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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................................... 5 The Benefits of Creating Your Own Products .................................. 6 The Product Comes Last .................................................................. 8 Day 1: Research - What Do People Want ......................................... 9 Keyword Research ........................................................................ 9 Why is Keyword Research important? ...................................... 9 Competitive Research .................................................................. 11 The Forum Check ....................................................................... 12 An Advanced Way To Search Forums ..................................... 12 Amazon ....................................................................................... 15 Magazines.com ........................................................................... 15 43 Things .................................................................................... 15 Day 2: What’s Your Advantage? .....................................................17 Product Title ............................................................................... 19 Product Survey ........................................................................... 20 Get Organized ............................................................................. 21 Days 3, 4, 5: Product Creation Methods ........................................ 23 Fill In the Detail .......................................................................... 25 Why not create a checklist of tasks? ........................................... 25 Product Design ........................................................................... 27 Day 6: Pricing Your Product .......................................................... 28 How to Protect the Value of Your Product ................................. 30 Day 7: Put Your Feet Up ................................................................ 32 Appendix 1: Product Ideas ............................................................. 33 1. How-To Tutorial ..................................................................... 33 2. Frequently Asked Questions ................................................... 33 3. Interview ................................................................................. 34 4. List .......................................................................................... 34 5. Case Study .............................................................................. 35 6. Idea Generators ...................................................................... 35 7. The Beginner ........................................................................... 36 8. Shortcuts ................................................................................ 36 9. Advanced Guide ...................................................................... 37 10. Time Frame ........................................................................... 37 11. Personal Profile ..................................................................... 38 12. Planner .................................................................................. 38 13. What To Do When ................................................................. 39

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

14. Save Money ........................................................................... 40 15. Make Money .......................................................................... 40 16. Faster And Easier .................................................................. 41 17. Barriers And Mistakes ........................................................... 41 18. The 5-Minute Guide To ......................................................... 42 19. Top Picks ............................................................................... 43 20. Age Specific .......................................................................... 43 Appendix 2: Product Titles ............................................................ 45

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Introduction Hello and welcome to “Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days”. In this guide we'll go through the benefits of creating and selling your own products. We'll show you how to research what your products should be about, how to get ideas for products, and what your customers want. We'll also go through how to organize creating your product, and pricing your product. Finally we have lots of ideas to get you started on creating your own products. So let’s get started.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

The Benefits of Creating Your Own Products When you create your own products there are many benefits: 1. Create the product and marketing upfront and get paid for it for years to come. 2. You have low startup costs AND low overall running costs for the products. 3. There are very high margins with information products. After paying for marketing costs, the profits are very high. 4. The product you create can be broken down into smaller information products that you can use for emails, blog posts, articles, etc. But Everything Can Be Acquired For Free… First-time product creators often raise the concern that the internet provides so much information for free. Could your future customers find out the information themselves for free, instead of buying it from you? Most probably YES, no matter what type of product you create. But…ONLY if they have all the time in the world to invest. Almost anything can eventually be found online if you’re willing to search 100+ hours for it and you’re able to sort through all the trash and wrong opinions it takes to get there. Then collate everything into a nice order. People pay you for delivering the information to them in an easy to digest, convenient format without all the fluff and junk added in. You do their sorting and organizing for them.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Most valuable to them is when you have tested and proven results to help them with their life.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

The Product Comes Last You’ll notice that our approach to product creation firstly focuses on finding your target market BEFORE you develop your product. The majority of marketers do it all wrong! They firstly develop a product and then work so hard trying to find a market for it. That’s working backwards. Our approach is to find a hungry market that desperately wants a solution to their problems. That’s the key that determines a successful selling product. This is our approach:

• Research • Product Survey • What’s your advantage? • Product Creation • Pricing Your Product

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Day 1: Research - What Do People Want Before you design and create a product you need to know what your customers want and then sell them it. The best way to find out is via research. There are a number of approaches to research and we recommend you do as many of them as you can, so you get a complete picture of what your customers want. Let’s do some research…

Keyword Research The vast majority of people who go onto the internet, go for one reason. To find information. They perform a Google or MSN or BING search to see what information is available for free or to buy. The words that individuals enter in the search criteria is called the 'keyword phrase'. For instance, if you performed a Google search for "ballroom dancing", then you have just used the keyword phrase "ballroom dancing". After you completed your first search you may not like or find what you are looking for, you may perform another search. For instance, "ballroom dancing shoes". That would be another keyword phrase. Google records all the keyword phrases people have entered every day for the past few years, and we can tap into that information to find out whether your product will be a good seller. Why is Keyword Research important? Because if we see what keyword phrases people are using to search for information, we can determine whether the product idea you are thinking about is one worth using.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

What makes a keyword phase determine whether the product idea is worth using? There are 2 rules of keyword research when product researching: Key Rule #1: 90% of keyword phrases are ‘one-off’s or are hardly used. When thinking about your product you MUST ONLY target keyword phrases that are used time and time again to search on. Key Rule #2: 90% of keyword phrases have very POOR profit potential. You MUST ONLY target keyword phrases that will bring you in CASH, NOT just traffic. Taking these 2 key rules into consideration, we have to do some research to find the best keyword phrases that will determine whether you product idea is worth progressing. The easiest and quickest way is with a tool called Market Samurai. The Market Samurai tool is made up of many functions but the Keyword Analysis part is free. Click on this link to download a free version: Market Samurai The free version still allows you to use the fully functional Keyword Analysis function. It’s an awesome tool. Please note: Market Samurai also works on MAC By doing this research it will confirm whether people are actually parting with their money after searching for specific keywords. If they are, then it gives you a good indication that a product in that subject matter will sell.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Watch this video that shows you how to complete Keyword Research using Market Samurai: http://www.incomebloggingguide.com/guides/prods/vids/Marketsamurai.mp4

Competitive Research What are your competitors doing? If you found there were no other products for sale in the subject matter you are thinking of creating your own product in – is that a good sign? NO! You want some competition. There is normally a good reason why there is no competition – the subject matter doesn’t sell on-line. No one spends money in that area. Search on Google using the keywords you’ve found performing your keyword research. Visit the sites listed. Sort through all the sites which are selling similar products to your ideas and print out their website. You may even want to buy a couple of the products to see how they compare to what you will be creating. You’re looking for two primary aspects while doing your competitive research: 1. Are there some common benefits the competitors are selling? 2. What elements are they leaving out which you can use as a competitive difference, when you create your product?

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

The Forum Check A forum is a virtual meeting place for people with the same interest, who look for advice, ask questions and air their concerns on the subject of that forum. Do a Google search for your niche, for instance ‘ballroom dancing’ and then add the word “forum”, so you end up searching for “ballroom dancing forum”. When you enter the forums, you can observe and study what the participants are discussing. You will find some forums that are not very active i.e. not many people ‘talking’ or sharing advice/concerns. Skip those ones. Find forums where there is lots of chat, every day. If you don’t find any, then perhaps, this is telling you there is not an on-line demand for your potential product. Once you have found a forum or two you like, find out what the forum members like and don’t like. Note down the things they are looking for, their problems and complaints. Look to see if the same problem or concern keeps being mentioned. That would be a great sign to say there could be a need in the market for a product that covers these common concerns. But when you are at the forums, don’t just read – add your own comments, questions and concerns as well. By doing this research up-front, you will have many more ideas for products which will be sought after by your future customers. An Advanced Way To Search Forums This is a way you can search a forum for certain terms. Once you have found an active forum, copy the domain URL.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

For instance, here is a Dance Forum: http://www.dance-forums.com/ We are going to search the forum for the phrase ‘How to’. Within the Google search use the following: "how do I" site:http://www.dance-forums.com/ In the image below, you’ll see there are 13,500 results from such a search and it lists all occurrences where someone has used the phrase “how do I” within a forum post. Examples: How do I get asked to dance? How do I start dancing?

Make a note of all the phrases that could help you make your perfect product. © 2011 All Rights Reserved. http://BlogSolutionsLtd.com

Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

You can also use search phrases like: “how do you” “what's the best way to” “what is the” “how can I” NOTE: These are only a few suggestions for search phrases. Use variations of the above search terms, or ones you come up with on your own. Have fun with it. You're going to get tons of ideas. You are looking for 3 things when in the forums: 1. Pain Points - frustrations about problems or the current products available in the market. 2. Aspirational Statements - When someone says, “If only I could ____, I could have this and accomplish this.” 3. Plain Old Questions - Target audience members asking questions related to the product you are thinking of creating. Do the same questions keep coming up? Do the same pain points appear on multiple forums? What are the dominant questions, pains, and goals? Take all these points and add them into a spreadsheet for reference later. For example:




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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

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And so on. Watch this video that shows you how to search the forums: http://www.incomebloggingguide.com/guides/prods/vids/forum.mp 4

Amazon Check out the bestsellers section on Amazon (www.amazon.com/bestsellers) Look at what is selling in your niche. What are the best sellers? What do people say in the product reviews?

Magazines.com Magazines.com allows you to look at the front cover of popular magazines. Look at what ‘titles’ they are putting on the front cover. For the most successful magazines, these cover ‘titles’ are a result of their research and feedback in the market.

43 Things Your goal of your product is to help people solve their problems and reach their goals. © 2011 All Rights Reserved. http://BlogSolutionsLtd.com

Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

This website, http://www.43things.com/zeitgeist/goals allows you to see what the most popular goals are – voted by people. It’s a great resource to use to see what people want help with. Gather all the information and add the details to your spreadsheet. Watch this video that shows you how to complete research on Amazon, Magazines.com and 43 Things: http://www.incomebloggingguide.com/guides/prods/vids/amazonetc.mp4 End of day 1: By the end of day 1 you should have: Completed your research

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Day 2: What’s Your Advantage? You need to find your advantage. What will separate your product and make it more enticing than any other product available? You do already have one advantage over many other products in the marketplace…through the research you have completed on day 1, you have the exact questions your target market is asking. With this knowledge, look for a gap in the market. This gap can be found in several ways: 1. Audience. Choose a specific portion of your audience instead of the whole audience. Maybe you could focus on beginners or advanced. Maybe you only work with people under or over a certain age. 2. Be specific. Maybe you teach “30 Days to ____,” or give “101 Ways to ______,” or provide the only product guaranteed to work within 10 days. 3. Tools / resources. Can you add certain tools and resources to help speed up the learning curve? You could create some easy to follow plans, or a series of videos or audios or training sessions or teleconferences or a checklist… 4. Your Story. You may be surprised by the amount of products that are created by people who have no experience in the problem they are solving. They just act as if they have.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Your real story of why you created the product could be a big advantage on its own. 5. Specialize. Take a smaller subset of the market. If you teach people how to take videos and everyone else is as well…specialize in ‘how to take videos with the Flip camcorder’. Or if you teach Time Management, specialize in Time Management for people living away from home (if there is a need, of course). We live in the age of specialization. With the growth of the internet, the amount of material we have to process is phenomenal. By choosing a smaller portion of the market or subject, you can stick out as the number one expert on that subject. What niche of a market can you pick where you can be the number one expert? Also see Appendix 1 for some product ideas.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Product Title Now you need to come up with at least 6 ideas for products. Using the resources and ideas from the previous pages, write at least 6 product titles. In appendix 2, we provide example words you can use to start your product title. At this stage we are not asking you to create 6 products – just 6 titles.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Product Survey We now want to get some feedback your 6 draft titles for products. The first place to start is to ask your customer list. The first question simply asks your customer list to pick the product title they would be most interested in buying. Then list the 6 (or more) titles and allow them to choose multiple selections. Second question: Ask people what their biggest question is about the general subject. So if your general subject were teaching people how to take videos, you would ask them, “What is your biggest question about taking better videos?” Your third question is “How difficult has it been to find the information relating to your biggest question?” Give them the options of very difficult, medium difficulty, or not difficult at all. That’s it – a simple survey that takes minutes to complete. We recommend using http://www.surveymonkey.com to perform your survey. Or if you’re a little more technically minded, Google Docs can be used to create a simple survey. Once you have your survey set-up, email your list and invite them to partake in the survey. You can entice them to partake in the survey by offering them a free gift like a guide or audio. Or you could offer them a free copy of the product when finished. Plus you could add a blog post about your survey, Tweet about it, share it on Facebook. Just remember to provide the link to the survey.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Get Organized We can tell you from our own experiences, you must get organized and STAY organized if you want to create your own products. Each time you work on your product, ask yourself some very simple questions:  What is the focus of this product?  What is the message that I want to get across to the buyer?  What makes this product different or special?  Is what I am creating believable and if not, how can I make it believable? Each time you start to work on your product creation, remind yourself of those questions. Also, by now, you will have quite a lot of information. Collate the information into a document or spreadsheet. As you look at all your information you’re going to see that certain questions, pain points, and desires continually come up. Those are the issues you’ll want to focus on when creating your product. End of day 2: By the end of day 2 you should have:  Decided on your advantage  Created 6 different product titles  Started the feedback process

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

 Got organized – have all the information ready to hand and in one place

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Days 3, 4, 5: Product Creation Methods Hopefully, by day 3 some of the feedback is coming in and most of it will be useful as we move into day 3. There are predominately four main types of products: text, audio, video, and services/coaching. Which one should you produce? Eventually you should produce all the above to hit the interests of your varying customers. Why? If we asked 1,000 people what their favorite format of product is, you’d most probably get back a fairly even division. So you want to cater for all their favorites! Let’s discuss the differnet types of products: 1. Text (E-Books): This type of informational product is the least expensive to produce. This medium lends itself well to many topics and can even be used for some ‘how-to’ informational products and motivational products. A well written E-Book that is filled with timely and relevent information sells well on the Internet. E-Books can be sold at a much smaller price to the consumer than other kinds of products because there are no direct production costs….the investment is usually entirely the time of the author of such products. The only tools required to produce an E-Book is a program like MS Word and a PDF converter. Convert Your E-Book To A PDF To enable your customers to download and read your e-book, it is best to be in the PDF format.

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On a Mac, you can just go to File => Export and then it gives you a choice as to whether to export to a PDF, a Word doc, a Rich Text File, or a Plain Text doc. We personally create our documents using Microsoft Word and then ‘convert’ them with a Word to PDF converter. There are several to choose from. We regularly use: http://www.pdf995.com/ and http://www.bullzip.com/products/pdf/info.php. 2. Audio: The audio informational product requires all of the same research that an E-Book requires but then it also requires production and distribution investment, as well. Recording audios is a fairly simple thing to do and the end quality is good. Audacity is a free audio recording and editing piece of software. If you want to record via Skype then we can recommend Pamela. 3. Video: This is the most effective type of product for many topics. You can record the screen or yourself via a web cam. You will have to invest in some equipment and potentially software but it depends upon the type of video you want to create. 4. Services/coaching: This can be the hardest to sell and takes up most of your time, as the service is reliant on you. You have to be present to offer such products. BUT, it can also be the most lucrative. ‘Expert’ coaches can offer monthly services for $thousands. Just having a few clients can by very rewarding. You need the confidence and the experience but from an equipment point of view, all you need is a telephone or headphones/skype. When you are choosing the type of informational product you will produce, take into consideration the cost but also consider the best way to present the information to your customers.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

For your first product, we recommend “keep it simple” i.e. a text guide – unless of course you are confident in creating videos. You can add links to audios and videos and make the guide multimedia. You can then ask for a higher selling price. Create an outline Once you have decided upon the subject matter for your product, you want to create an outline of what the product will cover. After all the research you have carried out, coming up with the outline should be easier. Organize the “Pain Points”, “Aspirational Statements” and “Plain Old Questions” into an outline. If you are creating a text guide – what chapters will you include? Then, to each chapter add a few ideas of what to cover.

Fill In the Detail For each idea, write a couple of pages of text, say 1000 words. For instance, if you come up with 9 chapters, 5 ideas for each chapter and 2 pages per idea – that’s 90 pages. Break your product creation down into small simple steps. Look at each idea for each chapter as a task to complete.

Why not create a checklist of tasks? When you create a detailed checklist of all the tasks required, you get to check off completed tasks much more frequently...which can make you feel like you are accomplishing more.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

If you end up with a long checklist, don’t be concerned. Don’t think of it as a long, long list otherwise you can become overwhelmed, frustrated, and you might lose sight of where you want to be. Instead, concentrate your efforts on THE NEXT ENTRY ON THE CHECKLIST. Don't look at the entire checklist, just what's next. THINK: You can't complete your product creation journey until you complete the next task on the list.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Product Design It is best to have your own customized product design, ready to add to your blog and your web sales page. Research shows that by having an image of your product on your sales letter you can actually increase your sales by up to 300%. Having a great product image makes it looks more professional and more valuable. We outsource our product design to professionals who specialize in such a skill. We can highly recommend this company as we use them for the majority of our product images: Killer Covers End of day 5: By the end of day 5 you should have:  Created your draft product  Organized the creation of your product design

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Day 6: Pricing Your Product Pricing your product is a complicated subject. We’d love to be able to tell you - here’s the secret to pricing…but there is no secret. You can try a survey to find the right price but often doing a survey doesn’t work. The difference between what people suggest and what they will really pay can be huge. Plus looking at competitive products doesn’t give you the right price because MOST of them haven’t tested their pricing. Charge too much and you won’t sell, charge too little and you won’t sell! What? It’s true. This one speaks for itself: Charge too much and you won’t sell. But charge too little and you won’t sell – how does that work? If people think it is too cheap, they will think what you are selling is rubbish. Andrew launched a product (a text guide) and its price was $2.99. He sold hardly any. He decided to up the price to $9.99 and he sold many, many more. Too cheap = rubbish product in many people’s minds. Here are some guidelines about pricing: 1. A testing method we have used for prices before is to start off at a fairly low price (not too low) and gradually raise the price of a product until you find the price point where sales dramatically decrease. © 2011 All Rights Reserved. http://BlogSolutionsLtd.com

Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

2. For your very first product, you’re often better off in the below $20 level because it’s easier to sell as you are still raising your profile and brand. 3. The purpose of low cost items is lead generation - to build your customer list and to make additional sales via more of your own products or affiliate products 4. The more specific your product is, the more it is worth.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

How to Protect the Value of Your Product After putting all the effort into your product creation, protecting the end result is important. Nowadays, an original work is determined to be copyrighted when it is created. It is perfectly legal to use the copyright symbol (©), the word, “copyright” on your E-Books or other informational products and you should. This serves as notice that your work is, in fact, copyrighted and that you intend to protect it. However…if someone is determined to copy your work there is little you can do. The copyright symbol will not put everyone off. If you create a text type product, make sure you add a page like our page 2 in this ebook – it will stop the majority of people from copying your work.

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Double Check Your Product It is always best to get someone else to check your work. Get someone to check for grammar and spelling mistakes. Ask someone you can trust to provide really honest feedback. If you feel the feedback warrants changes…then make the changes. End of day 6: By the end of day 6 you should have:  Priced your product  Protected your product  Asked at least one person to double-check your work.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Day 7: Put Your Feet Up Hopefully, you have followed the daily steps and you have, in fact, created your product in 6 days. So today…take a day off and out your feet up!

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Appendix 1: Product Ideas Use this list to find ideas for your next product:

1. How-To Tutorial This style of product is organized in a step-by-step approach to accomplishing a task. The steps are most commonly organized in chronological order (i.e. Step One is…, Step Two is…, etc.). A few examples include – How to Build a Blog in 5 Easy Steps How to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days How to Meet The Woman Of Your Dreams How to Teach A Sunday School Class

2. Frequently Asked Questions In this model, you would take 10-20 of the most asked questions about a particular topic (from your research) and answer them in your content. This can be one of the easiest products to create because outlining is simple due to the Q&A style: 1. List the question. 2. Answer it. Here are just a few ideas for how this kind of product could be: Top 20 Questions About Home-schooling Top 20 Questions About Generating Site Traffic Top 20 Questions About Saving A Marriage Top 20 Questions About Adopting A Child

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Top 20 Questions About Self-Publishing

3. Interview Moving from questions that YOU answer to questions that SOMEONE ELSE answers is another way to create a product. An “interview” product is a series of questions that you pose to one or more qualified experts to create the content you’ll be selling. (Reasons why experts would do this for you include: free publicity for their web site or business, rights to the completed report or paid compensation.) These are some things you could consider: Ask a fitness trainer questions about weight loss Ask a charity chairman questions about fundraising Ask a travel agent questions about discount travel Ask a loan officer questions about securing a mortgage Ask a real estate broker questions about selling/buying a home

4. List Another very popular product is the “list”. It is simply a list of ways, strategies, tips, secrets, tactics, techniques, habits, exercises, principles, etc. with a detailed description of each entry. Some examples: 50 Ways To Automatically Burn More Calories 25 Little Known Weight Loss Strategies 50 Email Marketing Best Practices

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

The 6 “Advantages” You Need To Beat Your Tennis Rivals Top 10 Time Management Tips You’ve NEVER Been Told

5. Case Study The “case study” consists of you profiling different successful examples of accomplishing a common task. In other words, you’d show how several different people (including or not including yourself) have achieved the desired result. The great thing about this kind of product is the variety of different methods people use in attaining similar results. Your readers will likely “connect” with one or more of the examples and get a sense of motivation and empowerment to reach their goal as well. A few ideas: Learn How 7 Stay-At-Home Moms Each Lost 20 Pounds The Weight Workouts of 7 Top Fitness Trainers 10 Affiliate Marketing Campaigns You Can Legally “Steal” And Use to Promote Any Program You Want

6. Idea Generators This particular kind of product is best described as “a series of prompts to help the reader brainstorm ideas”. Here are a few different examples – 101 Idea Prompts for Fiction Writers 75 Starter Questions for Small Group Discussion 97 Winning Ad Headlines For Your Sales-letter Swipe File

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The Ultimate Book of Ideas for Home-Workers

7. The Beginner In this kind of product, you’d handhold a beginner through their first few months of a particular endeavor. You could chronicle the first months with a calendar of milestones and guideposts, pitfalls to avoid, shortcuts to take and so forth. Some examples are – The First 6 Months of Parenting The First 3 Months of College The First Year of Teaching The First Year of Living With M.S.

8. Shortcuts We all like short cuts to achieve a desired result faster, easier or better, don’t we? With this kind of product you would focus on ways to save time or effort in accomplishing a specific task without sacrificing any benefits or quality. Some examples are – 17 Money-Saving Shortcuts For Buying A New Home 10 Shortcuts To Mastering Your Golf Game Top 10 Shortcuts For Using Adobe Photoshop 7 Shortcuts For Planning The Perfect Wedding

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Shortcuts For Writers: How To Write Faster, Easier and Better

9. Advanced Guide There is a huge market for “advanced” information in just about every field. Creating a product focused on providing information for the experienced or advanced user is another great idea. Some examples are – A Field Guide To Advanced Bird Watching The Advanced Guide To Playing Poker Advanced Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tennis Drills For The Advanced Player 7 Advanced Selling Strategies For The Car Industry

10. Time Frame With this kind of product you would focus most of your “positioning” on the TIME FRAME in which the task can be completed. Everything would be structured towards seeing results within a specific period of time; that would be the selling point. Some examples are – The 7-Day Weight Loss Plan Rapid Restoration: Save Your Marriage In The Next 24 Hours The Ultimate Guide To Writing Your Book in 30 Days 21 Days To Breaking Any Habit, Addiction or Weakness

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

How To Sell Your House In 2 Weeks Or Less

11. Personal Profile What’s more likely to get your attention: an overweight friend who says “I’ve got some great information on losing weight” or a thin friend who used to be overweight who says “let me show you how I lost the weight?” The thin friend gets your vote, don’t they? Why? Because when we see that someone has achieved the results we’d like to achieve, there is credibility. By creating a product that reveals and explains how you accomplished a specific task that others want to accomplish you should have an instant hit on your hands. In this kind of product, simply chronicle what you did. Some examples are – How I Lost 20 Pounds Without Pills, Potions and Plans How I Shaved 10 Strokes Off My Golf Score...And You Can Too! How I Got My First Book Published And Into Bookstores Everywhere How I Raised $1,000,000 For Our Local Charity

12. Planner Some of the biggest sellers on the web have been “planners”. For our purposes, a “planner” is simply a set of activities arranged in a daily schedule as a sort of checklist to work through.

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Why do people love them? Because it allows them to stay on track. They see a set of action steps to complete for Monday, then Tuesday, then Wednesday and so forth. Most people find it much easier to actually do something when it’s arranged in this kind of order. Some examples are – The 7-Day Checklist For Writing A Small Report The Army’s 7-Day Abs Workout The 4-Week Wedding Planner And Organizer 33 Days To Build Your Own Blog

13. What To Do When This is the “problem / solution” format. It’s just expressed in a different way. The idea here is to inform the customer what they should do when they find themselves facing a specific problem that can still be remedied. A key is to focus on as specific information as possible in your title. i.e. It’s not “What To Do When You Want To Lose Weight”, but rather “What To Do When You Want To Lose That Last 5 Pounds”. Some examples are – What To Do When You Need To Lose That Last 5 Pounds What To Do When You’re Raising A Strong-Willed Child What To Do When Your Spouse Wants A Divorce

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What To Do When You Worry Too Much What To Do When Someone You Love Is Battling Addiction What To Do When You Can’t Get Pregnant

14. Save Money The idea here is to create a product that shows the customer how to save money or completely eliminate the cost that is associated with a particular activity. Some examples are – How To Save At Least 25% On Your Grocery Bill How To Take A Cruise Without Spending Any Money 7 “Tricks” For Getting A Homeowner To Lower The Asking Price How To Buy A New Car Below The Dealer Invoice The Golfer’s Guide To Buying Equipment At Wholesale Prices 5 Sure-Fire Ways To Save Money On Your Home-Schooling

15. Make Money Then there is the opposite of saving money…making money. When you find a passion of your target audience and then deliver a product that shows them how to make money from that passion, you could have a great saleable product. Some examples are – How To Make Money Selling Hard To Find Books

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

How To Write An Info-product About Lowering Your Golf Handicap How To Turn Your Hobby Into An Internet Business How To Publish A Home-Schooling Newsletter For Fun And Profit

16. Faster And Easier The idea here is to position your product as a resource that reveals information to enable the reader to accomplish some task faster and/or easier than they were previously able to do. Some examples are – 7 Ways To Get Faster Results From Your Loan Request How To Re-String Your Tennis Racket In Half The time The Easiest Way To Get Traffic To Your Web Site The Easiest Way To Lose 5 Pounds 5 Simple Strategies For Reaching Your Goals Faster How To Skip A Few Rungs As You Climb The Corporate Ladder

17. Barriers And Mistakes With virtually any pursuit in life there are potential pitfalls and common blunders associated with that pursuit. A product highlighting barriers and mistakes (and how to avoid them!) would be another great option for you to consider. Some examples are –

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

7 Common Mistakes Homebuyers Make ... And How To Avoid Them 10 Most Common Chess Mistakes ... And How To Fix Them The 10 Hidden Barriers To Weight Loss No One Told You About 7 Barriers To Healthy Relationships ... And How To Overcome Them 5 Stupid Things People Do When Trying To Fix Their Finances

18. The 5-Minute Guide To We’ve called this the ‘5-minute guide to’ but it could be called the ‘15minute guide’, ‘60-minute guide’… It is just the concept we are trying to get across. The concept of “x-minutes” carries several highly desirable elements to it: (a) Relief to a problem can be gained in just a few minutes, (b) Slight changes that bring desirable results can be made in just a few minutes, (c) An overview “working knowledge” of a process can be learned in just a few minutes. Some examples are – The 5-Minute Guide To Relieving Migraines The 10-Minute Guide To Freeing Up Your Time The 15-Minute Guide To Burning Extra Calories © 2011 All Rights Reserved. http://BlogSolutionsLtd.com

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The 30-Minute Guide To Using Your Digital Camera The 5-Minute Guide To Influencing Others The 60-Minute Guide To Organizing Your Life

19. Top Picks With so much information available it can become difficult knowing what’s best. That’s why a “top picks” kind of product is another solid idea for you to develop. Some examples are – 7 Romantic New England Getaways Almost No One Knows About How To Spend Your $100 Advertising Budget For Max Results The 3 Best Ways To Increase Your Auction Bids The Top 10 Ways To Find Anything Using Google

20. Age Specific The final idea we want to share for you to consider as an option for your next product is labelled as “age specific.” What you can do is create a product on a specific topic for a specific age group. Some examples are – Soccer Practice Sessions for 8-12 Year Olds How To Retire By Age 50 And Never Work Again

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The Senior Citizen’s Guide To Starting An Internet Business How To Deal With A Strong-Willed Teenager Please note: All the above ideas have NOT been researched and we are not saying would be saleable – they are just ideas which may help you come up with your own product ideas.

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Appendix 2: Product Titles Words you can use to start your product: Unlock... Open... How To... Learn... Discover... Uncover... What You... Make... Top... X Ways... X Tips... X Strategies X Techniques… X Tactics... X Ideas... X Benefits... X Reasons... X Steps…

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How To… How Much… Who Else Wants… What You Should Know About… How You Can… Facts You… If You’re Serious About… The Truth About… Learn To… Don’t Spend Another… Surprising New Discovery… X New Ways To… Do You Feel… Do You Have… Discover How To… Could This Be… What Would You Do… Are You… Take Advantage Of… Make The Most Of…

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

Are You Ready… Nothing Else Compares To… For Busy People… If You’re Worried About… Top X Reasons To… The Ultimate In… Makes Life… Looking For… The Perfect… The Quickest Way To… The Intelligent Way To… No-Nonsense Advice… Designed To… Built To… It’s So Easy, The Only Thing You Need Is… Proven To… It Works … You’ll Never Have to Worry Again… Simple But Powerful… The Safe Way To…

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Worry-Free… Everything You Need To… A Simple Solution To… For The Serious… Get Ready To… Used By… Take Advantage Of… Your Chance To… Information-Packed… Here’s How… Treat Yourself… Which Of These… X Reasons To… X Proven Steps To… Reveals Powerful Secrets… Now You Can… Gives You The Added Advantage Of… Are You Still… Say Goodbye To… A Breakthrough In…

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The Choice Of… Surprisingly Simple… As Easy As… Easy To… Hassle-Free… Easier Than Ever… You’ll Wonder Why… Your One-Stop Source For… Everything You Need For… Professional Results With… Instant Impact… Helps You… The Next Best Thing To… Perfect For Any… Advice To… Get More… If You’re Looking For… Learn To… Enjoy The Ultimate… Experience The Thrill…

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You’ve Never Seen… What Better Way To… Tired Of The Same Old… Instant Results…

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Create Your Own Best-Selling Product In Under 7 Days

To your Blogging success,

Andrew Rondeau

Joel Williams

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