Scheme of Work

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Scheme of Work Academic Year: 2011/2012 Course / Module

NVQ Level 2 Diploma Professional Cookery, Day Release, Theory 7132-08.


NVQ Level 2

Awarding Body

City and Guilds


35 Weeks

Hours Per Week

2 Hrs (2-4 Monday). Room 505


Katie Allen

Notes This is a working document and prone to change.

Assessment: The qualification is assessed by learners’ portfolio compilation and summative assessment in the form of Gola assessments and UPKQ. This part of the course runs alongside the practical workshops where evidence is collated and learners are expected to collate evidence from work to validate and demonstrate use in the work place. Peer assessment is encouraged with students asked to discuss and evaluate each other’s work or contributions . • Every learner Matters-* Being Healthy (H); Staying Safe (S); Enjoying and Achieving (EA;) Making a Positive Contribution (PC); Achieving Economic Well-being (EW). Incorporated within each session. • Differentiated learning- The sessions are focussed on the limits of the students within the groups. Multiple options are to be employed in delivery in order to encompass visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning styles, so that learners can make sense of ideas and express what they have learnt. Classes will be balanced against learners pace of work and those working at a faster pace will be given challenging tasks in keeping with the units being studied at the time. Prompt cards and discussion will be used to help learners with a slower pace of learning. • Diversity: Recognising and valuing the differences between individuals and the contributions they make as well as the importance of treating all people fairly and with respect will be covered at every opportunity in order to emphasise its importance and validity in society. • Independent working practices are encouraged, as to successfully complete assessments the candidate must work independently although help is given to those highlighted as requiring additional learner support. • Functional skills-incorporated in class by means of encouraging students to write posters, use the internet, get up and speak in class, feedback and communication with other students and lecturer. The use of Numeracy, Literacy and ICT will be paramount in order to support the learning of functional skills • Team building will be encouraged through setting of ground rules, group work and reflection of the learners own roles within the group at every session. • Evaluation of each session will be carried out by each learner in order to recognise their own contributions and to highlight areas

Scheme of Work

• • • •

• • • • • •

which may require further work. Any latecomers will be challenged at the soonest appropriate time, if more than 10 minutes late they will be marked unacceptably late – issues with absence and late arrival will be discussed with employers at review times. Motivation students will be challenged to work at an acceptable pace and to interact with the class, 35 2hr sessions – it operates on a roll on roll off basis so learners may be at different stages. Weeks 32 – 35 are mop up weeks in which learners can complete any areas missed due to work commitments or illness. 104 Teamwork, 203 Food Safety, 101 Safe and Hygienic working environment, 102 Maintain, handle and clean knives. 220 Prep Fish Dishes, 227 Cook Fish, 222 Prep Meat, 229 Cook Meat, 223 Prep Poultry, 230 Cook Poultry, 226 Prepare Vegetables, 233 Cook Vegetables, 236 Sauces, 237 Soup, 244 Bread and dough, 245 Pastry, 249 Hot and Cold Desserts, 271 Kitchen documentation, 272 Set up and close 666 Employer Rights and Responsibilities If all units completed 76 credits can be achieved UPK Questions used to cover evidence relate to the NVQ L2 Diploma in professional Cookery 7132-08. Gola Assessment for Technical Certificate 7091-02 Formative Assessment is continuous throughout the session using, open and directed questions and summative in the form of the completed UPK Questions. Functional skills-incorporated by means of communication and activities with other students and lecturer, use of IT when researching information and accessing Its Learning, English when completing UPK. Employer rights and responsibilities: Covered in detail to give learners a clear informed picture of what rights they have in the workplace and what responsibilities employers have. PLTS (Personal learning and Thinking Skills) evidence is drawn from activities and work produced to demonstrate achievement in relation to the requirements of the Apprenticeship framework.

Abbreviations: UPKQ – Underpinning Knowledge questions used to test knowledge at the end of each unit. PLTS - Personal learning and thinking skills now part of the requirement for the Apprenticeship framework. ERR – Employee rights and responsibilities, part of the apprenticeship framework.


Scheme of Work

Cohort Analysis

This is a mixed group of Apprentices who are currently working in an assortment of establishments locally. The group consists of a mixture of experience, some have had little experience and require extra input in order for them to complete whereas some have been working within the industry for a long time prior to going back into education, their experiences will be utilised and drawn out in order to contextualise the learning. All learners have completed learning style questionnaires as part of their enrolment process onto the programme and are predominantly Kinaesthetic and so will respond better to practical tasks and will learn better if they take notes – this will be pointed out during each lesson. Two of the learners get little experience in the workplace and so require greater input – it is intended to pair them with more experienced learners during activities, certainly initially. All activities are varied in order to maintain interest and to encourage retention and are linked to the learning throughout the scheme, predominantly team working as this is an essential part of the industry. No learners have been identified as having learning difficulties or disabilities that may be a barrier to learning, although all handouts will be printed on coloured paper in order to minimise any likelihood of difficulty and power points will have a coloured background at all times for the same reason. As the learners are more experienced, time will be taken at the beginning of each session to check prior knowledge in order to build on experience and maybe even correct some preconceptions!!


Scheme of Work

Week No 1 12.09.11

NVQ Ref 666

T.C Ref

Topic/Learning Outcomes Aim: To introduce learners to course All learners enrolled Complete College agreements and department agreements. Equality and Diversity policy. Complete “Be Safe” Workbook Describe evidence collection and assessment methods. Aware of fire evacuation procedures Copy of timetables Uniform lists issued and procedure explained Describe basic hygiene CIEH course to be booked if required, (H) (S)(EA)

Homework Learners to find out about hours of work, contracts and organisation structure.

Learning Activities/ Teaching Methods Brainteaser Icebreaker (Cartoon character), Tutor Input: Handbooks (ERR and safety), timetable, enrolment and outstanding paperwork. Explanation of the Course. Importance of maintaining evidence diaries both at work and at College. Site facilities – learners to have a tour of all of catering fire exits to be pointed out. Fire evacuation procedures to be explained and discussed. Learners in groups to discuss and draw up a list of appropriate kitchen uniforms Discussion on hygiene and safety considerations including first –aiders

Skills Being Developed Question and Answer Reading and answering text Listening and note taking Safety practices



Q&A on Basic hygiene and Dress code.


Completed Safe learner Questions

Diaries activity sheets

Completed “Be Safe” workbook Open/directed questioning

NVQ Log Books

Hand outs on dress code Fire evacuation h/o Basic Hygiene sheets Student handbooks

Powerpoints\Week 1 NVQ2 Diploma in Professional Cookery Theory.pptx

Evidence collection, recording and assessment procedures


Scheme of Work Week No 2 19.09.11

3 26.09.11

NVQ Ref 666

T.C Ref




Topic/Learning Outcomes Attend LRC Induction Complete promonitor profile Its learning Introduction and survey. Introduction to Dynamic learning Construct Company organisation chart Be able to indicate their responsibilities under the HASWA. Recognise the importance of personal Hygiene. Identify correct PPE Identify hazards and how to deal with them. Demonstrate correct manual handling techniques. Identify security procedures in own work

Learning Activities/ Teaching Methods Brainteaser LRC Induction from staff. Promonitor – run through each page with learners. Its learning. Introduce Dynamic learning access and allow learners to work their way around it. Draw organisation chart on computer Brainteaser. Teamwork Task: ER and EE rights on two boards. Directed and open questioning. Tutor input: Importance of Health and Safety Discussion Complete worksheets Activity: Manual Handling task Q and A session on knives, Completion of activity sheet

Skills Being Developed IT skills Self-development Goal setting Directed study



Completed Its learning survey Completed Promonitor profiles Completed organisation chart.

LRC staff

Practical skills Confidence building Question and Answer Problem solving Identification of specific information

Monitor individual progress

Knife sets Chopping board Cloths PPE Hand out Hand outs on Knives Colour codes Interactive white board Activity sheets H:\Maxell Memory stick\NVQ2 Theory 2011\Powerpoints\Week 3 NVQ2 Diploma in Professional Cookery Theory.pptx Workbook for homework.

Q and A Feedback Completion of activity sheets Open/directed questioning


Scheme of Work Week No


T.C Ref


101 104

151 152


Topic/Learning Outcomes Demonstrate what makes an effective team and why it is important State the benefits of effective teamwork Describe their own role within the organisation they work

5 11.10.11

101 104

151 152

When and why is it important to ask for help Complete UPKQ for Unit 101 Discuss the various elements of teamwork that contribute positively to team morale and those aspects that have a negative effect. Describe the difference between long and short term goals Know evidence required for unit

Learning Activities/ Teaching Methods Team working researching activity to recap previous weeks learning – students to create activity sheet with six questions on from last lesson. Underpinning knowledge questions under exam conditions Spaghetti and Marshmallow task Tutor input: benefits of Teamwork Discussion Homework – Workbook Teamwork (jigsaw) activity to recap the benefits of teamwork inc peer and selfassessment and discussion. Introduce goal setting and mind mapping. In two groups learners to create mind map showing what could stop you achieving.

Skills Being Developed Literacy Team work Reflection

Communication Listening Teamwork Recall Reflection



Involvement in tasks Completed underpinning knowledge questions 101 Feedback

UPKQ 101 Interactive white board Underpinning knowledge questions

Peer assessment Self- Assessment Summative ass essment (Qs)

H:\Maxell Memory stick\NVQ2 Theory 2011\Powerpoints\Week 5 recap Working Effectively as part of a team.pptx Jigsaws Prizes Assessment sheets

Notes of meetings with Line Manager; Professional discussion; Witness testimony

Workbook for Unit 104 H:\Maxell Memory stick\NVQ2 Theory 2011\Powerpoints\Week 4 Working Effectively as part of a team.pptx


Scheme of Work Week No 6 18.10.11

NVQ Ref 104 203

T.C Ref 152

Topic/Learning Outcomes Complete UPKQ for 104 Describe personal hygiene procedures List Food safety/ hygiene regulations Discuss correct cleaning systems Identify the principles of Stock rotation Be aware of the difference between Use by/ best before dates

25.10.11 7 01.11.11

Learning Activities/ Teaching Methods Activity – communication (drawing in pairs). Recap: Real life situations – each student to give an example of how T/W has helped in their workplace – discuss in relation to prior learning.

Skills Being Developed Communication Working together Social interaction Listening Reflection on completed work PLTS Recall of information



UPKQ unit 104 Summative assessment of workbooks

UPKQ 104 H:\Maxell Memory stick\NVQ2 Theory 2011\Powerpoints\Week 6 Maintain safety when storing preparing and serving food.pptx

Competitiveness Teamwork Communication Knowledge recall

Completion of UPKQ

UPKQ 203 H:\Maxell Memory stick\NVQ2 Theory 2011\Powerpoints\Week 7 Maintain safety when storing preparing and serving food part 2.pptx

Activity: UPKQ 104: Mark workbooks while completing test. Input: Food Safety aspects

Half Term 104 203


Describe Delivery and Food Storage procedures Clarify Use by dates and Best before Describe principles of stock rotation Define Safe Food Preparation and service Complete UPKQ 203

Brainteaser Recap: In two teams learners are take part in quiz in order to refresh learning and rebond the group. Tutor Input: Power point. Activity: In pairs learners to complete Workbook Complete UPKQ


Scheme of Work Date Week No 8 08.11.11


T.C Ref

Topic/Learning Outcomes

Learning Activities/ Teaching Methods

Skills Being Developed



101 102 104 203 666

151 152 252

Collate evidence from workplace and file work

Activity: Football task and the importance of knowing the rules.

Teamwork Knowledge transfer Reflection Researching IT skills/internet search.

Peer assessment of UPKQ 203

H:\Maxell Memory stick\NVQ2 Theory 2011\Powerpoints\Week 8 Intro to Hospitality industry.pptx

Learner Reviews Describe sectors of the Hospitality Industry and the position of their establishment in relation to it. Completion of ERR Workbook

9 15.11.11



Recall knowledge from last week. Mark a colleagues work Identify categories, ingredients, prep/cooking methods Describe finishing, storage uses of basic hot sauces Identify dietary variations and reasons. (EA) (PC) (H)

Recall: Learners to mark each other’s UPKQ from last week. Input: Overview of Hospitality Industry Learners to go to LRC to research equal opportunities and complete pg 4-8 of ERR workbook. Individual reviews Activity: Brainteaser Recall: Questioning on hospitality industry. Learners to mark each other’s ERR workbooks. Input: Power point inc Dietary considerations Activity: In pairs learners to match dishes and sauces. Activity: In groups to complete questions in workbook

Evidence for ERR Evidence for PLTS

Foam footballs

Learner reviews

Knowledge recall Diplomacy Constructive commentary Group sharing of knowledge. Communication Listening

Directed questioning. Peer assessment Completion of matching task

H:\Maxell Memory stick\NVQ2 Theory 2011\Powerpoints\Week 9 Unit 236 Sauces.pptx Meals + sauce resource Workbook

Completion of workbooks.


Scheme of Work Date Week No 10 21.11.11


T.C Ref

Topic/Learning Outcomes

Learning Activities/ Teaching Methods

Skills Being Developed



236 244


Activity: Helium pole Recall: Questioning and completion of UPKQ. Input: Power point on bread types. Activity: Classify bread samples into correct categories. Taste and comment on quality points.

Teamwork Knowledge recall Enjoyment Listening

Directed questioning Completion of task

11 28.11.11

244 203 220


Complete UPKQ 236 Identify bread categories, Discuss ingredients, prep/cooking, finishing and storage methods used to prepare and cook various types of dough products. Describe quality points for bread and dough products (EA) (PC) (H) Complete UPKQ for Bread and Dough Products unit.

Activity: Brainteaser

Question and Answer Reading information Identification of specific information Writing/note taking Discussion Group work Literacy

Completed UPKQ Q and A Feedback Open/directed questioning

UPKQ 236 H:\Maxell Memory stick\NVQ2 Theory 2011\Powerpoints\Week 10 Unit 244 Bread and Dough products.pptx Mixed bread samples Tasting sheets Dynamic learning reference UPKQ 244 Powerpoints\Week 11 Fish Classification and identification.pptx

Recall of information. Working in pairs Communication Note taking Discussion Organisation

Completed UPKQ Directed questioning Peer assessment

Describe categories of fish. Identify quality points of fish. List various cuts/types of fish 12 05.12.11

220 203 227


Complete UPKQ for 220 Describe appropriate cooking methods. Discuss ways to make fish dishes healthier

Recall: UPKQ 244 Input: power point fish classification. Activity: In pairs Identifying fish cuts and suggesting dishes Activity: Fish matching game Recall: Questioning. Completion of UPKQ 220. Input: Cooking methods Activity: In pairs learners to make their chosen fish dish healthier and present back to class.

Dynamic learning reference for preparing fish. UPKQ 220 Powerpoints\Week 12 Fish Classification and identification.pptx Dynamic learning reference for cooking fish.


Scheme of Work

Date Week No 13


T.C Ref

19.12.11 26.12.11 02.01.12 14

Evidence to be tracked in unit Learning Activities/ Teaching Methods

Complete UPKQ 227 Take part in Christmas quiz

Skills Being Developed



Activity: Brainteaser Recall: UPKQ 227 Activity: Xmas Quiz

Knowledge testing Enjoyment Communication Teamwork

Completed UPKQ. Smiles and laughter

UPKQ 227 H:\Maxell Memory stick\NVQ2 Theory 2011\Powerpoints\Week 13 Powerpoint Christmas Quiz.ppt

Start session in Classroom – explain what plan of action is. Go to LRC – learners to log on and start tasks. Go through files with each learner for review.

Recap on prior learning Researching Career development Personal development

Completed Reviews. Completed poster Completed enrolment on UKSP enrolment

Book session in LRC Task sheet for each learner. Review sheets Learner files

Input: Creating a presentation: Activity: Using peer learning students to work in pairs and create a 5-10min presentation for the rest of the class using What, How, why and when.

Teamwork Creating a presentation Communication Working within a group Literacy Presentation skills Self confidence

Formative peer assessment.

H:\Maxell Memory stick\NVQ2 Theory 2011\Powerpoints\Week 15 Set up and Close of Kitchens.pptx

Christmas Holidays Bank Holiday 666


15 16.01.12

Complete evidence in files Topic/Learning Outcomes

271 272 203

273 274

ERR Workbook – access UKSP Create profile and CV Individual reviews Each learner to complete poster about employer and employee rights as reviews take place Ext: Access Dynamic learning about fish. Identify paperwork needed for legal reasons and who may need it. Describe individual establishment requirements for set up of kitchen and their importance. Identify importance of


Scheme of Work checking, storing and using Ingredients Discuss close,cleaning procedures and storage of equipment.

16 23.01.12

271 272 203

273 274

Complete UPKQ 272 (Set up and close) Identify what type and why completing kitchen documentation is important to comply with regulations. Complete risk assessment for a given piece of equipment Create a cleaning schedule (PC) (S) (EA)(H)

17 30.01.12 18 06.02.12


151 152 155 269

Remind learners to revise for next week!! Complete Gola Assessments Complete UPKQ 271 Describe categories of poultry. Discuss slaughter in relation to cultural differences Describe cuts, portioning and uses of poultry. Discuss storage methods of poultry dishes and health and hygiene.(PC) (EA) (S)

Each presentation to be assessed by class and feedback given. Each to write up reflection for PLTS evidence.

Reflection (student to reflect on prior learning for information on healthy eating)

Activity: UPKQ 272 Input: Equipment used in kitchens + risk assessment. Discuss the Health and Safety at Work Act Activity: Complete a risk assessment for chosen piece of machinery; Input: Importance of cleaning schedules; What would be included weekly/ monthly Activity: In groups create a cleaning schedule from the list of tasks given. Learners to complete Gola assessments under strict exam conditions Activity: UPKQ 271 (Kitchen docs) Input: Categories of poultry, methods of slaughter, cultural differences, portioning Activity: In pairs students to put in order the steps for portioning a chicken for

Discussion Question and answer Note taking Completion of activity sheets Literacy Teamwork

Completion of Risk assessment

Discussion Listening Speaking Completion of activity sheets Literacy Individual/teamwork work

Completion of UPKQ Open Directed questions Completion of pair activity.

Completion of cleaning schedule Open/directed questions

UPKQ 272 equipment and cleaning schedules. Risk assessment blank Laminated pieces of equipment. Cleaning schedule template with lists of weekly and monthly activities.

Power point UPKQ 271 Activity sheets Workbook for poultry


Scheme of Work sauté. Identify the portions. 13.02.12 Date Week No 19 20.02.12


T.C Ref

223 230


Half Term Topic/Learning Outcomes Refresh knowledge on Poultry categories Complete UPKQ 223 Describe cuts of poultry and cooking methods Identify food safety issues surrounding the preparation of poultry. (EA)(S)(EW)(H)(PC)

20 27.02.12

230 237


Complete UPKQ 230 & 237 State the different categories of soups. Discuss healthier ingredients that could be used in the soups. List suitable finishing methods and garnishes. Describe quality points to look for during the production and finishing of soups. (EA)(H)(EW)

Learning Activities/ Teaching Methods

Skills Being Developed



Activity: Brainteaser Recall: Students to complete gapped hand out about poultry categories and slaughter. Activity: Complete UPKQ 223 Input: Cuts and Cooking methods Activity: Learners to create a dish from a given scenario stating what part of the chicken they are using and why as well as safety considerations.

Discussion Communication Knowledge recall Working as part of a team Health and safety application

Completed UPKQ Completed Handout Contribution to task

UPKQ 223 Power point Scenario sheets • young family • Old peoples home • BBQ • Special Occasion

Activity: Brainteaser Recall: UPKQ 230 Input: Categories of soup, garnishing and healthy options. Activity: Complete in pairs worksheets Activity: Complete UPKQ 237

Discussion Working within a group Completion of activity sheets Note taking Presentation skills Self confidence

Completed activity sheets Open/directed questions Completed UPKQ

UPKQ 230 & 237 Power point Activity sheets classifying soups and quality points


Scheme of Work

Date Week No 21 06.03.12


T.C Ref

22 13.03.12


252 273 274 268

23 20.03.12

24 27.03.12

222 229

222 229



Remind learners to revise for next week Topic/Learning Outcomes Gola Assessments State categories, age, quality points of meat. Discuss rearing/farming methods, religious and moral considerations Identify cuts, joints and storage of Pork, Lamb, Beef Identify cuts, joints and storage of Pork, Lamb, Beef Describe suitable cooking methods for 1st 2nd class cuts. Discuss health and safety in relation to meat.

Refresh knowledge on meat prep and cooking Complete UPKQ 222 & 229

Learning Activities/ Teaching Methods

Skills Being Developed



Learners to complete Gola assessments under strict exam conditions Activity: Brainteaser Input: Power point on categories and cuts Dynamic learning video Posters to identify joints/cuts Cultural considerations Activity: Match the cuts to the animal jigsaw

Discussion Listening Question and answer Note taking

Q and A

Power point Dynamic learning reference Meat Cut posters Jigsaw of cuts to be inserted in blank animal.

Activity: Students directed to research healthy eating in relation to meat cuts and cooking methods - each group will be given a scenario to research and create a dish to match the requirements. Complete group work by presenting findings from research to the group. Activity: Learner in teams to answer quiz. Activity: In groups learners to complete workbook for prep

Group work Discussion Communication Using knowledge Presenting to the group Peer assessment Self assessment Team work Recall of knowledge Communication Listening

Completion of activity sheets Feedback Open/directed questions Peer Assessment Self evaluation Contribution to task

• • •

• Contribution to quiz Completion of workbooks

Asian family on a low budget. Young family Anniversary meal for couple, a gluten intolerance. Students at university.

Meat Quiz – 20 Q’s Buzzers Workbooks UPKQ 222 & 229


Scheme of Work

Date Week No 02.04.12 09.04.12 25


226 233

T.C Ref



Topic/Learning Outcomes Easter Holidays Easter Holidays Describe how to checking veg meets requirements: Identify categories of Veg Describe quality points Discuss seasonal vegetables Discuss correct tools for prep Identify Veg Cuts Discuss cooking methods to maintain appearance and texture

and cook meat. Activity: Learners to complete UPKQ 222 & 229 Learning Activities/ Teaching Methods


Completion of UPKQ

Skills Being Developed



Activity: Team tower exercise Input: Vegetable categories, quality, seasonal veg, Activity: Students to examine vegetables and to place them in to vegetable categories. Input: tools, veg cuts, cooking methods Activity: Complete activity sheets matching veg cuts Activity: Create a poster selling the benefits of vegetables to students.

Teamwork Bonding Note taking Attention to detail

Contribution to tasks Matching of vegetables in correct category. Completed poster

Power point Assortment of vegetables. Activity Sheet – veg cuts Flip chart pens

Activity: Complete UPKQ 226 & 233. Peer mark Input: Benefits of Healthy Eating. Activity: research healthy

Recall of information Researching Note taking Team work Communication

Peer assessment Completion of handout and wordsearch

UPKQ 226 & 233 Power point Conditions for research: • Anaemia • Bulimia

Describe storage 26 23.04.12

226 233


Healthy Eating Complete UPKQ 226 & 233 Discuss the benefits of Healthy eating Identify which groups are at


Scheme of Work risk.

Date Week No 27


T.C Ref

Topic/Learning Outcomes



Identify categories, ingredients of pastry products Discuss prep/cooking, finishing and storage methods used to prepare and cook various types of pastry products. Complete UPKQ


28 07.05.12 29



Skills Being Developed



Activity: Students to examine and taste various products and identify findings Input: Categories, ingredients and coking and storage. Discussion In pairs complete activity sheets in workbook Complete UPKQ

Listening Reading text Discussion Critical evaluation Writing Literacy

Completion of activity sheets

Power point Example pastry products Handouts Activity sheets UPKQ 245

Activity: Matching dessert to menu Input: Hot and cold dessert categories, types and prep/ cooking methods Activity: Students to examine and taste the products and list findings in groups.

Listening Reading text Discussion Note taking

Completed activity sheets Q and A Open/directed questions

Q and A

Osteoporosis Scurvy

Open and Directed questions

Bank Holiday 249




• •

eating each group will be given a condition to research that is a consequence of a poor diet. Present as report. Learning Activities/ Teaching Methods

267 268 270 250

State categories, ingredients, prep/cooking, finishing and storage methods used to prepare and cook various types of Hot and Cold desserts Complete UPKQ 249 (H) (EA) (PC) Gola Assessments

Variety of dessert products including hot and cold. Tasting notes sheets UPKQ 249

Learners to complete Gola assessments under strict exam conditions


Scheme of Work 31 28.05.12



Review learner files Carry out review Complete Progression form

Date Week No 04.06.12 32


T.C Ref

Topic/Learning Outcomes


33 18.06.12

34 24.06.12

35 01.07.12

Activity: learners to go through files writing down any areas missing. Reviews for individuals. Learning Activities/ Teaching Methods

Literacy Individual work Reflection

File status

Learner files Review forms Progression forms

Skills Being Developed



Recap required information with tutor Completion of outstanding Underpinning knowledge questions under exam conditions Recap required information with tutor


Completed underpinning knowledge questions. Feedback.

Interactive white board Underpinning knowledge questions

Complete any outstanding UPK that may have been missed due to absence.

Completion of outstanding Underpinning knowledge questions under exam conditions

Individual work

Completed underpinning knowledge questions. Feedback.

Interactive white board Underpinning knowledge questions

By the end of the session the student will be able to: Complete any outstanding UPK that may have been missed due to absence.

Recap required information with tutor Completion of outstanding Underpinning knowledge questions under exam conditions


Completed underpinning knowledge questions. Feedback.

Interactive white board Underpinning knowledge questions

By the end of the session the student will be able to:

Recap required information with tutor


Completed underpinning

Interactive white board Underpinning

Half Term By the end of the session the student will be able to: Complete any outstanding UPK that may have been missed due to absence. By the end of the session the student will be able to:

Individual work Reflection Literacy


Individual work Reflection


Scheme of Work Complete any outstanding UPK that may have been missed due to absence.

Completion of outstanding Underpinning knowledge questions under exam conditions

Individual work Reflection

knowledge questions. Feedback.

knowledge questions


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