NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR This is not a weight loss book. It is not a book on how to get the perfect summer bod or how to get a thigh gap. This book is about empowerment. It is about feeling strong and embracing your power as a women through fitness. Sometimes it can be intimidating. Sometimes, especially in fitness, you feel discouraged to try as a woman. Society has always separated women, making them feel weaker or inept at tests of physical endurance. This book is here to tell you to try. You are worth it. You are able to feel the strength that comes from setting and reaching your goals. Fitness allows you to focus on something for yourself. So many types of fitness can help you find your center, relieve stress and create a sense of euphoria.
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MY STORY As a child I was overweight. I never
last forever. At the end of high school
felt anything wrong with the way I
and the beginning of college, I began
looked until others pointed it out. I
to binge and purge. I had an unhealthy
was bullied, and told I wasn’t good
relationship with food, my body, my
enough by society ’s standards. I
self-image and who I was as a person.
was only 11 years old, and I began to hate myself because of it. Even with a supportive, loving family, the way people treated me left me with a distorted view of who I am.
Losing weight made me look healthier, but the reality is, I was not healthy at all. I was in a much better state as my young, plump self, loving who I was and eating enough food on a regular
I began to lose weight in middle school
basis. I felt I had to fit a standard, and
and high school, but not in healthy
it made me who I am today.
ways. In high school I did not eat. I was anorexic and trying to be the smallest I could be. I thrived on the hunger pains I felt in my stomach. I loved being able to see my rib cage. My diet was so restricted that I didn’t get to enjoy food with friends unless I was binging on holidays. It could not
The spring semester of my freshmen year of college I started lifting. I knew nothing about the gym whatsoever. Whenever I walked into a gym, I just ran on the treadmill and went home. I had no confidence and felt uncomfortable. A group of friends help ed lead me into it. They showed
me everything I know and taught me how to be comfortable with the area, movements, and machines. I found the confidence to be able to venture off and try new things. Looking back at myself before I began to lift, I realized the only thing that really held me back was myself and my lack of confidence. My process wasn’t easy. It has taken me the full three years after I started lifting to come to the place that I am now mentally. There were days, weeks, and months that I did not have the time to put into my workouts, or I fell back into my old ways, because I didn’t fully break my issue with food. Lifting is not a cure, or the be-all and end-all . I have had help professionally, from friends, and family to deal with many issues, but lifting, for me, has been a tool to help in my self-acceptance, brought me to a place where I feel strong, and helped me to achieve something for myself.
Chapter 1
POWERLIFTER Growing up she was a swimmer and followed that to college. When her years of eligibility came to an end, she wanted to find something to compete in because she loves being active. She had some friends on the powerlifting team and they encouraged her to come out and lift with them. It was scary and intimidating at first for her to train because she had no experience lifting and felt she knew nothing about it. After that semester of hard work and training with her team, she was hooked. After a year of training with them, she now ventures off to train on her own.
POWERLIFTING, MORE THAN A SPORT “Everybody wants to be stronger, be the best version of themselves.” She relates her time with the Mason swim team in terms of competing and growing stronger to the time she has spent on the Mason powerlifting team. “Going in and doing laps, you have your own times that you are working towards.” Similar to her goals on Mason Swimming, when she trains in the gym she is always working towards her personal goals. Her teammates on the Mason Powerlifting team always encourage her and push for her success. When she trains at her gym she tends
to be one of the only girls and it can be intimidating. She says the way she stays focused is to just put her headphones in and stay focused. Being a female in that space can lead to subjugation. Many times, she has experienced men offering their advice on her form, when they do not have the same knowledge and training. “ (They feel) They are entitled to the area because they are guys.”
Everybody wants to be stronger, be the best version of themselves.
On top of competing, she is now
When asked what lifting has done for
an elementary school physical
her life, Liz says that it has made her
education teacher. She wants
so much more confident in herself,
to be able to mold young minds
given her many of her friends,
into being active, healthy, strong
introduced her to other confident
individuals. She currently teaches
and strong women and given her
at the elementary level, but she
an outlet to relieve her stress. The
hopes to get a job teaching at
gym is a place she can go if she has
the high school level to be able
had a bad day. Lifting has helped
to teach young women in the
her set her goals and kept her
weight room. Liz says she wants
focus. “Knowing I have something
to show young girls that is not
to work towards, I am able to just
as scary in the weight room as
leave ever y thing at the door, go
they might think, and they should
in and work on those things that
not be afraid to build themselves
matter to me. It is empowering
up. “It is perceived that being
knowing you are doing
strong isn’t attractive if you are a
something just for yourself.”
woman. It’s ok to intimidate some guys. It’s ok to put on muscle and take up space, you don’t have to be the smallest version.”
TO THOSE YOUNG GIRLS “It doesn’t matter what anyone else says, make goals for yourself and work towards them.” She also states that when you go to the gym, it is important to go in with a plan for your workouts. Write out what you want to do so you go in with a structure, because if you go in without one, you can get distracted or intimidated and not get done what you want to do. “You will always get better, as long as you are consistent.”
YOGA INSTRUCTOR Lauri is the Director of Therapeutics at Evolve yoga studio in Maryland. Lauri had always been skilled in many different types of dance and fitness, but because of her scoliosis, her back had always been a limiting factor. For this reason, yoga was a perfect form of exercise to fill in the gap she had always had. She toyed with the idea of taking classes, but it never stuck until she found the right instructor who showed her techniques specific to helping her back. Once she found her niche, she focused on training in yoga techniques that helped her develop therapeutic yoga classes to target healing the body.
EVOLVE YOGA Evole yoga offers a diverse range of yoga classes not seen in many other places. They offer prenatal classes, young children classes, hot yoga, vinyasa, gentle back care scoliosis yoga, melt method, rest and restore. Their teachers are specialized by having 500-hour level instructors.
THE STIGMA OF WOMEN Lauri believes yoga has been
in a position of power and the
put into a false stigma of only
women have been subjugated to
being for young skinny women
that.” She believes that yoga has
and hot looking guys and how
switched to a field of very strong,
they can put themselves in
intelligent, educated women
weird shapes, which she says
developing different practices
is completely missing the point.
and running business models,
“Yoga traditionally was only done
and that yoga today has a strong
by men, and only taught by men”
female influence. “It is a way to
Lauri states. She expanded upon
tap into all three levels of the
the abuse of the position of power
mind, body and spirit in healing
men have had in the role of the
and in health.
instructor within the overall yoga practice through the years, with many instances of instructors getting physically involved with or marrying their students. “Not to be male bashing, but that has been the model where they have been
As women, we saw that this was a lot more necessary because we live in a male-dominated society.” Lauri states there is a stepping away, of not needing to be like men and creating a new model of how women look at themselves in
society and femininity. “In fitness, there is a sense of how to compare yourself to men, how to be strong like men and operate on a model the doesn’t honor and acknowledge the unique capabilities or physical structure of women,” Lauri says. She also wants women to be able to heal themselves, then the men that we are with can heal themselves as well and bridge that gap for a better fusion. She states that the yoga world is a unique opportunity to do that.
What works for you, what motivates you, that is where I think the empowerment comes from.
IN EVERYDAY LIFE Lauri says you can improve your
She believes it’s important to create
fitness in little ways. There are
an inviting environment to allow
things you can incorporate into
anyone to feel comfortable in her
your everyday life. “If my class
classes. “If you do something that
encourages you to look at more
creates a sense of accomplishment
movement throughout the day
and changes the way that you feel
and in your life, and how you
and makes you stop and think
move more efficiently and more
about the choices that you are
effectively, that is fitness.” She
making, I think that is where fitness
wants people to ask themselves
has such a huge impact.” The little
the question, “How can I do what
things go a long way. Combined
I need to do without automation?
small accomplishments can lead to
Can I use my body for what it was
bigger goals. “You don’t have to go
made for?” It is her belief that
out and walk five miles today. Walk
you must find what type of fitness
to your mailbox, and the next day
helps you find that space or the
you can walk to the end of
type of fitness that works best for
your block, and the next day
you. “What works for you, what
you can walk a mile, so it
motivates you, that is where I think
doesn’t have to be crazy.”
the empowerment comes from.”
PERSONAL TRAINER Daniella is a certified personal trainer that specializes in body building, weight loss, women’s exercise, and rehabilitation. She is currently a George Mason University student and going on her fourth year of working at Mason Recreation as a personal trainer. She started her journey in high school when she made a choice to get fit and stuck to it. She played sports and was very dedicated. She came to realize that the same energy she channeled into sports could be channeled into the gym, and she felt it was a better fit. She furthered her knowledge and experience and became a personal trainer. She relates her fitness goals to her life. “ To get there, you need commitment, you need to stay focused, you need to prioritize, and you need to be super organized.”
TEACHING With the extensive knowledge
around are the people you tend to
Daniella has gained, she says that it
become. “I’m always surrounded by
is a rewarding feeling to be able to
driven and focused people who stop
teach someone and help them reach
at nothing to acquire their goals.”
their goals. “If you have a huge goal you want to reach, and someone gives you a sliver of information that can help you come closer to that goal, I think, there is nothing more valuable than that.” It brings her joy to be able to use the hard work it has taken to become an expert and apply it to teaching other people.
Her workouts and the strength she has gained in the gym have changed her in the way she understands herself. It has allowed her to know and test her limits, both mentally and physically, to accomplish her goals. Her knowledge has helped her understand more about her own body and how to control it.
Since working at the gym, Daniella has created connections with peers, stating that the people you are
If you have a huge goal you want to reach and someone gives you a sliver of information that can help you come closer to that goal, I think, there is nothing more valuable than that. 27
More than just the physical and
Daniella believes that it is
mental benefits, lifting has added
important to understand your own
much to her life. She states that
body and listen to what it needs.
because her job involves spending
She says that since working out
time with people, it has become
she has learned so much about
very easy for her to build a rapport
her own body and the limits she
with them and has increased her
can push. “It’s incredible how
communication skills. It has also
little people know about their
allowed her to be a detail-oriented
own bodies, how to control their
person because there is a lot of
own bodies and how to fix it.” To
attention to detail required to be
Daniella, lifting is a form of self-
a successful trainer. “As you can
healing. Lifting is also her therapy.
imagine, if the tiniest muscle is
“You get to release all your
off, you can fail at squats and then
anger into that deadlift or bench
injury comes with that, so I am very
press, and you have a minute
cautious about what I do.” Through
or two to rest and evaluate
taking on this job, she has realized that
what you have succeeded.”
you should always follow your passion. “My passion was personal training and it brought me so much joy.” She is glad she has made the decision to follow her passion in college and believes that is the best time.
DANCE FITNESS Azuka created her business at 21 by accident. She first became a Zumba instructor in the beginning and later became a master trainer. She felt that Zumba became too corporate, so she branched off to create her own thing. She created her new dance craze and taught it in people’s basements and eventually got her own place. It grew through word of mouth, and now 14 years in, her business continues growing every day and her family are now her business partners. Kazaxe has grown from the humble beginnings of a handful of students in basements to a fully populated building of “gremlins.”
Kazaxe (pronounced Kaw-za-shay)
Kazaxe inspires women/people to embrace
: House of positive energy/ good
themselves and bring positivity to their lives.
vibes that she was always connected
It is a platform to let go of stress, empower
to. Kazaxe takes dance fitness to
your mind, and find yourself. There is a sense
the next level. Every song and every
of community to create new friendships and
movement are high energy and
connections. Every class has an open stage
high intensity with a sprinkle of
with no mirrors and emphasizes focusing
sass. It is not just a place for people
on the way your movements make you feel
lose weight; that is something that
rather than how you look. There is nothing like
happens as a secondary result.
getting up on the stage to dance and go crazy
Kazaxe is a safe space to release
amongst other people to match that energy.
negative energy, create a community,
In this community all participants are lifting
and create empowerment through
each other up and building friendships as they
movement and connection. Azuka has
work on their own growth as well. The energy
created an area where you can step
is contagious and causes a chain reaction of
through the door and leave all your
vitality. It is the type of energy that inspires
troubles behind and go to recess, let
you to share it with others. Kazaxe is more
yourself be wild and get in touch with
than a workout; it is therapy.
yourself in a powerful way.
All I knew is that I wanted people dancing and having fun. 33
“KAZA MADE ME STRONG” As a teenager she had visions of kazaxe in her head before she even knew what it was. She had imagined choreography and dancing like a Bollywood movie. “I spent hour and hours of time imagining that. It’s crazy to remember the visuals in my head when I was a teenager of the dancing and I’m looking out and I’m seeing it. Like whoa that’s crazy, it happened.” Azuka wants to articulate the fact that “Whatever vision you have in your head, you don’t know how, but it will come.” During her classes she prompts her students to work internally as well and strengthening themselves physically. Her goal is to encourage people to reprogram their thinking and manifest better things in their life. “It’s up to you and you have to be self-aware. If we are not checking in with ourselves, how can we empower ourselves?” She believes that dance fitness can reinforce people pursuing their vison for their lives in that they use their mind, heart, and body to achieve their goals.
THE BIGGER PICTURE Azuka was able to take her passion and create her career. “After 14 years, this is all I do, this is my full-time job and career.” Kazaxe already offers different types of classes, merchandise and events. She is always thinking about how she can expand upon her business and what is next. “I have been doing the fitness class, but I realize that this means way more to people. So, I am expanding in the sense of how to get a little bit deeper within our community.” She wants to create more and branch out within this community.
Kayla wrestled from sixth grade all the way through college. When she began sixth grade, she started with wrestling because she felt it was the best sport for her. She had done ballet for nine years prior, and she felt that it was not where her interests lay, and she did not see herself doing long term . She knew right away that she was going to love wrestling. From sixth grade to twelfth grade she was the only female on a boys’ team. She stated that other females attempted to join the team, but they did not stay longer than a week. When she went to college she joined a women’s team. She was a three-time Women’s College Wrestling Association all-American and won a gold medal at the Junior PanAmerican Championship in Guatemala her junior year of college.
ON THE TEAM Being on the boys ’ team as a
not sugar-coated, and she pushed
girl posed challenges from other
her own limits in the same way as
competitors. In her sixth- grade, year
her teammates. Although she had
a lot of guys did not know how to
the support from her teammates
handle having a girl on the team;
and coaches , she still faced more
however, many of her male teammates
incidences of sexism similar to
were supportive. The people that
what happened to her in sixth
gave her the real trouble were her
grade. “I did have coaches and
opponents. After competing in a “wrestle off ” and beating one male
wrestlers from other teams that didn’t like the idea. I got made fun
opponent , her opponent complained
of a lot.” During a match her
to her coach stating that “she’s
eighth grade year she was told
a girl, she should have her own
that her hair did not meet the
league.” Her coaches responded to
length requiremen t for her to
him with tough love stating that she
compete. It was a bob-style cut
was there to stay , and she was there
and meet the “off the collar ”
to wrestle. Her high school coach
regulation, but it was not suitable
saw her as an equal. His standards
enough in the eyes of the referee
for her performance were no different
and required her to wear a hair
than that of her male teammates. This
net. After this incident, she shaved
helped in the fact that her work was
off her hair so there would be
no question if it was regulation or
Much of the subjugation also came
not stating, “You want to play that
from the mothers of opposing teams.
game? I’ll play that game. It was the
The mothers would say, “I don’t want
best haircut I ever had , and I wore it
my son out there with that girl.” In
all through high school.” She states
response, Kayla’s perspective was “I
that there was always adversity, not
was just another teammate. If the
from her team or her own coach but
match is too fast, if he is trying to do
there defiantly was from other people.
anything weird, he will be pinned.”
Sports in general gives you a higher confidence, but then competing with guys kind of gives you that one up.
EMPOWERMENT Kayla believes that her confidence came from competing in sports. “Sports in general gives you a higher confidence, but then competing with guys kind of gives you that one up.” She also believes competing in wrestling has helped her in many situations in life stating that she is more willing to fail and take risks. Part of that risk was stepping out on the mat with a male opponent. “Every time I stepped on the mat ,there was a risk to fail. Even with women too, but I felt there was more of a risk with a guy. Especially the mentality of ‘Oh, see, she shouldn’t be wrestling because she lost.’ They wouldn’t say that to a guy opponent, but they would say it to me.” She states that the empowerment came from that moment of victory.
OPENING DOORS Wrestling helped her in many of her personal goals , one of those being college. “I knew I wanted to go to college , and wrestling was a way to get there.” She knew that wrestling was one of the greatest challenges, because of this she knew that any other goal would be easier to obtain than wrestling. “ They had to be, because wrestling was so difficult.” The fact that in wrestling she had to use her whole body and mind, it helped her to translate that into reaching other objectives. “I know the true meaning of hard work.” She states the difficulty of wrestling is that it takes time, effort and training, so it becomes a lifestyle. The discipline she has learned from this sport has translated into other parts of her life and made her stronger both mentally and physically.
ADVICE “ Try it for a year. Commit to a year and then reevaluate it with someone who has watched you for that year.” She made this promise to her father to commit. She said that even if she turned out to be awful or lost every match, no matter what, she would stick it out for the season. “ That is the best advice, because it is hard.”
OLYMPIC ROWER Born in Russia and moved to the Us 20 years ago. Became rowing coach at George Mason University. Transitioned from club to varsity sport. At the age of 15 she went to sports school in St. Petersburg Russia. She finished her high shcool education and also was able to specialize in a sport. She was introduced to rowing and became very heavily involved and very skilled in a short period of time. Elena began rowing in 1978. With her hard work she was able to compete in the 1980 Russian Olympics and became an Olympic silver medalist. Elena then became a massage therapist and always looks for ways to help and heal the body. She is always developing her skills and knowledge of health and fitness.
COMPETING IN THE OLYMPICS She was one of the youngest members of the National rowing team in Russia. Through this sport she is always pushing herself through the difficult times. She emphasizes that you should think about what you are able to do and know that you can do more. That was the attitude that she states “helped me to become selected and compete in the Olympic Games.” She feels very proud about what she had accomplished. When she did lose some of here competitions it was by a hair but she told herself “okay, next year ” to not get discouraged. She stayed on the national team for eight years which and it wasn’t an easy ride for her.
There were lots of sacrifices but I was really proud that I could achieve that. It’s an unbelievable feeling.
IN FITNESS AND IN LIFE “Life is not easy.” It is Elena’s belief that
Speaking about selection process
when you exercise to push yourself
of making the Olympic team “I
and grow in life as it also relates to
was in an environment where
life. “Not only in exercise, but in life
there where 250 people in the
you need balance. How much you
camp and only 56 going to the
exercise, how much you rest. What
world championship, so it was
you eat, how much you eat and all.”
tough.” Elena is a strong spirit that
When achieving a goal she states
believes in herself and knows her
the one of the most important things
importance to this world and the
is support. It is her understanding
team which is why she was
that you find your way through the
pushed forward. “Be yourself,
stream of life and them will give you
the strongest go forward.”
confidence and bring you happiness. “it is so important to enjoy your life. […] Whatever you like you should do it. It’s your time to experience and nourish your inner soul.”
THE NEXT GENERATION “Any sport in the beginning can be fun in the beginning, but it’s not fun after. You have to have a minimum goal.” She wants anyone trying a new type of sport or fitness to set goals and keep going even after it gets hard. It’s so important to be patient, consistent, precisely follow through the difficult times and continue.” It goes back to the balance of life. With something new and different there will always be pain and discomfort. “do not be afraid of that pain. Pain can be different. It is so important to develop yourself slowly and patiently. […] yes it hurts, just face it.”
Chapter 2:
SOCIETY MEN VS WOMEN Women have been always been viewed as weaker than men. As a society, we have been conditioned to believe that women cannot achieve the same physical accomplishments as men. Women have been subjugated and separated. Women today are finding strength within themselves through fitness and exercise and do not let the stereotypes keep them from achieving more.
BODY IMAGE This is the age of technology, and we
and carefully calculated marketing
are constantly plugged in. That means
campaigns that we take as the truth.
we are constantly bombarded with
All body types should be celebrated in
images of what we should look like
their entirety. Thin, thick, tall, short, or
with photoshopped advertisements
whatever body type you have, nobody
showing a nonexistent ideal to young
should feel excluded from feeling
impressionable women. Trends of
beautiful and powerful.
advertisements and media in America have all been focused on small body types. They try to define what is beautiful with doctored images
Body image is very easily influenced by other people. The main point to realize is no one else’s opinion about you matters. The only person you
truly need to convince is yourself. You
It is important to pay attention to
need to wake up in the morning and
companies that are being more real.
repeat the mantra I AM A BAD BITCH.
Dove and American eagle all have
Let no one tell you otherwise. Let
campaigns that try to be inclusive of
no one stop your grind or head your
women of all kinds, shapes and sizes.
confidence. As clichéd as it sounds,
Know what is real and what is not,
you must find it within yourself and
and never compare yourself, or you
block out the negative. When looking
can never allow yourself to be truly
at any image in media or social media
happy. Focus on yourself and your
you must know that it is not 100% true.
own goals, and you will be able to
Do not compare yourself to something
build your confidence.
that does not speak truth to reality.
SOCIAL MEDIA MEDIA LITERACY Social media is always around. You
Many women in fitness have social
have a meal, go to an event or even
media accounts. There can be
see a beautiful sunset, you better
pros and cons when it comes to
believe it will be on your
following fitness accounts. Again,
social media feed.
as with their personal accounts,
What is trickier with social media is to think that it’s not a big corporation with a calculated media campaign. These are regular people, so what they post is defiantly all real. Wrong. Social media is where everyone posts all the good in their life, and none of the bad. It is easy to think that someone is better off when you are only seeing the good. When seeing people’s social media, do not take things to heart, do not compare yourself and do not take things so seriously.
people are just showing their “good side.” It can be discouraging to see their progress and feel that you may never get there. It can be hard when you never see the other side of things, like the fact that they do not look like that posed flexing picture 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Do not compare your progress with the progress of others. Everyone enters their own journey, and everyone has been at the starting line at one point or another. Do not let that stop you from trying.
There has been a positive
all types of fitness, for beginners
movement on social media, with a
and experienced people alike. There
many fitness influencers showing
are tutorials and explanation videos
both sides. They have posts that
for any type of fitness and even
show a posed flexing picture and
nutrition. In many ways, it is like a
then in contrast, they post a picture
personal trainer in your own pocket.
showing them not posed. When
You can learn new moves and how
these influencers post in a natural
to execute them with proper form. It
or un-posed position or after a
is a very good way to hold yourself
big meal, it shows the reality of
accountable because people will
everyday life. The posts are
always be pushing you to reach
just showing that no one is
your goals. It is a confidence
perfect all the time.
builder to watch yourself progress
Social media can be a very beneficial resource for anyone in
and have your peers encourage you along the way.
TLDR; Don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to others that look like they are farther ahead in their journey. Everybody starts somewhere and you wo’t be an expert when you start out. Don’t let that stop you from trying, use social media to your advantage by letting it inspiring you, not keep you from your goals. It will hold you accountable, it will allow you to build your confidence.
QUOTES ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA ISSUE DANIELLA “Instagram is a great source for exercise. I have actually gotten a lot of exercises from Instagram. It’s a quick, reliable, well, I wouldn’t say it’s reliable, but It’s a quick resource. What would make it reliable is your own ability to see what information is valid and what is invalid. If you want some quick motivation, Instagram is the way to go. But if you want true motivation, you have to find something within.”
LIZ “Since the beginning of this year I made a fitness-focused Instagram, posted a lot of lifting pictures. Some were gross ones where, like, my neck veins are popping out. I don’t care because I feel strong in those pictures. There are so many strong powerlifting women on Instagram.
LAURI “So much of it has created dissention or shaming. We see it constantly. I see it with my teenage nieces. They are on their phones constantly, and it affects who they are, or ‘so and so doesn’t like me.’ It will give a sense of false bravado.”
Chapter 3
CONFIDENCE IN THE GYM Picture it. You walk into the weight
your goals. Do not worry about
room with good intentions. It’s a new
people around you or what you
day and time to try something new.
may look like. If you are new to
You grab a weight, but you feel like
the gym surroundings, it could be
people are watching, you won’t do it
nerve-racking to attempt to try new
right, or it’s too complicated. These
things. It is important to remember
are the types of mental blocks that
that everyone in the gym is at a
keep you from progressing. Just know,
different level, and everyone is
that is all they are; mental blocks.
there to work on themselves. There
The only thing that stunts the growth
could be any number of things that
of your goals is your own lack of
can intimidate you about trying
confidence. For a place like the
new things at the gym. All you need
weight room, you need to go in and
to do is put it out of your mind and
own the space. Know that you are
let yourself progress.
there for yourself and to achieve
NEW TO THE GYM SOME THINGS TO TRY Going through the gym, it is important to know what you want to do for the day. Some ways that you could keep track of things: Keep a journal and write down all your workouts for each muscle group, bring it with you to the gym and choose your mix of them when you are there. Write out on your calendar what days you are doing each muscle group and what exercises you want to do that day. Look up a YouTube or Instagram video of something new you would like to try before you go to the gym. Workout with an experienced person that helps lead you in your workout.
Even though you are there to work for yourself, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. If there is something that you saw somewhere and are not exactly sure how to do it, ask. If there is a machine you want to try, but the instructions are not clear, ask. Part of the process is learning. Even when you have experience, you should always be learning and not be afraid to try new things.
THE BUDDY SYSTEM Another thing that helps build
Those days can end up being the
confidence in the gym is the buddy
best workout days too. You each
system. Going to the gym with
have your own personal cheerleader
someone can give you an accomplice
with you as well. You can encourage
and make it a fun activity. You are
each other to push your limits. If you
both progressing and growing
are new, it can also be good to go to
together. Having someone with you
the gym with an experienced friend
also helps because you can hold
because they are able to help you
each other accountable. There have
with different exercises and correct
been many times that I am way too
form to maximize your workout and
tired to do any type of exercise, but I
prevent injuries. It is good to get
had already promised a friend that I
their perspective, and they are there
would go with them, so I go anyway.
to answer any questions that arise.
STORIES FORM THE HOME FRONT KAYLA After Kayla graduated college, she became an assistant coach to a male high school wrestling team. When she was first put on the team as assistant coach, the wrestlers did not show her respect thinking, “what is this girl doing here?” She talked to the coach after a practice and suggested that she needed to wrestle them for the team to understand the skill and knowledge she had to offer them. “ The guy that was giving me the most trouble, I threw him to his back, he was done. The match would have been over. I remember him looking back up at me and he said ‘Wow Coach,’ and that was the first time he ever called me Coach.” After that, they showed her the respect she deserved.
LIZ As a Christmas gift, Liz received fancy new barbell clips. One day, while at the gym, a guy approached her stating, “I think those are my clips.” Confused she replied, “No, these are mine, I got them for Christmas.” To which he replied “No, I have never seen a girl with clips before. Those are mine.” Infuriated, she reiterated that they belonged to her. Her solution now is to now write her name on everything she brings to the gym.
DANIELLA One day at Gold’s gym, she was deadlifting and teaching her uncle to deadlift. Daniella, being a certified personal trainer, is more than qualified to be able to teach this move to him. A random passerby comes over to them stating, “Oh, let me teach him. I know how to do it.” Daniella stated, “How dare he assume I’m not qualified to teach him, or he was better than me?” She was listening to his cues of this random man who was trying to teach her uncle. She thought “yea, those are technically right,” but it took him ten minutes to teach her uncle when she could have done it in two.
LAURI Early on, when Lauri started practicing yoga if she had mentioned that she practiced yoga to a man they would assume “Oh, you must be good in bed,” or “You must be bendy” or “You can practice down dog on me.”
JOANNA Joanna talks about how it feels when people approach you at the gym. There was a time a man approached her and said, “You should do this instead because right now you are working out this muscle that you don’t want, because it is not feminine.” He imposed his own thoughts about her workout without knowing her goals because of what he thought was feminine. Her response was, “You don’t know what I want to work on. I’m doing this exercise because I have done my research, okay? That’s why I’m doing it.” He responded with, “You don’t want a broader shoulder.” She was taken aback because her thoughts were “You don’t know what my goals are.” All she could do was keep the conversation short and just move on with her goals.
MORAL OF THE STORIES Not all guys are bad. I repeat NOT ALL GUY DO THESE THINGS. Many of them won’t bother you. The truth is, however, some of them will. Some may objectify you, feel claim over the space or think their knowledge is greater. Do not let any of this discourage you from entering that space and taking your own claim or showing your own knowledge. Just brush it off and keep your own progress growing.
WORKOUT GUIDE The next section incudes women who lift with their testimonials and workout moves for you to try. These are just some ways to get you started. Always continue your research and find new ways to make your workout work for you.
JOANNA Joanna is a student at ODU in the nursing program. She began lifting in high school. She talked about her weight fluctuating and how she used lifting to help her with that fluctuating.
Joanna uses lifting to regulating
With busy schedules and life
things in her life. It gives her a
getting in the way sometimes
routine. “it makes me feel good
it is hard to make exercise a
that I’m here working out, trying
priority. Joanna talks about how
to stay active because when I
she keeps herself active with
study I sit at my desk for hours.
school and work priorities. “ Time
She states how it busts her
management is a big thing now
confidence and gives her a
to me. I’m still working on that
way to relieve stress. “We are
but I just have to make sure I go
seeing a lot more women at the
if I can go. There’s also days were
gym now and that is a great thing.”
you need to recover, that’s fine,
Joana states that the stereotypes
but most times I have to make
of the physical gap between
sure I go.” She states you have to
men and women are blurred
commit. Sometimes you have to
and confidence is busted when
make sacrifices such
women are able to see that they
as waking up earlier to put
can perform the same as
in that extra work.
men. “yes. They have advantages due to biology but at the sametime we can do the same things they can do.”
There are many benefits to
“It’s me way of releasing my
weightlifting. For Katy, she feels
emotions. There have been days
better physically and mentally.
were I feel very sad and it makes
“I feel like I have more energy
my happy place.” Lifting, for katy,
super energized. Mentally I feel
has also been a way to build
a lot stronger. I feel like I can do
her confidence. “It has made
whatever I set my mind to.”
Katy is a student at James Madison university. She was once a competitive swimmer. Once entering college she wanted something to keep her active so she found weightlifting. She befriended a group of guys that helped her learn everything she knows.
me feel a lot better. It’s kind of
throughout the day, I always feel
me a more confident person in everything that I do.” The feeling
HELPFUL ADVICE “Everyone started somewhere and don’t be intimidated by the people around you who can do more weight or more exercises because they all weIe beginners at some point. Just beginning is intimidating and it takes alot of variability, but in the
of achieving her goals in the gym can mirror the feeling of achieving other goals in her life stating that “hard work always pays off.” Reaching a goal in the gym make her feel accomplished. “Fitness has taught me the lesson of not having an end goal. You can work out just to better yourself every day.”
end it will pay off.
LEGS BARBELL SQUAT Stand with legs shoulder width apart and feet facing outward. Squat down while clenching core, making sure your knees do not go past your feet. Repeat for 4 sets of 5 to 10 reps each.
Hold a weight in each hand. Split legs apart while squeezing core. Bend legs so that each leg is bent to 90 degrees. Repeat for 4 sets of 10 reps for each side.
GLUTES LEG LIFT Down in a plank position place one knee down. Lift leg up while squeezing glute and place back down. Repeat for 5 sets of 10 reps each.
Place weight in the bend of knee. Keep knee bent and lift up 90 degrees. Repeat for 5 sets of for 10 reps each.
CHEST DONKEY KONGS Place cable machine arms to midsection. Come forward and place legs apart for stability. Bring arms forward without bending elbows like clapping hands. Repeat for
4 sets of 10 reps each.
Lie on bend and hold the weights in each hand at your shoulders. Lift above head and come back down to shoulders. Repeat for 4 set of 10 reps each.
SHOULDERS FORWARD LIFT Stand with core tight. Hold weights in each hand in front of you. Lift forward to shoulder height and come back down. Repeat for 4 sets of 10 reps each.
Stand with legs shoulder width apart. Hold weights above shoulders by ears. Lift above head, straightening arms. Bring back down by ears. Repeat for 4 sets of 10 reps each.
BACK STANDING ROW Stand with torso at 45-degree angle with legs bent, shoulder width apart, making sure back is straight (do not round back or over extend). Hold weights close to knees. Pull up to
chest and squeeze shoulder blades. Repeat for 4 sets of 10 reps each.
Place one leg and arm on bench. Hold weight in other hand and pull up to chest. Repeat for other arm Repeat for 4 sets of 10 reps for each arm.
ABS RUSSIAN TWIST Sit on mat. Balance yourself so that you are on your bum but your legs aren’t touching the ground (or keep legs grounded if you need the support). Squeeze your core and turn
while touching the ground on each side. Repeat for 4 sets of 10 reps each.
Lying on your back, lift your shoulder blades so that you are in a crunch position. Lift legs up and back down to the ground. Repeat for 5 sets of 10 reps each.
Thank you to all the strong women that participated and everyone that helped make this book possible.
Liz Kleveno
Kayla Bartosch
Lauri Bruce
Elena Bratichko
Daniella Matute
Joana San Luis
Azuka Boutcher
Katy Morgan
12–13 37–41 47–49 68 69
COURTESY OF Liz Kleveno Kayla Bartosch Elena Bratichko Joana San Luis Katy Morgan