NÜ Identity Guidelines

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nĂź Version 1.0 1 ..

Identity Guidelines

Guidelines Version 1.0 2 Contents

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4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Contents introduction brand identity logo isolation area scale and proportion logo construction incorrect use color typeface typography

Guidelines Version 1.0 3 Introduction

These guidelines offer the essential elements that build up the solid brand identity of "nĂź", the nutritionist .. approved food chain. Following these rules is important to represent our brand. This style guide will help you as a reference tool to consistently improve the reputation of our brand and to encourage the communication with our audience.

Identity Version 1.0 4 Logo

The nĂź logo

Identity Version 1.0 5 Logo 2

Identity Version 1.0 6 Isolation Area

An important part of the identity of any logo is considering isolation area. There must be thoughtfully planned space around the logo itself. This area of isolation ensures the logo will not be crowded or overpowered by any text or other visuals. For nĂź, the area of isolation was carefully thought out. Shown here to the right is what has been determined as the area of isolation for the logo. Not much space is needed as the logo itself practically encases itself and does not need too much extra. They grey colored box represents the actual space created by this area of isolation that should never be altered with. That much room should be left open at all times.

Identity Version 1.0 7 Scale and proportion

As far as scale and proportion go, this logo has no set or predetermined size/ constraints. The logo should be resized or scaled proportionately. The two logos shown are utilized in print and for web.



.ico file

The furthest logo demonstrates how it would act as an icon. There is a file format specific to this known as the .ico extension.



Identity Version 1.0 8 Logo Construction

The logo is made up of several shapes enclosed in an organic, curvilinear form. In the center is the constucted letterform made up of the letters 'n' and 'u', with umlauts over the 'u'. Other shapes include two different types of leaves; one larger than the other, alternating in a circular fashion. These shapes are surrounded by solid colored dots to mimic the umlauts on the combined letterform. Line thickness varies with the purpose of creating visual harmony and clarity with scale change. The written word is constructed manually, rather than just being typed. The 'n' and 'u' overlap and the umlauts over the 'u' are two circles. The same sized circles are manually placed in exchange of the dots over the 'i''s.

Logo Version 1.0 9 Usage; Don't's




Do not alter the nĂź logo in any way. Following these rules is required.

Do not distort

Applied Effects

Do not applu any effects


Do not skew or attempt to change the logo in any 3 dimensional way

Do not recolor


Do not make patterns


Do not crop any portion of the logo

Do not alter the typography


Do not rotate


Do not change the transpareny without permission

Identity Version 1.0 10 Color

The nü color palette has 4 different colors. KIWI















557 U


7765 U

CITRUS RGB 204/79/90

Hex cc4f5a

CMYK 15/83/59/2

PMS 200 U

RGB 221/150/104

Hex dd9668

CMYK 12/46/64/0

PMS 7412 U

Identity Version 1.0 11 Typeface

The nutrition identity uses a regular form typeface called abeatbyKai. This typeface is a rounded sans serif designed by Kai Buskirk and is mostly used with its lowercase letters. The font is avaialable online at urbanfonts.com. Body copy text should always use both Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold and Abadi MT Condensed Light.


Abadi MT Condensed Light

Lowercase Characters

Lowercase Characters

abcdefjhijklmn opqrstuvwxyz

abcdefjhijklmn opqr stuüvwxyz

Uppercase Characters

Uppercase Characters



Other Characters

Other Characters

!@#$%&*()_=+;:'",. ?/1234567890~ Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold

Lowercase Characters

abcdefjhijklmn opqrstuüvwxyz Uppercase Characters


`~!@#$%^&*()_ -+={}|[]\;:’”<> ?,./1234567890

`~!@#$%^&*()_ -+={}|[]\;:’”<> ?,./1234567890

Identity Version 1.0 12 Typography

Typographic design should be applied using the following parameters: Weight nĂź uses the single regular weight of the typeface abeatbyKai Style Manipulating the typeface is prohibited. Stretching, condensing, outlining and drop shadow must never be used. Spacing Type should be set at 100% word spacing and 0% letter spacing. In some circumstances it may be necessary to adjust the spacing between individual characters manually. Sizing The smallest size permitted is 6 point. This should only be for certain print in which small font is necessary. There is no upper size limit.

Alignment nĂź should always be ranged left. Leading Leading should always be set to automatic. Only in certain situations where visual harmony is at stake should any manual adjustment occur. Color Type can be set in any color form in the identity palette, as long as it is legible.

nü Katie Geary Abigail Treece Grace Jeong © 2015

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