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A Lifetime of Love and Devotion
On the 16th February 2023, timeless lovers Jenny and Charles will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary with friends and family. Travelling from all corners of the country, the pair’s loved ones will be there to honour their lives’ passion and dedication to family, the community, education, and the environment. Both together and as individuals, the couple have inspiring stories to tell.
As a young woman, Jenny dabbled in the field of childcare, working as a Teacher’s Aide, a staff member at early childhood centres, then at Lady Gowrie’s office. However, it was during her time as an administrative worker for the NSW Railways in Sydney that she met Charles, a graduated Industrial Chemist. The pair grew fond of each other at this time and eventually relocated to Tasmania whilst Charles pursued a career at Burnie Paper Mill. It was here that the couple birthed their two children, Cathy and Michael. Charles then worked for decades at the Mackay Sugar Research Institute and as lecturer at the Mackay Sugar School (TAFE). He travelled nationally and internationally for his sugar industry work and was an international corrosion expert. Charles worked into his seventies as a Senior Industrial and Food Hygiene Workplace Health and Safety Inspector. He received many awards during his career. Jenny, on the other hand, expresses that her most prized award was the Order of Australia Association Queensland Senior Volunteer Award in 2017.
With nothing short of sheer willpower, Jenny and Charles spent the better half of their adulthood raising their beloved children, three nephews, three granddaughters, and their grandson. With parenthood came their passion for volunteering; in their young

Arana Hills Uniting Church