Web de feb. de Doing a literature review Watch on To conduct a literature review search in Google Scholar or Microsoft Academic or another data source you can use Publish or Perish. Depending on how broad you want the results to be, you could use . Web de feb. de To conduct a literature review search you will have to use the Publish or Perish General citation search. Depending on how broad you want the results to be, . Web de feb. de Publish or Perish is a software program that retrieves and analyzes academic citations. It uses a variety of data sources to obtain the raw citations, then . Web de ago. de Literature reviews serving all three purposes can be either the archetype narrative review or protocol-driven literature reviews, unlike Rocco and . Web de abr. de From the preceding, therefore, while the publish or perish concept can increase research productivity in the developed world, it has an opposite effect for . Web de nov. de Hi Kristie - due to the publish or perish phenomenon, there is a lot