#socimpfest stories from the field 7 15am join us before work

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STORIES FROM THE FIELD THURSDAY 21 JULY 7.15 AM Like your morning espresso but in thought form. Gather round and get ready for an inspiring start to the day featuring stories from some of WA’s most progressive voices and ideas. In WA we are lucky to have over 6000 Not for Profits creating impact. We wanted to broaden our idea of what creates impact by bringing in a range of stories from different sectors and angles. Highlighting, that people in all kinds of places care deeply about our people and land. The event opens with a short keynote from Ingrid Burkett (TACSI, CSI & Knode) followed by small group breakouts to hear a story reflecting the day’s theme: Creating Social Impact: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Design. There will be time for networking, questions, conversations, and seeing key insights from other stories around the room. Light refreshments will be served.

STORIES INCLUDE: Georgia Hay, Members Leader of Bloom, Creating impact through youth entrepreneurship | Rachelle Rose, WA Coordinator of Welcome Dinner Project, Connecting through food |Mollie Hewitt, Curator & Regional Program Manager at FORM, Creating impact through the arts for regional communities |Chris Kueh, Senior Lecturer in Design at Edith Cowan University, Designing happiness: The Happiness Project | Nic Brunsdon, Director of Spacemarket, MANY6160: a big soupy mess |Catrina-Luz Aniere, CEO at Millenium Kids Inc, What have snakes got to do with it? | Marcus Holmes, Founder and Managing Editor of Startup News, The startup journey | Dwayne Mallard, Chairperson of Wajarri Yamatji Native Title Claim Group, Native title and identity | Eugenie Stockmann, Director of The Green Swing, Building sustainable communities: how I became a ‘developer’ | Luke Blackbourn, Social Performance Manager at Chevron, Translating goodwill into community impacts | Ben Kent, Congestion Programs at the Department of Transport, Your Move: empowering people with what they need to get moving |Vanessa Rauland and Portia Odell, Community Engagement Lead at SimplyCarbon, Empowering schools and creating a low carbon community | Pavrita Aran, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Youth Worker at Headspace, Young Refugees of WA | Joni Sercombe, Working Group Member of Vic Park Collective, Social media and local impact: learnings from the Vic Park Collective |Evan Cocks, WA Manager of Soft Landing Mattress Recycling, Knowing your market: the key to the success and strength of Soft Landing | Richard Slattery, Co-ordinator of Minerals and Energy for Development Alliance (MEfDA), Engage, empower, influence, realise | Leigh Hambly, Vice Chair of All We Need Is Right Here (AWNIRH), Building community | Kali Balint, Director of Indigenous Consulting Group, Creating impact in Indigenous communities | Kate Raynes-Goldie, Director, Games & Interactive at FTI and Founder of Games We Play, Accelerating entrepreneurial communities: lessons from WA's indie games industry | Craig Spencer, Bankwest Head of Community Engagement, What if there was no money? |

Book here: http://goo.gl/XCvDXQ #SocImpFest socialimpactfestival.org

STORIES FROM THE FIELD FRIDAY 22 JULY 7.15 AM The event opens with a short keynote from Professor Paul Flatau, Director of the Centre for Social Impact at UWA, followed by small group breakouts to hear a story reflecting today’s theme: Demonstrating Social Impact: Research, Measurement & Evaluation. These stories have been identified through a process of surveys, a series of workshops and many conversations. We are excited to showcase the powerful stories have risen to the surface. There will be time for questions, conversations, and seeing key insights from other stories around the room. Light refreshments will be served.

STORIES INCLUDE: Irina Cattalini, CEO of WA Council of Social Service, Sustainable Development Goals | Emma Tomkinson, Director at Community Insight Australia, Making data easy to see | Ailsa Grieve, UWA PhD Candidate, Following Aboriginal sovereignty towards conciliation | Steph Shorter, Principal, SVA Consulting at Social Ventures Australia, Proving and improving impact for funders | Matthew Paterson, Cultural and Social Program Development worker at Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ), Land management programs among Aboriginal people | Brooke Jones, Curtin Not-for-profit Initiative, Research for impact: an achievable utopia | Coan Harvey, Manager of Government Treasury, Research, measurement and outcomes - what's happening in government | Nicholas Fitzgerald, Senior Consultant at Creating Communities, Developing internal ownership of social impact | Helen Ensikat, Manager of Projects at Economic Regulation Authority, Diversity and Creativity at GovHack | Dylan Smith, Executive Officer at Fremantle Foundation, Vital Signs: Telling the story of our community | Lisa Wood, Associate Professor at Centre for Social Impact, In their own voice.... program impact through the eyes of Aboriginal people | Theo Nabben, Director of Social Impact Consulting, Most Significant Change stories capture impact: from refugee youth at risk of homelessness to Noongar Healing Circles | Caitlyn Fogarty, Program Officer at Fogarty EDvance, Fogarty EDvance improving educational outcomes for disadvantaged students in Perth | Pauline Logan, Senior Manager, Strategy, Governance & Engagement at Lotterywest, Understanding Lotterywest's value to the community|

Book here: http://goo.gl/AHZWA9 #SocImpFest socialimpactfestival.org

STORIES FROM THE FIELD TUESDAY 26 JULY 7.15 AM It is has become increasingly clear that we need to closely examine how we fund the changes we want to see in society. This stretches across all the ways we use our money including purchasing, investing and giving. The event opens with short keynotes from Jenna Palumbo, WA Director of Social Ventures Australia and Pat Ryan, CEO of Dismantle, followed by small group breakouts to hear a story reflecting today’s theme: Funding Social Impact: Philanthropy, Investment and Ethical Consumerism. There will be time for questions, conversations, and seeing key insights from other stories around the room. Light refreshments will be served.

STORIES INCLUDE: Daniel Marsh, Founder and Director of Sociometry Pty Ltd, Social investment with the help of the Financial Valuation software tool | Emma Tomkinson, Director at Community Insight Australia, Social Impact Bonds - who's won so far | Fiona Brooks, Founder & Director at threefold Consulting, Conscious Capitalism: a new (and old) way of doing business |Dee Skuza, Community Development Officer at City of Melville, Project Robin Hood | Ben Gollow, Manager of Perth Soup, A community dinner funding micro-grants in Perth | Bessi Graham, CEO of The Difference Incubator, How to respond when your business model doesn't play out as you plan! | James Boyd, Committee Member of Impact100 WA, Impact100 Australia | Michelle Coelho, WA State Manager of Beyond Bank, 100% Customer Owned Bank | Shiri Leventhal, Associate Director of Social Ventures Australia, Philanthropy and the missing middle | Karen Wellington, Program Manager at the Fogarty Foundation, Funding individuals: reflections from a recipient | Jessica Anderson, Regional Arts Development Manager at Country Arts WA, Collaboration not competition | Sarah Davies, CEO of Philanthropy Australia, CareerTrackers and philanthropy at its best |Jamie Robertson, Australasian Representative on the Global Standards Advisory Committee for B Corporations, B Corps |

Book here: http://goo.gl/rVY6at #SocImpFest socialimpactfestival.org

STORIES FROM THE FIELD WEDNESDAY 27 JULY 7.15 AM Our rapidly changing and complex world requires that we lead in new ways. Through a series of surveys, workshops and many conversations, we surfaced the stories that demonstrate the new ways of leading for systems change. The event opens with a short keynote from Dr Ben Chan (Presencing Institute, Indonesia, and Executive Director of Singapore’s Young Entrepreneurship Center) and Dr Renu Burr (Director Burr Consulting and an Adjunct Faculty member of the UWA Business School) followed by small group breakouts to hear a story reflecting today’s theme: Leading Social Impact: Organisation, Networks and Systems. There will be time for questions, conversations, and seeing key insights from other stories around the room. Light refreshments will be served. There will be time for questions, conversations, and hearing key insights from other stories around the room. Light refreshments will be served.

STORIES INCLUDE: Tom Tolchard, Impact and Innovation Specialist at Foundation Housing Ltd, Enriching lives and communities by providing quality homes for people in need | Silvia Zuur, Director at Enspiral, Enspiral: a grand experiment for social impact | Claire Vanderplank, Guide at Way of Nature, Leading with nature | Ramon Wenzel, Director, Learning for Purpose at Centre for Social Impact UWA, Learning for purpose: on researching and realising not-forprofit capability development | Adam Jorlen, Founder and Director at Enkel Collective, Enkel: a cooperative model for change makers |Dr Ben Chan, Senior Presencing Practitioner at MAPS Institute, Tri-sector innovative leadership | Kate Fandry, WA State Manager of Enterprise Learning Projects, Kalumburu: microenterprise development and a new beginning | Lockie Cooke and Lorraine Thomas, Principal Policy Officer at Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Leading impact through government reform: pain, partnerships and possibilities | Alicia Curtis, Leadership Facilitator at Alyceum, Engaging young leaders on boards | Ben Gollow, Curator at Perth Global Shapers Hub, A global network with a local context | Jenna Palumbo, Director of Social Ventures Australia, How systems can work to unlock impact: A market for social impact | Samantha Bowen, Co-Founder of Women in Social Enterprise, Building a community for social enterprise in an online world | Annette Harwood, CEO of Kwinana Early Years Services, Connecting Community for Children initiative | Darren Ho, Consultant at Archisen, Integrating marginalised workforce into agriculture |NIck Maisey, Founder/Director of Befriend Inc., David and Goliath re-told: leading impact through partnership | Brodie McCulloch, Managing Director of Spacecubed, Building ecosystems that last | Juan Larranaga, State Manager of Save the Children, The Youth Partnership Project (YPP): leading change | Gail Bowman, Co-Chair of Connecting Community For Kids Collective Impact at City of Cockburn, Connecting Community For Kids | Tamkin Essa, Daniel Matabishi and Wahida Samim, Volunteers at Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network of WA, Catalyst Youth Summit |

Book here: http://goo.gl/NRvXmi #SocImpFest socialimpactfestival.org

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