Picture book inspiration

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Informa(on picture books

Has a narra(ve and a poem storyline but is s(ll based of fact and informa(on. Informs children through the easy medium of a narra(ve

Sasek conveys informa(on about the culture of different places, what people do , how they behave, food, drink , architecture ect through the medium of pictures in his collec(on of 18 books about various different places across the world.

An informa(on picture about redwoods forest. The book educates children on all the different plants/ animals in the woods through the eyes and narra(ve of an exploring child. This puts the book and the informa(on at the childs level

Educa(ng children about puberty in a funny and animated way which makes it more approachable and easier to absorb for children. This is a book which a narra(ve and character but it conveys fact

This book uses flap to condense the informa(on and well as making it interac(ve and relatable to the informa(ons subject

Using flaps to not over complicate the image with the text and also to draw the child into the important elements of the image

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