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Prep Your House For Sale
Every seller wants to achieve the best possible sale price for their property, so giving your home a renovation make-over could make all the difference.
Go online and see what similar properties are available for sale near you. Look at what has recently sold nearby too. Make a list and see how the properties differ from yours. For example, a nearby property may have an ensuite. Perhaps spending a little money can give your home that edge and make it better placed with other properties on the market. Just be warned – you don’t want to overcapitalise!
We have put together a few simple tips to help boost the value of your home.
Inside the Home: Use a light and neutral palette for your interior paint colour. Replace old fixtures and fittings. Replace and fix cracked tiles, stained carpets or loose handles. Update any old taps, cabinetry handles, light switches and plug sockets, showerheads.
Exterior: First impressions count! Wash down walls and doors and give the windows and ledges a good clean. You want to add as much street appeal to your property as possible!
Hire a Hubby can help your property stand out from the crowd. Give them a call on 1800 803 339 for an obligation free quote.