. Leilani, owner of Samford Variety
The luncheon meeting for Arana VIEW Club will be held at 10.30am for 11am on the first Wednesday of the month at Arana Leagues Club, Dawson Parade, Keperra. A two course lunch for $30 including tea and coffee will be provided. There will be lucky door prize and raffles and a guest speaker. For bookings phone Carol 3355 5349 by 11am on the Thursday before the meeting if you are attending.
VIEW welcomes new members and visitors to our meeting and other social activities organised each month so members have a chance to make new friends. All funds raised are donated to The Smith Family and its Learning for Life programs that provide education scholarships and personal support for students. www.thesmithfamily.com.au/view