Ar#sts we looked at
David hockney
Eric revilious
I like the printed mark making of ravillious’ work and how the marks are very tonal
Lorenzo ma?o@ I think ma?o@’s work is very emo#ve and I like the great swooping lines he creates with the use of ink
Printed mark making With these image I was research how print processes could be effec#ve in mark making. I like the grainy texture created by light prin#ng. I also like the effect when you draw into print inks and print from that. I like that the effect with print making can be soG and hard at the same #me. I think the hard element of it comes from the high contrast whereas the soG element seems to come from the mark making and texture of the print.
I like how the mark making in Nigel Peakes work is both controlled and organic at the same #me. He uses a variety of different materials in the same way but they all give completely different effects. His use of the dip pen and fineliner pens are much more scratchy and hard in comparison to the fine lines of watercolour used in the trees.